Thursday, December 2, 2010

Words can build up and words can tear down. What words will you choose to come out of your mouth?
You know the old saying that sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me? - I can say after living through my school years, that its just not true.

Mark 3:5 Likewise, the toungue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts.
Meaning that it can bring great damage or great joy. Our words that we choose to say or not say speak volumes to the people around us. I have a picture frame on my wall in my office that I look at from time to time when my spirit is down. On this picture frame are hand written notes from some of my students with words of encouragement.
Some of which read:
You are always telling me that your proud of me and it makes me feel good about myself.
You are always there for me
I think you're flippin awesome!
I love you!
You always know how to brighten someones day!

I just love the spiritual gift of encouragement. Nothing is more powerful to a person who hears "I believe in you". Those 4 little words can change a life direction for someone. I try my best to find the good in each person and encourage them - even in these tough teenage years when I often feel like they don't want to hear anything from me. Positive words have a way of making us feel warm inside and boost our moral and mood. Don't believe me? Tell your wife, husband, son or daughter something awesome and nice next time you see them and watch their reaction! You will know if you saying encouraging words often enough by their reaction.
Mark Twain once wrote -"I could live 2 months on one good compliment". Each of us needs to hear encouraging words from time to time.
I can remember years ago in my Judo training, there was an older man that pushed us hard and taught me so many things. Not only about Judo but also about character and sportsmanship. Mr. Earnie once said that we would learn more about ourselves when we lose than when we win. I still remember him saying that as if it was yesterday and I even caught myself sharing those same words with my son just a few days ago. Building a person up with words is a great confidence booster. You see it all the time in our gyms and at our ballfields and schools which parents are encouraging their kids or who are ripping them apart.
Kyle played baseball years ago and on this team, the coach was really tough and made examples of his players. So one play during a game the kid made an error and when he finally got back to the dugout, the coach was up his butt screaming at him. Next inning the kid slowly walked out to left field with his head down and his parents were really upset. That kid walked off the field that day and never returned. Our words have power! - even as we type them on Twitter, Facebook or even by not saying anything at all. I hate the quiet treatment the worst!

I try my best to make others feel special. My only problem comes when I am in company of 2 or more teenagers and they are all fighting for my attention. Sometimes feelings get hurt and jelousy kicks in and then one of the students is feeling left out. I just can't win sometimes but the life of a teenager is so complicated and they are like living in a pressurized bubble that could explode at any moment for no apparent reason.
Encouragement can be a tremendous ministry gift to others and can have far greater implications than just making others feel better about themselves. You can actually begin to reveal the love you have for Jesus through your words of encouragement because God has placed those words there and if you let Him influence what you have to say - It will reflect the radiance of Gods love.
Matthew 12:34-35 - How do you suppose what you say is worth anything when you are so foul-minded? It's your heart, not the dictionary, that gives meaning to your words. A good person produces good deeds and words season after season. An evil person is a blight on the orchard. Let me tell you something: Every one of these careless words is going to come back and haunt you. There will be a time of reckoning. Words are powerful; take them seriously. Words can be your salvation. Words can also be your damnation".

Evaluate where you words are and that will gauge where your heart is. If your heart is in a troubled place and negative words keep coming out or you continue to tear people down around you you for sure need to address those heart issues. All of us want to be loved and affirmed and the issue is knowing that we can place ourselves into a position to be loved. Your encouraging words reflect the sourse from which they come from - God.
I am really have to chose my words carefully these days. Somehow my son and a few of my close kids are now teenagers. This means I have to change my parenting skills and methods to move with them in their years of change. Often times we speak down to our teens thinking if we can just keep talking like we used to they wont grow up as fast. Think that through! I am really caught off guard these past few weeks as some of my close kids pull away some. I thought that independance would be waiting until they got their license but that is just not the case. Maybe I am not as cool anymore or maybe I need to have more personal one on one time with them and not so much as a group. I have to admit though that I have walked with kids since my son was in third grade and now he is in 7th. I have walked some miles and some years with many of his friends and classmates. Let me share some heart if you would let me.
These years now are complicated! I have to transition along with them as they move from dependant to independant. Otherwise I will turn out to be the controlling dad or leader in their life. I for sure don't want that. I can't be like a parent to them today as if they were still in elementary school. I know this time is urgent and so influencial. My time is running out and I do feel a little bit of panic at times but I have to remain that positive influence in their lives. I still have to be that leader they need me to be. I still have to hold their hand but just so they don't notice it as much.
My words of encouragement are critical during this season. I have to transition in my ways I communicate and some of those times are going to be AWKARD! I need to listen more than talk and when I do - choose my words carefully. This time right now is laying the foundation to kind of relationship I want to have with them when they are adults. Along with yesterdays post on "thewalk" - I think these times ahead have to have some fun in them as well.
I'm fighting for my son and "mykids" - their spiritual health as well as their emotional health and that means more intentional time invested in them.
A few short years and they will be on a college campus somewhere living life that you have helped mold and shape. I want those relationships to be right and God honoring.

That all begins with words of encouragement. They need positive relationships and the truth of the matter is - so do we.
Life changing words.


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