Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I missed having lunch today with some of "MyKids". The thought of them looking for me on "Our" Tuesdays with their sad faces is bothering me today but I hope to get over there tomorrow. We celebrated a retirement party for one of our dear co-workers today. After many years of service her time is winding down here at work. I am sure there are some emotions that go with leaving and moving on to the next place in life.

I am pretty excited about heading down to the Salvation Army tonight. Finishing up the last of our donated Angels from church and the last evening preparations as Distribution Day is tomorrow and Thursday. These are the 2 days where the families come and pick up their gifts. I am feeling that I need to go for a little while tomorrow and see this. I know it will be emotional and heart breaking but incredible all wrapped into one. I know Shelley has been working monster hours and this is what she has been working so hard to see. So, I am hoping she can let me in to witness this and experience this "Giving".

I got a chance last night to walk the dogs. It was after 7 and Kyle was busy with this and Carol was busy with that - so I grabbed my ipod and the dogs and headed out across the neighborhood. I got a good 2 miles in and it started to rain. It was refreshing and cooling on my head and face and I didn't mind it at all. During this walk, I really was listening to what God has been showing me the last few days, weeks and months. His whisper was - What am I passionate about? What is it that He has put on my heart that needs to come out? What is breaking my heart right now?

As a follower of Jesus Christ - our walk with Him is not confined to the Sunday services. It is not confined into a building and 4 corners. It is not confined in the worship song..... As a follower of Jesus - we are the church. We are to take the church with us where ever we go and to whomever we meet.
So what is breaking your heart today? What are you doing about it?

God has been breaking my heart lately and even though at times its scary, its tough, its hard and messy and I have no idea at times what on earth I am doing..... I am doing something about it. God is in the details.........

Thank You for the walk and the whisper last night Lord. I know I am doing what is right because I know it comes from You. You have placed the very thing on my heart for a reason and I am thankful for not running from it. I wonder who else would have answered the call - what blessings would I be missing out on? I thank you for my family in also helping. Together we are learning to listen to your whispers and doing something about what breaks our hearts. I continue to ask that my motives and actions be Your motives and actions. May you continue to be in every single detail no matter how big or small. I pray that when people talk or we get discouraged that You remind us Lord - that we are doing Your work. That above all things is most important. Lord thank You for where I am today, for my family supporting me, and help me keep my eyes on You. I look forward to what is ahead Lord because You are in those moments. I continue to pray that our community and the people who call You their Lord, that their faith is in motion, they are putting some action into their faith and that they are far from Luke Warm in their faith and trust in You.
I thank You for your son Jesus who has given us THE example to love others and to reach those around us - no matter the circumstances and the struggles.

Its in His name I pray,


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