Thursday, May 5, 2011

1 Corinthians 10:23- "I have the right to do anything," you say - but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything," - but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.

I started my post this morning with that in mind. There are several people around me today that find themselves in a tough place because they chose to experience, knowing that it would probably not turn out good, but did it anyways without seeking Gods will and His wisdom for their situation and decision. Far too often, when we put our own desires in front of God's desires it turns out badly for us. Why do people do such things? Why do folks bring these hurts and painful things into their lives? Why do folks refuse to listen to wisdom when it speaks?

It is especially tough in student ministry and living a good part of my heart with teenagers. Its the battle ground but these choices happen to every one no matter our ages. Last night was a good night for our student ministry. Speaking from Matthew 15 with Jesus walking on the water and Peter getting out of the boat was a good illustration for our faith and how we need to take steps sometimes that are uncertain but trusting in the Lord. Peter didnt have a garauntee that all was going to be okay nor did he wait for Jesus to invite him out on the water. As a matter of fact, Jesus was intent on walking on by until they noticed him. Peter in his excitement got up and cried out to the Lord and in faith - took the step of faith out of the boat and onto the water. Remember there is a storm taking place, they were scared out of their mind and while the story shares with us this faith step of Peter and Jesus - the rest of the disciples were not even mentioned because they never even got out of their seats. They missed the opportunity for something special and something amazing. I wonder how many times we go about our day with those missed opportunities? How many times, God walks right by us, in a soft spoken word from a friend, a smile from the lady at the store, a phone call from a friend ... I wonder about those times something special taking place in my life that I miss because I didnt recognize it or see it coming. -
Last night as a challenge to my students, I asked them to post on FaceBook 3 things they are thankful to God for in their lives today. They could post 3 things in one post or 3 seperate things - and I asked everyone to check on each other. Like or even comment on those posts and lets start using this tool of facebook communication for something positive instead of the drama and social things that it is. There are far too many folks on there who think its their purpose and right in life to be emotional and express their feelings on there as they announce to their most 751 closest friends. We tend to forget about our audience in life and what we are showing them. Some things are meant to keep private - so by being thankful today - maybe it will spur a storm of activity and comments and posts all for the glory of God.
Jesus when he sent his disciples out to go to the other shore after a LONG day of teaching thousands of people that day - He knew full well there would be a storm that night. He knew there is no easy safe thing when it comes to faith and fear is one of those things in our minds and lives it keeps us from doing something - often times turning us around right then and head back to safety. Faith and fear often times means to push through, face the fear and trust God during so that your faith may grow. Often times faith will push us deeper into scarier and more fearful things. God can use us there because he has us right where he wants us ..... dependant of him.

Not everything we do is beneficial nor constructive but when we seek Gods will and His heart in our lives, in our decisions - we will find ourselves getting out of the boat. What is in your life today that is keeping you in the boat, maybe too scared to get up out of your seat, maybe tired from pressing on against the storms and the wind - maybe its time to do something about it.
Jesus didnt let Peter sink and drown and he wont do that to you as well. Doesnt matter loved ones, if you lose your focus on him - He has his focus on you and that is what really matters when you are at the bottom of the waterfalls or sinking over your head.

Look for my thankful posts on facebook today. Add yours if you are thankful to God today.

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