Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I am really pumped for tonights youth service. We have a lot of cool things planned, a great couple video's and my message should be good even though it is longer than I want it to be - I just feel like its the length it needs to be to bring home the over all message for tonight. Making peace with your past so that you can move forward in life.
So many of us have lived our lives far short of Gods expectations, I too am in that file drawer of unworthiness but only in the last few years do I feel like I am making steps forward and putting my file in another filedrawer. I am no where near finished nor complete in anyway but a continued work in progress. Stumbling at times and riding cloud 9 in others but all in all - I know what I am called to do.
So how do I go about doing just that? - This is where the hard part is right folks? You know you are called to do something, either full time, part time, in another location or place of employment - whatever the case may be - but how do you get there? What are the 5 steps for dummies to get where you know you need to be?
Its a process that has many different paths but in order to truly get there, we all must begin with God. Does our vision and what we feel God calling us to do really from his heart or our own? If it truly is in his will and in his heart - those prayers will be answered but if not ... Its a long road of trials and prayers that sometimes may never be ending.
There are times in life were we do need to step back, get a new perspective, take some time away from the familiar and comfort of those things we are holding so tightly on and really seek Gods face in the matter.
So how do we do that? How do we move from our past and into the future?
Let me share a few things that I am working on.. maybe they will help you in some way:
1. Draw near to Jesus by reading your Bible in a quiet place. - this really works best for me in the early mornings and those long nights I cant seem to sleep. God often times shows up when we least expect him.
2. Spend some time in prayer where you share with God what is on your mind and heart and then JUST LISTEN. Far too often we do all the talking, all the begging and we never take a moment to listen to what God wants us to hear. Sometimes we even ask God to hit us over the head with whatever it is we are praying about because we claim to be blind and stupid.
3. Use the spiritual gifts he has given you to serve others. The best way to get the focus off yourself is to serve someone. Go serve a meal at the homeless shelter. Write a note telling a friend that you love them and thank them for being in your life. Pick up a few of your daughters friends and take them for ice cream just because you can. Smile, laugh and chill with life being so serious
4. Be tight with other Christians who like you, love Jesus. Listen to them, share with them, and ask them to pray for you and ask them to hold you accountable.

When you start to do those things, you will begin to hear the heart of God in your life. Directions come after you seek His will and His purposes and direction.

Paul said in Phillipians 3:13 - Forgetting what is behind, and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

Get as close to Jesus as possible and then be still and listen to his voice - his heart will speak.

Someone needed to hear that today - myself more so probably - but someone out there as well.
Love and peace through Jesus today,

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