As 2008 comes to a close - I can honetly say this year has had its ups and downs for my family. THANK GOD for those peaks. Those peaks build us and strengthen our faith. Our trust grows as we look back and reflect on what we have had to go through. The secret is, we went through them and God has not left us in them. God is faithful and 2009 should be met with great expectations to what the God of our universe will do through us this coming year.
Keep on Keeping on loved ones. They say time heals - I have to say that time lessons the pain as many things never go away. We grow through them and learn from them. We should become better people, more caring, fuller of compassion and our faith grows like never before.
I can honestly say that this 2008 is finishing strong. I am excited to what is ahead, what God will be teaching me and leading me to do FOR HIM!
Hebrews 12:1
Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us . . .
It is easy these days to have a baby, get married, start a new job, be a friend to someone that really needs a friend, a new years diet - there are so many things that are easy to start but often times they are hard to finish. Our walk with Jesus is no different. Stay strong this year loved ones, stand for God and be His hands and actions. Reach those around you with compassion, love and forgiveness as Jesus has shown you by example these very things.
May 2009 be the year that your life makes a difference, has an impact and really shows others that You Love Jesus. Love leaves a lasting mark and a lasting impression.
Gods Best for 2009,
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Cold day here in Penn - but for a local this is HOT. Hey this is a nice change a pace. Tomorrow will be below zero and with the chance of a little snow. Nothing big this time up ... but thats ok since we are traveling home on New Years day. Had some good coffee this morning after a good nights rest - even with the wind blowing 40mph and our window open :)
Today we made a run into town and got some wraps at McDonalds - Walmart run to get stuff to make for supper tonight - a family favorite - then to Childs State Park to check out the waterfalls and do a little hiking. It was a nice day even though us southern folks are cold.
Cell coverage is not that good so I am a little unplugged from things. Thats is ok sometimes but thankful for an Internet connection.
For all my prayer warriors out there - please put Emily Grace Shropshire on your list. She is a daughter of some friends of ours at church - Mark and Lisa. They were on vacation at the beach when Emily got sick. They took her to Wilmington where after surgery - they removed some cysts. She is doing much better and should be able to go home in a few days. Continued prayers for Mark, Lisa and little Emily Grace.
I have some work to do for Rock Group this coming Sunday - so I will be spending some time in prayer and in study to get ready for our upcoming January series. Should be a great series to learn from. Kaleo - is a Greek word that means - to this you were called and we will be studying 4 things for which God has called us to do ... Compassion, Community, Service and Evangelism. I am really looking forward to it......
Happy New Years eve tomorrow - the temps in NYC tomorrow night will be COLD....
Today we made a run into town and got some wraps at McDonalds - Walmart run to get stuff to make for supper tonight - a family favorite - then to Childs State Park to check out the waterfalls and do a little hiking. It was a nice day even though us southern folks are cold.
Cell coverage is not that good so I am a little unplugged from things. Thats is ok sometimes but thankful for an Internet connection.
For all my prayer warriors out there - please put Emily Grace Shropshire on your list. She is a daughter of some friends of ours at church - Mark and Lisa. They were on vacation at the beach when Emily got sick. They took her to Wilmington where after surgery - they removed some cysts. She is doing much better and should be able to go home in a few days. Continued prayers for Mark, Lisa and little Emily Grace.
I have some work to do for Rock Group this coming Sunday - so I will be spending some time in prayer and in study to get ready for our upcoming January series. Should be a great series to learn from. Kaleo - is a Greek word that means - to this you were called and we will be studying 4 things for which God has called us to do ... Compassion, Community, Service and Evangelism. I am really looking forward to it......
Happy New Years eve tomorrow - the temps in NYC tomorrow night will be COLD....
Sunday, December 28, 2008
What a Sunday ~
I want to thank those who asked about my brother Danny over the last few days. He should be home today if not already. The doctors were able to open his artery with a stint in good fashion. Funny side of the story - Christmas evening his son asked him to take him down to Hooters in Winston for some wings. Danny not feeling good at all - decided to go. While their food was being served - he had big chest pains. Not far from Hooters was Forsyth Medical Center which is known for its heart care. Funny how God puts things into motion~
Enjoyed an evening last night with some good friends. After some finger food and listening to lots of music into the evening - it was decided that we would all go to church this morning. It was awesome having these families with us today - even though Carol and I were both in Sunday school - we got their kids as they listened to the Word of God through Pastor Jimmy. I look forward to hearing the message this coming week through my Ipod. Anyways - it was a sad day in one way as many were leaving with tears. Brandon and April will be moving to a different church - Brandon has accepted a position at a much larger church in Huntersville and will be their worship pastor. Brandon ~ April - it has been such pleasure serving God and our community together. I will miss you both and love you dearly. Keep that light shining!!!
Rock group tonight - looking forward to it. I am packed and ready for Penn - leaving early in the morning! Will post as the week goes on. Love to everyone~
Enjoyed an evening last night with some good friends. After some finger food and listening to lots of music into the evening - it was decided that we would all go to church this morning. It was awesome having these families with us today - even though Carol and I were both in Sunday school - we got their kids as they listened to the Word of God through Pastor Jimmy. I look forward to hearing the message this coming week through my Ipod. Anyways - it was a sad day in one way as many were leaving with tears. Brandon and April will be moving to a different church - Brandon has accepted a position at a much larger church in Huntersville and will be their worship pastor. Brandon ~ April - it has been such pleasure serving God and our community together. I will miss you both and love you dearly. Keep that light shining!!!
Rock group tonight - looking forward to it. I am packed and ready for Penn - leaving early in the morning! Will post as the week goes on. Love to everyone~
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas~
I just wanted to tell everyone Merry Christmas. So much is wrapped into today these days. As I look back as a kid - I can remember the excitement building all the way from Thanksgiving unto today - waking early and getting my parents out of bed - getting everything unwrapped under the tree - playing for hours - being crabby for not enough sleep and too much excitement - then an early crash for bed.
As an adult - I can see this holiday season much different. A few years ago, I really felt the holiday season right after Thanksgiving. With black friday - the shopping days numbered - the stock market up and down according to how much folks spent. Man it is just nuts. It has turned into a season all wrapped into one day. All that has changed as I have been following Jesus. Its a season and not so much a single day. It is the build up of blessing others, it is the smile in the shopping malls that make a difference, it is doing without so that someone around you can have - it is more than just a day. Yes Jesus, we celebrate this day in history - but it is more of living your live for Jesus than anything else. The gifts we share should come from the heart - not out of obligation, or out of guilt or anything other than love for that person. If sharing a gift this year does not reflect the love you have for that person and for the love of Jesus Christ - then you might as well just save your money because your heart is not in the right place.
Carol, Kyle and I spent Christmas almost alone this year. Except for a loving close family that came towards the end of the day - it was kind of different. Yes it was cool to spend the day with family - but so much has changed over the past few years. With Walt being gone and my mom gone just 3 years ago - it was for sure different. I got to talk with Katie today and yes she too feels the difference with her mom gone and this being her first Christmas without her mom.
A true gift is sharing with others the time we often times feel short on. I would give an arm to spend a few hours with my mom, Walt, MaryLou or Denise today - it is a reason why I tell I love you so much and you may wonder why I say such things all the time. Life is short and we never know when our story will unfold.
I had a mom thank me last night for being a Sunday school teacher and being such a good role model for her child..... it is an awesome thing for a parent to share that.
Merry Christmas everyone - may your Christmas be more than just a day. May it be a lifestory in your life that reflects so much more about you..... giving is something that God modeled for us and has given us such a perfect example in His son Jesus.
With love and a giving heart,
As an adult - I can see this holiday season much different. A few years ago, I really felt the holiday season right after Thanksgiving. With black friday - the shopping days numbered - the stock market up and down according to how much folks spent. Man it is just nuts. It has turned into a season all wrapped into one day. All that has changed as I have been following Jesus. Its a season and not so much a single day. It is the build up of blessing others, it is the smile in the shopping malls that make a difference, it is doing without so that someone around you can have - it is more than just a day. Yes Jesus, we celebrate this day in history - but it is more of living your live for Jesus than anything else. The gifts we share should come from the heart - not out of obligation, or out of guilt or anything other than love for that person. If sharing a gift this year does not reflect the love you have for that person and for the love of Jesus Christ - then you might as well just save your money because your heart is not in the right place.
Carol, Kyle and I spent Christmas almost alone this year. Except for a loving close family that came towards the end of the day - it was kind of different. Yes it was cool to spend the day with family - but so much has changed over the past few years. With Walt being gone and my mom gone just 3 years ago - it was for sure different. I got to talk with Katie today and yes she too feels the difference with her mom gone and this being her first Christmas without her mom.
A true gift is sharing with others the time we often times feel short on. I would give an arm to spend a few hours with my mom, Walt, MaryLou or Denise today - it is a reason why I tell I love you so much and you may wonder why I say such things all the time. Life is short and we never know when our story will unfold.
I had a mom thank me last night for being a Sunday school teacher and being such a good role model for her child..... it is an awesome thing for a parent to share that.
Merry Christmas everyone - may your Christmas be more than just a day. May it be a lifestory in your life that reflects so much more about you..... giving is something that God modeled for us and has given us such a perfect example in His son Jesus.
With love and a giving heart,
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Busy day today - Kyle and I cut down a few trees and split some firewood. It is feeling nice in here tonight. It is 38 out and could be cold enough for some snow - our walk with the dogs later should be nice. Not as nice as last night because the sky was clear and the stars where out. I just love those walks at night when the stars are so full - it is amazing how many there are and how many we can't see at home. I always talk extra with my mom when I am here - especially when the stars are out. I had a few moments to pray a little extra prayer for some of "MyKids" - some of them are facing some tough things and I am honored to lift them in prayer during this time.
This story in Charlotte is hitting big time news. It is an awesome story and just reminds us that we are not alone - that heaven is real and that the things God has shared with us in his Word - the Bible - is real and is alive today.
Enjoy the story ...
Carol has supper on ... we got a fire going and all is well...... Really looking forward to church tomorrow night as I am reminded that some families are having a tough time right now. Some are going through their 1sts - this Christmas without someone. Some are happy for the first time in years because of some one. Some are hoping the electric is not shut off and some are hoping for Christmas to show up in a big way ........ some are making that happen! :)
talk tomorrow .....
This story in Charlotte is hitting big time news. It is an awesome story and just reminds us that we are not alone - that heaven is real and that the things God has shared with us in his Word - the Bible - is real and is alive today.
Enjoy the story ...
Carol has supper on ... we got a fire going and all is well...... Really looking forward to church tomorrow night as I am reminded that some families are having a tough time right now. Some are going through their 1sts - this Christmas without someone. Some are happy for the first time in years because of some one. Some are hoping the electric is not shut off and some are hoping for Christmas to show up in a big way ........ some are making that happen! :)
talk tomorrow .....
Monday, December 22, 2008
Monday - a different Monday~
I am not at work! That is different and it will take me a few days to get used to the fact that I am off work until Jan 5th - and a new year! Unplugging is something different ~
Had a good day with my dad and my family in Mt. Airy yesterday. We had our family Christmas and even though it is SOOOO different than years past - God tells us to look through the windshield of life and not live our lives through the rear view mirror. I got a chance to address the family yesterday and to me- that is such a huge responsibility. I have never been in that role but I guess mom knew better and knew what was ahead. I had some things to say but only got a few things out - we were all hungry... and I could tell my sugar was low... so I cut things short. I really wished I stuck it out though~
Last night we got to watch the Panthers lose to the Giants with some great - AWESOME - people. You know who you are - and there is nothing I would change about last night spending time with you all - except the Loss!!!!
We are at the cabin for a few days. I can honestly say Kyle is bored for the first time here in the woods... I guess this might be the last time we come with just Kyle and us ... WOOHOOO!!! I am all about investing in others...... if you know me - you know what I am talking about!
I am looking forward to a few days of down time - Christmas Eve services at church as many of "MyKids" will be there.... that is exciting - I miss everyone! Our rock group families have not got together in a few weeks and I look forward to hanging with everyone on the 28th...
Well - I am out of here...... Will post as time and events allow~
Had a good day with my dad and my family in Mt. Airy yesterday. We had our family Christmas and even though it is SOOOO different than years past - God tells us to look through the windshield of life and not live our lives through the rear view mirror. I got a chance to address the family yesterday and to me- that is such a huge responsibility. I have never been in that role but I guess mom knew better and knew what was ahead. I had some things to say but only got a few things out - we were all hungry... and I could tell my sugar was low... so I cut things short. I really wished I stuck it out though~
Last night we got to watch the Panthers lose to the Giants with some great - AWESOME - people. You know who you are - and there is nothing I would change about last night spending time with you all - except the Loss!!!!
We are at the cabin for a few days. I can honestly say Kyle is bored for the first time here in the woods... I guess this might be the last time we come with just Kyle and us ... WOOHOOO!!! I am all about investing in others...... if you know me - you know what I am talking about!
I am looking forward to a few days of down time - Christmas Eve services at church as many of "MyKids" will be there.... that is exciting - I miss everyone! Our rock group families have not got together in a few weeks and I look forward to hanging with everyone on the 28th...
Well - I am out of here...... Will post as time and events allow~
Friday, December 19, 2008
Salvation Army - Distribution Experience
I say experience because it is an experience! I called my friend Shelley before I got down there and told her I was on my way. She was very excited and told me to enter the "old walmart" through the optometry entrance. When I pulled into the parking lot - I just could not believe how many people where there. They had the front entrances blocked off so folks could not drive right up to the front doors - it also keeps people safer at the main entrance.
I walked in and was met by Shelley's friend Dee. She walked me around and gave me the process of how things worked. People were sitting in a section that had chairs all lined up and they waited for their # to be called since everyone has an appointment. Once called they are met by a Salvation Army Volunteer - during this shift of 8:30-12:30 there are over 100 folks volunteering- and they have a shopping cart. Here is where they meet the families. Everyone is very excited. I got to walk with Lionel. He was alone and his wife and 2 kids were home excited for him to come back with their Christmas gifts. They have a 4 year old and a 2 week old. Once through the line they can spin for a bike if they did not receive one. The excitement level was that of like an auction. Lots of happy faces, screams of excitement and shouts of "I Won" - it was amazing to watch. Even the volunteers were very excited when someone won a bike. Once around this part of the line - Lionels # was called and a volunteer brought over the family gift bag with all the gifts. It was placed in the shopping cart and we moved along to the stocking area. Every child through the Salvation Army will receive a stocking full of stuff - regardless if they got something or not. Lionel was about in tears and I asked him if they would have gifts this Christmas if it was not for the donations and the Salvation Army. He said, "Probably not". I shook his hand and out the door he went. Shopping cart delivered to the next family in waiting.
It was an unreal experience watching the folks come through. 200 an hour for 4 days - all walks of life - all kinds of people but all in the same need. I am thankful for the experience and its so humbling all wrapped into one.
I am so content with what God has given me, the blessings he is given us and the heart that he has given me to serve others. It really hits home why Carol and I do not share Christmas gifts anymore - we adopt a family who could use a little encouragement or a little help. We pack that box with all kinds of things..... each of its own importance. It really is special to us~
I have really been seeing people differently the last few months especially. God is opening many doors ........ and thankful for the opportunities that are behind each of them.
Shelley - thank you for the opportunity this year to serve the Salvation Army - the people coming through your doors and for changing many things in my life because of the experience. You are still smiling even today wonder - You are doing Gods work and it shows on your face. Love you and proud of you~ Merry Christmas to you and your family. Get some rest and know you are making such an impact in the hearts of many!
I walked in and was met by Shelley's friend Dee. She walked me around and gave me the process of how things worked. People were sitting in a section that had chairs all lined up and they waited for their # to be called since everyone has an appointment. Once called they are met by a Salvation Army Volunteer - during this shift of 8:30-12:30 there are over 100 folks volunteering- and they have a shopping cart. Here is where they meet the families. Everyone is very excited. I got to walk with Lionel. He was alone and his wife and 2 kids were home excited for him to come back with their Christmas gifts. They have a 4 year old and a 2 week old. Once through the line they can spin for a bike if they did not receive one. The excitement level was that of like an auction. Lots of happy faces, screams of excitement and shouts of "I Won" - it was amazing to watch. Even the volunteers were very excited when someone won a bike. Once around this part of the line - Lionels # was called and a volunteer brought over the family gift bag with all the gifts. It was placed in the shopping cart and we moved along to the stocking area. Every child through the Salvation Army will receive a stocking full of stuff - regardless if they got something or not. Lionel was about in tears and I asked him if they would have gifts this Christmas if it was not for the donations and the Salvation Army. He said, "Probably not". I shook his hand and out the door he went. Shopping cart delivered to the next family in waiting.
It was an unreal experience watching the folks come through. 200 an hour for 4 days - all walks of life - all kinds of people but all in the same need. I am thankful for the experience and its so humbling all wrapped into one.
I am so content with what God has given me, the blessings he is given us and the heart that he has given me to serve others. It really hits home why Carol and I do not share Christmas gifts anymore - we adopt a family who could use a little encouragement or a little help. We pack that box with all kinds of things..... each of its own importance. It really is special to us~
I have really been seeing people differently the last few months especially. God is opening many doors ........ and thankful for the opportunities that are behind each of them.
Shelley - thank you for the opportunity this year to serve the Salvation Army - the people coming through your doors and for changing many things in my life because of the experience. You are still smiling even today wonder - You are doing Gods work and it shows on your face. Love you and proud of you~ Merry Christmas to you and your family. Get some rest and know you are making such an impact in the hearts of many!
I will be leaving here shortly to head down to the Salvation Army Christmas Center. I am really looking forward to witnessing some of the families that are coming to pick up their gifts. Its something I have yet to experience and I am really looking forward to making the connection of "Giving" during this season.
Colossians 3:12 is really speaking to me this morning~
12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
Love makes you a kind person. Kindness also makes you a likable person. When you're kind, people want to be around you and when they see you being good TO them they also see you being good FOR them.
Proverbs 3:3-4
3 Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. 4 Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will earn a good reputation.
Kind people simply find favor where ever they may go. I do my best to be kind to people and continue to be humble and content with whatever I have been given. More and more these past few years, my family and I are growing in our "Giving". It is addictive to "Give" - giving is more than money .... Giving is a part of yourself and when you can "Give" a part of ourselves to someone else or to a family and really get down to that level - it is something special.
~Kindness in its self is Gentleness. Be careful how you treat others. You operate in the sensitive mode when handling tough situations or having to do or say those hard things. You always put your self in the shoes of someone else.
~Kindness in its self is also Helpful. Being kind means you are meeting the needs of those around you right now. If its housework, making a meal, helping a friend, watching a friends child, or just being there to listen. We have to evaluate the needs and then be motivated to meet those needs no matter what they may be - even if your needs are put on hold.
~Kindness in its self is also Willingness. We have to be willing to get dirty and go to the messy places. We don't make excuses or complain - we just get busy doing what is needed. We can't be in the mindset of being in the spotlight as sometimes being kind is letting the person you are being kind to - be in the spotlight.
~Kindness in its self is also Initiative. We have to think ahead and take the first steps. Often times pride gets in people's way when it comes to asking for help. Sometimes we have to stay one step ahead of them and just serve them. We can't serve someone if we are sitting on the couch waiting for them to call. We often times have to go to them and not take no for an answer. Make things right! See the need and make the move forward.
Kindness is love in action. What kindness are you showing others today? Is there a need in regards to a friend, that is not being met today? What can you do to help that need and take part in that blessing?
I started taking care of the lawn care needs of a family 2 years ago. That blessing and that action has led to a friendship so close and dear to my family and I ... it is amazing what could happen when we take Kindness into the world and get moving.
Kindness with motivation = Great things ahead
Colossians 3:12 is really speaking to me this morning~
12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
Love makes you a kind person. Kindness also makes you a likable person. When you're kind, people want to be around you and when they see you being good TO them they also see you being good FOR them.
Proverbs 3:3-4
3 Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. 4 Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will earn a good reputation.
Kind people simply find favor where ever they may go. I do my best to be kind to people and continue to be humble and content with whatever I have been given. More and more these past few years, my family and I are growing in our "Giving". It is addictive to "Give" - giving is more than money .... Giving is a part of yourself and when you can "Give" a part of ourselves to someone else or to a family and really get down to that level - it is something special.
~Kindness in its self is Gentleness. Be careful how you treat others. You operate in the sensitive mode when handling tough situations or having to do or say those hard things. You always put your self in the shoes of someone else.
~Kindness in its self is also Helpful. Being kind means you are meeting the needs of those around you right now. If its housework, making a meal, helping a friend, watching a friends child, or just being there to listen. We have to evaluate the needs and then be motivated to meet those needs no matter what they may be - even if your needs are put on hold.
~Kindness in its self is also Willingness. We have to be willing to get dirty and go to the messy places. We don't make excuses or complain - we just get busy doing what is needed. We can't be in the mindset of being in the spotlight as sometimes being kind is letting the person you are being kind to - be in the spotlight.
~Kindness in its self is also Initiative. We have to think ahead and take the first steps. Often times pride gets in people's way when it comes to asking for help. Sometimes we have to stay one step ahead of them and just serve them. We can't serve someone if we are sitting on the couch waiting for them to call. We often times have to go to them and not take no for an answer. Make things right! See the need and make the move forward.
Kindness is love in action. What kindness are you showing others today? Is there a need in regards to a friend, that is not being met today? What can you do to help that need and take part in that blessing?
I started taking care of the lawn care needs of a family 2 years ago. That blessing and that action has led to a friendship so close and dear to my family and I ... it is amazing what could happen when we take Kindness into the world and get moving.
Kindness with motivation = Great things ahead
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Feeling a little weird this evening. Carol is out with her gals for a party with her bible study. Kyle and I just scanned the Apple TV for a movie and for an hour - did not see anything that caught our eye. Especially being age appropriate. Do parents care about that stuff anymore?
So checked my email... no email. No current books I am reading except for my bible every morning. So feeling a little lost this evening - especially with no survivor on.
Today did have some good moments though - Carol worked hard to pull together Kyles class Christmas party. There were a lot of parents there which was pretty awesome. The kids were all good and for an hour we got to do an activity outside. I was excited when one of "MyKids" came to me and said I was on her team. So we got to spend a little time together doing the activity all over the school grounds. It was warm today but wet so everyone had wet feet but thats better than freezing. Anyways - it was a good afternoon and I will miss seeing the kids the next 2 weeks. Hope to see some of them over the Christmas break. Finals are almost done at work - Gradution is on Saturday...... and a few weeks off to get some down time. I am looking forward to that! Have been burning the candle at a few ends the last few weeks. I will be posting some but not that often.
Have a good night everyone. There is MUCH to be thankful for.
So checked my email... no email. No current books I am reading except for my bible every morning. So feeling a little lost this evening - especially with no survivor on.
Today did have some good moments though - Carol worked hard to pull together Kyles class Christmas party. There were a lot of parents there which was pretty awesome. The kids were all good and for an hour we got to do an activity outside. I was excited when one of "MyKids" came to me and said I was on her team. So we got to spend a little time together doing the activity all over the school grounds. It was warm today but wet so everyone had wet feet but thats better than freezing. Anyways - it was a good afternoon and I will miss seeing the kids the next 2 weeks. Hope to see some of them over the Christmas break. Finals are almost done at work - Gradution is on Saturday...... and a few weeks off to get some down time. I am looking forward to that! Have been burning the candle at a few ends the last few weeks. I will be posting some but not that often.
Have a good night everyone. There is MUCH to be thankful for.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Salvation Army -
Have a great day today!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I missed having lunch today with some of "MyKids". The thought of them looking for me on "Our" Tuesdays with their sad faces is bothering me today but I hope to get over there tomorrow. We celebrated a retirement party for one of our dear co-workers today. After many years of service her time is winding down here at work. I am sure there are some emotions that go with leaving and moving on to the next place in life.
I am pretty excited about heading down to the Salvation Army tonight. Finishing up the last of our donated Angels from church and the last evening preparations as Distribution Day is tomorrow and Thursday. These are the 2 days where the families come and pick up their gifts. I am feeling that I need to go for a little while tomorrow and see this. I know it will be emotional and heart breaking but incredible all wrapped into one. I know Shelley has been working monster hours and this is what she has been working so hard to see. So, I am hoping she can let me in to witness this and experience this "Giving".
I got a chance last night to walk the dogs. It was after 7 and Kyle was busy with this and Carol was busy with that - so I grabbed my ipod and the dogs and headed out across the neighborhood. I got a good 2 miles in and it started to rain. It was refreshing and cooling on my head and face and I didn't mind it at all. During this walk, I really was listening to what God has been showing me the last few days, weeks and months. His whisper was - What am I passionate about? What is it that He has put on my heart that needs to come out? What is breaking my heart right now?
As a follower of Jesus Christ - our walk with Him is not confined to the Sunday services. It is not confined into a building and 4 corners. It is not confined in the worship song..... As a follower of Jesus - we are the church. We are to take the church with us where ever we go and to whomever we meet.
So what is breaking your heart today? What are you doing about it?
God has been breaking my heart lately and even though at times its scary, its tough, its hard and messy and I have no idea at times what on earth I am doing..... I am doing something about it. God is in the details.........
Thank You for the walk and the whisper last night Lord. I know I am doing what is right because I know it comes from You. You have placed the very thing on my heart for a reason and I am thankful for not running from it. I wonder who else would have answered the call - what blessings would I be missing out on? I thank you for my family in also helping. Together we are learning to listen to your whispers and doing something about what breaks our hearts. I continue to ask that my motives and actions be Your motives and actions. May you continue to be in every single detail no matter how big or small. I pray that when people talk or we get discouraged that You remind us Lord - that we are doing Your work. That above all things is most important. Lord thank You for where I am today, for my family supporting me, and help me keep my eyes on You. I look forward to what is ahead Lord because You are in those moments. I continue to pray that our community and the people who call You their Lord, that their faith is in motion, they are putting some action into their faith and that they are far from Luke Warm in their faith and trust in You.
I thank You for your son Jesus who has given us THE example to love others and to reach those around us - no matter the circumstances and the struggles.
Its in His name I pray,
I am pretty excited about heading down to the Salvation Army tonight. Finishing up the last of our donated Angels from church and the last evening preparations as Distribution Day is tomorrow and Thursday. These are the 2 days where the families come and pick up their gifts. I am feeling that I need to go for a little while tomorrow and see this. I know it will be emotional and heart breaking but incredible all wrapped into one. I know Shelley has been working monster hours and this is what she has been working so hard to see. So, I am hoping she can let me in to witness this and experience this "Giving".
I got a chance last night to walk the dogs. It was after 7 and Kyle was busy with this and Carol was busy with that - so I grabbed my ipod and the dogs and headed out across the neighborhood. I got a good 2 miles in and it started to rain. It was refreshing and cooling on my head and face and I didn't mind it at all. During this walk, I really was listening to what God has been showing me the last few days, weeks and months. His whisper was - What am I passionate about? What is it that He has put on my heart that needs to come out? What is breaking my heart right now?
As a follower of Jesus Christ - our walk with Him is not confined to the Sunday services. It is not confined into a building and 4 corners. It is not confined in the worship song..... As a follower of Jesus - we are the church. We are to take the church with us where ever we go and to whomever we meet.
So what is breaking your heart today? What are you doing about it?
God has been breaking my heart lately and even though at times its scary, its tough, its hard and messy and I have no idea at times what on earth I am doing..... I am doing something about it. God is in the details.........
Thank You for the walk and the whisper last night Lord. I know I am doing what is right because I know it comes from You. You have placed the very thing on my heart for a reason and I am thankful for not running from it. I wonder who else would have answered the call - what blessings would I be missing out on? I thank you for my family in also helping. Together we are learning to listen to your whispers and doing something about what breaks our hearts. I continue to ask that my motives and actions be Your motives and actions. May you continue to be in every single detail no matter how big or small. I pray that when people talk or we get discouraged that You remind us Lord - that we are doing Your work. That above all things is most important. Lord thank You for where I am today, for my family supporting me, and help me keep my eyes on You. I look forward to what is ahead Lord because You are in those moments. I continue to pray that our community and the people who call You their Lord, that their faith is in motion, they are putting some action into their faith and that they are far from Luke Warm in their faith and trust in You.
I thank You for your son Jesus who has given us THE example to love others and to reach those around us - no matter the circumstances and the struggles.
Its in His name I pray,
Monday, December 15, 2008
Salvation Army Tomorrow Night~
Just a reminder for everyone - Your Angel Tree gifts need to be at the church office tomorrow no later than 5:15. Scott and I are loading his trailer and heading out. Hope to have lots of folks representing Rock River Community Church - but - they don't have to be. Bring your family and neighbors if you want. It is a great experience and tomorrow night will be no different. If anyone missed last week and you want to go tomorrow night - Please just let me know.
Email me -
Hope to see you there~
Email me -
Hope to see you there~
December 15th and its 68 here. Hard to believe that - I hope to get a chance to get out and get some air on me this afternoon for a bit. Just got finished with a student interview - happy to say he is a church man and should make a good addition to our student employment here at work. We have a great bunch of students now and I am looking forward to next semester. Its exciting seeing our young folks taking their faith seriously and actually engaged in their church by serving, doing their ministry of helping others and having a soft heart for the Lord. 10 seconds in meeting them - you can see it. Thats flippin awesome!
Today I got the chance to give a Christmas card and an envelope to our housekeeper here at work. She works hard for little money here and she always has a smile when she stops in to say good morning. It was awesome seeing her open the envelope - hope it goes a long way in helping her ease the situations in life that she is struggling in today. Blessed to have some giving folks around me.
With the past week behind me - well my family too because Carol was just as much involved in the details as I was - I wanted to share a few things.
~Doing ministry is hard - its hard going to the tough places and meeting people right where they are. How can you encourage someone or help them when you are not willing to get messy?
~God often times calls us to help a family in need - we have to look past the issues of "Why" they are where they are and just get in there to help. We also have to look at helping past the holidays when everyone else is done their good deeds- they may still need help in the coming weeks and months
~Being a godly man raises a lot of questions sometimes. Doesn't matter that I teach Sunday school or heavily involved in my church - would those same questions be asked if I was a policeman, a teacher or a doctor?
~Sometimes we have to do hard things. God places some thing on your heart and we have to get on with doing His work. Regardless of what others are saying .... they are looking on and not involved...why? Sometimes doing Gods work is lonely but when you come out on the other side - man it is awesome knowing you are making a difference and you know God is smiling.
~Rest is something we all need. Even with all the things going on in life- we need to take time to rest and refresh. To gather our thoughts and reflect on what God is doing in our lives.
~The evening meal is meant to bring family and friends together. It is a time to put aside the baseball game or the school activity so you can invest in the important things. People~ Dont let distractions and business teach your children - You teach them what is important. They learn from us parents!
~A few times last week I was taken back by fear. Yes, I admit it - when people think and then talk and question things - It hurts. It stings and fear takes over. You begin to wonder why God has asked you to do something when some folks just don't get it. Often times when doing Gods work - the devil will put those people in your life to bring you down and to discourage.
~ I want my life and who I am to represent how much I love Jesus. No matter what I am doing, where I am or who I am with - I am representing God. Are my actions reflecting that? Are my words reflecting that? Are my motives His motives? Am I leading "MyKids" like that?
~I want my family and friends to see me as a leader. (I know they do)Who goes to the Lord for answers and direction. Who serves others even when its hard. Who wants to make a difference in the people around me. Who loves more than I thought I could. Who is willing to invest my time, my heart and my passion in who God has made me.
~I don't want to put off something for tomorrow when I know it will make a difference for someone today. Life is short and tomorrow is not promised. Today is our gift - be fruitful in it.
~I am an encourager - its a gift that God has given me. I am very peaceful in my nature and I am thankful for that. I want to be able to listen more and often times- talk less. Actions often times speak louder than words.
~I pray that my son keeps his heart in the Lords hands. I pray for him to lead the people around him and not be lead. To set the example and take a stand for what is right. To reach out to others no matter their situation. We don't always know what others are going through or where they have been. Giving is better than receiving - which is tough to learn in those teen years.
1 Peter -
Suffering for Doing Good 13 Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats. 15 Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it. 16 But do this in a gentle and respectful way.[c] Keep your conscience clear. Then if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ. 17 Remember, it is better to suffer for doing good, if that is what God wants, than to suffer for doing wrong!
True Life…It is better to add life to your years than to add years to your life.
Looking forward to a good week ahead ....
Today I got the chance to give a Christmas card and an envelope to our housekeeper here at work. She works hard for little money here and she always has a smile when she stops in to say good morning. It was awesome seeing her open the envelope - hope it goes a long way in helping her ease the situations in life that she is struggling in today. Blessed to have some giving folks around me.
With the past week behind me - well my family too because Carol was just as much involved in the details as I was - I wanted to share a few things.
~Doing ministry is hard - its hard going to the tough places and meeting people right where they are. How can you encourage someone or help them when you are not willing to get messy?
~God often times calls us to help a family in need - we have to look past the issues of "Why" they are where they are and just get in there to help. We also have to look at helping past the holidays when everyone else is done their good deeds- they may still need help in the coming weeks and months
~Being a godly man raises a lot of questions sometimes. Doesn't matter that I teach Sunday school or heavily involved in my church - would those same questions be asked if I was a policeman, a teacher or a doctor?
~Sometimes we have to do hard things. God places some thing on your heart and we have to get on with doing His work. Regardless of what others are saying .... they are looking on and not involved...why? Sometimes doing Gods work is lonely but when you come out on the other side - man it is awesome knowing you are making a difference and you know God is smiling.
~Rest is something we all need. Even with all the things going on in life- we need to take time to rest and refresh. To gather our thoughts and reflect on what God is doing in our lives.
~The evening meal is meant to bring family and friends together. It is a time to put aside the baseball game or the school activity so you can invest in the important things. People~ Dont let distractions and business teach your children - You teach them what is important. They learn from us parents!
~A few times last week I was taken back by fear. Yes, I admit it - when people think and then talk and question things - It hurts. It stings and fear takes over. You begin to wonder why God has asked you to do something when some folks just don't get it. Often times when doing Gods work - the devil will put those people in your life to bring you down and to discourage.
~ I want my life and who I am to represent how much I love Jesus. No matter what I am doing, where I am or who I am with - I am representing God. Are my actions reflecting that? Are my words reflecting that? Are my motives His motives? Am I leading "MyKids" like that?
~I want my family and friends to see me as a leader. (I know they do)Who goes to the Lord for answers and direction. Who serves others even when its hard. Who wants to make a difference in the people around me. Who loves more than I thought I could. Who is willing to invest my time, my heart and my passion in who God has made me.
~I don't want to put off something for tomorrow when I know it will make a difference for someone today. Life is short and tomorrow is not promised. Today is our gift - be fruitful in it.
~I am an encourager - its a gift that God has given me. I am very peaceful in my nature and I am thankful for that. I want to be able to listen more and often times- talk less. Actions often times speak louder than words.
~I pray that my son keeps his heart in the Lords hands. I pray for him to lead the people around him and not be lead. To set the example and take a stand for what is right. To reach out to others no matter their situation. We don't always know what others are going through or where they have been. Giving is better than receiving - which is tough to learn in those teen years.
1 Peter -
Suffering for Doing Good 13 Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats. 15 Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it. 16 But do this in a gentle and respectful way.[c] Keep your conscience clear. Then if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ. 17 Remember, it is better to suffer for doing good, if that is what God wants, than to suffer for doing wrong!
True Life…It is better to add life to your years than to add years to your life.
Looking forward to a good week ahead ....
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sunday ....
What a week it has been. I am sitting and watching the Panthers take care of Denver. Awesome! Survivor up next and looking forward to that. This coming week does have its events but it wont be anything like this past week. It all was good and listening to Pastor Jimmy preach this morning - I wonder if Pastor Jimmy was with us this week? He spoke about doing the hard things when God has called us to do something. How that is so true after this week!
Kyle had his peeps over last night for his birthday party. I am all about hanging out with our peeps but even I was tired after 4 hours of 13- 11 year olds :)
Kinda sad one of "MyKids" went home today after staying with us since last Wednesday. Glad her mom and family arrived safely. There were lots of tough moments this week but God was in all the details - I am thankful for that.
Looking forward to a good week ahead...... I am blessed to be at a place in my life to be investing so much into the next generation and the next generation that will know Jesus! That alone is worth all the trouble, all the hard places and all the knowing that God is in the small details.
Kyle had his peeps over last night for his birthday party. I am all about hanging out with our peeps but even I was tired after 4 hours of 13- 11 year olds :)
Kinda sad one of "MyKids" went home today after staying with us since last Wednesday. Glad her mom and family arrived safely. There were lots of tough moments this week but God was in all the details - I am thankful for that.
Looking forward to a good week ahead...... I am blessed to be at a place in my life to be investing so much into the next generation and the next generation that will know Jesus! That alone is worth all the trouble, all the hard places and all the knowing that God is in the small details.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Why is it that when you extend yourself to do something good, to do something right- people make judgements, they ask questions and wonder about your motives? Anytime the Lords work is being done, the devil puts forth his side and things come about to discourage and make us doubt why we are doing what we are doing. Don't you think Satan knows about God? Satan has read the bible, he was on that inner lining until he decided not to follow and do his own thing.
So anytime we are doing something good, serving the Lord in some important way, reaching out to new areas of doing ministry where all the messy tough stuff is at - the devil will poke his head up. It might be through someone, comments, gossip, or some other circumstance ... but it will happen regardless.
Pray through it loved ones. Stay focused on what God has asked you to do. It might be tough but it will be sweet when you come out on the other side.
Its been a long week but I am really looking forward to walking through the "Streets of Bethlehem" tonight with my family and some of our Rock Group families. It should put everything into perspective.
So anytime we are doing something good, serving the Lord in some important way, reaching out to new areas of doing ministry where all the messy tough stuff is at - the devil will poke his head up. It might be through someone, comments, gossip, or some other circumstance ... but it will happen regardless.
Pray through it loved ones. Stay focused on what God has asked you to do. It might be tough but it will be sweet when you come out on the other side.
Its been a long week but I am really looking forward to walking through the "Streets of Bethlehem" tonight with my family and some of our Rock Group families. It should put everything into perspective.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Carol - I just don't know where I would be without you. I had a few minutes to sit this morning after praying to get some thoughts together to put on my blog. I was up at 5:10 this morning waking in mid sentence in many things heavy today. I am still no further along to update this blog. BUT -
I wanted to update everyone on the Salvation Army last night, next Tuesday's opportunity to go to distribution night, Kyles birthday, Uncle Buster having stroke yesterday and my Aunt Sharon, the girl in Kyles class who I told on Tuesday that I have been praying for her for weeks now as she was giving me a hug - she is going through some things we hopefully will never go through, our new Worship pastor decisions coming up, the tough sharp words of gossip and having to rise above that, Julie's surgery, little Adam, the long journey we are on with Hayley and her mom, lunches with "MyKids" and making time for each of them, leading the families in our rock group, being a daddy and a husband ..... and following Jesus.
I just don't have words for all this today. How is that encouraging and uplifting? I have to place these things in Gods hands - I never thought that following Jesus would take me to such hard and messy places. Our personal ministry that Jesus has called each of us to - is a hard one. It's hard going to places and shining for Him but it is something we have to do because we are called to do it. No wonder pastors of any size church end up out of ministry all together. The weight they carry for people is unreal.
Carol - thank you for your post this morning and putting my heart into your words because I know you are feeling it also. Thank you for walking with me, supporting me and following Jesus with me. My tears flow today ......... but thats ok.
I know Lee McDerment probably will never read this but if you do - thank you for your song - "Love Is" - it is really getting me through right now bro.
Last night before we left for the Salvation Army - I spoke to one of our pastors outside... you know who you are - thank you for listening bro.......
Yes ministry is messy. People are messy. Relationships are messy. Reaching people for Jesus is messy. Our faith and following Jesus cannot be and should not be luke warm. We either have to be cold (not believing at all) or on fire (all in) for Jesus........ luke warm is a trusting faithless walk. Who wants warm tea, beer, coffee, sweet tea, water??? It has to be cold or hot..... to be any good at all.
What is your temperature today?
1 Peter 4:8-10
8Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.
I wanted to update everyone on the Salvation Army last night, next Tuesday's opportunity to go to distribution night, Kyles birthday, Uncle Buster having stroke yesterday and my Aunt Sharon, the girl in Kyles class who I told on Tuesday that I have been praying for her for weeks now as she was giving me a hug - she is going through some things we hopefully will never go through, our new Worship pastor decisions coming up, the tough sharp words of gossip and having to rise above that, Julie's surgery, little Adam, the long journey we are on with Hayley and her mom, lunches with "MyKids" and making time for each of them, leading the families in our rock group, being a daddy and a husband ..... and following Jesus.
I just don't have words for all this today. How is that encouraging and uplifting? I have to place these things in Gods hands - I never thought that following Jesus would take me to such hard and messy places. Our personal ministry that Jesus has called each of us to - is a hard one. It's hard going to places and shining for Him but it is something we have to do because we are called to do it. No wonder pastors of any size church end up out of ministry all together. The weight they carry for people is unreal.
Carol - thank you for your post this morning and putting my heart into your words because I know you are feeling it also. Thank you for walking with me, supporting me and following Jesus with me. My tears flow today ......... but thats ok.
I know Lee McDerment probably will never read this but if you do - thank you for your song - "Love Is" - it is really getting me through right now bro.
Last night before we left for the Salvation Army - I spoke to one of our pastors outside... you know who you are - thank you for listening bro.......
Yes ministry is messy. People are messy. Relationships are messy. Reaching people for Jesus is messy. Our faith and following Jesus cannot be and should not be luke warm. We either have to be cold (not believing at all) or on fire (all in) for Jesus........ luke warm is a trusting faithless walk. Who wants warm tea, beer, coffee, sweet tea, water??? It has to be cold or hot..... to be any good at all.
What is your temperature today?
1 Peter 4:8-10
8Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
11 years has gone by since my life changed. Kyle is 11 today and in many ways its hard to believe 11 years has went by so fast. Back in 1999 when Kyle was just 2 - I had a close call with leaving this earthly home due to a sickness. It took months for me to recover and in some ways - that experience too has changed my life. God let me live and healed me so that I could continue to be a father for Kyle. It is the greatest role that I will ever play. But it is one of many roles that a father must have. I take each day now as "Precious" and asking God to continue to bless me as a father. I don't have all the answers nor do I not make mistakes but God has indeed blessed me with a wonderful son.
Above all things - I know that Kyle is Gods child before he is mine. Kyle knows God and is walking his life so far in His paths. I am very proud of some of the amazing things Kyle has shown Carol and I over the years. He has such a demeanor about him that shows through - he loves people and he really cares about them. He has surrounded himself with an awesome bunch of peeps and is a good judge of character. He is always making people laugh and in tough situations - he knows just what to do and say. He has suffered through the passing of 2 of his grandma's, a grandpa and an aunt..... we were at the nursing home when his grandpa was first admitted and Walts first roommate was sick. He died a few days later and Kyle and I were coming to visit. When we walked in we were met by his grieving family. His wife was weeping and I reached out to comfort her. She then pulled Kyle in and Kyle asked her - "Why are you crying - your husband is in heaven and he has waited his whole life to be there" She stopped crying and a big smile came over her face. She began to tell us about his life, his journey and his service to the Lord through their church. It was an amazing moment with such a few words. Kyle also adopted miss Lizzie when we were there. She has dementia but she always remembers "Banjo" and smiles so big when she sees Kyle. Kyle had played his guitar for her and that she remembers of all things.
Happy birthday Kyle - I am proud of you and love you more than I have words for. God has truly blessed me with a great son and looking ahead - I am excited to see what God has in store for you. He has great plans in your future - May he use you buddy for great things to bring glory and honor to His kingdom.
Love you buddy,
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Salvation Army - Angel Tree~
I am pretty pumped about serving at the Salvation Army tomorrow. It was great to hang out a little bit last night with Shelley @the Christmas center and see how God is using her. The last 5 Angels are on the list to be adopted here at work and 2 have went in the last few minutes- so that is pretty cool to see people jump on board with their giving.

I wanted to share a few pictures from last year. Carol has posted the details since she is getting many questions - you can check her blog here -
Hope these pictures give you an idea for tomorrow! Hope you come and get involved~
Monday, December 8, 2008
Just got in from going over the directions to the Salvation Army in Wednesday. Directions done and excited to be serving so many families and kids who would otherwise not have much of a Christmas. Got to hang out a bit with my dear friend Shelley and her daughter. Got the grand tour and walked the area's we will be working in. It is going to be an amazing evening - even next week when we drop off all our adopted Angel gifts should be even more incredible evening.
Our church has the night to ourselves - so our experience will be that much more. At church Sunday our congregation adopted 45 children - 10 more than last year! Even with the economy down and many out of work - many have stepped up their giving.
Its Panthers monday night football. Driving by the stadium tonight - was pretty awesome. Lights and people everywhere! Its Charlotte's time to shine and lets hope for some good ol'fashion butt kicking here shortly. Go Panthers...........
Signing off now........
Our church has the night to ourselves - so our experience will be that much more. At church Sunday our congregation adopted 45 children - 10 more than last year! Even with the economy down and many out of work - many have stepped up their giving.
Its Panthers monday night football. Driving by the stadium tonight - was pretty awesome. Lights and people everywhere! Its Charlotte's time to shine and lets hope for some good ol'fashion butt kicking here shortly. Go Panthers...........
Signing off now........
Mondays have been a rest day for me for a long time. Sunday's just seem to keep get busier and busier or that I am getting older and older :) - I was proud of our Pre-K-5 Kids yesterday in their Christmas play. I was heart warmed by the folks who came out to support them - its a direct reflection of our youth program at church. I do believe that it is the future of the church by investing in these young folks. They will one day take ownership of their salvation and their church home - they will be married there and raise their families there. They have so much to look forward to but it takes work and it takes teamwork. So often we just look at what we see and not what God is doing behind the scenes. We are so closed minded and short sighted in life. We far too often give up and give in before the real miracles and change takes place.
I have been wrestling the "expectation" factor the last 4-5 days now. As a follower of Jesus - I expect to hear from our Heavenly Father on issues that I am struggling with. I expect to hear from our Heavenly Father on the prayers that I lift to Him. How can I not? If I am not hearing from Him then I need to do something differently or continue to stand strong and be patient because it is not my time but His.
How can we hear from God when we come into church on Sunday's late, leave early, gossip, don't serve and have a look on your face that harbors ill feelings towards others? How can we hear from God when we leave God at church on Sundays and then live our same lives the rest of the week? How can we put the church mask on Sunday mornings and hope nobody notices who we really are?
Every Sunday there is someone at their last strings of the rope. They need to hear from God in their life. They may be struggling with divorce, a child making hard choices, a sickness or who has had years of difficulties. It is that woman crying in the front row... it is the father who is looking to reconnect to his children again ... it is that mom who's the sole provider of her 3 children and is feeling alone even with 300 people around her. I too have to challenge myself at times to push through my sticking points. I have to dig deep and trust in my faith and my Trust in Jesus. I too have to be reminded that I took an oath when I accepted Jesus into my heart. TO become more like Him.... is that something you are doing? Honestly?
This morning while in Hebrews - This is what I am learning,
Hebrews 6:
We are confident that you are meant for better things, things that come with salvation. 10 For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers,[a] as you still do. 11 Our great desire is that you will keep on loving others as long as life lasts, in order to make certain that what you hope for will come true. 12 Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God’s promises because of their faith and endurance.
Last night there was a little girl who was singing in the choir. She was scared and started crying during practice. She came off stage and I reached out my hand to sit with her since her parents were not there. I gave her a big hug and told her it was going to be alright. I told her it was ok to be scared - I would be scared too - and if she did not feel like singing or didn't know the words she could just smile or whisper the words. She did not have to sing.... I went and got her a few pieces of candy and when she was ready - she got back up on stage. She made it through the play and there were parents, friends, grandparents and other church family members who got to see her sing and perform the Christmas story. It was a moment that is tender to my heart because Jesus put me where I needed to be. He put me on that side of the stage where a few minutes earlier - I was sitting on the other side with another family. She was the person who needed Jesus to calm her fears, who needed someone to speak encouragement to her, she was the one that needed a hug to build confidence to do what she was afraid to do. God was in those moments as the story unfolded. I am honored I was there.....
Be the beacon of hope through Jesus for others. Take a long hard look in the mirror - are you reflecting everything you think you are? Are you doing everything you think you are? Jesus went to the hard places, he met things head on and they were forever changed. My walk with Jesus is personal ... every moment of every day there is something I can learn... there is someone to serve... there is something hard to overcome... there is something to pray about....and there are answers if my expectations are eagerly waiting on the Lord.
Keep looking upward,
I have been wrestling the "expectation" factor the last 4-5 days now. As a follower of Jesus - I expect to hear from our Heavenly Father on issues that I am struggling with. I expect to hear from our Heavenly Father on the prayers that I lift to Him. How can I not? If I am not hearing from Him then I need to do something differently or continue to stand strong and be patient because it is not my time but His.
How can we hear from God when we come into church on Sunday's late, leave early, gossip, don't serve and have a look on your face that harbors ill feelings towards others? How can we hear from God when we leave God at church on Sundays and then live our same lives the rest of the week? How can we put the church mask on Sunday mornings and hope nobody notices who we really are?
Every Sunday there is someone at their last strings of the rope. They need to hear from God in their life. They may be struggling with divorce, a child making hard choices, a sickness or who has had years of difficulties. It is that woman crying in the front row... it is the father who is looking to reconnect to his children again ... it is that mom who's the sole provider of her 3 children and is feeling alone even with 300 people around her. I too have to challenge myself at times to push through my sticking points. I have to dig deep and trust in my faith and my Trust in Jesus. I too have to be reminded that I took an oath when I accepted Jesus into my heart. TO become more like Him.... is that something you are doing? Honestly?
This morning while in Hebrews - This is what I am learning,
Hebrews 6:
We are confident that you are meant for better things, things that come with salvation. 10 For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers,[a] as you still do. 11 Our great desire is that you will keep on loving others as long as life lasts, in order to make certain that what you hope for will come true. 12 Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God’s promises because of their faith and endurance.
Last night there was a little girl who was singing in the choir. She was scared and started crying during practice. She came off stage and I reached out my hand to sit with her since her parents were not there. I gave her a big hug and told her it was going to be alright. I told her it was ok to be scared - I would be scared too - and if she did not feel like singing or didn't know the words she could just smile or whisper the words. She did not have to sing.... I went and got her a few pieces of candy and when she was ready - she got back up on stage. She made it through the play and there were parents, friends, grandparents and other church family members who got to see her sing and perform the Christmas story. It was a moment that is tender to my heart because Jesus put me where I needed to be. He put me on that side of the stage where a few minutes earlier - I was sitting on the other side with another family. She was the person who needed Jesus to calm her fears, who needed someone to speak encouragement to her, she was the one that needed a hug to build confidence to do what she was afraid to do. God was in those moments as the story unfolded. I am honored I was there.....
Be the beacon of hope through Jesus for others. Take a long hard look in the mirror - are you reflecting everything you think you are? Are you doing everything you think you are? Jesus went to the hard places, he met things head on and they were forever changed. My walk with Jesus is personal ... every moment of every day there is something I can learn... there is someone to serve... there is something hard to overcome... there is something to pray about....and there are answers if my expectations are eagerly waiting on the Lord.
Keep looking upward,
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Its all in a Psalm today~
Psalm - as defined by - A sacred song; a poetical composition for use in the praise or worship of God.
Psalm 37
3 Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. 4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.
5 Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. 6 He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.
7 Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.
8 Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper— it only leads to harm.
It is hard sometimes when we are seeking the Lord for direction and answers. If you are not getting answers and direction after some time passes - why? As a follower of Jesus, it is our prayers that God speaks to us... It is the people God places in our lives that God speaks to us... It is that feeling you get in your heart and soul that you should do something or help someone that God speaks to us. If you are not hearing from God then maybe you are not seeking Him hard enough, long enough or in the right ways. Maybe you are not waiting long enough and asking God where are you ... I want an answer! Are there some things in your life right now that you lost the love and passion for? Do you seem to not love doing those things because it has become just routine or a drag to do or maybe you are not receiving something?
Hey relationships and people are hard - serving others is hard - serving God is hard. But through the sweat and tears and standing strong in what God has placed on you builds character and stamina and all the things that God wants to show you. Doing life with others has always been Gods plan for His children. Honor Him with your life, your love as you reach out to those around you and those in need, and in all the things you do. Maybe you have lost the passion and the love because you just need a small adjustment. Attitude - a little more rest- a change of pace - a little encouragement - some down time - dropping some things so you can focus on the bigger thanks or just some time alone with God.
Ask yourself - are you really seeking God for direction and answers? What is your face revealing to others today?
I took Carol to see FireProof last night. It was a great movie with a great message. 2 people opposite sides of their marriage and God is put in the center... a little patience and some time alone with God putting our trust in him even though it seems hopeless and pointless. Marriage restored, husband and wife restored - family restored. Good movie..... How did everyone know Carol and I had a date night? too funny........
This Psalm is on my heart today. Not sure why but between not sleeping well and cold medicine - someone might need it today. Press on loved ones....
Psalm - as defined by - A sacred song; a poetical composition for use in the praise or worship of God.
Psalm 37
3 Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. 4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.
5 Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. 6 He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.
7 Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.
8 Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper— it only leads to harm.
It is hard sometimes when we are seeking the Lord for direction and answers. If you are not getting answers and direction after some time passes - why? As a follower of Jesus, it is our prayers that God speaks to us... It is the people God places in our lives that God speaks to us... It is that feeling you get in your heart and soul that you should do something or help someone that God speaks to us. If you are not hearing from God then maybe you are not seeking Him hard enough, long enough or in the right ways. Maybe you are not waiting long enough and asking God where are you ... I want an answer! Are there some things in your life right now that you lost the love and passion for? Do you seem to not love doing those things because it has become just routine or a drag to do or maybe you are not receiving something?
Hey relationships and people are hard - serving others is hard - serving God is hard. But through the sweat and tears and standing strong in what God has placed on you builds character and stamina and all the things that God wants to show you. Doing life with others has always been Gods plan for His children. Honor Him with your life, your love as you reach out to those around you and those in need, and in all the things you do. Maybe you have lost the passion and the love because you just need a small adjustment. Attitude - a little more rest- a change of pace - a little encouragement - some down time - dropping some things so you can focus on the bigger thanks or just some time alone with God.
Ask yourself - are you really seeking God for direction and answers? What is your face revealing to others today?
I took Carol to see FireProof last night. It was a great movie with a great message. 2 people opposite sides of their marriage and God is put in the center... a little patience and some time alone with God putting our trust in him even though it seems hopeless and pointless. Marriage restored, husband and wife restored - family restored. Good movie..... How did everyone know Carol and I had a date night? too funny........
This Psalm is on my heart today. Not sure why but between not sleeping well and cold medicine - someone might need it today. Press on loved ones....
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I am still fighting my cold. It is worse in the mornings until I can get my coffee in and some cold meds before I start to feel a little better. I am making it though..... looking forward to spending some time with my wife tonight! Love it that she is clueless...... :)
This morning I walked through my bible in Titus Chapter 2:
1 As for you, Titus - (Frank, Bob, Harry, Mike, Tony, Tom, Steve, etc.....,) promote the kind of living that reflects wholesome teaching. 2 Teach the older men to exercise self-control, to be worthy of respect, and to live wisely. They must have sound faith and be filled with love and patience. 6 In the same way, encourage the young men to live wisely. 7 And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. 8 Teach the truth so that your teaching can’t be criticized. Then those who oppose us will be ashamed and have nothing bad to say about us.
In many ways our teaching is not standing in front of an audience. It is not leading a bible study with 30 adults or 30 teenagers. It is not standing in front of a classroom and teaching on a particular subject. Our actions speak for themselves and how we live our lives often times holds more meaning that what we say. Especially to our children and those who we have influence on.
Dad's today have such a bad wrap. Society tells us that "Success" is measured in the amount of money we bring home or the job title at work. Often times, even those things are sometimes great, it means long hours, time away from home and family, and stress and more stress to get everything done and keep the boss happy or customers happy. God does not measure us through our work - I think He does care about those big things but He also cares for those small things. Like your relationship with your wife - your relationship with your kids - your relationship and example to those who you teach in sunday school or your youth group. Your example in the neighborhood ... your actions at the football game... how you treat the lady in grocery store when its her first day on the job and she is nervous and is moving slow and you're in a rush....
Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriouseness of your teaching. What are you teaching to those around you? Does your life reflect the love and passion you have for Jesus? What is your life reflecting right now?
Last night I shared with a couple of great buds of mine that before our Rock Group gets together on Sunday nights - I am just pacing. I am walking around and just so excited for everyone to get there. The time goes so fast when we are there. My lunches when I am at the schools with "MyKids" - that 25 minutes is WAY too fast. Yesterday I was running a little late, the class was a little early and there were panic on faces of "MyKids". They know I am there on Tuesdays. Teacher thanked me for coming in because she knew it would be a tough afternoon of dissappointment. The little things in life matter loved ones. God is looking to trust you with the little things. If we can't do the little things in life then how can we do those big things? Those little things may be sitting with your wife and reading a devotion together and praying over it. It may be spending some quality time with your children - one at a time - to make them feel as special as you know they are. It may be to extend a helping hand to that single mom who needs help with her child when school is out and needs daycare or a meal that is warm when the fridge is empty because paying the power bill is important!
I am excited today to iron out some details with serving at the Salvation Army this year. I am hoping lots of my church families get involved this year and come to serve as we shop and organize and help families in the area who would otherwise not have a gift for Christmas. It is important for our children to see this volunteer time and families reaching out to others who could use a little help or a little smile. The little examples leads to big examples. Gods little things lead to big God things.
God can use you as you are - right now. No need to go and fix this or get that figured out. You have been working on those things all your life and has it made any difference? Your example starts and begins ..... now.
Afraid of what people might say or afraid they will talk about you -then give them something to talk about -
What God is doing in your life!
This morning I walked through my bible in Titus Chapter 2:
1 As for you, Titus - (Frank, Bob, Harry, Mike, Tony, Tom, Steve, etc.....,) promote the kind of living that reflects wholesome teaching. 2 Teach the older men to exercise self-control, to be worthy of respect, and to live wisely. They must have sound faith and be filled with love and patience. 6 In the same way, encourage the young men to live wisely. 7 And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. 8 Teach the truth so that your teaching can’t be criticized. Then those who oppose us will be ashamed and have nothing bad to say about us.
In many ways our teaching is not standing in front of an audience. It is not leading a bible study with 30 adults or 30 teenagers. It is not standing in front of a classroom and teaching on a particular subject. Our actions speak for themselves and how we live our lives often times holds more meaning that what we say. Especially to our children and those who we have influence on.
Dad's today have such a bad wrap. Society tells us that "Success" is measured in the amount of money we bring home or the job title at work. Often times, even those things are sometimes great, it means long hours, time away from home and family, and stress and more stress to get everything done and keep the boss happy or customers happy. God does not measure us through our work - I think He does care about those big things but He also cares for those small things. Like your relationship with your wife - your relationship with your kids - your relationship and example to those who you teach in sunday school or your youth group. Your example in the neighborhood ... your actions at the football game... how you treat the lady in grocery store when its her first day on the job and she is nervous and is moving slow and you're in a rush....
Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriouseness of your teaching. What are you teaching to those around you? Does your life reflect the love and passion you have for Jesus? What is your life reflecting right now?
Last night I shared with a couple of great buds of mine that before our Rock Group gets together on Sunday nights - I am just pacing. I am walking around and just so excited for everyone to get there. The time goes so fast when we are there. My lunches when I am at the schools with "MyKids" - that 25 minutes is WAY too fast. Yesterday I was running a little late, the class was a little early and there were panic on faces of "MyKids". They know I am there on Tuesdays. Teacher thanked me for coming in because she knew it would be a tough afternoon of dissappointment. The little things in life matter loved ones. God is looking to trust you with the little things. If we can't do the little things in life then how can we do those big things? Those little things may be sitting with your wife and reading a devotion together and praying over it. It may be spending some quality time with your children - one at a time - to make them feel as special as you know they are. It may be to extend a helping hand to that single mom who needs help with her child when school is out and needs daycare or a meal that is warm when the fridge is empty because paying the power bill is important!
I am excited today to iron out some details with serving at the Salvation Army this year. I am hoping lots of my church families get involved this year and come to serve as we shop and organize and help families in the area who would otherwise not have a gift for Christmas. It is important for our children to see this volunteer time and families reaching out to others who could use a little help or a little smile. The little examples leads to big examples. Gods little things lead to big God things.
God can use you as you are - right now. No need to go and fix this or get that figured out. You have been working on those things all your life and has it made any difference? Your example starts and begins ..... now.
Afraid of what people might say or afraid they will talk about you -then give them something to talk about -
What God is doing in your life!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Good Morning.....
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We got to enjoy a few days at the cabin and fully enjoy the company and morning java on the front porch. We got home on Saturday but wishing we could stay another day. Sunday morning brought setup for church at an early alarm clock. Raining cold and not much help but just enough to get things done. Even with some problems along the way we were able to put everything together. Its a lot of work and a lot of time and a lot of sacrifice - especially on my family. There are not many days that I get to wake up on Sunday mornings with my family. Enjoy a warm breakfast and reading the Sunday paper is a long forgotten thing. I was reminded yesterday why I do what I do. Why I move forward and do the hard things. The message yesterday was right on for me. Travis did a great job in giving us a clear message. A message that reminds us that we all have to have action behind our faith. We have to move forward when God is asking us to do something. Hiding from God is not an option. There is no place to hide. Life goes on and sometimes life is hard and often times it is that way because we are not doing what God has called us to do. I took a step of faith and started serving in the kids ministry a few years ago. Scared, not knowing what I was doing, having no idea that I would have any value with directing these kids.... I just didn't see it - YET. By serving the Lord this way - He has opened my eyes and my heart to many things. There is a family that we have been helping the last month or so with meals, lunches at school and really investing in them. Sure there are issues, there is fear of many things, feelings of - are we doing the right thing? I got a note yesterday from the mom. Its a note that made me cry - I even had a teacher come over and ask me what was wrong yesterday. I gave her the note and she smiled and gave me a big hug.
You see - I want people to see Jesus through how and what I do. I have received the most important thing in life - Salvation through Jesus Christ. It changes a person when we cross that line. I see people differently now ... I especially see children differently now. I know I can't do it all but I know I can make a difference with what I have today. It is that note that gives me hope. It is that note that I know my family and I are doing the right things. We are being the church - Gods hands, His feet and His words. If we can't put action behind our faith - then our faith is dead. It is meaningless and we are living a blind selfish lie by going to church on Sundays and pretending. The rest of the week are living like - We have no faith at all.
Lord I pray this morning that You keep my motives and actions - Your motives and actions. I pray You continue to move my family and I closer together and on the same page with what we are doing for You. May Your spirit fill our hearts so that we have greater compassion and love for those around us. Thank You for loving us and placing us in the positions that we need to be in so that we can be Your hands, Your feet and Your words. May our hearts be all about the things of Your heart. I am so underserving of this, so small compared to Your mighty love that extends to all aspects of what You have called us to do. Lord I continue to ask that folks see You through my family and I. May they know that what we do is more about You than anything else. The note yesterday shows me that You are indeed in the center of it. I thank You..... Thank You for Your son Jesus. Thank You for calling my family and I to a greater calling in this life. May You continue to lead us and show us the way. Hard things or not.... May You continue to provide the paths...Paths that lead to You. Our actions put meaning in our faith. Thank You for walking with us Lord. I pray all these things in Your sons name in Jesus,
Is the face that I see in the mirror
the one I want others to see
Do I show in the way that I walk in my life
The love that You've given to me
My heart's desire is to be like You
In all that I do, all I am
Do they see Jesus In Me
Do they recognize Your face
Do I communicate Your love, and Your grace
Do I reflect who You areIn the way I choose to be
Do they see Jesus In Me
It's amazing that you'd ever use me
But use me the way You will
Help me to hold out a heart of compassionate grace
A heart that You're spirit fills
May I show forgiveness and mercy
The same way You've shown it to me
Now I want to show all the world who You are
The reason I live and breathe
So You'll be the One that they see
When they see me
Author Unknown
You see - I want people to see Jesus through how and what I do. I have received the most important thing in life - Salvation through Jesus Christ. It changes a person when we cross that line. I see people differently now ... I especially see children differently now. I know I can't do it all but I know I can make a difference with what I have today. It is that note that gives me hope. It is that note that I know my family and I are doing the right things. We are being the church - Gods hands, His feet and His words. If we can't put action behind our faith - then our faith is dead. It is meaningless and we are living a blind selfish lie by going to church on Sundays and pretending. The rest of the week are living like - We have no faith at all.
Lord I pray this morning that You keep my motives and actions - Your motives and actions. I pray You continue to move my family and I closer together and on the same page with what we are doing for You. May Your spirit fill our hearts so that we have greater compassion and love for those around us. Thank You for loving us and placing us in the positions that we need to be in so that we can be Your hands, Your feet and Your words. May our hearts be all about the things of Your heart. I am so underserving of this, so small compared to Your mighty love that extends to all aspects of what You have called us to do. Lord I continue to ask that folks see You through my family and I. May they know that what we do is more about You than anything else. The note yesterday shows me that You are indeed in the center of it. I thank You..... Thank You for Your son Jesus. Thank You for calling my family and I to a greater calling in this life. May You continue to lead us and show us the way. Hard things or not.... May You continue to provide the paths...Paths that lead to You. Our actions put meaning in our faith. Thank You for walking with us Lord. I pray all these things in Your sons name in Jesus,
Is the face that I see in the mirror
the one I want others to see
Do I show in the way that I walk in my life
The love that You've given to me
My heart's desire is to be like You
In all that I do, all I am
Do they see Jesus In Me
Do they recognize Your face
Do I communicate Your love, and Your grace
Do I reflect who You areIn the way I choose to be
Do they see Jesus In Me
It's amazing that you'd ever use me
But use me the way You will
Help me to hold out a heart of compassionate grace
A heart that You're spirit fills
May I show forgiveness and mercy
The same way You've shown it to me
Now I want to show all the world who You are
The reason I live and breathe
So You'll be the One that they see
When they see me
Author Unknown
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