Thursday, December 18, 2008


Feeling a little weird this evening. Carol is out with her gals for a party with her bible study. Kyle and I just scanned the Apple TV for a movie and for an hour - did not see anything that caught our eye. Especially being age appropriate. Do parents care about that stuff anymore?
So checked my email... no email. No current books I am reading except for my bible every morning. So feeling a little lost this evening - especially with no survivor on.

Today did have some good moments though - Carol worked hard to pull together Kyles class Christmas party. There were a lot of parents there which was pretty awesome. The kids were all good and for an hour we got to do an activity outside. I was excited when one of "MyKids" came to me and said I was on her team. So we got to spend a little time together doing the activity all over the school grounds. It was warm today but wet so everyone had wet feet but thats better than freezing. Anyways - it was a good afternoon and I will miss seeing the kids the next 2 weeks. Hope to see some of them over the Christmas break. Finals are almost done at work - Gradution is on Saturday...... and a few weeks off to get some down time. I am looking forward to that! Have been burning the candle at a few ends the last few weeks. I will be posting some but not that often.

Have a good night everyone. There is MUCH to be thankful for.

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