Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Pastures ....

WoW - I am not sure how I am feeling right now. Been running since last nite. Kyle and I went to Rocky River Elem graduation last night for some of our kids who are graduating 5th grade. Great enjoying that with those families and also being invited back next year on Tuesdays by one of the teachers there! That is pretty awesome ... it was also a closing of a chapter for one of "MyKids". I have been having lunch with her for a few years now. Have moved on from one school to the next and have supplied countless hours of invested time in her and her family. I have crossed this finish line for now. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve them as well as the other families/kids there.
Today was Kyles graduation and SO many kids I have got to know over the last 6 years at Harrisburg Elem. The staff, teachers and admins there and especially the families - I am just a little overwhelmed. I am glad I did not stay the entire day today - I only had one child crying as she gave me a hug... she had me crying as she asked me for our phone # and address. She told me that she had never had anyone invest so much into her than this year with me, miss Carol, and her teacher. She just loves Kyle as there is no pressure other than being friends - as it should be in 5th grade. I got some good pictures - some with me and kids, some with just the kids, a good couple class pictures - I also got to visit in some of the other classes to say goodbye and see ya next year in middle school. Teachers got to say thanks --- it was all sweet. A chapter coming to close but a chapter that leads to new things and new successes. I am excited for the road ahead and with sweet memories in the rear view .... hey life is good.
I think the Batemans are going to detox for a few days. Get into the new routine - focus back on work for a bit.... take time to relax, enjoy friends and family - hit the cabin and the lake for the summer. Enjoy too much sun, Kenny playing in the background, quiet mornings with God and all the wonderful things He has created, and just take a few deep breaths........
I can remember back when I was this age - a time in life where I was out - from the time I got up until it got dark. Playing in the yard, sports with the neighborhood kids, in the pool - it was totally not organized like it is today with parents being the chauffeur for their kids taking them to the next organized baseball game or supervised play time - when I was a kid it was about being OUTSIDE - riding our bikes 5 miles one way to get a pepsi - in a glass bottle - summer nights catching fireflys, learning to ride skateboards and jumping our bikes over what couldn't be jumped and also vacations with the family. Sun block was not on the shelves yet and getting a tan took all summer and with many trips to the beach! Our back yards where for pioneers, when we were 11 we were dreamers and 12 year old adventurers.... no computer games, no WII, no XBox..... just outside fun.
Summer's shape a childs life ... I know they did for me. Oh I know I will land on my feet next year in the schools and serving the kids ... but by then I will be rested and ready for another year!
New pastures ahead...
So proud of all my kids.... and especially proud of you Kyle.
With all my heart........

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