Good news as of last night that both my dad and brother are doing well. My dad is home and hopefully soon will be back to getting around with ease. My brother is still in ICU in Winston but if all goes well today - he will be in a room tomorrow sometime. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for them.
Last night we got to serve our community by way of the Christmas center through the Salvation Army. 47 folks came out to serve, drop off their gifts for the Angel Tree Program and put things into order for next week as they prepare for distribution to the families. As I get pumped for Monday - I couldnt help but to think about the families that this program will be touching this Christmas season. Many of these families would not otherwise share in gifts for the kids because times are hard for them. $24000 a year for a family of four does not go far by the time you pay rent, buy food and clothing and pay the light bill. There is just not enough margin to do much and often times these families have fallen on hard times by no other means other than something happening to them. I am sure they did not plan on their situations - a loss of a job, a loss of parent, unplanned pregnancy or having to take care of a aging parent, drug addiction that they are trying to overcome .... a haste decision - who knows what story is behind those worried faces. We all have a story to tell and I think about those children picking up their gifts next week - I wonder how many of them were served a hot meal on Sunday through the Center of Hope. My heart just is full of compassion for these folks but for the brief moments coming up as the children get to open their gifts, their parents some of which with tears in their eyes because of the love that is poured out and into them will have the chance to forget how painful life is. Its a brief pause in their suffering and surroundings. I really am pressed for our students and the families I am doing life with to really take a step back and see how blessed they truly are. I hear compaining all the time, my cell phone sucks, I don't have the newest Ipod, my sister wears my clothes, I dont have this or have that or there is no food in the house. I wonder if God really gets tired of our complaining? Do you realize just how good we all have it?
I think about our faith as it shows in an American way. We have really no idea about suffering, or poverty or hunger as the world knows it. Sure we have places in our cities where we have homeless and poor people in our distant communities but I am talking a completely different level. I think that is why Jamaica and Kenya has been so heavy on my heart. God knows the compassion that is in my heart for people, especially the kids, and to experience faith outside the bounderies and comforts of America will sure be life changing. As I talk about these experiences and take students and families to serve their community in impactful ways ... its hard not to be just humbled. I have tears in my eyes thinking of the girls leading those christmas songs at the Center of Hope Sunday with the children. I will be beside myself when folks come Monday to pick up their gifts and you get to walk out a family to help them put stuff often times in a borrowed car or a shopping basket only to walk to where they spent the night last night. Those conversations are impactful and the ear fulls of thank you will be heart changing.

I was on one of websites that I am looking into for these upcoming mission trips and I came across a young girl about 5. Though in a place where there is if any water at all is dirty and filthy, a dry area where crops are hard to come by and income is about zero. Finding enough food for the day is hard pressed to even sustain one self for the day. She probably had not had a clean bath in months, no shoes, hair not combed and matted, a cinderella dress that had holes and rips in it and filthy. I stared at that picture for a good 5 minutes praying for her, wondering how hard life really is for her and her family but the thing that I noticed more is the smile. I cant even explain it really because I don't even have words for it. Even as I think about the dispair that these children go through every single day - God doesnt see them that way.
Romans 8:16-18 The spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are Gods children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs of God and co heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
Time and time again as I dig further into the stories of lives that went to change and encourage come back even more changed and encouraged - I can see God at work in all of it. Odd how some see what they want to see - they see suffering and hurting people but if you look past the outside, the inside is full of joy and the love of Christ. I think about the folks who will be going with me and us walking to the places where we are going to serve and be the hands and feet of Christ and I can't help but to be overwhelmed at times as the children I will see come running, hugging and singing to us. I can't help but to think of the piggy back rides, the hand holding as my hand holds their little hands and fingers - though probably more worn and tough than mine. I think about washing their feet and wiping tears off their faces and praying with them as I share who Jesus is and how much they are not forgotten.
Luke 10:21 - At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do." 23 - Then he turned to his disciples and said privately, "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and hear what you hear but did not hear it".
I think about the smiles and the hearts that will be shared together as one. Though miles and miles apart- though what seems like a world away - what looks like from the outside no hope and complete despair ... on the inside God is changing the world one heart at a time.
Comfort zones keep us complacent and eventually our faith and our lives fade over time. We lose that passion in life that God has given us to be fully alive in Him. As I spoke with my dear friend Shelley last night - Its so hard not to be pulled in by her contagious spirit and her warm smile. Its a heart and smile that though fails at times, struggles every day just like everyone else, including mine, is sold out for the things of God. She is so in her element by loving and serving the hurting.
Blessed are the eyes that see what we see. Blessed are the ears that hear what we hear. Lord open our eyes and ears for the things of you today. Press on our hearts the things that matter most to you and help us seek out your face in all people and in all circumstances. Open the doors in our lives to bigger and better things so that we may be humbled again and again by what you are doing all around us. I pray for those little hands Lord and the smiles that have a heart full of joy and praise because that could only come from you. Break our hearts today Lord as we reach forward to serving you by serving those around us. I pray in Jesus name this morning. Amen
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