A few weeks ago as folks were showing up to rock group someone brought it to my attention that my welcome mat at the front door was backwards. We made it into a joke that it was for those leaving - meaning as they walked out it meant - Welcome to leave and that brought some more jokes and comments. I was awake this morning at 4 thinking about that welcome mat.
We - Come - Me - There are 3 very important words in there. My mat on the front step is old and even though its old it is still in good shape. I am ashamed of that. It should be worn out from inviting folks through my front door and into my home. Jesus would want it that way.
This past few days off, I admit I not only pulled my mat at the cabin in the house - I was just down right rude. Some folks we know up there stopped by for a quick visit while headed home from their family thanksgiving. Jets were on and I was watching the game. Everyone in the house had their place and doing their thing. The family came up and their 10 year old daughter walked in and said hey to me with a big smile. It was good to see her and we spoke briefly before she moved over to hang with the kids in the house. For the next 10 or so minutes I got to see them move away from her, avoid her, comment how annoying she was and was just down right mean. I mean who is the bigger person here - she is 10 and wanted to fit in, say hello, and spend some time. I was really upset and in being that upset - I did the same thing by not plugging into the adults who came to visit us. I didn't even get out of my chair or walk out and say welcome. The welcome mat to my home, people who don't know Jesus - I did not invite in and were not welcome. I was just as guilty as the kids were in their treatment to someone else.
We - As a family ..... we act as one when it comes to people coming into our homes.
Come - Yes we have to have arms extended to let folks come into our homes and into our lives.
Me - Yes Jesus met people right where they are in life. We have to be more welcoming to let people come into our lives as they are and not wait till they get life in order or up to some standard before they are welcome to come in.
I honestly think Christ would be ticked by our actions ...especially mine. I have to see the church and its people through Christs eyes and not my own. Focusing in on peoples problems, their struggles and where they are in life. I called and apologized last night for my rudeness and will work and serve them to make this right. I think this will allow a door to open for sharing the Gospel of Christ in a very practical way.
Luke 5:27-31
After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. "Follow me", Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed him. Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?" Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."
How can we follow Jesus and reach out to the lost if we are only grouped and hanging out with our peeps in a holy huddle? We need to extend the hand of grace and show them what Christ has done in our lives and we can't do that if we are huddled together in the same circles of people all the time. Levi being a tax collector at that time was considered the worst of the worst as far as people go. He was a crook, ran over people, took unfairly, had power over the people he collected from. He of course had friends and had people he hung out with ...we all have circles of friends we do life with. Jesus came and said those simple words - Follow me - and Levi dropped everything. Changed his way of life in that moment and left it all behind. He left the mafia of that time just like that. He then wanted to throw a party and celebrate and enjoy his new found teacher and friend. The one who changed him from the inside out - he invited his friends. As the leaders of that day sat and watched - they couldn't believe their eyes as Jesus sat with his disciples with these low life people who were far from God and the rules of that time. They asked and were ticked as to why Jesus was with them! And here is my point today loved ones, they were upset that Jesus was not with them.
Jesus reached out and touched those who would not be touched. He told the Samaritan woman all about her life and what did she do at the well? She left and went and told everyone she knew about the man who new everything about her. He didn't judge her or degrade her or tell her she should get her life straight and quit doing the things she was doing and then come back. He touched her where she was in life and while standing on his WELCOME MAT.
Loved ones, our welcome mats to our homes are exactly what our friends and neighbors should be - Welcome. - Welcome into our homes and into our lives. Community and doing life together.
As I think about all the prayers this morning for so many who need them - I am thankful that my heart and my life is open to them. As I pray and pour my heart out for them those prayers change us ...they change me.
Our life stories have to have something other than US in it..... Our lives should be lived with beauty in them and that begins by letting others in and welcoming them as they are. You are loved dear ones and the Gospel in my life needs to be shared because their is hope and beauty in it.
I will be at Lowes this evening getting a new Welcome mat and you are invited to help me rub out those letters.
Love you all,