The last few days I have been under the weather some. Nothing major but for sure it has taken a step or 2 from me. Today I am trying the work from home thing. Its harder than it looks! I am not sure how Carol does this everyday. I guess with my short attention span - its easy to get rolling on a few things at once including some work and answering emails and calls and then looking up and things are rolling everywhere! I did manage to get to the gym and that is a plus! Just not sure I am cut out for this isolation - I need my PEEPS around me and folks to talk to. I guess one would get used to it in time BUT FOR ME it would be a LONG time.
Anyways, had a good day today. Have some things that are bothering me and I need to pray through them. As I examine those things I am reminded of a few words that always bring me focus and direction.
When we honor God in the places no one sees ~ He will honor us in the places everyone sees.
Our walk with Jesus is not private at all. Its actually a very public one. As we do our best to reach out to others ... its very important to make sure our walk is in line with our talk. If its not - you will be exposed as a fake and that is not a place that is good to be in. As a follower of Jesus, people are watching and waiting - sad but true for us to mess things up.
Lord I pray that my heart today is in line with my words and actions. I pray that my intentions to reach the lost as well as those who need encouragement or just a smile would really feel the trueness of my intentions and care. Lord I pray that these things that are on my heart will be handed to you. Handle them for me Lord and provide the vision I need for them to come to pass. Lord I pray that the days ahead, though busy, will be fulfilling for your will above my own. I continue to pray that you give me the vision and trust Lord to continue to take those next steps -even if I don't see them. I pray I am bringing you glory and honor Lord today. Thank you for my family and "MyKids" Lord.... they are blessings that are from you.
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday Blah...

Sorry I am not feeling that well. Hanging tough though as I fight this crud off. Weekend was great with time spent at one of "MyKids" birthday parties, gym on Saturday morning followed by my first time ever ice skating - I can mark that off my list of things to do in my life :) - and then church Sunday morning and Pumpkins! Yes they are here .... I can tell with the cool temps this morning that its PATCH time again.
Love this time of year and with it brings a season of change. Who couldn't use some change in their lives? Anyways, here are a few pictures from yesterday. We had the biggest turn out of help ever on the patch and finished in about an hour. Awesome - isn't it amazing though when the church comes together and serves as one - things get done. More on this later...just enjoy the pictures as my cold meds are in affect. Looking forward to working the patch this October on Wed evenings with our student ministry..... should be a great time together!
Love you all,
Friday, September 25, 2009
Its who I am....

I found this picture a few days ago and it has really wrecked me. Honestly, taking a good look at this picture reminds me who I am today. If only mom could see this. To see who I have become and how life for me has turned into something far different than just a few years ago. This picture was taken during the summer at our Thirst Camp (student ministry camp) week. We got up early after a long day that went well into the morning hours. Very little sleep but ready for the day ahead because the Lord was the focus each day. Morning time spent in the bible for everyone, devotions and then we prayed together before we headed out the door. Why does this not have to happen each and every day? Why do we need to lose the vision like we had that week in our everyday lives? I am still working and serving hard to invest in the kids in this picture as well as many others. I am very blessed to be able to pour my heart into them as I do my best to show them Jesus. They in return are showing me Jesus and we are doing life together. Loving each other, sharing the good and tough times... its what its all about.
I was told at camp that week that I may have a job working at a university but it is not who I am. Those words still ring into my heart and soul today. I have become so much more. Not to say its all about me because I humbly pray each and every day that what I do and what I say will reflect the love of Jesus to others. I pray that for "MyKids" so that they too can do that to those in their lives and circle of friends. I have a lot of work to do. I am blessed to be doing life with some other caring and compassionate people who love Jesus as much or more than I do who share the same burn in their hearts. God has me where I am today and I am so very thankful to be serving Him in any way I can - big, small or whatever.
Yes Lord, Yes. Thank You ......... sweet Jesus thank You. Mom .... you have been on my heart that last few days really heavy. Wish we could sit and talk some.. maybe on the back swing or at the house on the carport. I would take anywhere right now. I know you are happy and enjoying all that heaven has its a much better place than here for sure. I long to be there when that time comes. Wont be any sad thing here but a party and something left for families and "MyKids" to remember that I loved with everything I had and cared for each of them with all my heart. I know you would be smiling and that alone makes me smile - even with tears in my eyes... I am still smiling because it is who I am.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I want to share this and get some things off my chest this morning. I want to talk about boundaries. You know those things that are in place that keep our lives from going too far off the path. See its when we live outside those boundaries that life seems to hurt the most. Not saying that life is easy within the boundaries and guidelines but it sure is easier.
I remember back when I was a kid and my family and I visited YellowStone. I hope someday to take my family back there and maybe even a few of "MyKids" who would otherwise never have a chance to see such a place of beauty the way God created it. I think about the park boundaries and the safety that the park provides the animals stay within the park. Those animals live the way they are supposed to live - free. But once outside - they are like any other animal ... they can be hunted and killed. Farmers have rights to protect their farm lands and businesses which mostly means cattle. Within the park boundaries - life goes on just as it has for thousands of years. If we look at our lands today - we have fencing that provides the animals the boundaries on the farm. Life is good. If we keep the animals in the stalls and in the barns well we have to work extra hard at keeping them. See, while in the boundaries - they have everything they need. Outside those boundaries.... life takes a turn and probably for the worst.
Our walk in this life is very much the same. God has given us the boundaries to live our lives.
Lets look at Psalm 23: 1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
James 1:25 -25But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.
John 8:32 -Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
I have been giving this concept of boundaries a lot of thought and prayer lately. Its something as a parent, its vital to our success in raising our children. Its vital to our own lives and our spiritual journey. Prison is full of people who have had no boundaries or don't respect the boundaries that society has put in place. When we tell our children to operate in these set parameters and they instantly challenge us, sneak under them, go over them - we have to worry.
It is such a sweet thing getting to witness our youth making wise and sound choices because so many are not these days... or what seems like they don't. Just look at the news. I can remember my grandma always saying - "this younger generation has no respect for anyone other than themselves." I guess things are much different than when she was raised but the words still ring true to some degree. If only we would make the decision to live life in the boundaries that God has placed on us - surely life would have everything we need as we graze in the green pastures of life. These boundaries and foundations are built on a Father's love. Our kids need them.... too many today are running outside the safe zone ready to be taken down by the enemy. Kids will thrive in this environment. Families will thrive. Marriages will thrive. Its formed and put in place from love, concern and acceptance. Its where the light shines so that you can see the dangers ahead.
Its a tough place when we have to be jerked back inside the fences.... it hurts, its painful sometimes but often times needed. Just as my dad would often say - "this is going to hurt me more than its going to hurt you." I never understood that... but I am starting to. When you love that much. I wonder how God looks at his children and has to yank them back in the protected bounderies and out of harms way. Probably with tears in his eyes.... just like we do with our own children because we want what is best and safe for each and every one of them.
I remember back when I was a kid and my family and I visited YellowStone. I hope someday to take my family back there and maybe even a few of "MyKids" who would otherwise never have a chance to see such a place of beauty the way God created it. I think about the park boundaries and the safety that the park provides the animals stay within the park. Those animals live the way they are supposed to live - free. But once outside - they are like any other animal ... they can be hunted and killed. Farmers have rights to protect their farm lands and businesses which mostly means cattle. Within the park boundaries - life goes on just as it has for thousands of years. If we look at our lands today - we have fencing that provides the animals the boundaries on the farm. Life is good. If we keep the animals in the stalls and in the barns well we have to work extra hard at keeping them. See, while in the boundaries - they have everything they need. Outside those boundaries.... life takes a turn and probably for the worst.
Our walk in this life is very much the same. God has given us the boundaries to live our lives.
Lets look at Psalm 23: 1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
James 1:25 -25But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.
John 8:32 -Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
I have been giving this concept of boundaries a lot of thought and prayer lately. Its something as a parent, its vital to our success in raising our children. Its vital to our own lives and our spiritual journey. Prison is full of people who have had no boundaries or don't respect the boundaries that society has put in place. When we tell our children to operate in these set parameters and they instantly challenge us, sneak under them, go over them - we have to worry.
It is such a sweet thing getting to witness our youth making wise and sound choices because so many are not these days... or what seems like they don't. Just look at the news. I can remember my grandma always saying - "this younger generation has no respect for anyone other than themselves." I guess things are much different than when she was raised but the words still ring true to some degree. If only we would make the decision to live life in the boundaries that God has placed on us - surely life would have everything we need as we graze in the green pastures of life. These boundaries and foundations are built on a Father's love. Our kids need them.... too many today are running outside the safe zone ready to be taken down by the enemy. Kids will thrive in this environment. Families will thrive. Marriages will thrive. Its formed and put in place from love, concern and acceptance. Its where the light shines so that you can see the dangers ahead.
Its a tough place when we have to be jerked back inside the fences.... it hurts, its painful sometimes but often times needed. Just as my dad would often say - "this is going to hurt me more than its going to hurt you." I never understood that... but I am starting to. When you love that much. I wonder how God looks at his children and has to yank them back in the protected bounderies and out of harms way. Probably with tears in his eyes.... just like we do with our own children because we want what is best and safe for each and every one of them.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A short story .....
As some of you know, many moons ago, I had Olympic stars in my youth. I never had that dream fulfilled but continue to love the Olympics and watching dreams come true for so many of our worlds athletes.
1992 - Barcelona Spain - Derek Redmond of Great Britain was on his way to winning the 400 meter. The gun sounded and Derek was out front leading the pack. He was running the race of his life. Suddenly, a sharp pain pierced his thigh and he fell to the ground. He has tore his hamstring and he watched as his gold medal dreams came to pass as the other runners ran right past him. He got up and determined to finish the race. Hobbling on one leg with the finish line in site his dad appears on the scene as he busts through security and onto the field. His dad with tears in his eyes telling his son "You don't have to do this." Derek replied to his father- "Yes I do." Derek with his face in his fathers chest and with tears in his eyes walked across the finish line together. The crowd cheering and all standing as they witnessed those amazing moments. It touched everyone who witnessed this amazing story unfold. A son's determination and a father love and support.
I remember watching this amazing story - I think about it this morning and it touches my heart even more so today. See, I want to be that father who doesn't stand on the sidelines of life. I want to be in the lives of "MyKids". I want to know when they are hurting or when they are sick. I want to share in the victories of their day and in their defeat when its been a tough one. I want to be a "refuge" to not only Kyle but to many. Where they can come and be encouraged. Where they can come and in the mist of their troubles be reminded that God is in there with them. I don't want to carry "MyKids" but I want to walk with them. I want them to live life differently than what society tells them and sells them as truth. I know I am not going to be able to do this for all the kids that God has entrusted me with. There will be parents who don't get what my heart is breaking for. But for those who allow me to walk with them - You have me. I want to pour into you. I want to walk with you. I want to show you Jesus and you can show me Jesus.
What this means is - I have to ignore the stares and ignore the differences because this has a bigger purpose. Its what I have been called to do and I am praying for each step of this journey.
Do I see where this road leads? Nope... but I know that the Lord is leading me by the hand. I trust Him and I want to bring Him glory on this journey. Hopefully, prayers answered and lives changed along the way.
For those who are walking with me today - I love you with all my heart. Blessed to be off the sidelines. Far too many parents are living a life on the sidelines in life. I am not that story.
It may be risky, it may be unwise, it may be hard at times.... but in the end - one day... It will be worth it to hear Kyle or any one of "MyKids" say - "Thank You"
This speaks volumes to me this morning.
Luke 6:45
45The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
May your life be an encouragement and a blessing to all those who are around you today.
1992 - Barcelona Spain - Derek Redmond of Great Britain was on his way to winning the 400 meter. The gun sounded and Derek was out front leading the pack. He was running the race of his life. Suddenly, a sharp pain pierced his thigh and he fell to the ground. He has tore his hamstring and he watched as his gold medal dreams came to pass as the other runners ran right past him. He got up and determined to finish the race. Hobbling on one leg with the finish line in site his dad appears on the scene as he busts through security and onto the field. His dad with tears in his eyes telling his son "You don't have to do this." Derek replied to his father- "Yes I do." Derek with his face in his fathers chest and with tears in his eyes walked across the finish line together. The crowd cheering and all standing as they witnessed those amazing moments. It touched everyone who witnessed this amazing story unfold. A son's determination and a father love and support.
I remember watching this amazing story - I think about it this morning and it touches my heart even more so today. See, I want to be that father who doesn't stand on the sidelines of life. I want to be in the lives of "MyKids". I want to know when they are hurting or when they are sick. I want to share in the victories of their day and in their defeat when its been a tough one. I want to be a "refuge" to not only Kyle but to many. Where they can come and be encouraged. Where they can come and in the mist of their troubles be reminded that God is in there with them. I don't want to carry "MyKids" but I want to walk with them. I want them to live life differently than what society tells them and sells them as truth. I know I am not going to be able to do this for all the kids that God has entrusted me with. There will be parents who don't get what my heart is breaking for. But for those who allow me to walk with them - You have me. I want to pour into you. I want to walk with you. I want to show you Jesus and you can show me Jesus.
What this means is - I have to ignore the stares and ignore the differences because this has a bigger purpose. Its what I have been called to do and I am praying for each step of this journey.
Do I see where this road leads? Nope... but I know that the Lord is leading me by the hand. I trust Him and I want to bring Him glory on this journey. Hopefully, prayers answered and lives changed along the way.
For those who are walking with me today - I love you with all my heart. Blessed to be off the sidelines. Far too many parents are living a life on the sidelines in life. I am not that story.
It may be risky, it may be unwise, it may be hard at times.... but in the end - one day... It will be worth it to hear Kyle or any one of "MyKids" say - "Thank You"
This speaks volumes to me this morning.
Luke 6:45
45The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
May your life be an encouragement and a blessing to all those who are around you today.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Just take a few moments and read the post below from Joshua and then come back here.
Ready? With me? Ok........... This is a little different isn't it? I must say that I am still feeling Joshua from last week and from last night at rock group. I honestly believe that so many of us, me included, are on the doorsteps of something great. A breakthrough in your life and in your spiritual journey. So many of us find ourselves today - really wanting to trust God in a big decision or really praying for that miracle to come to pass. I believe that time is right in front of you. I am asking God to reveal the next steps.... shine that light 1-2 steps ahead and to have the faith to move forward. I know its scary not being able to see how it ends up or where you may go... but you have to get started! See Joshua rose from the ranks after Moses had died. A land he never get to fully live in as the land of milk and honey. See God provided this land for him and for His people but Moses and that generation complained and were not thankful for anything. They saw with their eyes a hard life- compared to slavery - at least there they had shelter, food and water. God provided for them but they were thankless. God let that generation come to pass before the next would step up and take it. See Joshua - like you today - inherited life. SO many of us have let life pass us by. We have not pressed forward and got in the game. We have debt up to our eyeballs, kids running wild, jobs we hate and so much more. Like Joshua - he needed to step up and do something different. I think about my own personal walk with leading the kids that God has put under my care. There have been some parents in the past that just don't get what I do. I am ok with that because not everyone is going to understand us when we are serving the Lord. Its different. Its not the normal. But in order to reach out and be the hands and feet of Christ - we have to be in the game, mud on our faces, in the trenches being one with who we are reaching out to.
This past Saturday - I got a handful of leaders and a good handful of kids and headed out to serve a local family. We cut their grass, did all the edging, installed a screen door on the gazebo, pulled weeds, chopped 8 ft weeds and battled snakes, rats, spiders and bug bites and nobody complained. Excitement by Friday was awesome!!! The kids made brownies and cookies to be shared with the family and in return was a mom who could barely speak when we left, had tears in her eyes and was just so thankful for helping her. See life has her in some tough places. Her life has her in a set back - but by doing what God has called each of us to do - we were able to give her a step up. Blessings flow in those step up moments.
The church is called to when there is a need - fill the need. We each have a personal ministry and I am so proud of our students and leaders who went. It shows and teaches compassion in many different ways. Something Jesus just perfected and left as our example. Imagine with me a teenager who is in middle school who gets to experience such a thing. They are changed from that moment on. They look at people and life differently. Once most teenagers hit high school if they have not experienced things like this ... it usually becomes all about them. Time flies and before you know they are in their 20's ... 30's.... and still in the same selfish ways.
I am going to work hard to arrange these types of experiences for our students because I want them to really experience the life and love that Jesus wants us to have. Some are going to get it and some are not.... but its the ones that do that really get on fire for the things of God. Not a step back but a huge step up in their lives.
Like I said, MANY are on the doorsteps of something great. 5 As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. 6 "Be strong and courageous - one more time.....Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Can you feel it? Can you see it? Its there.......... Its there. Yes Lord, Yes. My first real steps into our student ministry yesterday was welcomed with 60 folks. Awesome........
More to come for sure...........~
Ready? With me? Ok........... This is a little different isn't it? I must say that I am still feeling Joshua from last week and from last night at rock group. I honestly believe that so many of us, me included, are on the doorsteps of something great. A breakthrough in your life and in your spiritual journey. So many of us find ourselves today - really wanting to trust God in a big decision or really praying for that miracle to come to pass. I believe that time is right in front of you. I am asking God to reveal the next steps.... shine that light 1-2 steps ahead and to have the faith to move forward. I know its scary not being able to see how it ends up or where you may go... but you have to get started! See Joshua rose from the ranks after Moses had died. A land he never get to fully live in as the land of milk and honey. See God provided this land for him and for His people but Moses and that generation complained and were not thankful for anything. They saw with their eyes a hard life- compared to slavery - at least there they had shelter, food and water. God provided for them but they were thankless. God let that generation come to pass before the next would step up and take it. See Joshua - like you today - inherited life. SO many of us have let life pass us by. We have not pressed forward and got in the game. We have debt up to our eyeballs, kids running wild, jobs we hate and so much more. Like Joshua - he needed to step up and do something different. I think about my own personal walk with leading the kids that God has put under my care. There have been some parents in the past that just don't get what I do. I am ok with that because not everyone is going to understand us when we are serving the Lord. Its different. Its not the normal. But in order to reach out and be the hands and feet of Christ - we have to be in the game, mud on our faces, in the trenches being one with who we are reaching out to.
This past Saturday - I got a handful of leaders and a good handful of kids and headed out to serve a local family. We cut their grass, did all the edging, installed a screen door on the gazebo, pulled weeds, chopped 8 ft weeds and battled snakes, rats, spiders and bug bites and nobody complained. Excitement by Friday was awesome!!! The kids made brownies and cookies to be shared with the family and in return was a mom who could barely speak when we left, had tears in her eyes and was just so thankful for helping her. See life has her in some tough places. Her life has her in a set back - but by doing what God has called each of us to do - we were able to give her a step up. Blessings flow in those step up moments.
The church is called to when there is a need - fill the need. We each have a personal ministry and I am so proud of our students and leaders who went. It shows and teaches compassion in many different ways. Something Jesus just perfected and left as our example. Imagine with me a teenager who is in middle school who gets to experience such a thing. They are changed from that moment on. They look at people and life differently. Once most teenagers hit high school if they have not experienced things like this ... it usually becomes all about them. Time flies and before you know they are in their 20's ... 30's.... and still in the same selfish ways.
I am going to work hard to arrange these types of experiences for our students because I want them to really experience the life and love that Jesus wants us to have. Some are going to get it and some are not.... but its the ones that do that really get on fire for the things of God. Not a step back but a huge step up in their lives.
Like I said, MANY are on the doorsteps of something great. 5 As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. 6 "Be strong and courageous - one more time.....Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Can you feel it? Can you see it? Its there.......... Its there. Yes Lord, Yes. My first real steps into our student ministry yesterday was welcomed with 60 folks. Awesome........
More to come for sure...........~
Sunday, September 20, 2009
What an amazing 2 days it has been. I will go into detail maybe tomorrow but let me share something that has been on my heart for the last few days.
I opened rock group tonight with a passage from Joshua. It has really spoke to me this week.
Joshua 1:
5 No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.
6 "Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them. 7 Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
I hope this has a chance to sink in until next time......
Yes Lord, Yes.
I opened rock group tonight with a passage from Joshua. It has really spoke to me this week.
Joshua 1:
5 No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.
6 "Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them. 7 Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
I hope this has a chance to sink in until next time......
Yes Lord, Yes.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Rainy Friday ...
It may be dreary out, misting once second and then downpour the next but I have to tell you - there is such a bright light shining.
Last night a good buddy of mine and I went and visited a home of a family that is local in our community that we served this past summer during our student ministry camp - Thirst Camp. It was awesome serving this family with teams of volunteers and getting to see teenagers lead and do things they have never done before and all with smiles on their faces and warmth in their hearts knowing that they are truly helping a family in need. Tomorrow we are once again hitting the serving pavement and headed back to this family to serve. Practical love of Jesus in action. I love this..... Kyle, Morgan and Madison are just excited to be making cookies for the family to bring tomorrow. They are talking about taking turns running the weed whacker and taking down some 8 foot weeds in the back yard. There is such excitement around them and I have to say - it is so flippin awesome to see it and for them to experience it.
Teaching servanthood is no easy thing. It requires US - us parents and leaders - to get involved and give up our Saturdays and our time to serve and be an example for these young adults. We are modeling for them and hopefully modeling something that will last years and years to come. See I am a do'er. I want to get things done. I hate to be bogged down in long projects, things that take a long time to mature and prosper - I want to get in there and tackle to get the job done. I have always been like that. Give me a to do list and well - I will lose it. I just work better when I know what I have to do and I have the freedom to get the job done - no matter what it takes or what obstacles that need to be moved. I think in many ways - Jesus was the same way. He went - he saw a need and he met it. Period.
He didn't have a quota or a certain amount of folks to meet each day - He didn't have a set place that he needed to be at - he just went and where ever he was.. he did what he was called to do. As I am reading the New Testament that we are calling "NT90X" with the rest of my church family -I can really see the quickness and frustration at times that Jesus had with our lack of understanding. He spoke in parables just so that we may understand what he was saying. Seeing through His eyes is so much different than seeing with our eyes. Jesus never gave up on his mission and he never met a person who needed him without compassion. He has called us to be like Him. Take time for compassion on those around us - Be humble to those around us - to love those around us.
As our children turn into teenagers, all the things they have heard us say and all the things they got to see us do - they are now lining things up. They want to see if our hands are lining up with our hearts.
So even on this rainy Friday day - there is such an awesome light that is shining. I want more than anything to be able to pass down the example of servanthood to "MyKids". I want them to see and feel the experience of a life that gives to others, that has compassion on others and loves people because Jesus loves people. I think the earlier our kids see this, the better chances they will have for it to stick in their lives. A pure servants heart - motivated with the things from God's own heart. If we don't expose our kids to hands and feet of Jesus then the stories of Jesus washing feet, healing the sick and feeding crowds... well they will be just bed time stories.
Great day tomorrow - Who is with me?
Yes Lord, Yes.
Last night a good buddy of mine and I went and visited a home of a family that is local in our community that we served this past summer during our student ministry camp - Thirst Camp. It was awesome serving this family with teams of volunteers and getting to see teenagers lead and do things they have never done before and all with smiles on their faces and warmth in their hearts knowing that they are truly helping a family in need. Tomorrow we are once again hitting the serving pavement and headed back to this family to serve. Practical love of Jesus in action. I love this..... Kyle, Morgan and Madison are just excited to be making cookies for the family to bring tomorrow. They are talking about taking turns running the weed whacker and taking down some 8 foot weeds in the back yard. There is such excitement around them and I have to say - it is so flippin awesome to see it and for them to experience it.
Teaching servanthood is no easy thing. It requires US - us parents and leaders - to get involved and give up our Saturdays and our time to serve and be an example for these young adults. We are modeling for them and hopefully modeling something that will last years and years to come. See I am a do'er. I want to get things done. I hate to be bogged down in long projects, things that take a long time to mature and prosper - I want to get in there and tackle to get the job done. I have always been like that. Give me a to do list and well - I will lose it. I just work better when I know what I have to do and I have the freedom to get the job done - no matter what it takes or what obstacles that need to be moved. I think in many ways - Jesus was the same way. He went - he saw a need and he met it. Period.
He didn't have a quota or a certain amount of folks to meet each day - He didn't have a set place that he needed to be at - he just went and where ever he was.. he did what he was called to do. As I am reading the New Testament that we are calling "NT90X" with the rest of my church family -I can really see the quickness and frustration at times that Jesus had with our lack of understanding. He spoke in parables just so that we may understand what he was saying. Seeing through His eyes is so much different than seeing with our eyes. Jesus never gave up on his mission and he never met a person who needed him without compassion. He has called us to be like Him. Take time for compassion on those around us - Be humble to those around us - to love those around us.
As our children turn into teenagers, all the things they have heard us say and all the things they got to see us do - they are now lining things up. They want to see if our hands are lining up with our hearts.
So even on this rainy Friday day - there is such an awesome light that is shining. I want more than anything to be able to pass down the example of servanthood to "MyKids". I want them to see and feel the experience of a life that gives to others, that has compassion on others and loves people because Jesus loves people. I think the earlier our kids see this, the better chances they will have for it to stick in their lives. A pure servants heart - motivated with the things from God's own heart. If we don't expose our kids to hands and feet of Jesus then the stories of Jesus washing feet, healing the sick and feeding crowds... well they will be just bed time stories.
Great day tomorrow - Who is with me?
Yes Lord, Yes.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
A many few months back I had a conversation with one of "MyKids" concerning a situation that she got in trouble with at school. Being new to the school and also to middle school - brings more pressure concerning personal decisions. There is a little more freedom in the day to make choices and choose wisely. There are multiple teachers, multiple students to interact with compared to elementary school and of course a bigger environment with class changes, football games and other activities. But to make wise choices often times come with who we hang out with. See we all tend to navigate to people we are most like. Adults - students - youth - its all basically the same. A few days after that conversation - I asked her to read a piece of scripture and her eyes got big. It clicked and Gods word came alive in her heart. Not saying it wasn't there all along but for this season in time and in this experience - God spoke directly in.
1 Corinthians 15:33- Bad company corrupts good character.
It is true for adults as well. See it may have been that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It may have been her friends idea and decision to do what they did - but they got caught and knowing it was wrong and not walking away or stopping it ... got her in the same trouble and the same punishment regardless. Every so often - I hand her my bible and ask her to read 1 Corinthians 15:33. She smiles and is reminded - Hey we all have to examine our friends and choose them wisely.
Last night I had a conversation with my niece about dating and being friends. I was asked if I was too old to remember dating and what that was like. Can you believe that? I am not that old.... anywho, I do remember that those relationships that did not work out, they usually ended in a lost friendship. The relationship and friendship could not over come it all and continue. Youths today are not much different than when I was a kid. As I venture more into the student ministry and get involved in their lives and speak in their lives - I feel I have to reflect back to when I was their age. But as I do - I find similarities in my own life today - at 43.
See the greatest challenges in life are not unique to the teen years. We all struggle with a healthy self image, healthy friendships, God honoring lifestyles and authentic faith. Our values that we stand for and own give us a life with a moral compass. Its the human journey - not the teenage journey. We may be more experienced and have gone through more things but we have to guide our youth, counsel them along the way not just condescend them and tell them where and when they mess up. The real matter becomes a heart issue. See the battle we all face is not on the outside... its on the inside. The HEART. What that heart is made up of and from - makes us who we are. So even as a leader - a parent or friend - we have to break down strange vocabulary and the methods of communication - (facebook, twitter and texting) and get to the hearts of those around us. They are only tools but needed sometimes to get to the place we need the relationship to get to. Only then can we experience the universal language in ministry. We can then further the relationship that we are investing in. Authentic relationship!
Its the foundation that has to be in place if we are to really get to the hearts of our children, our students and in our friends - especially with FAITH intact.
Along this journey - I am finding my own spirit maturing and my faith deepening.
Yes Lord, Yes.
"MyKid" today is choosing wisely, has such a peaceful and loving of others spirit, is on fire for the things of God and reaching out to all around her for the name of Jesus. Her Faith intact........ Praise God.
Who is with me on this journey?
1 Corinthians 15:33- Bad company corrupts good character.
It is true for adults as well. See it may have been that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It may have been her friends idea and decision to do what they did - but they got caught and knowing it was wrong and not walking away or stopping it ... got her in the same trouble and the same punishment regardless. Every so often - I hand her my bible and ask her to read 1 Corinthians 15:33. She smiles and is reminded - Hey we all have to examine our friends and choose them wisely.
Last night I had a conversation with my niece about dating and being friends. I was asked if I was too old to remember dating and what that was like. Can you believe that? I am not that old.... anywho, I do remember that those relationships that did not work out, they usually ended in a lost friendship. The relationship and friendship could not over come it all and continue. Youths today are not much different than when I was a kid. As I venture more into the student ministry and get involved in their lives and speak in their lives - I feel I have to reflect back to when I was their age. But as I do - I find similarities in my own life today - at 43.
See the greatest challenges in life are not unique to the teen years. We all struggle with a healthy self image, healthy friendships, God honoring lifestyles and authentic faith. Our values that we stand for and own give us a life with a moral compass. Its the human journey - not the teenage journey. We may be more experienced and have gone through more things but we have to guide our youth, counsel them along the way not just condescend them and tell them where and when they mess up. The real matter becomes a heart issue. See the battle we all face is not on the outside... its on the inside. The HEART. What that heart is made up of and from - makes us who we are. So even as a leader - a parent or friend - we have to break down strange vocabulary and the methods of communication - (facebook, twitter and texting) and get to the hearts of those around us. They are only tools but needed sometimes to get to the place we need the relationship to get to. Only then can we experience the universal language in ministry. We can then further the relationship that we are investing in. Authentic relationship!
Its the foundation that has to be in place if we are to really get to the hearts of our children, our students and in our friends - especially with FAITH intact.
Along this journey - I am finding my own spirit maturing and my faith deepening.
Yes Lord, Yes.
"MyKid" today is choosing wisely, has such a peaceful and loving of others spirit, is on fire for the things of God and reaching out to all around her for the name of Jesus. Her Faith intact........ Praise God.
Who is with me on this journey?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Just in case you were wondering...
Long overdue - but I added a Life -09 album to my photo album. So those who are not in the FaceBook generation yet... you can still check some picture of - "Life in Action".
Enjoy :D
Enjoy :D
I have many heavy things on my heart today .... stepping back over the past few days, weeks and months. Before I get into anything - I just want you to know that I love you. Those are words on my heart and on the edge of my lips all the time. Why? Because I think far too often we let things go unsaid instead of saying them. We don't talk to our kids because we don't know what to say. We don't lead our families because we don't know how to lead.... Our kids, the give me generation, mostly doesnt want us because we are not providing them with stuff to make them happy and in reality - they would only be happy for a few minutes if we did give them the stuff - they would move onto the next thing. Christmas mornings can sometimes be the saddest mornings of all - not because of what we get - just because we get so much and rip and tear open one thing to the next - never really thinking about the time it took to get that gift, the money spent on it and the time it took for someone to put their heart into it.
Last night during the fair I just couldnt help but to notice the smiles on our faces. Lasting smiles burned into the lives of everyone because we put aside the needs and wants of ourselves and tucked away the complaints and invested in the long term. 20 years from now .... we will remember last night as a time with family, fun, rides, $1 pepsi's, food, the funny dunk tank lady, petting the animals, feeding the animals, whistling to make the turkey gobble..... friendships strengthened and renewed. Investments........
Many of us are struggling with something. We are in either 3 places - in trouble, just getting out of trouble or getting ready to get into trouble. Jesus has told us a life following Him is not easy, it wont keep us from the troubles of this world - but to have FAITH. Faith is what separates us from everyone else... they have fear. Faith us believing the Word of God and acting upon it, no matter how I feel, because God promises a good result.
That is sometimes really hard to do. There are days when we are down, unmotivated and looking at everything that is wrong. Those are the tough days to get through. Faith is seeing the good in all things no matter what and focusing on them. All the while thanking God for the struggles - maybe God is trying to remove doubt in your life - or maybe pride - maybe even a lack of trust.
See God uses our tragedies in life to turn them into His trophies. That is an awesome thing if we would just do our part. See God just doesn't want our money or our time .... he has what he doesnt have.
ALL OF US - every area of our lives. We have to model these things for our kids. If we don't - they will get those things from others and that avenue usually doesnt end well. MTV has raised a few generations now. Look at where that is leading our kids today. They are asking their friends questions instead of coming to us or a trusted adult who is close to them.
You are at a place right now in life that serves a purpose. You may not like it. It may be painful. It has a purpose and God does not waste ANY example or wasted effort. Keep running if you want.... that path surely is not where you belong at least for the best in the long run. May feel good now, it may feel right and your needs are being met above everyone elses... but that will only last for so long. God is in that cancer or sickness you have. God is in that marriage that you are running from. God is in the leadership of your family and of your children. There is purpose in there....... like exercise - we only know how good we are at something until we get on our shoes, dig up our sleeves and get to it. Hard at first but necessary in learning.
Loved ones, as I look around and see the struggles - struggles in our marriages, communications, our children and even in our church.... I can't help but to feel I want to give you the answer. The fix to the issues that are dragging us down. My answer is not just Jesus.... but ALL of Jesus. I don't know what to pray specifically for you for. I am not in your heart or in the hearts of your children. But I do know Jesus does and He wants to hear from you. As I try my best to find common ground in a few places in my own life and in the lives of a few around me ...God is making a way for common ground for you as well. It will either be a tough path to get there or one that has a will of readiness. Yes Lord, Yes.
I am not going to pray and ask specifics, lottery winnings to pay off the credit cards - A new husband - A new boyfriend or a child who doesn't slam the door in my face when he/she is doing wrong. But Lord - what can I do for You? Put aside the things and ask God what you can do FOR HIM? Being humbled is a place that gives us peace.
I can remember when my mom was sick and again when my father n law passed. Folks came to the house and served us - meals for months at a time. It was a humbling experience being served like that. It puts hearts back together again. It puts friendships and marriages back together again. These marriages and relationships will only work when we are all committed to serving. Put aside the differences and serve. Serve your spouse, your children, your marriage - your church.
There is a lot at stake here loved ones. Nobody ever expects the surprises in life. That lunch date next Wednesday is never checked on the calendar for the car crash and the ER visit. They happen when we least expect them.
There is no greater joy than what I experienced last night over those incredible smiles. All because we put aside our agenda's and served each other with our time, money and in our return smiles. Does a heart good for sure.
Lord I thank You for this day. I thank You for last night and the experience of something so small as a smile but so important as a smile. Its because there is heart full of love behind those smiles Lord. I thank You for Your son Jesus, for He showed us the quality of love and the capability of what love does and stands for. Lord I pray that You do the impossible for us on our own but to get in the details of our struggles. Get in the way so that we don't see those struggles as things holding us back but a thing that moves us away from because of the glory and lessons learned from them. May we see only You in front of these things. May we praise you as our hearts are humbled to serving each other and see our lives changed because we know you a little deeper because of all this stuff going on. Yes Lord, Yes........ I pray those are the words of your people today. I pray all this in your sons mighty name in Jesus. Amen
Last night during the fair I just couldnt help but to notice the smiles on our faces. Lasting smiles burned into the lives of everyone because we put aside the needs and wants of ourselves and tucked away the complaints and invested in the long term. 20 years from now .... we will remember last night as a time with family, fun, rides, $1 pepsi's, food, the funny dunk tank lady, petting the animals, feeding the animals, whistling to make the turkey gobble..... friendships strengthened and renewed. Investments........
Many of us are struggling with something. We are in either 3 places - in trouble, just getting out of trouble or getting ready to get into trouble. Jesus has told us a life following Him is not easy, it wont keep us from the troubles of this world - but to have FAITH. Faith is what separates us from everyone else... they have fear. Faith us believing the Word of God and acting upon it, no matter how I feel, because God promises a good result.
That is sometimes really hard to do. There are days when we are down, unmotivated and looking at everything that is wrong. Those are the tough days to get through. Faith is seeing the good in all things no matter what and focusing on them. All the while thanking God for the struggles - maybe God is trying to remove doubt in your life - or maybe pride - maybe even a lack of trust.
See God uses our tragedies in life to turn them into His trophies. That is an awesome thing if we would just do our part. See God just doesn't want our money or our time .... he has what he doesnt have.
ALL OF US - every area of our lives. We have to model these things for our kids. If we don't - they will get those things from others and that avenue usually doesnt end well. MTV has raised a few generations now. Look at where that is leading our kids today. They are asking their friends questions instead of coming to us or a trusted adult who is close to them.
You are at a place right now in life that serves a purpose. You may not like it. It may be painful. It has a purpose and God does not waste ANY example or wasted effort. Keep running if you want.... that path surely is not where you belong at least for the best in the long run. May feel good now, it may feel right and your needs are being met above everyone elses... but that will only last for so long. God is in that cancer or sickness you have. God is in that marriage that you are running from. God is in the leadership of your family and of your children. There is purpose in there....... like exercise - we only know how good we are at something until we get on our shoes, dig up our sleeves and get to it. Hard at first but necessary in learning.
Loved ones, as I look around and see the struggles - struggles in our marriages, communications, our children and even in our church.... I can't help but to feel I want to give you the answer. The fix to the issues that are dragging us down. My answer is not just Jesus.... but ALL of Jesus. I don't know what to pray specifically for you for. I am not in your heart or in the hearts of your children. But I do know Jesus does and He wants to hear from you. As I try my best to find common ground in a few places in my own life and in the lives of a few around me ...God is making a way for common ground for you as well. It will either be a tough path to get there or one that has a will of readiness. Yes Lord, Yes.
I am not going to pray and ask specifics, lottery winnings to pay off the credit cards - A new husband - A new boyfriend or a child who doesn't slam the door in my face when he/she is doing wrong. But Lord - what can I do for You? Put aside the things and ask God what you can do FOR HIM? Being humbled is a place that gives us peace.
I can remember when my mom was sick and again when my father n law passed. Folks came to the house and served us - meals for months at a time. It was a humbling experience being served like that. It puts hearts back together again. It puts friendships and marriages back together again. These marriages and relationships will only work when we are all committed to serving. Put aside the differences and serve. Serve your spouse, your children, your marriage - your church.
There is a lot at stake here loved ones. Nobody ever expects the surprises in life. That lunch date next Wednesday is never checked on the calendar for the car crash and the ER visit. They happen when we least expect them.
There is no greater joy than what I experienced last night over those incredible smiles. All because we put aside our agenda's and served each other with our time, money and in our return smiles. Does a heart good for sure.
Lord I thank You for this day. I thank You for last night and the experience of something so small as a smile but so important as a smile. Its because there is heart full of love behind those smiles Lord. I thank You for Your son Jesus, for He showed us the quality of love and the capability of what love does and stands for. Lord I pray that You do the impossible for us on our own but to get in the details of our struggles. Get in the way so that we don't see those struggles as things holding us back but a thing that moves us away from because of the glory and lessons learned from them. May we see only You in front of these things. May we praise you as our hearts are humbled to serving each other and see our lives changed because we know you a little deeper because of all this stuff going on. Yes Lord, Yes........ I pray those are the words of your people today. I pray all this in your sons mighty name in Jesus. Amen
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Its been a few days...
Since my last post. Sorry for those who come here every day looking for something - for you. This is just a place for me to share my heart and my thoughts.
But this is where I am today. I am excited about my new role at church. I think they are calling it - Student Ministry Director. I am not much for titles ... but I do take the service seriously. I will be teamed with a great handful of folks who will be stepping up the game in our student (middle and high school) ministries. I will be leading, learning, helping, directing, focusing, heart pouring, and whatever else, to reach our youth who are in need of change, in need of something different, a need of direction and focus, in need of feeling loved and cared about and that can only come from Jesus. So as I serve along side some great folks - we will putting things in place for our students to come together, learn about God together, have some fun and build relationships with each other. I am humbled that the Lord has brought me to this place, to serve Him in this capacity and to serve those He will be entrusting me with. This brings me to my heart today.
Are you content where God has you today?
I was in line the other day to pay for gas, get some diet cherry Dr. Peppers (love those things) and a man in front of me was getting a few lottery tickets. I am not against lottery tickets at all - especially with the state scratch off things but this guy was buying a good armful of tickets. By looking and not judging - he probably could have used the money to get a new shirt or some extra gas in the truck. That got me thinking of the chances of winning ...small to none really no matter the dreams of hitting it big. He is putting his money into something that has ZERO return. I have to say I want my investments in life to be put towards eternal and lasting things. I want my life to built around something that doesn't bring fame but brings greatness. Fame is something you do for yourself - Greatness is what you do for others. Money is always nice but it also doesn't buy you happiness. I have met some of the most joyful people in years past and they don't have much on this earth - but they have everything because they know Jesus. A good family that we used to do life with moved away many years ago - they didn't have much but the joy and love that family had for God, for each other, for the things eternal - I will never forget. It has had a lasting impression on me years later.
So again - are you content with where God has you today? What motivates us to make a change in our lives? God is not going to trust you with anything else if you have blown it all or have not done what He has already asked you to do. That marriage that is falling apart - God is in that marriage. The cancer that you just got news about - God is in that cancer. The child that never seems to be on the straights - He is in that child.
Loved ones, God is that change you are seeking. He is that direction and purpose in your life. Those lottery tickets will bring you money, things, different friends probably, but the grass is not always greener on the other side. Be thankful for the things that God has given you today. Complaining, I have heard some complaining in the last few weeks - its hard to listen to. Complaining tells everyone - I don't like this place, I dont like where I am, I dont like this person or thing. I often times wonder how God puts up listening to all of our complaints! Its a miracle He just doesn't get fed up with listening to us ... maybe He does to some extent I don't know.
I will share Philippians 4:11 (The Message)
Content Whatever the Circumstances
10-14I'm glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess—happy that you're again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me. You just had no chance to show it. Actually, I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. I don't mean that your help didn't mean a lot to me—it did. It was a beautiful thing that you came alongside me in my troubles.
Paul does an amazing job explaining that no matter the struggle, no matter the victory, no matter the cancer or job loss - God should receive the glory because of it. Being content also bring you to a place where God can use you. Yes Lord, Yes. I am ready...... I am listening. New role at church, new responsibilities, new things to learn, new experiences and challanges. Yes Lord.... Yes.
But this is where I am today. I am excited about my new role at church. I think they are calling it - Student Ministry Director. I am not much for titles ... but I do take the service seriously. I will be teamed with a great handful of folks who will be stepping up the game in our student (middle and high school) ministries. I will be leading, learning, helping, directing, focusing, heart pouring, and whatever else, to reach our youth who are in need of change, in need of something different, a need of direction and focus, in need of feeling loved and cared about and that can only come from Jesus. So as I serve along side some great folks - we will putting things in place for our students to come together, learn about God together, have some fun and build relationships with each other. I am humbled that the Lord has brought me to this place, to serve Him in this capacity and to serve those He will be entrusting me with. This brings me to my heart today.
Are you content where God has you today?
I was in line the other day to pay for gas, get some diet cherry Dr. Peppers (love those things) and a man in front of me was getting a few lottery tickets. I am not against lottery tickets at all - especially with the state scratch off things but this guy was buying a good armful of tickets. By looking and not judging - he probably could have used the money to get a new shirt or some extra gas in the truck. That got me thinking of the chances of winning ...small to none really no matter the dreams of hitting it big. He is putting his money into something that has ZERO return. I have to say I want my investments in life to be put towards eternal and lasting things. I want my life to built around something that doesn't bring fame but brings greatness. Fame is something you do for yourself - Greatness is what you do for others. Money is always nice but it also doesn't buy you happiness. I have met some of the most joyful people in years past and they don't have much on this earth - but they have everything because they know Jesus. A good family that we used to do life with moved away many years ago - they didn't have much but the joy and love that family had for God, for each other, for the things eternal - I will never forget. It has had a lasting impression on me years later.
So again - are you content with where God has you today? What motivates us to make a change in our lives? God is not going to trust you with anything else if you have blown it all or have not done what He has already asked you to do. That marriage that is falling apart - God is in that marriage. The cancer that you just got news about - God is in that cancer. The child that never seems to be on the straights - He is in that child.
Loved ones, God is that change you are seeking. He is that direction and purpose in your life. Those lottery tickets will bring you money, things, different friends probably, but the grass is not always greener on the other side. Be thankful for the things that God has given you today. Complaining, I have heard some complaining in the last few weeks - its hard to listen to. Complaining tells everyone - I don't like this place, I dont like where I am, I dont like this person or thing. I often times wonder how God puts up listening to all of our complaints! Its a miracle He just doesn't get fed up with listening to us ... maybe He does to some extent I don't know.
I will share Philippians 4:11 (The Message)
Content Whatever the Circumstances
10-14I'm glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess—happy that you're again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me. You just had no chance to show it. Actually, I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. I don't mean that your help didn't mean a lot to me—it did. It was a beautiful thing that you came alongside me in my troubles.
Paul does an amazing job explaining that no matter the struggle, no matter the victory, no matter the cancer or job loss - God should receive the glory because of it. Being content also bring you to a place where God can use you. Yes Lord, Yes. I am ready...... I am listening. New role at church, new responsibilities, new things to learn, new experiences and challanges. Yes Lord.... Yes.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
My Song Prayer...
Shared the song lyrics this morning in prayer with a very special person this morning. It set my entire day straight. Its my prayer today. Thank you ~~
Jeremy Camp
Empty Me
Holy fire burn away
My desire for anything
That is not of you and is of me
I want more of you
And less of me
Empty me, empty me, fill me
With you, with you
Jeremy Camp
Empty Me
Holy fire burn away
My desire for anything
That is not of you and is of me
I want more of you
And less of me
Empty me, empty me, fill me
With you, with you
Short week...
Also means a short amount of time. Thursday? Where did the week go? Looking forward to heading to the cabin tomorrow after work. I am really feeling stressed today with some big things looming in the not so far off future.
I had someone tell me yesterday that my posts on Facebook account are just to serious for them. I smiled and actually chuckled a little bit and then I really thought about it. I mean who really cares if I update my page with - gone to the bathroom - hitting the shower - gym time - I am eating the best sandwhich ever. I mean who really cares about those things. I often wonder who really cares about this thing and then I get a few emails saying they do. :) - thanks!
Anyways - I want to use my time, the avenues that are before me to reach out through those places and let people know that Jesus loves them. Here is why ... look at what He has done in my life. I want to share that... plain and simple. I want to reach out and let the kids of this generation, community and far places know they have someone to cheer them on, to listen to them and to have a place where they can feel comfortable asking and talking about the tough things in their lives. They have tough things going on people. I am amazed at the deep levels our kids are facing each and every day. I spoke with a middle schooler this week that I have had the honor to pour into the past few years and she so appears to be solid as a rock but deep inside - there is a scared little girl in there hoping to hold her family together some how.
95 % of the time ... If you show me a student, I can show you their parents. Parents - you rub off. You send down those good and bad things to your children. If you are unorganized, heart full of complaints, see life with the glass half empty and have nothing to do with the things of God... then your children will probably be the same way. If you are a person who is organized, loves life, sees life over flowing with blessings, has found real JOY in your life and love anything that has to do with Jesus - then your children will probably be the same way. 95% of the time. Parents -you are either going to teach your children to be like Christ or not to care. Leading these young people today has taught me a few great lessons.
I can't do this alone. Our church leaders - can't do this alone.
Parents today leave the spiritual growth to the church pastors and not themselves.
Parents today spend thousands of bucks on sports, cheerleading, tumble, competitions, uniforms etc.... but when it comes to Sunday morning church time - they are too tired and don't go.
Our kids in church - we have them 1-2 hours a week - it's not enough. Parents you have to be the spiritual leaders of your homes. You have to set the example for them by your actions and
20 years ago the biggest influence on our kids was the parents and youth pastors. Now the biggest influences on our kids is their friends and the media.
I think its time we shift those values back to where they need to be.
I will be sticking with the serious side on my Facebook posts.... sorry :) May God have all the glory in those avenues, conversations, updates, posts and chats. Our kids want to be part of something big today and all they need is someone who will take the time and tell them - they can do it.
Looking forward to movie night tonight with a few of "MyKids" while Carol is attending a meeting and then dinner with a few of her peeps. I got the kids ...... right where I want to be~ right where I need to be. Jaws tonight...... should be reliving my childhood again with remembering back watching it with my parents and my little brother at the drive in. Yes I said drive in ..... and scared out of my shorts.
I had someone tell me yesterday that my posts on Facebook account are just to serious for them. I smiled and actually chuckled a little bit and then I really thought about it. I mean who really cares if I update my page with - gone to the bathroom - hitting the shower - gym time - I am eating the best sandwhich ever. I mean who really cares about those things. I often wonder who really cares about this thing and then I get a few emails saying they do. :) - thanks!
Anyways - I want to use my time, the avenues that are before me to reach out through those places and let people know that Jesus loves them. Here is why ... look at what He has done in my life. I want to share that... plain and simple. I want to reach out and let the kids of this generation, community and far places know they have someone to cheer them on, to listen to them and to have a place where they can feel comfortable asking and talking about the tough things in their lives. They have tough things going on people. I am amazed at the deep levels our kids are facing each and every day. I spoke with a middle schooler this week that I have had the honor to pour into the past few years and she so appears to be solid as a rock but deep inside - there is a scared little girl in there hoping to hold her family together some how.
95 % of the time ... If you show me a student, I can show you their parents. Parents - you rub off. You send down those good and bad things to your children. If you are unorganized, heart full of complaints, see life with the glass half empty and have nothing to do with the things of God... then your children will probably be the same way. If you are a person who is organized, loves life, sees life over flowing with blessings, has found real JOY in your life and love anything that has to do with Jesus - then your children will probably be the same way. 95% of the time. Parents -you are either going to teach your children to be like Christ or not to care. Leading these young people today has taught me a few great lessons.
I can't do this alone. Our church leaders - can't do this alone.
Parents today leave the spiritual growth to the church pastors and not themselves.
Parents today spend thousands of bucks on sports, cheerleading, tumble, competitions, uniforms etc.... but when it comes to Sunday morning church time - they are too tired and don't go.
Our kids in church - we have them 1-2 hours a week - it's not enough. Parents you have to be the spiritual leaders of your homes. You have to set the example for them by your actions and
20 years ago the biggest influence on our kids was the parents and youth pastors. Now the biggest influences on our kids is their friends and the media.
I think its time we shift those values back to where they need to be.
I will be sticking with the serious side on my Facebook posts.... sorry :) May God have all the glory in those avenues, conversations, updates, posts and chats. Our kids want to be part of something big today and all they need is someone who will take the time and tell them - they can do it.
Looking forward to movie night tonight with a few of "MyKids" while Carol is attending a meeting and then dinner with a few of her peeps. I got the kids ...... right where I want to be~ right where I need to be. Jaws tonight...... should be reliving my childhood again with remembering back watching it with my parents and my little brother at the drive in. Yes I said drive in ..... and scared out of my shorts.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
For the short week ahead. Hey its Tuesday already! Cabin trip was great. Weather could not have been more perfect in the Carolina mountains on Saturday. We spent a few hours at the beach with some of the other local boaters - enjoying some stories, shared some laughs and getting to know everyone. The Beavers fit right in and enjoyed it as well. Jess is one of our local boys there and has a giant pontoon boat ... he is about the most raw person I have ever met. Audience of one for sure..... anyways - he is a hoot to listen to and the funny thing is - he told me that he could tell I was one of those good ol'baptist boys and his momma told him he shouldn't cuss like he does.... I wont say what he told her.
I had a moment this weekend while spending some quiet time thinking and praying... that even though people are close and you are really walking with them. I am thinking also the students in my life as well, my family and friends -people are going to do what ever it is they are going to do. They most of the time have their minds made up even if you know its not going to turn out well. Advice is something that I just want to have the words for when someone comes and spills what they have going on in life. I am learning though that sometimes the best advice is to just be there to listen. Sometimes the silence is the best advice and people don't always want to hear what we have to say ... they just want to say it. UNLOAD - and do whatever it is they are wanting to do.
Yesterday while waiting for Kate in the airport there was a little girl - about 2 or so - well past her nap time - that was pulling a pink luggage rolly and she was screaming, kicking and knocking over that bag. It was not cooperating and no matter what mom said to her -she was going to do it her way regardless. I was thinking ..... man - 2 years old they start this and even in the teen years we are the same way. People in our lives willing to walk with us, advise us, been through it already ..... and we still ignore what they want to share. We still do it our own way.........
When we stop putting our selfish ways first - above everyone else - and look at the needs and cares of others first.... we will have that little secret component in life that God wants us so badly to have. He came to serve others and He is an awesome example of that. Some people are born with this knowledge already in them ... I can see it even in my younger kids I am doing life with. Some have it and some don't. Where are you with that?
Are you doing things your way regardless of what people are trying to tell you?
God uses our tragedies in life to turn them into trophies of His grace.
Life is hard sometimes but in many cases... its of our own doing.
Thankful for the short week this week - its packed full but the weekend back at the cabin is in order and with some special people to go along with it. Can't wait......
I had a moment this weekend while spending some quiet time thinking and praying... that even though people are close and you are really walking with them. I am thinking also the students in my life as well, my family and friends -people are going to do what ever it is they are going to do. They most of the time have their minds made up even if you know its not going to turn out well. Advice is something that I just want to have the words for when someone comes and spills what they have going on in life. I am learning though that sometimes the best advice is to just be there to listen. Sometimes the silence is the best advice and people don't always want to hear what we have to say ... they just want to say it. UNLOAD - and do whatever it is they are wanting to do.
Yesterday while waiting for Kate in the airport there was a little girl - about 2 or so - well past her nap time - that was pulling a pink luggage rolly and she was screaming, kicking and knocking over that bag. It was not cooperating and no matter what mom said to her -she was going to do it her way regardless. I was thinking ..... man - 2 years old they start this and even in the teen years we are the same way. People in our lives willing to walk with us, advise us, been through it already ..... and we still ignore what they want to share. We still do it our own way.........
When we stop putting our selfish ways first - above everyone else - and look at the needs and cares of others first.... we will have that little secret component in life that God wants us so badly to have. He came to serve others and He is an awesome example of that. Some people are born with this knowledge already in them ... I can see it even in my younger kids I am doing life with. Some have it and some don't. Where are you with that?
Are you doing things your way regardless of what people are trying to tell you?
God uses our tragedies in life to turn them into trophies of His grace.
Life is hard sometimes but in many cases... its of our own doing.
Thankful for the short week this week - its packed full but the weekend back at the cabin is in order and with some special people to go along with it. Can't wait......
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Seeing is believing.....
I heard this the other day and it has stuck with me. Seeing is Believing. Its such a human sight concept that is so totally not what God has in mind for us. He truly wants us to be Believing is Seeing..... because once we cross over in belief - our eyes are opened and we can see the things that way He intended us to see things...His way.
My walk in Matthew this morning that really stood out to me because of this new vision.
Matthew 7: 1-5 "Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It's easy to see a smudge on your neighbor's face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own.
Aren't we all just ready to point out others faults and problems and ignore the person we see in the mirror each morning? We are to have a comforting and loving dispisition, one that reaches out and loves on people no matter what. I recently said this to one of "MyKids" (who know who you are) that I just loving spending time with her. She has such a sweet spirit about her - one that shows maturity in her young years for her age. I am eager to just pour into her because she is receptive and eager for more. Kyle is just the same way. He was upset the other morning before school that he wasn't exactly sure how to reach the other kids in his class for Jesus. "Daddy, How do I shine for Jesus if I don't really know how to do that?" - an 11 year old who wonders these questions ahead of friends, school work and lunch time is for sure on the right paths AMEN! - Anyways, last night we went to the Lifeway store and got him a few Jesus loves me pencils - he raided my stash of crosses that I make and give to the kids and put them on his book bag and the other morning I gave him one of my Jesus fish necklaces.... He has comfort in his heart the last 2 days now. Awesome..........
Matthew 7: 12"Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them.
So many times we sit on the sidelines waiting to get invited, waiting to get asked before we jump in and do what it is that is on our hearts. If you see a need that you can use yourself - go ahead and get it done for someone else. They probably could use it. We have a wonderful meals ministry at church - I know because we have used it in the past and very thankful for those meals and the love of the people who love and care enough about us to go to all that trouble. When we see a need in the church and a family is struggling ... get the meal made and extend it in love to them. Its a blessing that has such rewards for everyone.
Matthew 7: 26-27"But if you just use my words in Bible studies and don't work them into your life, you are like a stupid carpenter who built his house on the sandy beach.
What good is it to listen to Gods word and not apply it in your life? Our lives should be in constant change in learning and growing in what God is teaching us through His words... every Sunday there should be a part of the message that just rocks your world. What is holding you back? What is built into your heart that is keeping you where you are? If you keep doing the same old things over and over again, it is foolish to expect a different result.
Matthew 9:12-13"Who needs a doctor: the healthy or the sick? Go figure out what this Scripture means: 'I'm after mercy, not religion.' I'm here to invite outsiders, not coddle insiders."
I just loved reading this this morning. Jesus was not about being like anyone else or everyone else. He came with something so different, preached and spoke so differently and only cared about speaking the truth. Our lives are meant to be lived in the overflow in the cup of life. Not in the half empty glass or the half full but life in abundance. If life finds you today just passing you by with no prupose or fulfillment .... Jesus is what you have been searching for.
Believing is seeing -
Matthew 9:29-31He touched their eyes and said, "Become what you believe."
Let me ask you today -What are you believing in? What do you believe in yourself? Doubts today ... surrounded by folks who tell you that you will never get out of that situation or it will never get better? What are you believing in? ......
Believe and then you will see~
I got an email this morning from one of my closest kids. She had written a prayer for me and I want to share that now.
"i said a prayer for you today, and i know god must have heard.
i felt the answer in my heart, although he said no word.
i didnt ask for wealth or fame..... i knew you wouldnt mind.
i asked him for treasures of a far more lasting kind.
i asked he'd be near you in all things great and small.
but it was for love and care i prayed for most of all! <3"
Morgan I love <3 you 2 and I felt this prayer all day today...after wiping the tears from my face this morning. Thank You sweety. Blessed to be doing life with you and your family. God is going to do amazing things through you. Awesome knowing even "MyKids" have my back in prayer. Words just can't explain how that makes me feel~ :)
My walk in Matthew this morning that really stood out to me because of this new vision.
Matthew 7: 1-5 "Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It's easy to see a smudge on your neighbor's face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own.
Aren't we all just ready to point out others faults and problems and ignore the person we see in the mirror each morning? We are to have a comforting and loving dispisition, one that reaches out and loves on people no matter what. I recently said this to one of "MyKids" (who know who you are) that I just loving spending time with her. She has such a sweet spirit about her - one that shows maturity in her young years for her age. I am eager to just pour into her because she is receptive and eager for more. Kyle is just the same way. He was upset the other morning before school that he wasn't exactly sure how to reach the other kids in his class for Jesus. "Daddy, How do I shine for Jesus if I don't really know how to do that?" - an 11 year old who wonders these questions ahead of friends, school work and lunch time is for sure on the right paths AMEN! - Anyways, last night we went to the Lifeway store and got him a few Jesus loves me pencils - he raided my stash of crosses that I make and give to the kids and put them on his book bag and the other morning I gave him one of my Jesus fish necklaces.... He has comfort in his heart the last 2 days now. Awesome..........
Matthew 7: 12"Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them.
So many times we sit on the sidelines waiting to get invited, waiting to get asked before we jump in and do what it is that is on our hearts. If you see a need that you can use yourself - go ahead and get it done for someone else. They probably could use it. We have a wonderful meals ministry at church - I know because we have used it in the past and very thankful for those meals and the love of the people who love and care enough about us to go to all that trouble. When we see a need in the church and a family is struggling ... get the meal made and extend it in love to them. Its a blessing that has such rewards for everyone.
Matthew 7: 26-27"But if you just use my words in Bible studies and don't work them into your life, you are like a stupid carpenter who built his house on the sandy beach.
What good is it to listen to Gods word and not apply it in your life? Our lives should be in constant change in learning and growing in what God is teaching us through His words... every Sunday there should be a part of the message that just rocks your world. What is holding you back? What is built into your heart that is keeping you where you are? If you keep doing the same old things over and over again, it is foolish to expect a different result.
Matthew 9:12-13"Who needs a doctor: the healthy or the sick? Go figure out what this Scripture means: 'I'm after mercy, not religion.' I'm here to invite outsiders, not coddle insiders."
I just loved reading this this morning. Jesus was not about being like anyone else or everyone else. He came with something so different, preached and spoke so differently and only cared about speaking the truth. Our lives are meant to be lived in the overflow in the cup of life. Not in the half empty glass or the half full but life in abundance. If life finds you today just passing you by with no prupose or fulfillment .... Jesus is what you have been searching for.
Believing is seeing -
Matthew 9:29-31He touched their eyes and said, "Become what you believe."
Let me ask you today -What are you believing in? What do you believe in yourself? Doubts today ... surrounded by folks who tell you that you will never get out of that situation or it will never get better? What are you believing in? ......
Believe and then you will see~
I got an email this morning from one of my closest kids. She had written a prayer for me and I want to share that now.
"i said a prayer for you today, and i know god must have heard.
i felt the answer in my heart, although he said no word.
i didnt ask for wealth or fame..... i knew you wouldnt mind.
i asked him for treasures of a far more lasting kind.
i asked he'd be near you in all things great and small.
but it was for love and care i prayed for most of all! <3"
Morgan I love <3 you 2 and I felt this prayer all day today...after wiping the tears from my face this morning. Thank You sweety. Blessed to be doing life with you and your family. God is going to do amazing things through you. Awesome knowing even "MyKids" have my back in prayer. Words just can't explain how that makes me feel~ :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I have really had this word on my heart and mind the last few days. Ministry. One of the definitions from describes it as: an act or instance of ministering; ministration; service.
Just a powerful description if you are a follower of Jesus. Ministering.... it is how Jesus came for others. It is how we are supposed to be to others. His hands and feet and His example. To reach others with the "good news" about Gods loving mercy, His grace and salvation. Too many times we think of ourselves as not good enough or we have a past and that fear keeps us from stepping forward. But our walk with Jesus is our ministry. Its personal and we own it. It is to be shared and not held private. Once we begin to understand this very important message - that our ministry is just that - OURS and we begin to start serving in our church or serving others or leading kids and students... we cross over and big things begin to happen.
The message we often hear in our minds is that we can't do it. We don't know enough about the bible. We don't have a clue about students and children - we have messed our children and families totally up. My past is too bad.
But God does want to use you. He has given you talents and gifts... not excuses. He has given you life experiences to learn and grow from. There is no CAN'T in His vocabulary. Your ministry is your walk in your faith. Faith is believing in Gods word and acting upon it, no matter how you feel, because God has PROMISED a good result. So are you going to continue to doubt or are you going to get real with your faith? Doubt keeps you where you are .... people will always question you and make comments when you step out in faith to do something for God. Don't let that keep you where you are. Your thing right now is either going to grow your faith, stretch your faith or its going to keep you where you are. So who are you listening to?
I have really been pouring my heart into those around me - especially "MyKids" that I am doing life with and whom I have influence with in leading. To go into their schools and their everyday life and shine for Jesus. Its their ministry - their mission field. God has called them to do this... just like He has called you to your mission field at work and your personal ministry. We are all ministers to Gods kingdom all working, serving and reaching out to others - being His hands and feet. Its a new personal way of looking at things.... let today be your day that you move from doubt to understanding the meaning of Faith. Your Ministry has action in ministering and serving. Its not a checkbox on Sunday mornings for an hour.... its life change for life!
I want to share an upcoming event that I am pretty excited about being a part of. If you are taking your ministry seriously and ready to expand it .... there is a webcast that is coming up Sept - 10 and 11th. It is free to those who just register. Its online so all you need is a computer and internet connection. 12 speakers and is brought to you from and Southeastern University..... web site is - there is an opening video to give you an idea of what it is about. Hope to be stretched together over those days next week.
Love you all,
Just a powerful description if you are a follower of Jesus. Ministering.... it is how Jesus came for others. It is how we are supposed to be to others. His hands and feet and His example. To reach others with the "good news" about Gods loving mercy, His grace and salvation. Too many times we think of ourselves as not good enough or we have a past and that fear keeps us from stepping forward. But our walk with Jesus is our ministry. Its personal and we own it. It is to be shared and not held private. Once we begin to understand this very important message - that our ministry is just that - OURS and we begin to start serving in our church or serving others or leading kids and students... we cross over and big things begin to happen.
The message we often hear in our minds is that we can't do it. We don't know enough about the bible. We don't have a clue about students and children - we have messed our children and families totally up. My past is too bad.
But God does want to use you. He has given you talents and gifts... not excuses. He has given you life experiences to learn and grow from. There is no CAN'T in His vocabulary. Your ministry is your walk in your faith. Faith is believing in Gods word and acting upon it, no matter how you feel, because God has PROMISED a good result. So are you going to continue to doubt or are you going to get real with your faith? Doubt keeps you where you are .... people will always question you and make comments when you step out in faith to do something for God. Don't let that keep you where you are. Your thing right now is either going to grow your faith, stretch your faith or its going to keep you where you are. So who are you listening to?
I have really been pouring my heart into those around me - especially "MyKids" that I am doing life with and whom I have influence with in leading. To go into their schools and their everyday life and shine for Jesus. Its their ministry - their mission field. God has called them to do this... just like He has called you to your mission field at work and your personal ministry. We are all ministers to Gods kingdom all working, serving and reaching out to others - being His hands and feet. Its a new personal way of looking at things.... let today be your day that you move from doubt to understanding the meaning of Faith. Your Ministry has action in ministering and serving. Its not a checkbox on Sunday mornings for an hour.... its life change for life!
I want to share an upcoming event that I am pretty excited about being a part of. If you are taking your ministry seriously and ready to expand it .... there is a webcast that is coming up Sept - 10 and 11th. It is free to those who just register. Its online so all you need is a computer and internet connection. 12 speakers and is brought to you from and Southeastern University..... web site is - there is an opening video to give you an idea of what it is about. Hope to be stretched together over those days next week.
Love you all,
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