Friday, May 20, 2011

Gosh, its been a long busy week. I am so ready to roll out this afternoon and get to the cabin. Its calling my name and if its nice out this evening, I think a little sit on the boat with some Kenny on will be in order as we look to the stars in amazement.
YCI was good this morning and I love walking in and having all the students run over and ask me where I was last week and I get all kinds of high fives, hugs and a ton of smiles. Gosh this part of ministry will never grow old - I will - but that wont. It really is an uplifting experience no matter how down you may be - that will for sure raise you up a few notches. Not all students will suck the life from ya, bog you down with details, zap all your energy as you try and keep them encouraged and up - some are just easy to walk with. They are few and far between but I am thankful they are easy to spot and identify. Thank you Lord for those students who's ministry walk is light and easy because sometimes I too need to be led and reminded at times. Makes for the tough times easier to get through when you know there are some who will keep you going.

I just recently found out a guy from my high school many years ago is now living in Alaska. Though a place I have always wanted to visit and see - I am thankful today for NC and the sun that is shining as it warms me. I am cold natured - ask Carol - and the NC sun is just fine with me. I think about those long months of no sun. Well indirect sun, you have light but just enough to see and do life as normal as you can but nothing like the hot orange in the sky. I cant imagine a few months of that - its hard with a week of cold and rain like we have had here in NC earlier in the week. For me thats enough but for those in Alaska - they adapt and spend time probably in the sun when it is out. I think about our relationship with Christ like that indirect sun light today. As I get excited to head to the cabin, talk with mom and have time to be still and really focus some on Christ and be in his wonderful place he has given us. Its the Holy Spirit that lets us be close to Christ. Though we may not be able to be with him in the flesh... his Holy Spirit that he gives us gives us that closeness we all are looking for. Through that, comes the comfort we need, the light to our feet. I want those seasons in my life where I feel close with God to be special, to be really close - like the seasons of direct sunlight - soak it in Lonnie - all you can and learn, grow and shine because like the Alaska skyline - our faith has dips. There are seasons of faith where God seems quiet, where God seems to be everywhere, where we feel close and when He doesnt. That is excerise for our faith. We do some on our own to stretch and lean and then God pulls us by the hand and teaches.
Psalm 119:105: Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

I know as school comes to a close this year, YCI shutting down on Fridays, church attendance seems to drop during the summer and students arent as plugged in as they were during the year. Its like the sun dropping into the Alaska skyline. Its there but not directly....

Hoping for good weather this weekend, lots of outside time, time spent with family and friends... directly this time because you have to make the most of the opportunities.

Great moments are born from great opportunities. :)
Have a great weekend everyone,

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