We are still in Milford PA. The blizzard the blasted the northeast this past Sunday - we missed the snow part of the blast but did get about 10 inches and blizzard conditions with 50 mph winds. It is a heat wave today as it will be in the 20's. It really does take great effort to do anything up in these parts. Its nice when it snows at home because its so nice knowing it wont be around long and you can just sit and enjoy it. Here in the northeast, the winters are long, snow lasts almost all winter on the ground and the cold takes it toll on you, your home, your car ... it was odd being at the mall earlier this week and seeing all the folks wrapped in layers and layers of clothes. In Charlotte we have people who wear shorts all year only to bring out long pants on the coldest of days.
Last night I had a tough time getting to sleep. I just had an uneasy feeling about things and not sure why or even what but I do know that God puts me in a prayer mode just for those reasons. My boss's mom past last night and Kayla's dad had a stroke. So I guess my uneasiness was justified. So please be in prayer for them and their families during this difficult time.
Kate is doing well and adjusting to being at home. She is really happy to be here but time will tell as she plugs back in to her society here and proves herself. I think she is a very different person than a year ago but still some things run deep and take time to change.
Kyle and I are headed home tomorrow. Going to get an early start since its 675 miles. Looking forward to the day spent with Carol's aunt and uncle today. Carol is making some family dish that is always a fan favorite.
As I look ahead to the coming weeks, I do know some changes in my work out schedule will be taking place. I want to continue to read as much as I can and start the year off with my heart in the right places. Compassion to reach those far from Christ and who need a helping hand are on my priority. I also want to start planning our Jaimaca trip this summer and get things scheduled. There will be some changes at church with leading the students and how our systems work ... I am not exactly sure what I will be doing or who I will be leading. This has me a little uneasy but I know that God has a plan and I will roll with it.
Lord make me a kinder gentler person that you want me to be. Luke 6:38 - Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Lord may the coming season of time Lord, help me see others as you see them. Help me pour out into their lives as you would have me do. I pray all this in your sons mighty name in Jesus.
Happy new year loved ones. May this be a year that turns your life into something so much more than you ever imagined.
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I pray that this year for you and your family, that it will be the best one yet. Jesus doesn't want you to remember his birth during the Christmas season but his death. His death was for you and he came just to fulfill that purpose. So as the Christmas day comes tomorrow and stretches into the days after before New Years and so many making new starts, fresh beginnings, dropping old habits - Take a different route in your life. Let this Christmas be a Christmas that is far different than any other. Take a different route this year loved ones and give Christ some room to work in your life. The story unfolds in Luke 2 and even as the wise men came to worship their king, they took a different route home after worshipping Jesus. Take that different route home this year. I pray this will be a Christmas you will always remember because of the paths taken were new paths in your life.
Merry Christmas to all and thank you Jesus for making this day what it is. A day to remember that our God did so much for each of us. His grace extends to all reaches of the world.
Merry Christmas to all and thank you Jesus for making this day what it is. A day to remember that our God did so much for each of us. His grace extends to all reaches of the world.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Got a coffee early today and a tall one to boot. Dragging a little this afternoon. Had a good visit with my brother yesterday. I fully believe he in time will get back to life again. It was hard being at the hospital there in Winston knowing that my mom in 2005 was in a room with the same view, with the same weather, with the same smells and feel of just being in a dreaded place - especially for the holidays. After the nurse came in and yelled at him for not doing what he is supposed to be doing, like getting up and walking, I got him up for 3 laps around the nurses station. He has not had many visitors and that alone probably has him down some - it does me. I can't imagine not having people in my life who would do anything in the world for me. I am praying that this season and this experience changes for him. I saw a different person yesterday and one who wants to do things over in life. A person who wants to make things right with those in his life. In many ways, he is getting that chance - a second chance so to speak but in reality it might be a much higher number than that. We should be very thankful that God never gives up on us and always is willing to forgive, forget and look to the future. I try and see "mykids" that way especially - I cant harp on the times that they let me or their parents down but look past those times and see the potential in them. There is such potential in all of us and it is so important to have a balcony person in your life cheering you on in no matter what they do in life. Far too many parents put their hopes and dreams on the shoulders of their kids. I just think that is so wrong because we are all made differently. We all have a different thumb print than everyone else and we should live our lives in that uniqueness.
We all have a story to tell and much like our fingerprints, our stories are never the same. Nobody can say that the pain that my brother feels today is exactly like the pain they have been through. Nobody can say that the divorse that my friend went through with her family is the same as your divorse. Nobody can say the loss that I feel with losing my mom is the same as your loss in losing your mom. There is only one who can fully relate and understand. He made himself in the flesh and walked among us and experiences what we experience. He felt pain and grief and tears on his face just like we do. He understands the hardships that life gives us as well as the joys and smiles that we all share as well.
Jesus picked his 12 common, normal, disfunctional folks out that he wanted to pour into. He had and lead our very first small group. Within that group he had his 3 special people that he poured extra into much like we have our 12 friends and we pour into those 3 special extra friends a little bit more. They understand us just a little more in tune than the others but they are all special nonetheless.
Jesus gets very personal, in your face, below the surface. He has a rock solid sense of who he was, and he wanted his followers to know him to the core. Listening to his teaching and admiring his character were not enough. To follow this teacher, his followers were to know him in a deeper way, a way that would change their hearts, their pursuits, their very lives. He wanted to be the center, the joy, the bread and sustenance of their lives. As Jesus continued his ministry, he began to reveal more and more about who he was and why he had come.
Isnt it amazing that for us and in our walk in this life we come to a place where we have to device who Jesus is and what is he to each of us in a very personal way. Even as my brother struggles today with his health, something so many of us take for granted every single day, he is just now beginning to see his life in a bigger picture. Sometimes God uses something like a big surgery for us to pause and really take a closer look. Are we leaving the right footprints for others? Are we leading our lives with significance? Is it time to quit running and hiding from the one who made us? Even in this pain, God uses it for his glory and for changing hearts.
I asked my bro last night - "D, now that you are sitting right here in this moment knowing that your life and those decisions you have made, what would you change?" - "Randy, I would change everything."
I am really thankful that I went yesterday. Maybe now, some healing can begin. Accepting things we cannot change and moving forward. I think except this time, I think someone will be holding his hand and leading the way. As this new walk has begun, He will reveal more and more about who he is and why he had come.
Its for people just like my brother, just like you and just like me. He came for all and not wanting to leave anyone behind.
We all have a story to tell and much like our fingerprints, our stories are never the same. Nobody can say that the pain that my brother feels today is exactly like the pain they have been through. Nobody can say that the divorse that my friend went through with her family is the same as your divorse. Nobody can say the loss that I feel with losing my mom is the same as your loss in losing your mom. There is only one who can fully relate and understand. He made himself in the flesh and walked among us and experiences what we experience. He felt pain and grief and tears on his face just like we do. He understands the hardships that life gives us as well as the joys and smiles that we all share as well.
Jesus picked his 12 common, normal, disfunctional folks out that he wanted to pour into. He had and lead our very first small group. Within that group he had his 3 special people that he poured extra into much like we have our 12 friends and we pour into those 3 special extra friends a little bit more. They understand us just a little more in tune than the others but they are all special nonetheless.
Jesus gets very personal, in your face, below the surface. He has a rock solid sense of who he was, and he wanted his followers to know him to the core. Listening to his teaching and admiring his character were not enough. To follow this teacher, his followers were to know him in a deeper way, a way that would change their hearts, their pursuits, their very lives. He wanted to be the center, the joy, the bread and sustenance of their lives. As Jesus continued his ministry, he began to reveal more and more about who he was and why he had come.
Isnt it amazing that for us and in our walk in this life we come to a place where we have to device who Jesus is and what is he to each of us in a very personal way. Even as my brother struggles today with his health, something so many of us take for granted every single day, he is just now beginning to see his life in a bigger picture. Sometimes God uses something like a big surgery for us to pause and really take a closer look. Are we leaving the right footprints for others? Are we leading our lives with significance? Is it time to quit running and hiding from the one who made us? Even in this pain, God uses it for his glory and for changing hearts.
I asked my bro last night - "D, now that you are sitting right here in this moment knowing that your life and those decisions you have made, what would you change?" - "Randy, I would change everything."
I am really thankful that I went yesterday. Maybe now, some healing can begin. Accepting things we cannot change and moving forward. I think except this time, I think someone will be holding his hand and leading the way. As this new walk has begun, He will reveal more and more about who he is and why he had come.
Its for people just like my brother, just like you and just like me. He came for all and not wanting to leave anyone behind.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Schools are closed today for the big snow event that has bread and milk flying off the shelves. Odd thing is - doesn't a snow storm need something? Like snow? - not any of it here so the kids will be dipping next week into their Christmas vacation. I will sleep in that morning..... :)
I am headed out of town today after finishing up a few things here at work. Headed to Winston to see my older brother Danny. I have hardly any news on his surgery and I am just feeling God prompting me to go now. So, I am going. I have learned over the years and time and time again to listen to those whispers when God prompts me. It always has a purpose in them even if its something I don't want to do or have time for - there is always a blessing in there if I just obey and do it.
I want to leave you some scripture from Ecclesiastes 9 today. I was challenged this morning in this passage and have since passed it on to a few others - so I will share what I dig out of this.
Well, I took all this in and thought it through, inside and out. Here s what I understood: the good, the wise, and all that they do are in Gods hands - but, day by day, whether its love or hate the're dealing with, they dont know. Anything is possible. Its on fate for everybody - righteous and wicked, good people, bad people, the nice and the nasty, worshipers and nonworshipers, committd and uncommitted. I find this outrageous the worst thing about living on this earth - that everyones lumped together in one fate. Is it any wonder that so many people are obsessed with evil? Is it any wonder that people go crazy left and right? Life leads to death. Thats it.
As the write shares here that he has searched life, his own life for meaning and purpose - something lasting that he has done - he cannot find anything. When living for yourself, it leads to noplace. Its a dead end road. A life lived only to be forgotten and footseps washed away in the sand. No matter which path you walk in this life - your fate you will have to face. So no matter what - good, bad, nice, nasty etc... fate is the destination that you will face.
Still, anyone selected out for life has hope, for as they say - A living dog is better than a dead lion. The living at least know something, even if its only that they are going to die. But the dead know nothing and get nothing. They are minus that no one remembers. Their loves, their hates, yes, even their dreams are long gone. There is not a trace of them left in the affairs of this earth. Seize life! Eat bread with gusto, drink wine with a robust heart, Oh Yes, God takes pleasure in your pleasure! Dress festively every morning. Dont skimp on colors and scarves. Relish life with the spouse you love, each and every day of your precarious life. Each day is Gods gift. Its all you get in exchange for the hard work of staying alive. Make the most of each one! Whatever turns up, grab it and do it. Heartily! This is your last and only chance at it, for there's neither work to do nor thoughts to think in the company of the dead, where you're most certainly headed. I took another walk around the neighborhood and realized that on this earth as it is - The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor satisfaction to the wise, nor riches to the smart, nor grace to the learned. Sooner or later bad luck hits us all. 17 - The quiet words of the wise are more effective than the ranting of a king of fools.
Loved ones grab each day as if it were your last. Make the impression on the sand and leave something that others, maybe even a generation, will remember you for. The writer here shares with us that our only hope, future and purpose in life can be found through Christ. He found what he was looking for and he obtained happiness. I love the words to sieze life, dress festively, dont skimp on colors and scarves, relish life with your spouse and that each day is a gift. Whateve turns up, grab it, and do it Heartily! A wise man is quiet and patient as fools run all around ranting and blabbing at the mouth. If you are at a crossroads today dear ones, grab life and live to the fullest in the opportunities that God has placed before you. You may not be in a place right now that is where you want to be, but there is purpose and a reason you are there. Put your day on with a smile, dress for the day to show others who you are and what purpose you have in life. Rise above the mess and the noise so that you can see above those things - God is in them ... but often times we dont think about rising up and above them - God is above them too. Its there we will meet him and see things differently. We are lumped together - but the good, the wise and all that they do are in Gods hands.
Headed out now, hopefully driving safe with some 10th Ave north playing. Praying for a great few hours with my brother, who I got to pray with for the first time last Sunday. I will make the most of the opportunity. In my Bible challenge today - I shared on FaceBook this moring - I am Lonnie Bateman and I am second.
I am headed out of town today after finishing up a few things here at work. Headed to Winston to see my older brother Danny. I have hardly any news on his surgery and I am just feeling God prompting me to go now. So, I am going. I have learned over the years and time and time again to listen to those whispers when God prompts me. It always has a purpose in them even if its something I don't want to do or have time for - there is always a blessing in there if I just obey and do it.
I want to leave you some scripture from Ecclesiastes 9 today. I was challenged this morning in this passage and have since passed it on to a few others - so I will share what I dig out of this.
Well, I took all this in and thought it through, inside and out. Here s what I understood: the good, the wise, and all that they do are in Gods hands - but, day by day, whether its love or hate the're dealing with, they dont know. Anything is possible. Its on fate for everybody - righteous and wicked, good people, bad people, the nice and the nasty, worshipers and nonworshipers, committd and uncommitted. I find this outrageous the worst thing about living on this earth - that everyones lumped together in one fate. Is it any wonder that so many people are obsessed with evil? Is it any wonder that people go crazy left and right? Life leads to death. Thats it.
As the write shares here that he has searched life, his own life for meaning and purpose - something lasting that he has done - he cannot find anything. When living for yourself, it leads to noplace. Its a dead end road. A life lived only to be forgotten and footseps washed away in the sand. No matter which path you walk in this life - your fate you will have to face. So no matter what - good, bad, nice, nasty etc... fate is the destination that you will face.
Still, anyone selected out for life has hope, for as they say - A living dog is better than a dead lion. The living at least know something, even if its only that they are going to die. But the dead know nothing and get nothing. They are minus that no one remembers. Their loves, their hates, yes, even their dreams are long gone. There is not a trace of them left in the affairs of this earth. Seize life! Eat bread with gusto, drink wine with a robust heart, Oh Yes, God takes pleasure in your pleasure! Dress festively every morning. Dont skimp on colors and scarves. Relish life with the spouse you love, each and every day of your precarious life. Each day is Gods gift. Its all you get in exchange for the hard work of staying alive. Make the most of each one! Whatever turns up, grab it and do it. Heartily! This is your last and only chance at it, for there's neither work to do nor thoughts to think in the company of the dead, where you're most certainly headed. I took another walk around the neighborhood and realized that on this earth as it is - The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor satisfaction to the wise, nor riches to the smart, nor grace to the learned. Sooner or later bad luck hits us all. 17 - The quiet words of the wise are more effective than the ranting of a king of fools.
Loved ones grab each day as if it were your last. Make the impression on the sand and leave something that others, maybe even a generation, will remember you for. The writer here shares with us that our only hope, future and purpose in life can be found through Christ. He found what he was looking for and he obtained happiness. I love the words to sieze life, dress festively, dont skimp on colors and scarves, relish life with your spouse and that each day is a gift. Whateve turns up, grab it, and do it Heartily! A wise man is quiet and patient as fools run all around ranting and blabbing at the mouth. If you are at a crossroads today dear ones, grab life and live to the fullest in the opportunities that God has placed before you. You may not be in a place right now that is where you want to be, but there is purpose and a reason you are there. Put your day on with a smile, dress for the day to show others who you are and what purpose you have in life. Rise above the mess and the noise so that you can see above those things - God is in them ... but often times we dont think about rising up and above them - God is above them too. Its there we will meet him and see things differently. We are lumped together - but the good, the wise and all that they do are in Gods hands.
Headed out now, hopefully driving safe with some 10th Ave north playing. Praying for a great few hours with my brother, who I got to pray with for the first time last Sunday. I will make the most of the opportunity. In my Bible challenge today - I shared on FaceBook this moring - I am Lonnie Bateman and I am second.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I took some time on this cold morning to print out some pictures. Not sure yet if I will be giving them away but for sure I pausing long enough to just look at them, smile for that person in my life who is impacting me in such huge ways and in many ways I am learning to love again. See there are milestones in our lives where we learn to love in new ways. As kids growing up, we love our parents most of the time, our family and our friends. They all shape us and influence us when we are young. In many regards its during these times we really learn how to get our love legs and know we are loved and how to give love. See some people don't experience those things, some dont have family close to them or have been hurt in the past and wont let anyone love on them. Its a tough situation for sure and one that keeps so many from living that potential that God wants us to have and have in Him. See God defines love and is love. He loved you before you even knew who he was. There is no greater sparkle in his eye as you are in his. Like a husband and wife getting married, a parent having a baby - these are all milestones in our lives. For me, I can honestly say that God pulling me out of the trenches that I was making out of myselfish life was a milestone for me. The people that God has placed in my life to do life with and my adopted kids that surround me. They are milestones in my life. Hopefully one day as a grandparent will yet again be a milestone. See this love thing changes us from the inside. It has nothing to do with our appearance or what we look like. I am sure there are days where I look just down right scary to some but on the inside - where my heart is today it just amazes me at times.
Last night as I sat down for supper. Kyle handed me a handwritten note from one of his classmates who I used have lunch with from time to time in 5th grade. I don't get to see her much these days but when I do - we are always greeted with smiles and a hug. She has had a tough go of things in her young life and knowing that, I always try to go out of my way, reach a little further and speak a little softer. I remember praying before lunch time for her, with her before she ate and those little things she still carries with her today. Her note asked me to visit her church, she misses me and Carol and still considers and always will be family to her. That just puts tears in my eyes. Sharing a heart like that means that God is still doing something in her life and might just need a little encouragement or a person to remind her that she can do it. I look at these pictures in my office and see God working all around me. Last night as I walked out of the gym I grabbed a note that the Y has on the front desk. It has scripture written on them and I often times grab one on my way home. Lat night I grabbed - 1 Timothy 2:1 - I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them, intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.
Lord I thank you for this note and gentle reminder that we should pray for all people. The children and families in Jamaica, Kenya and the world around. Help us be your hands and feet and bring your love and grace to them. Those who are hurting and sick, bring peace and comfort Lord. Give those who are lost a vision and a purpose in this life that can only come from you. As my friend who gave me the note yesterday help those who have had a seed planted in life Lord, someone to encourage them along the way, bring them closer to you today. Walk with them and nourish the seeds that have been planted. Help them reflect on the people in their lives who are good and true to being a good role model and example for you. Thank you for all who are on our hearts today and be with them in this day you have given us all. Amen
Today I want to close in Luke 11:37 - it might take me 2 days to get through this but hang with me.
When Jesus had finished speaking, a Pharisee invited him to eat with him; so he went in and reclined at the table. But the Pharisee, noticing that Jesus did not first wash before the meal, was surprised. The the Lord said to him, "Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You foolish people! Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? But give what is inside the dish, to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.
Whenever Jesus uses a ! in the text, imagine him screaming it and being emotional about it. YOU FOOLISH PEOPLE! - Jesus is telling us that what we appear as is not always what is on the inside. Our person as a whole has to match. We cannot be living 2 lives, appearing to have it all together to other and on the inside be mean, selfish and corrupt. I think about the missions coming up and all the hearts being touched in those days and if a heart is in that place loved ones, focused and full of desire to love on those who are hurting and need love and joy from Christ - it will show up on the outside of you life! It is said in Proverbs 27:19 - As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart.
What footprints in this life are you leaving? Appearance is all about the show. Hollywood and fake people are full of the show. What is underneath is what really matters and is important. Your heart will explode outwardly into your life if you are living your life with heart. How you are living your life today - what is it telling others?
Jesus tells us to give what is on the inside to the poor, the less fortunate, to those hurting, those in need, those who just need a hand up and not a hand out .... give what is on the inside loved ones and everything will be clean for you.
You have already received the best Christmas gift you will ever receive. Share it so that others may receive it as you did. Its life changing, its inward living outwardly. Its putting others ahead of self. Its reaching out to worn hands and little fingers. Its reaching out of your comfort zones. Its lovely and full of life. That gift is Jesus. He and only He can change the inside so that you can live on the outside.
It might just bring you to the waters edge, so you can learn to love again.
Last night as I sat down for supper. Kyle handed me a handwritten note from one of his classmates who I used have lunch with from time to time in 5th grade. I don't get to see her much these days but when I do - we are always greeted with smiles and a hug. She has had a tough go of things in her young life and knowing that, I always try to go out of my way, reach a little further and speak a little softer. I remember praying before lunch time for her, with her before she ate and those little things she still carries with her today. Her note asked me to visit her church, she misses me and Carol and still considers and always will be family to her. That just puts tears in my eyes. Sharing a heart like that means that God is still doing something in her life and might just need a little encouragement or a person to remind her that she can do it. I look at these pictures in my office and see God working all around me. Last night as I walked out of the gym I grabbed a note that the Y has on the front desk. It has scripture written on them and I often times grab one on my way home. Lat night I grabbed - 1 Timothy 2:1 - I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them, intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.
Lord I thank you for this note and gentle reminder that we should pray for all people. The children and families in Jamaica, Kenya and the world around. Help us be your hands and feet and bring your love and grace to them. Those who are hurting and sick, bring peace and comfort Lord. Give those who are lost a vision and a purpose in this life that can only come from you. As my friend who gave me the note yesterday help those who have had a seed planted in life Lord, someone to encourage them along the way, bring them closer to you today. Walk with them and nourish the seeds that have been planted. Help them reflect on the people in their lives who are good and true to being a good role model and example for you. Thank you for all who are on our hearts today and be with them in this day you have given us all. Amen
Today I want to close in Luke 11:37 - it might take me 2 days to get through this but hang with me.
When Jesus had finished speaking, a Pharisee invited him to eat with him; so he went in and reclined at the table. But the Pharisee, noticing that Jesus did not first wash before the meal, was surprised. The the Lord said to him, "Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You foolish people! Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? But give what is inside the dish, to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.
Whenever Jesus uses a ! in the text, imagine him screaming it and being emotional about it. YOU FOOLISH PEOPLE! - Jesus is telling us that what we appear as is not always what is on the inside. Our person as a whole has to match. We cannot be living 2 lives, appearing to have it all together to other and on the inside be mean, selfish and corrupt. I think about the missions coming up and all the hearts being touched in those days and if a heart is in that place loved ones, focused and full of desire to love on those who are hurting and need love and joy from Christ - it will show up on the outside of you life! It is said in Proverbs 27:19 - As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart.
What footprints in this life are you leaving? Appearance is all about the show. Hollywood and fake people are full of the show. What is underneath is what really matters and is important. Your heart will explode outwardly into your life if you are living your life with heart. How you are living your life today - what is it telling others?
Jesus tells us to give what is on the inside to the poor, the less fortunate, to those hurting, those in need, those who just need a hand up and not a hand out .... give what is on the inside loved ones and everything will be clean for you.
You have already received the best Christmas gift you will ever receive. Share it so that others may receive it as you did. Its life changing, its inward living outwardly. Its putting others ahead of self. Its reaching out to worn hands and little fingers. Its reaching out of your comfort zones. Its lovely and full of life. That gift is Jesus. He and only He can change the inside so that you can live on the outside.
It might just bring you to the waters edge, so you can learn to love again.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Good news as of last night that both my dad and brother are doing well. My dad is home and hopefully soon will be back to getting around with ease. My brother is still in ICU in Winston but if all goes well today - he will be in a room tomorrow sometime. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for them.
Last night we got to serve our community by way of the Christmas center through the Salvation Army. 47 folks came out to serve, drop off their gifts for the Angel Tree Program and put things into order for next week as they prepare for distribution to the families. As I get pumped for Monday - I couldnt help but to think about the families that this program will be touching this Christmas season. Many of these families would not otherwise share in gifts for the kids because times are hard for them. $24000 a year for a family of four does not go far by the time you pay rent, buy food and clothing and pay the light bill. There is just not enough margin to do much and often times these families have fallen on hard times by no other means other than something happening to them. I am sure they did not plan on their situations - a loss of a job, a loss of parent, unplanned pregnancy or having to take care of a aging parent, drug addiction that they are trying to overcome .... a haste decision - who knows what story is behind those worried faces. We all have a story to tell and I think about those children picking up their gifts next week - I wonder how many of them were served a hot meal on Sunday through the Center of Hope. My heart just is full of compassion for these folks but for the brief moments coming up as the children get to open their gifts, their parents some of which with tears in their eyes because of the love that is poured out and into them will have the chance to forget how painful life is. Its a brief pause in their suffering and surroundings. I really am pressed for our students and the families I am doing life with to really take a step back and see how blessed they truly are. I hear compaining all the time, my cell phone sucks, I don't have the newest Ipod, my sister wears my clothes, I dont have this or have that or there is no food in the house. I wonder if God really gets tired of our complaining? Do you realize just how good we all have it?
I think about our faith as it shows in an American way. We have really no idea about suffering, or poverty or hunger as the world knows it. Sure we have places in our cities where we have homeless and poor people in our distant communities but I am talking a completely different level. I think that is why Jamaica and Kenya has been so heavy on my heart. God knows the compassion that is in my heart for people, especially the kids, and to experience faith outside the bounderies and comforts of America will sure be life changing. As I talk about these experiences and take students and families to serve their community in impactful ways ... its hard not to be just humbled. I have tears in my eyes thinking of the girls leading those christmas songs at the Center of Hope Sunday with the children. I will be beside myself when folks come Monday to pick up their gifts and you get to walk out a family to help them put stuff often times in a borrowed car or a shopping basket only to walk to where they spent the night last night. Those conversations are impactful and the ear fulls of thank you will be heart changing.

I was on one of websites that I am looking into for these upcoming mission trips and I came across a young girl about 5. Though in a place where there is if any water at all is dirty and filthy, a dry area where crops are hard to come by and income is about zero. Finding enough food for the day is hard pressed to even sustain one self for the day. She probably had not had a clean bath in months, no shoes, hair not combed and matted, a cinderella dress that had holes and rips in it and filthy. I stared at that picture for a good 5 minutes praying for her, wondering how hard life really is for her and her family but the thing that I noticed more is the smile. I cant even explain it really because I don't even have words for it. Even as I think about the dispair that these children go through every single day - God doesnt see them that way.
Romans 8:16-18 The spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are Gods children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs of God and co heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
Time and time again as I dig further into the stories of lives that went to change and encourage come back even more changed and encouraged - I can see God at work in all of it. Odd how some see what they want to see - they see suffering and hurting people but if you look past the outside, the inside is full of joy and the love of Christ. I think about the folks who will be going with me and us walking to the places where we are going to serve and be the hands and feet of Christ and I can't help but to be overwhelmed at times as the children I will see come running, hugging and singing to us. I can't help but to think of the piggy back rides, the hand holding as my hand holds their little hands and fingers - though probably more worn and tough than mine. I think about washing their feet and wiping tears off their faces and praying with them as I share who Jesus is and how much they are not forgotten.
Luke 10:21 - At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do." 23 - Then he turned to his disciples and said privately, "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and hear what you hear but did not hear it".
I think about the smiles and the hearts that will be shared together as one. Though miles and miles apart- though what seems like a world away - what looks like from the outside no hope and complete despair ... on the inside God is changing the world one heart at a time.
Comfort zones keep us complacent and eventually our faith and our lives fade over time. We lose that passion in life that God has given us to be fully alive in Him. As I spoke with my dear friend Shelley last night - Its so hard not to be pulled in by her contagious spirit and her warm smile. Its a heart and smile that though fails at times, struggles every day just like everyone else, including mine, is sold out for the things of God. She is so in her element by loving and serving the hurting.
Blessed are the eyes that see what we see. Blessed are the ears that hear what we hear. Lord open our eyes and ears for the things of you today. Press on our hearts the things that matter most to you and help us seek out your face in all people and in all circumstances. Open the doors in our lives to bigger and better things so that we may be humbled again and again by what you are doing all around us. I pray for those little hands Lord and the smiles that have a heart full of joy and praise because that could only come from you. Break our hearts today Lord as we reach forward to serving you by serving those around us. I pray in Jesus name this morning. Amen
Monday, December 13, 2010
Yesterday .... was such an amazing day in many ways. I am really encouraged today even though many including myself are praying for my dad and brother today both having surgeries today. I got a chance to talk with my brother yesterday and just let him know I loved him and try my best to assure his time in this life is secured in Christs hands. 5 bypass heart surgery is a major deal and dad having knee surgery that will hobble him for the next 2 months - that is a lot to pray over. Even though this is their walk in life and faith - it really is a test for those praying as well. Its asking our heavenly father for something important to us and then trusting him because we have no other place to turn or put our trust into. That is what faith is all about.
Without testing - what do we really have to lean on?
Exams are in full swing here at the university and times are stressful on faculty, staff and the students. Testing is often times used to reveal something - how well you know the material, value of a friendship, or the quality of something. Faith is no different as our faith is tested it often times reveals just how deep it is. When our friendships are tested it reveals just how deep and valuable that friendship is. Everyone knows that some friendships can be stressful. Being real about it, family, coworkers etc can really be a test! We all know they are less than perfect but the huge hurdle is when we get hurt and that at some point in any friendship - it will happen. When this happens we have 2 options - to stick it out and go to that hurtful place and work on that friendship - or we can abandon that hurt place and cut the ties to it because we dont want to go to that hurt place. When we work through the issues and make up our minds to resolve the conflict, often times that is when the relationship becomes stronger and deeper and more meaningful.
Last night as our rock group families got together for a meal and celebrate Christmas it was awesome to see the bonding, the deep relationships that have formed over the years. The love that our spiritual family has is the foundation as we do this life together. Our family has lost loved ones over the years together, we have children that taken tough paths in life, we have enjoyed a new baby being born - these all deepen our relationships together. Faith being tested as we pray together, for each other, for situations and for our families. I had everyone write down their prayer requests on index cards last night, the girls punched holes in them and tied a piece of yarn on them as after filling their prayer requests they hung them on the Christmas tree. That tree in our homes today symbolizes Christ and the meaning of Christmas. God has those prayer requests in a very meaningful and powerful way. I so much shared in the moments early yesterday while at the Center of Hope feeding the women and children there. After serving their meal, the girls went out and sat with the kids and lead them in singing Christmas songs. As the place lightened up by the joy in that - smiles became contagious and the room took on a new feel to it. Kids were hugging, parents were smiling - Joy and hope was being shared. I just sat back and enjoyed all that was taking place in those moments. Even though those shared moments were few and brief for many in the shelter - it was worth it for them to not feel the weight and pressures of their lives and being constantly reminded as to where they are. FOr them and so many as I think about the children in Jamaica and Kenya and so many other places - Hope is not lost and joy is found in those brief moments when we come together as one. Sharing one common foundation - love that can only come from Jesus.
Our faith is tested to bring out growth, learning and perserverance. Those things just dont happen automatically. I think about those mission trips and being totally out of my comfort zone. Incredible things happen when we get into situations like that and God uses them because we have no other place to turn but to him. Your faith is revealed then and how amazing it is knowing this when it is happening - trusting him in those situations and realizing that God REALLY is that close.
What are you avoiding today loved ones that might be just a little too much for you, a little too painful or hard? Do you normally shy away from things that stress you out and are able to deal with? God wants to show you that he is near and often times its during those times that we are stressed, in those relationships that are tough, and in those out of comfort zones.
God is really searching me these days to find out if my reactions and my heart are in the same place.
I will end todays post in prayer from Ephesians 1:15-23. I am very thankful for the people in my life and their friendship and always for their common place in life - love and prayers.
For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I have not stpeed giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be fiven, not only in the present age but also in the the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.
There is such great depth and richness that God gives us when we trust in him like this. My brother accepted Christ yesterday while our family pastor back home was visiting him. For the first time in my life, I got to pray with my brother and he told me he loved me as tears ran down his face. I am trusting that good news will come today for both my dad, my brother and for you.
It has been said that the impact you have in this life is often left in the footprints you leave. Those footprints are all over your life and how you live it. Praying for your footprints today.......
Without testing - what do we really have to lean on?
Exams are in full swing here at the university and times are stressful on faculty, staff and the students. Testing is often times used to reveal something - how well you know the material, value of a friendship, or the quality of something. Faith is no different as our faith is tested it often times reveals just how deep it is. When our friendships are tested it reveals just how deep and valuable that friendship is. Everyone knows that some friendships can be stressful. Being real about it, family, coworkers etc can really be a test! We all know they are less than perfect but the huge hurdle is when we get hurt and that at some point in any friendship - it will happen. When this happens we have 2 options - to stick it out and go to that hurtful place and work on that friendship - or we can abandon that hurt place and cut the ties to it because we dont want to go to that hurt place. When we work through the issues and make up our minds to resolve the conflict, often times that is when the relationship becomes stronger and deeper and more meaningful.
Last night as our rock group families got together for a meal and celebrate Christmas it was awesome to see the bonding, the deep relationships that have formed over the years. The love that our spiritual family has is the foundation as we do this life together. Our family has lost loved ones over the years together, we have children that taken tough paths in life, we have enjoyed a new baby being born - these all deepen our relationships together. Faith being tested as we pray together, for each other, for situations and for our families. I had everyone write down their prayer requests on index cards last night, the girls punched holes in them and tied a piece of yarn on them as after filling their prayer requests they hung them on the Christmas tree. That tree in our homes today symbolizes Christ and the meaning of Christmas. God has those prayer requests in a very meaningful and powerful way. I so much shared in the moments early yesterday while at the Center of Hope feeding the women and children there. After serving their meal, the girls went out and sat with the kids and lead them in singing Christmas songs. As the place lightened up by the joy in that - smiles became contagious and the room took on a new feel to it. Kids were hugging, parents were smiling - Joy and hope was being shared. I just sat back and enjoyed all that was taking place in those moments. Even though those shared moments were few and brief for many in the shelter - it was worth it for them to not feel the weight and pressures of their lives and being constantly reminded as to where they are. FOr them and so many as I think about the children in Jamaica and Kenya and so many other places - Hope is not lost and joy is found in those brief moments when we come together as one. Sharing one common foundation - love that can only come from Jesus.
Our faith is tested to bring out growth, learning and perserverance. Those things just dont happen automatically. I think about those mission trips and being totally out of my comfort zone. Incredible things happen when we get into situations like that and God uses them because we have no other place to turn but to him. Your faith is revealed then and how amazing it is knowing this when it is happening - trusting him in those situations and realizing that God REALLY is that close.
What are you avoiding today loved ones that might be just a little too much for you, a little too painful or hard? Do you normally shy away from things that stress you out and are able to deal with? God wants to show you that he is near and often times its during those times that we are stressed, in those relationships that are tough, and in those out of comfort zones.
God is really searching me these days to find out if my reactions and my heart are in the same place.
I will end todays post in prayer from Ephesians 1:15-23. I am very thankful for the people in my life and their friendship and always for their common place in life - love and prayers.
For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I have not stpeed giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be fiven, not only in the present age but also in the the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.
There is such great depth and richness that God gives us when we trust in him like this. My brother accepted Christ yesterday while our family pastor back home was visiting him. For the first time in my life, I got to pray with my brother and he told me he loved me as tears ran down his face. I am trusting that good news will come today for both my dad, my brother and for you.
It has been said that the impact you have in this life is often left in the footprints you leave. Those footprints are all over your life and how you live it. Praying for your footprints today.......
Friday, December 10, 2010
I have to admit, I love coffee. I also love the break that comes with it. The two go hand in hand and in those afternoon moments sharing a coffee and conversation for me is what its all about. This morning I picked up a few of my close kids to take them to YCI and in getting them early - we had time to stop and grab a quick breakfast. I sipped my coffee and they ate, we shared a few things about how life has been since we were last together, we had a few laughs and then as I stopped the truck to let them out to go into school - we prayed together.
I love those coffee moments. I love that pause in life that it brings. Its during those coffee conversations that the real relationships happen. Today, at 2:00ish will be another coffee conversation moment as my coffee buddy here at work will be getting ready for her final exam at 3:00. I look forward to the conversation, though only rarely spiritual but important nonetheless.
Last night while coming back from Kyles last wrestling match of the year, I was getting onto the highway and I said to miss Emilee who will soon be driving - this part of driving is always the scariest. Meaning, as you begin to go down the entrance ramp to get onto the highway - you have to give it some gas and put your foot into it to get up to speed that way when you get to merge into traffic, you are at speed with everyone else. Accidents happen when you get on too fast, drive too slow and merge on and I have even seen some crazy folks actually stop and wait for an opening to get on. Sometimes just getting up to speed with everyone else around you can be a scary thing.
We all have different speeds in life. Some are comfortable speeding around and changing lanes all the time. Some a soft and stick to the rules and obey the speed limits. Some are distracted more than others. As you gain experience so do you gain confidence. Our walk with the Lord is much the same way. Heading down the entrance ramp to Gods highway - we have different ways that we were taught to get on and to stay on. One thing is for certain that the all time great truth in this life is that its difficult and often unfair. The better we are at seeing through trials in our lives and to what they can produce not only in our lives but our childrens, the better able we'll be to provide calmness, assurance, and genuine love to the people around us even in the midst of trying times. I would have to say that often times trials in our life have the capacity to bring strength, maturity, courage, genuine love, righteousness and perserverance to those who are willing to be trained by them.
Notice the word, willing - see often times we see our trials as a road block on that entrance ramp to God highway. We continue to shell out the words in our life - "What if" - What if this thing was not blocking me, what if this person would help me, what if I had the money to do that.
What if - you just listened to God and did what he said loved ones?
Sometimes getting to a place in our journey we have to remove the what if and be willing to look at our trials differently. We have to see them for what they are and see past them. God is in those trials but do we really see God over those trials? So many of us focus on the trial itself, the bad relationship, the child who is chosing poorly, the money that is just not coming in, that we lose focus on the bigger picture. We forget that the trial is there to teach us but we must be willing to see if for what it is and then rise above it.
James 1:19 - My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. BUt the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it - he will be blessed in what he does.
They say life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react. Isn't that so true? I mean stuff does happen to us in this life but often times how we handle those things often times determines how painful they are.
I want to share this video from the I am Second website. Its part of a bible study message I am doing and this video today really showed me how God puts all things back together in his perfect way.
When God is involved in your situations and you are seeking His voice and guidance much like the verse above says - But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard but DOING IT - will be blessed in what he does...... Look into Gods perfect words, take his advice and instruction and trails of various kinds and be willing to let those things shape and mold you .... after all if you are walking with Christ and striving for the things of him - You will do these things and see them differently because you are not IN your trials ~ You are ABOVE your trials.
Happy birthday to Kyle today. 13 today which is hard to believe. I am so proud of you. As in your season of wrestling, it didnt go as planned buddy, but you never gave up and you never quit. You have something in you that God has created very special and I am excited to see God use you in amazing ways. Keep him centered and grounded in your life buddy - I will never look at the past mistakes in life but always look ahead in the promises and what God is going to do through you. Love you man ........ daddy.
I love those coffee moments. I love that pause in life that it brings. Its during those coffee conversations that the real relationships happen. Today, at 2:00ish will be another coffee conversation moment as my coffee buddy here at work will be getting ready for her final exam at 3:00. I look forward to the conversation, though only rarely spiritual but important nonetheless.
Last night while coming back from Kyles last wrestling match of the year, I was getting onto the highway and I said to miss Emilee who will soon be driving - this part of driving is always the scariest. Meaning, as you begin to go down the entrance ramp to get onto the highway - you have to give it some gas and put your foot into it to get up to speed that way when you get to merge into traffic, you are at speed with everyone else. Accidents happen when you get on too fast, drive too slow and merge on and I have even seen some crazy folks actually stop and wait for an opening to get on. Sometimes just getting up to speed with everyone else around you can be a scary thing.
We all have different speeds in life. Some are comfortable speeding around and changing lanes all the time. Some a soft and stick to the rules and obey the speed limits. Some are distracted more than others. As you gain experience so do you gain confidence. Our walk with the Lord is much the same way. Heading down the entrance ramp to Gods highway - we have different ways that we were taught to get on and to stay on. One thing is for certain that the all time great truth in this life is that its difficult and often unfair. The better we are at seeing through trials in our lives and to what they can produce not only in our lives but our childrens, the better able we'll be to provide calmness, assurance, and genuine love to the people around us even in the midst of trying times. I would have to say that often times trials in our life have the capacity to bring strength, maturity, courage, genuine love, righteousness and perserverance to those who are willing to be trained by them.
Notice the word, willing - see often times we see our trials as a road block on that entrance ramp to God highway. We continue to shell out the words in our life - "What if" - What if this thing was not blocking me, what if this person would help me, what if I had the money to do that.
What if - you just listened to God and did what he said loved ones?
Sometimes getting to a place in our journey we have to remove the what if and be willing to look at our trials differently. We have to see them for what they are and see past them. God is in those trials but do we really see God over those trials? So many of us focus on the trial itself, the bad relationship, the child who is chosing poorly, the money that is just not coming in, that we lose focus on the bigger picture. We forget that the trial is there to teach us but we must be willing to see if for what it is and then rise above it.
James 1:19 - My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. BUt the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it - he will be blessed in what he does.
They say life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react. Isn't that so true? I mean stuff does happen to us in this life but often times how we handle those things often times determines how painful they are.
I want to share this video from the I am Second website. Its part of a bible study message I am doing and this video today really showed me how God puts all things back together in his perfect way.
When God is involved in your situations and you are seeking His voice and guidance much like the verse above says - But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard but DOING IT - will be blessed in what he does...... Look into Gods perfect words, take his advice and instruction and trails of various kinds and be willing to let those things shape and mold you .... after all if you are walking with Christ and striving for the things of him - You will do these things and see them differently because you are not IN your trials ~ You are ABOVE your trials.
Happy birthday to Kyle today. 13 today which is hard to believe. I am so proud of you. As in your season of wrestling, it didnt go as planned buddy, but you never gave up and you never quit. You have something in you that God has created very special and I am excited to see God use you in amazing ways. Keep him centered and grounded in your life buddy - I will never look at the past mistakes in life but always look ahead in the promises and what God is going to do through you. Love you man ........ daddy.
Thursday, December 9, 2010

I am actually taking a break from the Christmas party here at work so that I can write today. Its been a busy few days but that is no complaint at all. I am thankful in many ways. Work is busy, my walk with Christ has been stretching, having fun with Kyle and the wrestling team, investing into my marriage like I have not done in a long time, working on those few close relationships that I have and keeping with the giving spirit that God is saying - I am blessing you so that you may be a blessing to others. Life itself is such a blessing but for some they make life itself as an idol. My boss is going through a really tough time right now with his mom being sick. They have moved her from the hospital and into hospice care. Its a season, especially at Christmas, that is really hard. I have been through this season and there is nothing anyone can say to make the pain go away. Its just a passage of life. In all of our marbles in our baskets of life, death may indeed be the unwanted, purposeless intruder. It never comes at a good time and it always shows its ugly side when we least expect it.
If we make life the be all and end all - it squeezes God out of our life. We forget that life itself has meaning and purpose but if we put life itself in front of those things it will escape us.
This past Sunday we got our small group together and watched "The 5 people you meet in heaven" and life for the main character just passed him by. His life meant nothing to him and had no purpose until it all became clear and was explained out through his 5 people. The movie infolded how we are interconnected and our journey in life is right along side others. There is such great wisdom in the search and struggle. Never give up hope loved ones.
Paul addresses the issue of never giving up and always reaching forward in
Philippians 3:12-21.
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus tool hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold if it. But one this I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained. Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you. For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many life as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be life his glorious body. Therefore, my brothers, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown that is how you should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends!
I love the fact that Paul says to never look back and strain forward to what is ahead. So since God has got a hold of your heart loved one, He is not finished with you if you still have air to breathe. There is still shaping and molding taking place on your heart. Those burdens of the loved ones in your life who have not met Christ or who seem to have walked away - It is not yours to carry. You can do only what you can do and pleasing them in every aspect of your life will not bring them closer to Christ. You have to press through and accept those things and know in your heart that your life is to honor God. You live your life starting right now honoring God in everyway you can, in your thoughts and in your actions, in your words and in who you love - Show them what God has put into your heart. Paul says to take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you - meaning one generation passing down to the next generation.
Kyle got to wrestle the other night and even though it did not go as planned - he gave it all he had. Sometimes we have to give it all we have to get through our tough seasons and sticky places in life. Sometimes we need to suck it up and put another foot forward in our marriages and into our children. I think about the children in Jamaica that I will meet this coming summer and those little children in Kenya the following year. They are giving it all they have to just survive and time and time again I read the stories of folks coming back who went to minister and bring hope to them come back encouraged and full of hope themselves. Why? They have nothing themselves but they have everything to give. There is hope in their life and a joy that can only be explained through Christ. With nothing they have everything! They are living life with everything they have. Inspite of everything around them, inspite of the hardships they face daily, inspite the pain and hurt that this life is dishing out to them, inspite of it all - they have a joy and a hope you cant put a price tag on because its priceless. 450 billion is what Americans will spend on Christmas gifts this year. Things we don't need nor want and still there is little joy in it.
Pastor Furtick said last week, "When I give God the highest glory, He gives me the deepest peace."
Let glory and peace come to your heart this Christmas season. Your face reflects your heart - What is your face showing others today?
Time for some more sweet tea now... and dream of the joy and faith that I read about and only beginning to experience. Give it all you got........ in all you do and give God the praise through it.
With God in control, greater things are yet to come.
If we make life the be all and end all - it squeezes God out of our life. We forget that life itself has meaning and purpose but if we put life itself in front of those things it will escape us.
This past Sunday we got our small group together and watched "The 5 people you meet in heaven" and life for the main character just passed him by. His life meant nothing to him and had no purpose until it all became clear and was explained out through his 5 people. The movie infolded how we are interconnected and our journey in life is right along side others. There is such great wisdom in the search and struggle. Never give up hope loved ones.
Paul addresses the issue of never giving up and always reaching forward in
Philippians 3:12-21.
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus tool hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold if it. But one this I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained. Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you. For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many life as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be life his glorious body. Therefore, my brothers, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown that is how you should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends!
I love the fact that Paul says to never look back and strain forward to what is ahead. So since God has got a hold of your heart loved one, He is not finished with you if you still have air to breathe. There is still shaping and molding taking place on your heart. Those burdens of the loved ones in your life who have not met Christ or who seem to have walked away - It is not yours to carry. You can do only what you can do and pleasing them in every aspect of your life will not bring them closer to Christ. You have to press through and accept those things and know in your heart that your life is to honor God. You live your life starting right now honoring God in everyway you can, in your thoughts and in your actions, in your words and in who you love - Show them what God has put into your heart. Paul says to take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you - meaning one generation passing down to the next generation.
Kyle got to wrestle the other night and even though it did not go as planned - he gave it all he had. Sometimes we have to give it all we have to get through our tough seasons and sticky places in life. Sometimes we need to suck it up and put another foot forward in our marriages and into our children. I think about the children in Jamaica that I will meet this coming summer and those little children in Kenya the following year. They are giving it all they have to just survive and time and time again I read the stories of folks coming back who went to minister and bring hope to them come back encouraged and full of hope themselves. Why? They have nothing themselves but they have everything to give. There is hope in their life and a joy that can only be explained through Christ. With nothing they have everything! They are living life with everything they have. Inspite of everything around them, inspite of the hardships they face daily, inspite the pain and hurt that this life is dishing out to them, inspite of it all - they have a joy and a hope you cant put a price tag on because its priceless. 450 billion is what Americans will spend on Christmas gifts this year. Things we don't need nor want and still there is little joy in it.
Pastor Furtick said last week, "When I give God the highest glory, He gives me the deepest peace."
Let glory and peace come to your heart this Christmas season. Your face reflects your heart - What is your face showing others today?
Time for some more sweet tea now... and dream of the joy and faith that I read about and only beginning to experience. Give it all you got........ in all you do and give God the praise through it.
With God in control, greater things are yet to come.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I am pretty pumped for today. As of last night, Kyle will be wrestling in his first match this evening. He is pretty excited about it and according to him last night when I picked him up after practice, he kicked butt! It has been a long year for him, making almost every practice and this being his first year at it, it has been a learning season for sure. He has stuck it out and kept his spirits mostly up and took this year as a conditioning year and working on his 6pack abs as he calls them. Hoping he does get his shot tonight - win or lose - I am proud of him.
There are a couple words that I have been looking deeper into the past day or so and as I examine myself, where I am at and my depth of my faith ... I want to invite you to challenge yourself with me and really answer a few questions about yourself.
As I am parenting in the shadows as I described yesterday, there are a few things that I really want to stand out. No matter how dark that shadow may be, I have it on my heart to do a few things. 1. Say the words God wants me to say. 2. Do what God has asked me to do. 3. Live how God want me to live. - How do we do that?
Living life to be impactful for others in a meaningful way brings us to a place where we really have decide if we are living our life from Preference or by Conviction.
Preference - A preferred choice; a practical advantage given to one over others; favoring
Conviction - A fixed or firm belief; to be convincing; a firm belief, held as proven
As you look a little closer at your life and where you are today, do you live your life as preference or by conviction? If I had someone come and live with you for every single moment for a month - what would they say? Are you living your life primarily for what will truly last or for the things of this world?
Living your life by your preference means you are living according to what is pleasing you. Those things come and go and as you go through life, things change and you move along with them. Preference is a choice and thus your life is in a state of flux according to what ever floats your boat or whatever the crowd is doing.
Conviction is one of those deep burning things that is deep in your heart that God places there. We all know right from wrong, even our teenagers know what is right and wrong but living out of preference for our lives, often leads to bad choices. Convictions that hit us deeply will show us the right things in life and steer us to those good choices. Convictions are tough because often times we have to do something hard. Like make that phone call, talk with that student on a tough subject, say you are sorry first, sit and talk with mom or dad about something big in your life. These convictions change us and change the direction of our lives because they affect us deeply.
Ephesians 2:8-10 - For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are Gods handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
God uses our convictions to show us our preferences in life. He breaks our hearts with those hurt things and reveals the source in them through convictions. Often times living out preferences, we often times choose to sin, choose to make a bad choice - choose to sin, choose to suffer as the old saying goes.
My convictions keep me pushing through the tough relationships in life even though at times my preference is to walk away. There are convictions that keep me pressing forward in seasons of time even when it is hard.
Convictions are unchanging beliefs on the inside that always shows up on the outside.
So, are you living your life by preference or by conviction?
Preference keeps you smoking - Conviction tells you that you must quit
Preference keeps you dating that boy or girl - Conviction tells you that you need to dump them
Preference keeps you from letting anyone else into your circle - Conviction tells you there is room in your life
Preference keeps you going with the crowd - Conviction keeps you coming back to church
Preference is a choice and often times the easy one. Conviction shows you the true meaning behind that choice and it hurts, it burns deep in your heart and keeps you up at night.
Ephesians 4:29 - Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
What is your life showing others?
Convicted even in the shadows......
There are a couple words that I have been looking deeper into the past day or so and as I examine myself, where I am at and my depth of my faith ... I want to invite you to challenge yourself with me and really answer a few questions about yourself.
As I am parenting in the shadows as I described yesterday, there are a few things that I really want to stand out. No matter how dark that shadow may be, I have it on my heart to do a few things. 1. Say the words God wants me to say. 2. Do what God has asked me to do. 3. Live how God want me to live. - How do we do that?
Living life to be impactful for others in a meaningful way brings us to a place where we really have decide if we are living our life from Preference or by Conviction.
Preference - A preferred choice; a practical advantage given to one over others; favoring
Conviction - A fixed or firm belief; to be convincing; a firm belief, held as proven
As you look a little closer at your life and where you are today, do you live your life as preference or by conviction? If I had someone come and live with you for every single moment for a month - what would they say? Are you living your life primarily for what will truly last or for the things of this world?
Living your life by your preference means you are living according to what is pleasing you. Those things come and go and as you go through life, things change and you move along with them. Preference is a choice and thus your life is in a state of flux according to what ever floats your boat or whatever the crowd is doing.
Conviction is one of those deep burning things that is deep in your heart that God places there. We all know right from wrong, even our teenagers know what is right and wrong but living out of preference for our lives, often leads to bad choices. Convictions that hit us deeply will show us the right things in life and steer us to those good choices. Convictions are tough because often times we have to do something hard. Like make that phone call, talk with that student on a tough subject, say you are sorry first, sit and talk with mom or dad about something big in your life. These convictions change us and change the direction of our lives because they affect us deeply.
Ephesians 2:8-10 - For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are Gods handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
God uses our convictions to show us our preferences in life. He breaks our hearts with those hurt things and reveals the source in them through convictions. Often times living out preferences, we often times choose to sin, choose to make a bad choice - choose to sin, choose to suffer as the old saying goes.
My convictions keep me pushing through the tough relationships in life even though at times my preference is to walk away. There are convictions that keep me pressing forward in seasons of time even when it is hard.
Convictions are unchanging beliefs on the inside that always shows up on the outside.
So, are you living your life by preference or by conviction?
Preference keeps you smoking - Conviction tells you that you must quit
Preference keeps you dating that boy or girl - Conviction tells you that you need to dump them
Preference keeps you from letting anyone else into your circle - Conviction tells you there is room in your life
Preference keeps you going with the crowd - Conviction keeps you coming back to church
Preference is a choice and often times the easy one. Conviction shows you the true meaning behind that choice and it hurts, it burns deep in your heart and keeps you up at night.
Ephesians 4:29 - Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
What is your life showing others?
Convicted even in the shadows......
Monday, December 6, 2010
I am sitting here with a blank screen. My mind is running in a thousand directions and my heart seems to be unsettled today. These are days that I probably should not write but I feel that something will come from this me typing away and unloading my heart. As I sat in service yesterday and listening about the hope and joy and the true meaning of Christmas - I am thinking back to a time where my families faith was really being tested and Christ was truly speaking in everything around us. My father in law laid on his death bed in the back room and rock group still taking place with a study of 30 days to live. It was a tough season especially for one that at the time a great family figure such as Walt could pass without knowing Jesus. This truth was heavy on the heart of my son Kyle. We don't give our kids credit enough for what they understand because they really do get a lot of what is going on in our adult world.
I found an email that he had sent to our Pastor and I want to share it today because it shows the love and care that a child has for a father or grandfather in their life.
Dear Jimmy,
My grandpa does not have that many days left in his life.
How do I get him to believ in god.
I have two people in the nersing home praying for him every night.
Can you talk to me on sunday.
I look up to you alot.
You are the best!
pleaze help me and my mom and dad trew this toughf time.
kyle batman
Those are precious words. That is a heart being shown for Christ. How did that get there? A parents influence perhaps. Life experiences and faith of a child seeing God work all around him. Yesterday during the message of Christ being born I couldn't help but to think about Joseph. Its also Kyle's middle name but I mean here Christ is being born and he is the earthly father. All he had to go on was dreams. He didnt see an angel like Mary did, he knew he had not had relations with Mary so how could she be pregnant? His family included Christ? He had to flee in order not to bring Mary disgrace because having a baby out of wedlock then was big time frowned upon. Think of the pressures involved! Not much is recorded of Joseph in his life, how he raised Jesus, did he spank him, put him in timeout, sit Jesus on his lap and read to him, teach him the family trade. Did Jesus fight with his brothers? Did he fight dirty, did he get beat up? You know all these things took place because he was his father. Adopted in a way - and adopted kids take over a fathers heart just the same. I too have a few close kids that I feel are like my adopted children and they too have my heart. I love them just as much but at times in our relationship - I am powerless. I have to be in the shadows. Much like Joseph - he too had to parent in the shadows. I ask myself at times when things are not going that great with my adopted kids "Why me Lord, Why did you call me to do this?" Joseph probably felt the same way with his adopted child.
It is an impossible task raising a child today. Being a parent is impossible at times. To take a life from its first breath through maturity... feed, clothe, educate, keep out of trouble, and all the rest. There were probably some struggles in their relationship for sure... texting, facebook and talking on the phone... some things never change. :)
One thing was certain - Jesus had a strong understanding of the word father. Part of that understanding came from Joseph. As Kyle led his grandpa in prayer to receive Christ in his last words spoken on this earth - faith understands father. Faith is in relationship with Christ. There are times in our lives where our faith is tested and in that season we grow, we learn and get out of our comfort zones. Our children look to us parents as examples. Its ok to let our kids see us struggle with decisions, to cry and lean on those around us when life hurts. They need to see us praying and seeking Christs face in our lives. They need us seeking guidance from our father. I am sure Mary and Joseph showed Jesus these things. They probably had a lot to do with his footsteps in faith and in his teaching and with that as Jesus grew older - parenting in the shadows.
Just as Joseph who loved his son more than life itself - probably knew in his heart that he wouldnt be able to hold his sons hand for long but he knew that Jesus would hold his heart for a lifetime.
I bet Joseph was a gentle man and a caring person and put family high on the importance list. Selfishness was probably not in his vocabulary as he had to take a different road than most in being a father.
Collossians 4:5 - be wise in the way you act; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversations be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
I'm in the shadows today...
I found an email that he had sent to our Pastor and I want to share it today because it shows the love and care that a child has for a father or grandfather in their life.
Dear Jimmy,
My grandpa does not have that many days left in his life.
How do I get him to believ in god.
I have two people in the nersing home praying for him every night.
Can you talk to me on sunday.
I look up to you alot.
You are the best!
pleaze help me and my mom and dad trew this toughf time.
kyle batman
Those are precious words. That is a heart being shown for Christ. How did that get there? A parents influence perhaps. Life experiences and faith of a child seeing God work all around him. Yesterday during the message of Christ being born I couldn't help but to think about Joseph. Its also Kyle's middle name but I mean here Christ is being born and he is the earthly father. All he had to go on was dreams. He didnt see an angel like Mary did, he knew he had not had relations with Mary so how could she be pregnant? His family included Christ? He had to flee in order not to bring Mary disgrace because having a baby out of wedlock then was big time frowned upon. Think of the pressures involved! Not much is recorded of Joseph in his life, how he raised Jesus, did he spank him, put him in timeout, sit Jesus on his lap and read to him, teach him the family trade. Did Jesus fight with his brothers? Did he fight dirty, did he get beat up? You know all these things took place because he was his father. Adopted in a way - and adopted kids take over a fathers heart just the same. I too have a few close kids that I feel are like my adopted children and they too have my heart. I love them just as much but at times in our relationship - I am powerless. I have to be in the shadows. Much like Joseph - he too had to parent in the shadows. I ask myself at times when things are not going that great with my adopted kids "Why me Lord, Why did you call me to do this?" Joseph probably felt the same way with his adopted child.
It is an impossible task raising a child today. Being a parent is impossible at times. To take a life from its first breath through maturity... feed, clothe, educate, keep out of trouble, and all the rest. There were probably some struggles in their relationship for sure... texting, facebook and talking on the phone... some things never change. :)
One thing was certain - Jesus had a strong understanding of the word father. Part of that understanding came from Joseph. As Kyle led his grandpa in prayer to receive Christ in his last words spoken on this earth - faith understands father. Faith is in relationship with Christ. There are times in our lives where our faith is tested and in that season we grow, we learn and get out of our comfort zones. Our children look to us parents as examples. Its ok to let our kids see us struggle with decisions, to cry and lean on those around us when life hurts. They need to see us praying and seeking Christs face in our lives. They need us seeking guidance from our father. I am sure Mary and Joseph showed Jesus these things. They probably had a lot to do with his footsteps in faith and in his teaching and with that as Jesus grew older - parenting in the shadows.
Just as Joseph who loved his son more than life itself - probably knew in his heart that he wouldnt be able to hold his sons hand for long but he knew that Jesus would hold his heart for a lifetime.
I bet Joseph was a gentle man and a caring person and put family high on the importance list. Selfishness was probably not in his vocabulary as he had to take a different road than most in being a father.
Collossians 4:5 - be wise in the way you act; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversations be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
I'm in the shadows today...
Friday, December 3, 2010
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't love, I've gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I am bankrupt without love.
Love never gives up
Love cares more for others than for self
Love doesn't strut
Doesnt have a swelled head,
Doesnt force itself on others,
Isn't always, "me first,"
Doesnt fly off the handle,
Doesnt keep score of the sins of others,
Doesnt revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.
One of the most powerful ways to communicate love to people in our life is with words. Words matter! Like yesterday's blog loved ones where we choose the words we use - Yes actions are necessary to back our words up, but at the end of the day, you have just got to get some things said. Make it a goal this weekend to put these 4 things out there and spoken into the people in your life.
~ I love you - Say it, dont mumble it, dont text it, dont hide it. Even if your kids, no matter their age, they may fidget or look at you like you have lost your mind - they will remember it.
~ I need you - Men, tell your wives you need them. Carol I need you. My actions in life may sometimes communicate the opposite, but I want you to know that I really need you. I really need the close people in my life and because of you, you make life what it is.
~There is no one like you - Wives, as a husband we need to be told that sometimes. Standing in front of hundreds at church, working at a large organization, leading students - nothing means more than standing out because of what God has placed in your husbands heart. Sometimes being that man who is not doing the same things as most men is really hard. This really helps knowing that we are not like everyone else and the pain and struggles to live life larger make it worth it when coming from someone who loves you.
~ I thank God for you - Tell those important people in your life that you thank God for them. Pray it together and watch and see what happens. Use words to tell those in your life you are thankful for them and when they get up off the floor, hug them and thank them.
These people I am speaking to in your life, you know who they are, tells them they are a priority to you. Get those words said...... It really does matter.
If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't love, I've gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I am bankrupt without love.
Love never gives up
Love cares more for others than for self
Love doesn't strut
Doesnt have a swelled head,
Doesnt force itself on others,
Isn't always, "me first,"
Doesnt fly off the handle,
Doesnt keep score of the sins of others,
Doesnt revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.
One of the most powerful ways to communicate love to people in our life is with words. Words matter! Like yesterday's blog loved ones where we choose the words we use - Yes actions are necessary to back our words up, but at the end of the day, you have just got to get some things said. Make it a goal this weekend to put these 4 things out there and spoken into the people in your life.
~ I love you - Say it, dont mumble it, dont text it, dont hide it. Even if your kids, no matter their age, they may fidget or look at you like you have lost your mind - they will remember it.
~ I need you - Men, tell your wives you need them. Carol I need you. My actions in life may sometimes communicate the opposite, but I want you to know that I really need you. I really need the close people in my life and because of you, you make life what it is.
~There is no one like you - Wives, as a husband we need to be told that sometimes. Standing in front of hundreds at church, working at a large organization, leading students - nothing means more than standing out because of what God has placed in your husbands heart. Sometimes being that man who is not doing the same things as most men is really hard. This really helps knowing that we are not like everyone else and the pain and struggles to live life larger make it worth it when coming from someone who loves you.
~ I thank God for you - Tell those important people in your life that you thank God for them. Pray it together and watch and see what happens. Use words to tell those in your life you are thankful for them and when they get up off the floor, hug them and thank them.
These people I am speaking to in your life, you know who they are, tells them they are a priority to you. Get those words said...... It really does matter.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Words can build up and words can tear down. What words will you choose to come out of your mouth?
You know the old saying that sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me? - I can say after living through my school years, that its just not true.
Mark 3:5 Likewise, the toungue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts.
Meaning that it can bring great damage or great joy. Our words that we choose to say or not say speak volumes to the people around us. I have a picture frame on my wall in my office that I look at from time to time when my spirit is down. On this picture frame are hand written notes from some of my students with words of encouragement.
Some of which read:
You are always telling me that your proud of me and it makes me feel good about myself.
You are always there for me
I think you're flippin awesome!
I love you!
You always know how to brighten someones day!
I just love the spiritual gift of encouragement. Nothing is more powerful to a person who hears "I believe in you". Those 4 little words can change a life direction for someone. I try my best to find the good in each person and encourage them - even in these tough teenage years when I often feel like they don't want to hear anything from me. Positive words have a way of making us feel warm inside and boost our moral and mood. Don't believe me? Tell your wife, husband, son or daughter something awesome and nice next time you see them and watch their reaction! You will know if you saying encouraging words often enough by their reaction.
Mark Twain once wrote -"I could live 2 months on one good compliment". Each of us needs to hear encouraging words from time to time.
I can remember years ago in my Judo training, there was an older man that pushed us hard and taught me so many things. Not only about Judo but also about character and sportsmanship. Mr. Earnie once said that we would learn more about ourselves when we lose than when we win. I still remember him saying that as if it was yesterday and I even caught myself sharing those same words with my son just a few days ago. Building a person up with words is a great confidence booster. You see it all the time in our gyms and at our ballfields and schools which parents are encouraging their kids or who are ripping them apart.
Kyle played baseball years ago and on this team, the coach was really tough and made examples of his players. So one play during a game the kid made an error and when he finally got back to the dugout, the coach was up his butt screaming at him. Next inning the kid slowly walked out to left field with his head down and his parents were really upset. That kid walked off the field that day and never returned. Our words have power! - even as we type them on Twitter, Facebook or even by not saying anything at all. I hate the quiet treatment the worst!
I try my best to make others feel special. My only problem comes when I am in company of 2 or more teenagers and they are all fighting for my attention. Sometimes feelings get hurt and jelousy kicks in and then one of the students is feeling left out. I just can't win sometimes but the life of a teenager is so complicated and they are like living in a pressurized bubble that could explode at any moment for no apparent reason.
Encouragement can be a tremendous ministry gift to others and can have far greater implications than just making others feel better about themselves. You can actually begin to reveal the love you have for Jesus through your words of encouragement because God has placed those words there and if you let Him influence what you have to say - It will reflect the radiance of Gods love.
Matthew 12:34-35 - How do you suppose what you say is worth anything when you are so foul-minded? It's your heart, not the dictionary, that gives meaning to your words. A good person produces good deeds and words season after season. An evil person is a blight on the orchard. Let me tell you something: Every one of these careless words is going to come back and haunt you. There will be a time of reckoning. Words are powerful; take them seriously. Words can be your salvation. Words can also be your damnation".
Evaluate where you words are and that will gauge where your heart is. If your heart is in a troubled place and negative words keep coming out or you continue to tear people down around you you for sure need to address those heart issues. All of us want to be loved and affirmed and the issue is knowing that we can place ourselves into a position to be loved. Your encouraging words reflect the sourse from which they come from - God.
I am really have to chose my words carefully these days. Somehow my son and a few of my close kids are now teenagers. This means I have to change my parenting skills and methods to move with them in their years of change. Often times we speak down to our teens thinking if we can just keep talking like we used to they wont grow up as fast. Think that through! I am really caught off guard these past few weeks as some of my close kids pull away some. I thought that independance would be waiting until they got their license but that is just not the case. Maybe I am not as cool anymore or maybe I need to have more personal one on one time with them and not so much as a group. I have to admit though that I have walked with kids since my son was in third grade and now he is in 7th. I have walked some miles and some years with many of his friends and classmates. Let me share some heart if you would let me.
These years now are complicated! I have to transition along with them as they move from dependant to independant. Otherwise I will turn out to be the controlling dad or leader in their life. I for sure don't want that. I can't be like a parent to them today as if they were still in elementary school. I know this time is urgent and so influencial. My time is running out and I do feel a little bit of panic at times but I have to remain that positive influence in their lives. I still have to be that leader they need me to be. I still have to hold their hand but just so they don't notice it as much.
My words of encouragement are critical during this season. I have to transition in my ways I communicate and some of those times are going to be AWKARD! I need to listen more than talk and when I do - choose my words carefully. This time right now is laying the foundation to kind of relationship I want to have with them when they are adults. Along with yesterdays post on "thewalk" - I think these times ahead have to have some fun in them as well.
I'm fighting for my son and "mykids" - their spiritual health as well as their emotional health and that means more intentional time invested in them.
A few short years and they will be on a college campus somewhere living life that you have helped mold and shape. I want those relationships to be right and God honoring.
That all begins with words of encouragement. They need positive relationships and the truth of the matter is - so do we.
Life changing words.
You know the old saying that sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me? - I can say after living through my school years, that its just not true.
Mark 3:5 Likewise, the toungue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts.
Meaning that it can bring great damage or great joy. Our words that we choose to say or not say speak volumes to the people around us. I have a picture frame on my wall in my office that I look at from time to time when my spirit is down. On this picture frame are hand written notes from some of my students with words of encouragement.
Some of which read:
You are always telling me that your proud of me and it makes me feel good about myself.
You are always there for me
I think you're flippin awesome!
I love you!
You always know how to brighten someones day!
I just love the spiritual gift of encouragement. Nothing is more powerful to a person who hears "I believe in you". Those 4 little words can change a life direction for someone. I try my best to find the good in each person and encourage them - even in these tough teenage years when I often feel like they don't want to hear anything from me. Positive words have a way of making us feel warm inside and boost our moral and mood. Don't believe me? Tell your wife, husband, son or daughter something awesome and nice next time you see them and watch their reaction! You will know if you saying encouraging words often enough by their reaction.
Mark Twain once wrote -"I could live 2 months on one good compliment". Each of us needs to hear encouraging words from time to time.
I can remember years ago in my Judo training, there was an older man that pushed us hard and taught me so many things. Not only about Judo but also about character and sportsmanship. Mr. Earnie once said that we would learn more about ourselves when we lose than when we win. I still remember him saying that as if it was yesterday and I even caught myself sharing those same words with my son just a few days ago. Building a person up with words is a great confidence booster. You see it all the time in our gyms and at our ballfields and schools which parents are encouraging their kids or who are ripping them apart.
Kyle played baseball years ago and on this team, the coach was really tough and made examples of his players. So one play during a game the kid made an error and when he finally got back to the dugout, the coach was up his butt screaming at him. Next inning the kid slowly walked out to left field with his head down and his parents were really upset. That kid walked off the field that day and never returned. Our words have power! - even as we type them on Twitter, Facebook or even by not saying anything at all. I hate the quiet treatment the worst!
I try my best to make others feel special. My only problem comes when I am in company of 2 or more teenagers and they are all fighting for my attention. Sometimes feelings get hurt and jelousy kicks in and then one of the students is feeling left out. I just can't win sometimes but the life of a teenager is so complicated and they are like living in a pressurized bubble that could explode at any moment for no apparent reason.
Encouragement can be a tremendous ministry gift to others and can have far greater implications than just making others feel better about themselves. You can actually begin to reveal the love you have for Jesus through your words of encouragement because God has placed those words there and if you let Him influence what you have to say - It will reflect the radiance of Gods love.
Matthew 12:34-35 - How do you suppose what you say is worth anything when you are so foul-minded? It's your heart, not the dictionary, that gives meaning to your words. A good person produces good deeds and words season after season. An evil person is a blight on the orchard. Let me tell you something: Every one of these careless words is going to come back and haunt you. There will be a time of reckoning. Words are powerful; take them seriously. Words can be your salvation. Words can also be your damnation".
Evaluate where you words are and that will gauge where your heart is. If your heart is in a troubled place and negative words keep coming out or you continue to tear people down around you you for sure need to address those heart issues. All of us want to be loved and affirmed and the issue is knowing that we can place ourselves into a position to be loved. Your encouraging words reflect the sourse from which they come from - God.
I am really have to chose my words carefully these days. Somehow my son and a few of my close kids are now teenagers. This means I have to change my parenting skills and methods to move with them in their years of change. Often times we speak down to our teens thinking if we can just keep talking like we used to they wont grow up as fast. Think that through! I am really caught off guard these past few weeks as some of my close kids pull away some. I thought that independance would be waiting until they got their license but that is just not the case. Maybe I am not as cool anymore or maybe I need to have more personal one on one time with them and not so much as a group. I have to admit though that I have walked with kids since my son was in third grade and now he is in 7th. I have walked some miles and some years with many of his friends and classmates. Let me share some heart if you would let me.
These years now are complicated! I have to transition along with them as they move from dependant to independant. Otherwise I will turn out to be the controlling dad or leader in their life. I for sure don't want that. I can't be like a parent to them today as if they were still in elementary school. I know this time is urgent and so influencial. My time is running out and I do feel a little bit of panic at times but I have to remain that positive influence in their lives. I still have to be that leader they need me to be. I still have to hold their hand but just so they don't notice it as much.
My words of encouragement are critical during this season. I have to transition in my ways I communicate and some of those times are going to be AWKARD! I need to listen more than talk and when I do - choose my words carefully. This time right now is laying the foundation to kind of relationship I want to have with them when they are adults. Along with yesterdays post on "thewalk" - I think these times ahead have to have some fun in them as well.
I'm fighting for my son and "mykids" - their spiritual health as well as their emotional health and that means more intentional time invested in them.
A few short years and they will be on a college campus somewhere living life that you have helped mold and shape. I want those relationships to be right and God honoring.
That all begins with words of encouragement. They need positive relationships and the truth of the matter is - so do we.
Life changing words.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Have you ever laughed so hard that milk came out of your nose? Admit it, you have. Maybe it was soda or sweet tea - regardless of the fluid, I bet you have had one of those moments where something happened or someone said something and it really hit the funny bone. Odd thing is, often times that happens not because of something we did. I mean, laughing at ourselves is something foreign today. Its a tough place to get to in our walk in this life. I see it day in and day out where people at work are too serious, can't laugh or take a joke, they seem like their stuff dont stink or maybe they just have forgotten how to laugh.
Laughter is a BIG deal. A good sense of humor not only makes you more attractive, but it helps others feel more comfortable around you. I think there is a lot of crazy stuff in this world, look where I am with leading and investing my time with teens, and everyone could use a little more laughter in their lives.
There is not a great deal of laughter really in Gods word but if you really read the scriptures, I can imagine Jesus laughing at times during his ministry. Just because he didn't leave specific instructions on how to laugh, when to giggle, snort or have coffee shoot through your nose, doesn't mean it didn't happen. I mean laughter is real so God invented it right?
I am so excited that one of my students who has been missing for a few months has turned the corner and got back on track. I have had the chance to pray with her the last few morning over text message and she is asking for scripture that she can read and then talk a little about the meaning and what it says to her. I am SO pumped about that, especially when I have a few others students who seem to be fading a little and straying from the paths and where they should be walking. That is hard for me and all I can do is pray for them and pray that they don't go down a journey that takes too long to come back and one that strays too far. This morning I shared Proverbs 17:22 with her and its the topic of "thewalk" today.
Proverbs 17:22 - A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a persons strength.
There are 2 words I want to talk about today. Joy and Contentment.
Joy as defined by dictionary.com - the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; something or someone greatly valued or appreciated
Contentment as defined by dictionary.com - the state of being contented; satisfaction; ease of mind; mentally or emotionally satisfied with things as they are; is a peaceful kind of happiness in which one rests without desires.
When I think of the word Joy, it beings to mind feelings of being happy, good times and laughter. If joy is in your life today, it is usually accompanied by smiles and the ability to laugh. Even if laughing comes because of you. Its easier to find laughter and joy when there is joy in your life. Laughter helps bring joy into the lives of others. Many times as I stand for the first few minutes in front of our students, I like to start with something funny. Even if its making fun of myself because laughter breaks the ice. Laughter brings common ground and eases the tension in the room and even between people. Laughter is one of the most effective ways to communicate. Laughter can also gain another person attention and when you have the confidence and ability to make fun of yourself, it can increase your credibility and you come across as a real person.
I love to be around people who love to laugh and have a good time.
A sense of humor is often what people say about doctors who are almost always serious. Bed side manners as they call it. Just yesterday in the hospital, the nurse came in and she looked like she was having a tough day. She had a job to do and her bedside manners were not on target but after a few minutes interacting with me and the folks in the room - she was laughing and the stress and tension of her day seems to melt away.
There is power in a smile. We have no idea what is going on in the lives of those we meet every single day. We dont know what is going on in the life of that bank teller, the drive through lady at McDonalds, the Lowes foods lady ringing up your order or your boss who seems to be in a funk lately.
There are so many who walk around with a frown, always looking down, always seeing the worst in everything and everyone. I have some of them around me. They are tough at times to be around. They take my energy like nothing else can. A broken spirit saps a persons strength as Proverbs 17:22 tells us. Often times it not only saps their strength but everyone around them.
Its sad seeing someone you know lose their smile in life and thats a quality that needs to be developed as you travel through life.
I just love this word contentment because it brings peace to your life and into your heart. You have to be ok sometimes just being ok. I heard someone say once, "if you cant find contentment in your life, then you will just have to take medicine".
My wife tells me from time to time I need to be on drugs.. not only for what I have been called to do with investing my heart and soul into teens but also the DRAMA that comes from them. I have my moments where I honestly can say - I am on overload. I just can't take one more moment of all the flippin drama. Why are we all playing these games? I sometimes forget I was a teenager once and I am sure I did my damage on my mom and dad. Looking back, there are many moments of now being shamed, embarrassed or just down right wrong and rude. Mom - Dad - I am sorry!! I pray Kyle doesn't do anything close to what I have put you both through!
I think one of the things that so many people forget about as we go about life is always looking for the next big thing, the next big experience, exciting thing or whatever. We are just not happy or satisfied with things right now. We have this mentality that it can always be better.
Notice again the definition of contentment - is a peaceful kind of happiness in which one rests without desires.
What a wonderful place to be. Peace, no worries and no desires. Everything in harmony with each other. Now I know why so many people take drugs... so they can find this place! Sad that far too many of us, teens and adults alike, are searching in the wrong places. They have not fully experienced all this through Christ. Maybe you have a teenager who had a good close and personal walk with Christ the past few years and now they are all over the place. They are mad, treat people bad and are rude and they entire person and spirit has changed. Contentment has been lost because maybe now they are searching for that next big thing. They are not happy right now with things. There walk is too hard with Christ. Outside influences are pulling them in a 100 directions. Maybe this is you.
Let me ask you this loved ones, as selfishness rises in your life your happiness and joy will decrease. Are you so worried about how you look or who you hang out with at lunch or having a boyfriend or girlfriend or you just worry about way too much that you are not focusing on God and what he might have for you today? If God wanted to use you today for something great, would you even hear him? Are you just too busy, ipod always playing, always on facebook, always wondering if people like you, always worried about your makeup or your hair - would you even hear him?
Loved ones, laughter is very much like tears in a persons life. I have shed my full amount of tears and I am not ashamed of it but I also shed my shares of smiles as well. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? I think you are beginning to see my point.
I bet Jesus laughed many times if we just think between the lines. As friends lowered a man through the ceiling down to Jesus for him to heal him, imagine Jesus with ceiling tiles falling all around him as this man was lowered down. Jesus tells the men to cast their nets on the other side of the boat after they have been fishing all night catching nothing. Now they have a load of fish SO full its breaking their nets. Imagine Jesus smiling at the wedding when he turned water into wine and nobody knew until they started sipping it. You know how that is right? You think you have a cherry coke in the glass and sweat tea is tasted! Thats worth smiling about! I bet Jesus had a time with that miracle and watching the looks on everyone faces.
Through Christ, a cheerful heart is good medicine. I think we all need to laugh more and smile more. Smiling burns calories and are contagious. So spread them and let your heart show because your smile reflects where your heart is.
:) - Lonnie
Laughter is a BIG deal. A good sense of humor not only makes you more attractive, but it helps others feel more comfortable around you. I think there is a lot of crazy stuff in this world, look where I am with leading and investing my time with teens, and everyone could use a little more laughter in their lives.
There is not a great deal of laughter really in Gods word but if you really read the scriptures, I can imagine Jesus laughing at times during his ministry. Just because he didn't leave specific instructions on how to laugh, when to giggle, snort or have coffee shoot through your nose, doesn't mean it didn't happen. I mean laughter is real so God invented it right?
I am so excited that one of my students who has been missing for a few months has turned the corner and got back on track. I have had the chance to pray with her the last few morning over text message and she is asking for scripture that she can read and then talk a little about the meaning and what it says to her. I am SO pumped about that, especially when I have a few others students who seem to be fading a little and straying from the paths and where they should be walking. That is hard for me and all I can do is pray for them and pray that they don't go down a journey that takes too long to come back and one that strays too far. This morning I shared Proverbs 17:22 with her and its the topic of "thewalk" today.
Proverbs 17:22 - A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a persons strength.
There are 2 words I want to talk about today. Joy and Contentment.
Joy as defined by dictionary.com - the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; something or someone greatly valued or appreciated
Contentment as defined by dictionary.com - the state of being contented; satisfaction; ease of mind; mentally or emotionally satisfied with things as they are; is a peaceful kind of happiness in which one rests without desires.
When I think of the word Joy, it beings to mind feelings of being happy, good times and laughter. If joy is in your life today, it is usually accompanied by smiles and the ability to laugh. Even if laughing comes because of you. Its easier to find laughter and joy when there is joy in your life. Laughter helps bring joy into the lives of others. Many times as I stand for the first few minutes in front of our students, I like to start with something funny. Even if its making fun of myself because laughter breaks the ice. Laughter brings common ground and eases the tension in the room and even between people. Laughter is one of the most effective ways to communicate. Laughter can also gain another person attention and when you have the confidence and ability to make fun of yourself, it can increase your credibility and you come across as a real person.
I love to be around people who love to laugh and have a good time.
A sense of humor is often what people say about doctors who are almost always serious. Bed side manners as they call it. Just yesterday in the hospital, the nurse came in and she looked like she was having a tough day. She had a job to do and her bedside manners were not on target but after a few minutes interacting with me and the folks in the room - she was laughing and the stress and tension of her day seems to melt away.
There is power in a smile. We have no idea what is going on in the lives of those we meet every single day. We dont know what is going on in the life of that bank teller, the drive through lady at McDonalds, the Lowes foods lady ringing up your order or your boss who seems to be in a funk lately.
There are so many who walk around with a frown, always looking down, always seeing the worst in everything and everyone. I have some of them around me. They are tough at times to be around. They take my energy like nothing else can. A broken spirit saps a persons strength as Proverbs 17:22 tells us. Often times it not only saps their strength but everyone around them.
Its sad seeing someone you know lose their smile in life and thats a quality that needs to be developed as you travel through life.
I just love this word contentment because it brings peace to your life and into your heart. You have to be ok sometimes just being ok. I heard someone say once, "if you cant find contentment in your life, then you will just have to take medicine".
My wife tells me from time to time I need to be on drugs.. not only for what I have been called to do with investing my heart and soul into teens but also the DRAMA that comes from them. I have my moments where I honestly can say - I am on overload. I just can't take one more moment of all the flippin drama. Why are we all playing these games? I sometimes forget I was a teenager once and I am sure I did my damage on my mom and dad. Looking back, there are many moments of now being shamed, embarrassed or just down right wrong and rude. Mom - Dad - I am sorry!! I pray Kyle doesn't do anything close to what I have put you both through!
I think one of the things that so many people forget about as we go about life is always looking for the next big thing, the next big experience, exciting thing or whatever. We are just not happy or satisfied with things right now. We have this mentality that it can always be better.
Notice again the definition of contentment - is a peaceful kind of happiness in which one rests without desires.
What a wonderful place to be. Peace, no worries and no desires. Everything in harmony with each other. Now I know why so many people take drugs... so they can find this place! Sad that far too many of us, teens and adults alike, are searching in the wrong places. They have not fully experienced all this through Christ. Maybe you have a teenager who had a good close and personal walk with Christ the past few years and now they are all over the place. They are mad, treat people bad and are rude and they entire person and spirit has changed. Contentment has been lost because maybe now they are searching for that next big thing. They are not happy right now with things. There walk is too hard with Christ. Outside influences are pulling them in a 100 directions. Maybe this is you.
Let me ask you this loved ones, as selfishness rises in your life your happiness and joy will decrease. Are you so worried about how you look or who you hang out with at lunch or having a boyfriend or girlfriend or you just worry about way too much that you are not focusing on God and what he might have for you today? If God wanted to use you today for something great, would you even hear him? Are you just too busy, ipod always playing, always on facebook, always wondering if people like you, always worried about your makeup or your hair - would you even hear him?
Loved ones, laughter is very much like tears in a persons life. I have shed my full amount of tears and I am not ashamed of it but I also shed my shares of smiles as well. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? I think you are beginning to see my point.
I bet Jesus laughed many times if we just think between the lines. As friends lowered a man through the ceiling down to Jesus for him to heal him, imagine Jesus with ceiling tiles falling all around him as this man was lowered down. Jesus tells the men to cast their nets on the other side of the boat after they have been fishing all night catching nothing. Now they have a load of fish SO full its breaking their nets. Imagine Jesus smiling at the wedding when he turned water into wine and nobody knew until they started sipping it. You know how that is right? You think you have a cherry coke in the glass and sweat tea is tasted! Thats worth smiling about! I bet Jesus had a time with that miracle and watching the looks on everyone faces.
Through Christ, a cheerful heart is good medicine. I think we all need to laugh more and smile more. Smiling burns calories and are contagious. So spread them and let your heart show because your smile reflects where your heart is.
:) - Lonnie
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A few weeks ago as folks were showing up to rock group someone brought it to my attention that my welcome mat at the front door was backwards. We made it into a joke that it was for those leaving - meaning as they walked out it meant - Welcome to leave and that brought some more jokes and comments. I was awake this morning at 4 thinking about that welcome mat.
We - Come - Me - There are 3 very important words in there. My mat on the front step is old and even though its old it is still in good shape. I am ashamed of that. It should be worn out from inviting folks through my front door and into my home. Jesus would want it that way.
This past few days off, I admit I not only pulled my mat at the cabin in the house - I was just down right rude. Some folks we know up there stopped by for a quick visit while headed home from their family thanksgiving. Jets were on and I was watching the game. Everyone in the house had their place and doing their thing. The family came up and their 10 year old daughter walked in and said hey to me with a big smile. It was good to see her and we spoke briefly before she moved over to hang with the kids in the house. For the next 10 or so minutes I got to see them move away from her, avoid her, comment how annoying she was and was just down right mean. I mean who is the bigger person here - she is 10 and wanted to fit in, say hello, and spend some time. I was really upset and in being that upset - I did the same thing by not plugging into the adults who came to visit us. I didn't even get out of my chair or walk out and say welcome. The welcome mat to my home, people who don't know Jesus - I did not invite in and were not welcome. I was just as guilty as the kids were in their treatment to someone else.
We - As a family ..... we act as one when it comes to people coming into our homes.
Come - Yes we have to have arms extended to let folks come into our homes and into our lives.
Me - Yes Jesus met people right where they are in life. We have to be more welcoming to let people come into our lives as they are and not wait till they get life in order or up to some standard before they are welcome to come in.
I honestly think Christ would be ticked by our actions ...especially mine. I have to see the church and its people through Christs eyes and not my own. Focusing in on peoples problems, their struggles and where they are in life. I called and apologized last night for my rudeness and will work and serve them to make this right. I think this will allow a door to open for sharing the Gospel of Christ in a very practical way.
Luke 5:27-31
After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. "Follow me", Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed him. Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?" Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."
How can we follow Jesus and reach out to the lost if we are only grouped and hanging out with our peeps in a holy huddle? We need to extend the hand of grace and show them what Christ has done in our lives and we can't do that if we are huddled together in the same circles of people all the time. Levi being a tax collector at that time was considered the worst of the worst as far as people go. He was a crook, ran over people, took unfairly, had power over the people he collected from. He of course had friends and had people he hung out with ...we all have circles of friends we do life with. Jesus came and said those simple words - Follow me - and Levi dropped everything. Changed his way of life in that moment and left it all behind. He left the mafia of that time just like that. He then wanted to throw a party and celebrate and enjoy his new found teacher and friend. The one who changed him from the inside out - he invited his friends. As the leaders of that day sat and watched - they couldn't believe their eyes as Jesus sat with his disciples with these low life people who were far from God and the rules of that time. They asked and were ticked as to why Jesus was with them! And here is my point today loved ones, they were upset that Jesus was not with them.
Jesus reached out and touched those who would not be touched. He told the Samaritan woman all about her life and what did she do at the well? She left and went and told everyone she knew about the man who new everything about her. He didn't judge her or degrade her or tell her she should get her life straight and quit doing the things she was doing and then come back. He touched her where she was in life and while standing on his WELCOME MAT.
Loved ones, our welcome mats to our homes are exactly what our friends and neighbors should be - Welcome. - Welcome into our homes and into our lives. Community and doing life together.
As I think about all the prayers this morning for so many who need them - I am thankful that my heart and my life is open to them. As I pray and pour my heart out for them those prayers change us ...they change me.
Our life stories have to have something other than US in it..... Our lives should be lived with beauty in them and that begins by letting others in and welcoming them as they are. You are loved dear ones and the Gospel in my life needs to be shared because their is hope and beauty in it.
I will be at Lowes this evening getting a new Welcome mat and you are invited to help me rub out those letters.
Love you all,
Monday, November 29, 2010
I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and enjoyed the break and change of routine. I am glad to be back in routine but thankful for the change of pace. Odd for me these past few days - I actually had my phone off, checked facebook only a few times and mostly deleted my email through my phone so that it would be less to look at when I did plug back in. I think often times when we have a few days off we come back and are overwhelmed with things. I can tell when I am overwhelmed because I have trouble focusing on my thoughts and this is where it usually shows up.
On Saturday I had my Bible open and God placed something on my heart and so for the next few days I have been thinking about that. Do you ever wonder why the first 4 chapter of the New Testament is refereed to as the Gospels? It sounds odd to refer to the Book of John instead of the Gospel of John. So lets dig a little deeper into that word and maybe it will come to life in a new way today.
Gospel as per Dictionary.com -
1. Teaching of Jesus and the apostles; Christian revelation.
2 The story of Christ's life and teachings, especially as contained in the first 4 books in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
3. Something regarded as true and implicitly believed
4. Also called Gospel Truth - an unquestionable truth.
There is without a doubt that the stories written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are truth. Just using the word Gospel makes it that much more concrete. Without question .... it is the truth. That is being bold enough to stand on, to place your heart and life on. If life change has truly happened and you are following Christ, it will not only just affect some of the things you do - it will affect your heart, your words, your actions, your motives, your thoughts, your life and everything in it. It will be asking God for opportunities to talk with people, its listening for those life directional whispers, its being different for the right reasons. You will stand out and you will experience pain like you never have before. Its good pain though because its not about you, but your entire being will be broke for those around you.
As I look around and see the people that I have influence with - I can't be just instructing them. I cannot lead if they are not wanting or even willing to follow. People need to be reminded instead of instructed.
Our friendships have to have some Gospel in them. They have to be honest and pure and open - open in the mind, the heart and in that place where well being of the other person will trump over your own. The Gospels are that truth and that level and so a few of our friendships should be that way too.
I am so not that surface person. You know that level one of communication where we are just scratching the surface.... what I do for a living, the weather ...blah blah blah ... I just dont have much time for that mess. I am personal and am eager for those deeper conversations - especially when it comes to the those I have influence with but it can't be me just doing all the talking and leading all the time. I think in order to get to that place with people there has to be a level of acceptance of knowing WHO you are and WHERE you currently are. You cant let people in if you dont know where you are at right? There has to be some level of vulnerability otherwise you will never get past the surface. You will never get past the weather, what you do for a living, the Panthers..... stuck.
The only way to push to the next level is being vulnerable and that is a scary place for some because it may allow pain into your life. Its emotionally being wounded but see that is where the WHO comes into play. By knowing WHO you are and who you are following and who you are leading - you can be vulnerable because before anything else in this life - hopefully you are following Christ and you are HIS first before you are a husband/wife/parent or friend.
Show the Gospel - the truth - in your life and doing so sometimes you need to get naked. NOT clothes related silly dirty mind person, I know what you're thinking, I am talking about your guard and letting some people see the real you. Always preach the Gospel and on occasion, use words.
Being who you are isn't always easy. It's much easier to hide behind the masks we get so good at holding up to cover the real you. When you put the mask down and become transparent with who you are, you'll deepen your relationships...... one of which is the most important and that is with Christ.
He is the Gospel - the truth - the unquestionable truth!
Loved ones, in spite of our fears, we have a deep, inner craving to tell someone who we really are and what we really are like - without the masks. I see this all the time in student ministry and in other areas of my life as well. But this isnt easy to do but let me say that the old me, was a quiet self centered all about me person. I didn't have many friends, didn't care much for people unless they affected me or did something for me. I didn't let many people into my inner circle. Just when be begin to be real, our fears creep in and we quickly raise our shields of protection where we think its safe and comfortable ...... and LONELY.
One thing I have learned in leading and being in front of so many people is that you have to be transparent. You have to let your guard down and let people see, let the know, let them feel that you are just as jacked up as they are. Yes there are struggles and difficulties and fears but by letting other in to see that - you become real to them. You become honest and genuine and the word that our youth is looking and seeking today from people is AUTHENTIC.
Loved ones, let the Gospel come from everything in you. Let it infect your spirit, your heart and in your soul. God can lead you to so many incredible places and give you so many incredible friendships and people in your life that you would never even know without Him.
I will end in Galations 6:9-10 - I pray something spurs your heart.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Friends, praying for the corn without knowing what we are planting leads to bad choices and decisions. Good voices lead to good choices. Pray for those seeds you are planting every single day. I believe a sprout will come from the ground when its in season and in the proper timing.
What is your Gospel in life showing others?
On Saturday I had my Bible open and God placed something on my heart and so for the next few days I have been thinking about that. Do you ever wonder why the first 4 chapter of the New Testament is refereed to as the Gospels? It sounds odd to refer to the Book of John instead of the Gospel of John. So lets dig a little deeper into that word and maybe it will come to life in a new way today.
Gospel as per Dictionary.com -
1. Teaching of Jesus and the apostles; Christian revelation.
2 The story of Christ's life and teachings, especially as contained in the first 4 books in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
3. Something regarded as true and implicitly believed
4. Also called Gospel Truth - an unquestionable truth.
There is without a doubt that the stories written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are truth. Just using the word Gospel makes it that much more concrete. Without question .... it is the truth. That is being bold enough to stand on, to place your heart and life on. If life change has truly happened and you are following Christ, it will not only just affect some of the things you do - it will affect your heart, your words, your actions, your motives, your thoughts, your life and everything in it. It will be asking God for opportunities to talk with people, its listening for those life directional whispers, its being different for the right reasons. You will stand out and you will experience pain like you never have before. Its good pain though because its not about you, but your entire being will be broke for those around you.
As I look around and see the people that I have influence with - I can't be just instructing them. I cannot lead if they are not wanting or even willing to follow. People need to be reminded instead of instructed.
Our friendships have to have some Gospel in them. They have to be honest and pure and open - open in the mind, the heart and in that place where well being of the other person will trump over your own. The Gospels are that truth and that level and so a few of our friendships should be that way too.
I am so not that surface person. You know that level one of communication where we are just scratching the surface.... what I do for a living, the weather ...blah blah blah ... I just dont have much time for that mess. I am personal and am eager for those deeper conversations - especially when it comes to the those I have influence with but it can't be me just doing all the talking and leading all the time. I think in order to get to that place with people there has to be a level of acceptance of knowing WHO you are and WHERE you currently are. You cant let people in if you dont know where you are at right? There has to be some level of vulnerability otherwise you will never get past the surface. You will never get past the weather, what you do for a living, the Panthers..... stuck.
The only way to push to the next level is being vulnerable and that is a scary place for some because it may allow pain into your life. Its emotionally being wounded but see that is where the WHO comes into play. By knowing WHO you are and who you are following and who you are leading - you can be vulnerable because before anything else in this life - hopefully you are following Christ and you are HIS first before you are a husband/wife/parent or friend.
Show the Gospel - the truth - in your life and doing so sometimes you need to get naked. NOT clothes related silly dirty mind person, I know what you're thinking, I am talking about your guard and letting some people see the real you. Always preach the Gospel and on occasion, use words.
Being who you are isn't always easy. It's much easier to hide behind the masks we get so good at holding up to cover the real you. When you put the mask down and become transparent with who you are, you'll deepen your relationships...... one of which is the most important and that is with Christ.
He is the Gospel - the truth - the unquestionable truth!
Loved ones, in spite of our fears, we have a deep, inner craving to tell someone who we really are and what we really are like - without the masks. I see this all the time in student ministry and in other areas of my life as well. But this isnt easy to do but let me say that the old me, was a quiet self centered all about me person. I didn't have many friends, didn't care much for people unless they affected me or did something for me. I didn't let many people into my inner circle. Just when be begin to be real, our fears creep in and we quickly raise our shields of protection where we think its safe and comfortable ...... and LONELY.
One thing I have learned in leading and being in front of so many people is that you have to be transparent. You have to let your guard down and let people see, let the know, let them feel that you are just as jacked up as they are. Yes there are struggles and difficulties and fears but by letting other in to see that - you become real to them. You become honest and genuine and the word that our youth is looking and seeking today from people is AUTHENTIC.
Loved ones, let the Gospel come from everything in you. Let it infect your spirit, your heart and in your soul. God can lead you to so many incredible places and give you so many incredible friendships and people in your life that you would never even know without Him.
I will end in Galations 6:9-10 - I pray something spurs your heart.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Friends, praying for the corn without knowing what we are planting leads to bad choices and decisions. Good voices lead to good choices. Pray for those seeds you are planting every single day. I believe a sprout will come from the ground when its in season and in the proper timing.
What is your Gospel in life showing others?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thankful as per dictionary.com - Feeling or expressing gratitude; Appreciative.
Gratitude as per dictionary.com - The quality or feeling of being thankful.
Do you know that it is possible to be thankful but not grateful? See being thankful usually comes from someone doing something FOR you. If someone does something for you and its a positive experience than we are usually thankful. If its not a good experience we are usually not. Being grateful happens regardless if we or someone does something for us. We are grateful for that friendship even though that person may not have done anything for us.
So as I sit down with millions of others tomorrow for Thanksgiving - I will be thinking about Gratefulgiving. I am not only going to be thankful this thanksgiving for all the blessings in my life, all the things I have done to serve others, thankful for all the things that others have done for my family and I but I will be grateful as well. Grateful because I dont deserve any of it. I did not earn any of it and its not because of my works and what God is doing in my life. I did not earn my friendships that mean so much to me -
Mark 12:41-44 - Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in 2 very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything - all she had to live on."
Being grateful leaves a mark on our lives because its in us and regardless of what is happening, what we are going through, what people have done for us - its our heart that shows. Being grateful is showing your heart and that person shines their sunbeams through the clouds. The poor woman Jesus speaks of above in Mark 12 clearly shows us that she gave ALL she had and trusted God with ALL she had to give.
God has called us to be 100% following Him - to be SOULED out for Him. I will be thinking about the children and the families that my heart will get to personally touch this summer when I am in Jamaica. It changes everything when gratitude comes before being thankful. Being thankful is usually on the receiving end and gratitude is on the giving end.
It changes my priorities - It doesnt take a busy season for our priorities to get out of whack. Its easy to fall into the trap of self when our priorities are not aligned with Gods heart. A grateful heart is more open and aware of Gods work in our lives. It helps us understand whats REALLY important. It challenges us in our thinking about our "wants" and our "needs".
Being content in all situations shows us where our spiritual maturity is. Us being thankful trumps our I WANTS. The poor lady who gave all she had was thankful for her spiritual gifts that she has in Christ. We can't help but to have a greater compassion for others when we give Christ everything.
Gratitude builds our faith because we recognize what Christ is doing in our lives. When we think of Gods faithfulness, we position our hearts to trust him more. He has given us everything "we need".
So starting for some of us today and for the next few days - Are you going to be "Thankful" or "Grateful" ? Thanksgiving or Gratefulgiving?
Most people when they read this story they focus on the amount given that the poor woman gave. Its not the 2 coins that matter the most - Its the the 2 coins that represent her heart, her soul, her mind. She totally trusted God in her present and in her future.
"Thankful" to be giving and "Grateful" to do it. Thankfulness is being poured into but Gratefulness is pouring out. I pray that really sinks deep into your hearts and changes some perspectives for you. It has stretched me the last few weeks.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. There is so much to be Grateful for.
Gratitude as per dictionary.com - The quality or feeling of being thankful.
Do you know that it is possible to be thankful but not grateful? See being thankful usually comes from someone doing something FOR you. If someone does something for you and its a positive experience than we are usually thankful. If its not a good experience we are usually not. Being grateful happens regardless if we or someone does something for us. We are grateful for that friendship even though that person may not have done anything for us.
So as I sit down with millions of others tomorrow for Thanksgiving - I will be thinking about Gratefulgiving. I am not only going to be thankful this thanksgiving for all the blessings in my life, all the things I have done to serve others, thankful for all the things that others have done for my family and I but I will be grateful as well. Grateful because I dont deserve any of it. I did not earn any of it and its not because of my works and what God is doing in my life. I did not earn my friendships that mean so much to me -
Mark 12:41-44 - Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in 2 very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything - all she had to live on."
Being grateful leaves a mark on our lives because its in us and regardless of what is happening, what we are going through, what people have done for us - its our heart that shows. Being grateful is showing your heart and that person shines their sunbeams through the clouds. The poor woman Jesus speaks of above in Mark 12 clearly shows us that she gave ALL she had and trusted God with ALL she had to give.
God has called us to be 100% following Him - to be SOULED out for Him. I will be thinking about the children and the families that my heart will get to personally touch this summer when I am in Jamaica. It changes everything when gratitude comes before being thankful. Being thankful is usually on the receiving end and gratitude is on the giving end.
It changes my priorities - It doesnt take a busy season for our priorities to get out of whack. Its easy to fall into the trap of self when our priorities are not aligned with Gods heart. A grateful heart is more open and aware of Gods work in our lives. It helps us understand whats REALLY important. It challenges us in our thinking about our "wants" and our "needs".
Being content in all situations shows us where our spiritual maturity is. Us being thankful trumps our I WANTS. The poor lady who gave all she had was thankful for her spiritual gifts that she has in Christ. We can't help but to have a greater compassion for others when we give Christ everything.
Gratitude builds our faith because we recognize what Christ is doing in our lives. When we think of Gods faithfulness, we position our hearts to trust him more. He has given us everything "we need".
So starting for some of us today and for the next few days - Are you going to be "Thankful" or "Grateful" ? Thanksgiving or Gratefulgiving?
Most people when they read this story they focus on the amount given that the poor woman gave. Its not the 2 coins that matter the most - Its the the 2 coins that represent her heart, her soul, her mind. She totally trusted God in her present and in her future.
"Thankful" to be giving and "Grateful" to do it. Thankfulness is being poured into but Gratefulness is pouring out. I pray that really sinks deep into your hearts and changes some perspectives for you. It has stretched me the last few weeks.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. There is so much to be Grateful for.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I just got a call a little while ago that a good friend of mine at a normal kinda routine doc appointment has been rushed to the ER for surgery. My family and I will be extending some help for them and their children. Please be in prayer for Gina and her family.
I woke in a pretty tough place this morning as I did not get any sleep last night. I hate that part of ministry and ministering to others. They keep me up at night and nothing but Gods grace on me will settle my heart down from the pain and give me peace and rest. I can try and talk myself into it, take an extra PM pill and still the hurt heart will keep you awake, the mind continues to run in all different directions and then suddenly, you realize that all this IS worth it. The people in my life are worth fighting FOR and if that means a season of hard tough things, I will do my part and more than my share of carrying the load, the hurt and doing without to fight for them. But to be honest and this is me showing my heart on my sleeve once again but I don't really care about it all that much because being humble is not such a bad place to be. Pride keeps us from our faith and being humbled gives us new eyes.
Man this is hard. You know what? It is HARD! Maybe this is why Paul encourages us in doing the "Work" of ministry. It is WORK and hard work at that. You put your heart out there. You offer Grace and acceptance and love to people. You sow seed. You make phone calls. You send text messages. You send FaceBook posts full of encouragement. You extend the hand of friendship and leadership. You pick up the phone in the middle of the night. You drop everything to meet the cries and you shoulder the tears. You get involved in family and personal matters. You extend yourself far from the comfort zone. And at the end of the day, you just feel like you've been ripped to shreds. But somehow you hang in there, determined to keep sowing seed. Sure, I may be a fool, but I'm a special kind of fool. I'm the fool who still believes that a tiny green sprout will rise up from the dirt.
Proverbs 15:22 - Plans fail for a lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed. We have to have older people investing their wisdom into our lives. Submit yourself to older people of faith.
Everyone needs a Paul in their life to be poured into. Right voices lead to right choices.
A worn Bible is a beautiful thing.
I woke in a pretty tough place this morning as I did not get any sleep last night. I hate that part of ministry and ministering to others. They keep me up at night and nothing but Gods grace on me will settle my heart down from the pain and give me peace and rest. I can try and talk myself into it, take an extra PM pill and still the hurt heart will keep you awake, the mind continues to run in all different directions and then suddenly, you realize that all this IS worth it. The people in my life are worth fighting FOR and if that means a season of hard tough things, I will do my part and more than my share of carrying the load, the hurt and doing without to fight for them. But to be honest and this is me showing my heart on my sleeve once again but I don't really care about it all that much because being humble is not such a bad place to be. Pride keeps us from our faith and being humbled gives us new eyes.
Man this is hard. You know what? It is HARD! Maybe this is why Paul encourages us in doing the "Work" of ministry. It is WORK and hard work at that. You put your heart out there. You offer Grace and acceptance and love to people. You sow seed. You make phone calls. You send text messages. You send FaceBook posts full of encouragement. You extend the hand of friendship and leadership. You pick up the phone in the middle of the night. You drop everything to meet the cries and you shoulder the tears. You get involved in family and personal matters. You extend yourself far from the comfort zone. And at the end of the day, you just feel like you've been ripped to shreds. But somehow you hang in there, determined to keep sowing seed. Sure, I may be a fool, but I'm a special kind of fool. I'm the fool who still believes that a tiny green sprout will rise up from the dirt.
Proverbs 15:22 - Plans fail for a lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed. We have to have older people investing their wisdom into our lives. Submit yourself to older people of faith.
Everyone needs a Paul in their life to be poured into. Right voices lead to right choices.
A worn Bible is a beautiful thing.
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