Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas~

I just wanted to tell everyone Merry Christmas. So much is wrapped into today these days. As I look back as a kid - I can remember the excitement building all the way from Thanksgiving unto today - waking early and getting my parents out of bed - getting everything unwrapped under the tree - playing for hours - being crabby for not enough sleep and too much excitement - then an early crash for bed.
As an adult - I can see this holiday season much different. A few years ago, I really felt the holiday season right after Thanksgiving. With black friday - the shopping days numbered - the stock market up and down according to how much folks spent. Man it is just nuts. It has turned into a season all wrapped into one day. All that has changed as I have been following Jesus. Its a season and not so much a single day. It is the build up of blessing others, it is the smile in the shopping malls that make a difference, it is doing without so that someone around you can have - it is more than just a day. Yes Jesus, we celebrate this day in history - but it is more of living your live for Jesus than anything else. The gifts we share should come from the heart - not out of obligation, or out of guilt or anything other than love for that person. If sharing a gift this year does not reflect the love you have for that person and for the love of Jesus Christ - then you might as well just save your money because your heart is not in the right place.
Carol, Kyle and I spent Christmas almost alone this year. Except for a loving close family that came towards the end of the day - it was kind of different. Yes it was cool to spend the day with family - but so much has changed over the past few years. With Walt being gone and my mom gone just 3 years ago - it was for sure different. I got to talk with Katie today and yes she too feels the difference with her mom gone and this being her first Christmas without her mom.
A true gift is sharing with others the time we often times feel short on. I would give an arm to spend a few hours with my mom, Walt, MaryLou or Denise today - it is a reason why I tell I love you so much and you may wonder why I say such things all the time. Life is short and we never know when our story will unfold.
I had a mom thank me last night for being a Sunday school teacher and being such a good role model for her child..... it is an awesome thing for a parent to share that.

Merry Christmas everyone - may your Christmas be more than just a day. May it be a lifestory in your life that reflects so much more about you..... giving is something that God modeled for us and has given us such a perfect example in His son Jesus.
With love and a giving heart,

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