Tuesday already. WOW - weekend was great. Spending it with family and some dear friends up at the cabin. Its nice to unplug and get away. I am really wishing though for some extra time there.... but school is still going and that kind puts a kink in the solution. BUT, hope to get back up there this coming weekend. There is nothing better than a cup of coffee on that front porch looking east and sitting on the boat with some Kenny on while at the beach, at the doc swimming or with ancor down in Party cove. What a peaceful place to refresh.
Its hard to believe after looking at the calendar for the month of June - and getting the Student Ministry newsletter together - Jeremy Camp is 18 days away .... Jamaica is 20 days away!
Gosh, that just really excites my heart and has me thinking forward. Gosh I still have a message to finish for Jamaica and Flood tomorrow, June 8th and 15th to plan. Its going to be a jammed pack summer but I am excited for the kids to be out of school as well.
I want to walk through a great story this afternoon - one that is touching my heart with Jamaica on the horizon. I will finish it up with a few personal thoughts and that shall be it. With me?
I want to talk through Acts 8:9-21
Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. He boasted that he was someone great and all the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, "This man is the devine power know as the Great Power." They followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his magic. BUt when they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus, they were baptised, both men and women. Simon himself believed and was baptised. And he followed Philip everywhere , astonished by the great signs and miracles he saw. When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them. When they arrived, they prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them.; they had simply been baptized into the name of Lod Jesus. Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on the apostles hands, he offered them money and said, "Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit." Peter answered: "May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God.
In less that a month, a team of 10 will be meeting another team of 10 -who have never met. Who have only briefly spoken and who have little contact really with each other, live in another part of the country - but yet are going to another country for the same purpose. The same message. The same goal and with the same heart. Its been a long time worry for me - with a mission trip outside of the states and being in such a uncomfortable place that none of us will be familiar with. That excites me but it also scares me. I worry about leaders and teenagers putting themselves first while there. Even if its only for a few minutes. Our goal and destination and vision must not change and that is to do Gods work while there. Loving on the people, the families, the hungry, the sick and elderly and remind them of who we all share in common - Jesus. If they dont know Jesus then its our duty as followers of Christ to speak truth and life and love to them. Its all about Gods glory on this trip and if that means we do with less, if we miss a meal, if we are hot, bothered and tired - so be it. Experience it while keeping the vision. Keeping the heart of Christ in ours at all times.
Peter got all up in Simons face about wanting to buy the holy spirit and be able to have what everyone else had. Problem is, its not for purchase. Problem is it cant be really bought. Problem is, your heart has to be in the right place in order for anything to work. I fully believe God will have the hearts right on this mission trip. Partly in a way - this is my purpose and responsibility as well. Talk about it until I am blue, get everyone on the same page - excite some people! Go into this fired up and ready for anything. I used to say - charge hell with a water pistol - and I guess in many ways I am still saying it. Satan has done his work to take our team down. Money is down and we are having to fund most of the trip ourselves. Air costs have went through the roof. Vacations are on hold, families are out of work, kids are struggling with Christ and their purpose in life as they try and find Christ in their own lives. - There is a LOT going on but God has made a way so far and I fully believe He will make a way all the way through this.
I once heard someone say that when some big thing happens in the world, America is always generous with the gifts of money - funding so many projects and so many outreach programs. I too have struggled with this as I think about the cost of the trip - wouldnt the people of Jamaica in the towns we will be at be better off for us to just give them $1300 each then for us to spend that money and go there?
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Yeah sure we could do that. They would be thankful for it but once again a gift of a helping hand comes and still - there is no face attached to it. There is no name attached to it. When you help someone get through a tough time, when you reach out a hand and take theirs when they need it most ...and there is a name or a face attached to it. IT CHANGES EVERYTHING! Now that person can be thankful to another person. They have a face to always remember that gift, that outreach, that helping hand or that face full of tears. They can relate now, sacrifice is what its all about. Sending money is easy..... thankful for those who do - but when you sacrifice on the behalf of others ... that is when it really hits home.
Jamaica - will have 20 faces, 20 hearts, 20 arms of love ready to hold sick babies, new born babies, kids who need a hug and to know someone cares about them, an older person on their last days on this earth - they need to know they matter and someone cares, someone loves them and it means so much that they sacrificed to go there ... not just send some money but actually do something. Now step that up a notch and come in the name of Jesus.
There is where everything changes........
Lord I pray for life change not only for the folks in Jamaica, who ever we may be meeting, you already know those details Lord and I pray for those hearts but I also pray for the 20 hearts you will be forever changing. I pray for changed and reminded hearts of Jim and Penie who have went further in their ministry and walk with you to help others come closer to you through this mission work. Lord I pray for those little hands, those little feet who need a hug and a smile to let them know they are loved and that they are not forgotten. I pray for all those who we will meet who are sick and just need someone to share Jesus with them, to listen to them and just read their life story on their faces. So much different than ours. May our hearts be burned with the images we will see for your glory and your purposes Lord. Help us put faces and names together because of the sacrifice of everyone. Gosh Lord, I pray our hearts are in those places and your Holy Spirit is fully with us during this time. May we honor you in all we do there.
I pray is Jesus name,
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I had a good birthday yesterday. Honestly, I was blown away by the birthday wishes from so many on Facebook. Odd thing, I only received 3 phone calls. Is the phone dead now? Does anyone talk anymore?
I got a call from my dad, my Aunt Sharon and one of my closest students - Emilee. Most of the wishes came in via Facebook or text message. A few of my close peeps actually went with me out to eat and then shared some time together last night afterwards. All in all it was a good day!
It was really cool when I brought in breakfast for the boys. Carol made breakfast burritos and made extras. Imagine that. And last night I handed out a few bracelets that I knew my girls were looking at while at the coffee shop catching up with David. Its was a surpise for folks to see a person celebrating if you want to call it a birthday and then giving out a few things. Why is that so weird to folks? I told them - hey, its how I roll. They accepted it and moved on.
But why does it have to be that way?
Did you know that most folks who eat on on Sundays are the worst tippers? Its that after church crowd. Why are we so stingy with our money and possesions that we can share it, bless others with it, use to glorify God?
I think for many reasons, this is part of the heart of going to Jamaica. I mean most of the folks we will come in contact with while there will not have much. They will be in the lower half of this countries $ level but I do believe they will have the most faith, the most joy and give us whatever they have. I am blown away at seeing how donations come in. The amount of money that some have given to this mission is amazing, we are far from reaching our goals, but the ones who have given the most- MAKE THE LEAST.
That just blows my mind.
It is said in the Gospels that Jesus couldn't do much in the town "BECAUSE OF THEIR UNBELIEF". Matthew 13:58 -
Wouldnt it be a sad thing to say that about your home? Sad to say about your neighbors or your family and friends?
How about you?
It would be sad if for your unbelief that Jesus couldnt do anything in you or through you.
Lord why dont you do more in our church? Could it be that because of the peoples unbelief and lack of vision?
Our eyes will be opened going to Jamaica. I fully believe the distractions of stuff and wealth and influence will be minimal and the power of joy, trust and the Lord will be wide open! I believe that hearts of the people will be so alive and eager to serve, to sing and shout for joy when we get there.
Faith is a verb and a verb means it has action. I cannot sit by and come to church and then check the box and be good for the week. Unfaised and unchallenged in my own walk to continue to keep coming week after week. There has to be some kind of change. Internal heart change. I will be speaking next week on Motivation and that is a key to keep digging deeper into Gods word, his promises and see life through his eyes and not our own.
I believe, Jamaica is going to be a big step towards that. Lives changed for the 10 people going on the NC team. 10 hearts broke because of what they experience, who they meet and who they serve. Out of our comfort zones, in a strange and different culture - this is prime time for God to do something amazing in each of us. My heart is in this God... you know. You called me to lead this. Afraid and ignoring at first - I can only hide for so long. I accepted and casted the vision to my peeps.
Gods promises are activated by our faith.
Our experiences will all point us to a life of faith. A faith that doesnt sit on the sidelines, a faith that says, I'm waiting here. Maybe God will work maybe not. Well, not much is happening and my walk with God seems to be stale these days.
Its almost like a sick guy needing medical attention and needs to get better but doesnt go to the flippin doctor. Thats foolishness. Its like the student who is totally unplugged sitting at church wondering why they are even there. Soon, if that continues they wont be there long.
Its like the person who wants to have hope, wants to know the Bible, wants to be plugged into a church loving family but doesnt go and make connections to get into one and who never reads their Bible.
You are not holding onto anything really. God is really the only real solid thing you can hold on to in this life. He has given us precious promises that you need to get your heart around.
"God helps those who help themselves" - that is not in the Bible but its biblical. Faith has to be real, has to be active, has to be excersized!
Sometimes we have to put action behind what we believe, what we are passionate about and get up, and do something with it. Then and only then can we watch God work.
Even Jesus had problems doing mighty works in his homeland, in his own community, because of who he was as the people knew him and because of his unbelief.
Sometimes stretching out and doing something will jump start your heart to something new. A spark that causes a wild fire of faith that overwhelms you and changes your life.
Coffee time and with that comes conversation. I got a Starbucks gift card yesterday from my dear little sister Carol and her family. I will pass those blessings on - they know me and told me I was not allowed to use it on them because that would be like giving themselves a gift. They know me...... they love me not for what I do - but for who I am. Those are the ones that will stick with you no matter what.
Thanks for all the overwhelming birthday wishes yesterday,
I am very blessed to be on this journey in life.
I got a call from my dad, my Aunt Sharon and one of my closest students - Emilee. Most of the wishes came in via Facebook or text message. A few of my close peeps actually went with me out to eat and then shared some time together last night afterwards. All in all it was a good day!
It was really cool when I brought in breakfast for the boys. Carol made breakfast burritos and made extras. Imagine that. And last night I handed out a few bracelets that I knew my girls were looking at while at the coffee shop catching up with David. Its was a surpise for folks to see a person celebrating if you want to call it a birthday and then giving out a few things. Why is that so weird to folks? I told them - hey, its how I roll. They accepted it and moved on.
But why does it have to be that way?
Did you know that most folks who eat on on Sundays are the worst tippers? Its that after church crowd. Why are we so stingy with our money and possesions that we can share it, bless others with it, use to glorify God?
I think for many reasons, this is part of the heart of going to Jamaica. I mean most of the folks we will come in contact with while there will not have much. They will be in the lower half of this countries $ level but I do believe they will have the most faith, the most joy and give us whatever they have. I am blown away at seeing how donations come in. The amount of money that some have given to this mission is amazing, we are far from reaching our goals, but the ones who have given the most- MAKE THE LEAST.
That just blows my mind.
It is said in the Gospels that Jesus couldn't do much in the town "BECAUSE OF THEIR UNBELIEF". Matthew 13:58 -
Wouldnt it be a sad thing to say that about your home? Sad to say about your neighbors or your family and friends?
How about you?
It would be sad if for your unbelief that Jesus couldnt do anything in you or through you.
Lord why dont you do more in our church? Could it be that because of the peoples unbelief and lack of vision?
Our eyes will be opened going to Jamaica. I fully believe the distractions of stuff and wealth and influence will be minimal and the power of joy, trust and the Lord will be wide open! I believe that hearts of the people will be so alive and eager to serve, to sing and shout for joy when we get there.
Faith is a verb and a verb means it has action. I cannot sit by and come to church and then check the box and be good for the week. Unfaised and unchallenged in my own walk to continue to keep coming week after week. There has to be some kind of change. Internal heart change. I will be speaking next week on Motivation and that is a key to keep digging deeper into Gods word, his promises and see life through his eyes and not our own.
I believe, Jamaica is going to be a big step towards that. Lives changed for the 10 people going on the NC team. 10 hearts broke because of what they experience, who they meet and who they serve. Out of our comfort zones, in a strange and different culture - this is prime time for God to do something amazing in each of us. My heart is in this God... you know. You called me to lead this. Afraid and ignoring at first - I can only hide for so long. I accepted and casted the vision to my peeps.
Gods promises are activated by our faith.
Our experiences will all point us to a life of faith. A faith that doesnt sit on the sidelines, a faith that says, I'm waiting here. Maybe God will work maybe not. Well, not much is happening and my walk with God seems to be stale these days.
Its almost like a sick guy needing medical attention and needs to get better but doesnt go to the flippin doctor. Thats foolishness. Its like the student who is totally unplugged sitting at church wondering why they are even there. Soon, if that continues they wont be there long.
Its like the person who wants to have hope, wants to know the Bible, wants to be plugged into a church loving family but doesnt go and make connections to get into one and who never reads their Bible.
You are not holding onto anything really. God is really the only real solid thing you can hold on to in this life. He has given us precious promises that you need to get your heart around.
"God helps those who help themselves" - that is not in the Bible but its biblical. Faith has to be real, has to be active, has to be excersized!
Sometimes we have to put action behind what we believe, what we are passionate about and get up, and do something with it. Then and only then can we watch God work.
Even Jesus had problems doing mighty works in his homeland, in his own community, because of who he was as the people knew him and because of his unbelief.
Sometimes stretching out and doing something will jump start your heart to something new. A spark that causes a wild fire of faith that overwhelms you and changes your life.
Coffee time and with that comes conversation. I got a Starbucks gift card yesterday from my dear little sister Carol and her family. I will pass those blessings on - they know me and told me I was not allowed to use it on them because that would be like giving themselves a gift. They know me...... they love me not for what I do - but for who I am. Those are the ones that will stick with you no matter what.
Thanks for all the overwhelming birthday wishes yesterday,
I am very blessed to be on this journey in life.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
An earthly Birthday
Another year in the books. I wonder if thinking back is the right way to look at a birthday - maybe it would be better to look ahead for the birthday year. A milestone at 45 years old. Or 45 years pushing toward 46? - Gosh thats something to think about. Regardless- I am very blessed to have yet another earthly birthday. I do want to say that the real birthday blessing comes on July 10 - back in 2005 - I was baptised publically and that being my spiritual birthday. I am blessed beyond my what my little mind can comprehend because of what Christ has done for me. Its also been 6 years now since getting my phone call from my mom wishing me a happy birthday. That is tough in its own regards but I am smiling knowing that she is probably leading a choir of folks singing praise to God and that is what I have been focusing on the past few days. Just reflecting on being thankful. Thankful for my heart and that God has it and for my family, with the greatest wife I could ever ask for and a son who brings so much heart into my life. Kyle you are an amazing son and there is so much in you buddy that you dont even know yet. I know as you spread your winds and find your place in this world, I pray that your love for Christ will continue to keep you focused on him and the bigger things ahead for you and all who journey with you. You have amazing friends and they keep you grounded as you keep them grounded. Love your sense of humor buddy, glad you got that from your daddy. Carol breakfast was awesome this morning -looking forward to leftovers for lunch. Thank you for always keeping me focused, aiming higher and encouraged when sometimes even this encourager is down. We all need perspective sometimes and you give me the room and freedom to pour my life into the students who God has trusted me with for His kingdom and purposes. I am a pastor to them even if I may not have that title - I am who God has created me to be and I hold my head high with that calling on my life. thank you for giving me that freedom, that time away that is carved from our time together to do this important ministry work. Its hard sometimes taking a back seat, listening heart to heart and showing folks Jesus - even when its hard. Thank you miss Carol. I love you more than I have words for and I am blessed in SO many ways.
Tonight just going out to eat with family and a few friends. Carol is big on this American Idol show so I guess I will be watching the final tonight. Dont realy know who is in the finals but hey - sacrifice right? Anyways, its been cool getting all the happy birthdays on facebook today. I am taking the time to reply to each of them. I for sure dont like all the attention ... I'm just not like that at all. Have to work a little on my message for Jamaica - I cant wait to preach Gods word there and share his love with the good people of Jamaica. No pictures, no video clips, no ipad - just me a few notes and God leading me. I honestly cant wait ... Mom - never in a million years would I have thought I would be doing this, leading my life for Christ, have so much passion in my heart for others to know Him, to have a heart for teenagers - Gosh - it overwhelms me at times. I am just blown away at times - Just yesterday I had one of my new plugged in students, she is in 6th grade - she sent me a picture of her with her cross necklace sticking out in the open as to show it off. Posting it on facebook - I have given my heart to God. Thank you Lonnie for leading me and getting closer to him.
Gosh - that is a birthday present knowing that one student, one person is living their life for Christ. I had a part in that..... humbling, honoring and life changing.
Thats a present that will never get old and worth opening :)
GOds best today loved ones and thank you! Thank you~
Tonight just going out to eat with family and a few friends. Carol is big on this American Idol show so I guess I will be watching the final tonight. Dont realy know who is in the finals but hey - sacrifice right? Anyways, its been cool getting all the happy birthdays on facebook today. I am taking the time to reply to each of them. I for sure dont like all the attention ... I'm just not like that at all. Have to work a little on my message for Jamaica - I cant wait to preach Gods word there and share his love with the good people of Jamaica. No pictures, no video clips, no ipad - just me a few notes and God leading me. I honestly cant wait ... Mom - never in a million years would I have thought I would be doing this, leading my life for Christ, have so much passion in my heart for others to know Him, to have a heart for teenagers - Gosh - it overwhelms me at times. I am just blown away at times - Just yesterday I had one of my new plugged in students, she is in 6th grade - she sent me a picture of her with her cross necklace sticking out in the open as to show it off. Posting it on facebook - I have given my heart to God. Thank you Lonnie for leading me and getting closer to him.
Gosh - that is a birthday present knowing that one student, one person is living their life for Christ. I had a part in that..... humbling, honoring and life changing.
Thats a present that will never get old and worth opening :)
GOds best today loved ones and thank you! Thank you~
Friday, May 20, 2011
Gosh, its been a long busy week. I am so ready to roll out this afternoon and get to the cabin. Its calling my name and if its nice out this evening, I think a little sit on the boat with some Kenny on will be in order as we look to the stars in amazement.
YCI was good this morning and I love walking in and having all the students run over and ask me where I was last week and I get all kinds of high fives, hugs and a ton of smiles. Gosh this part of ministry will never grow old - I will - but that wont. It really is an uplifting experience no matter how down you may be - that will for sure raise you up a few notches. Not all students will suck the life from ya, bog you down with details, zap all your energy as you try and keep them encouraged and up - some are just easy to walk with. They are few and far between but I am thankful they are easy to spot and identify. Thank you Lord for those students who's ministry walk is light and easy because sometimes I too need to be led and reminded at times. Makes for the tough times easier to get through when you know there are some who will keep you going.
I just recently found out a guy from my high school many years ago is now living in Alaska. Though a place I have always wanted to visit and see - I am thankful today for NC and the sun that is shining as it warms me. I am cold natured - ask Carol - and the NC sun is just fine with me. I think about those long months of no sun. Well indirect sun, you have light but just enough to see and do life as normal as you can but nothing like the hot orange in the sky. I cant imagine a few months of that - its hard with a week of cold and rain like we have had here in NC earlier in the week. For me thats enough but for those in Alaska - they adapt and spend time probably in the sun when it is out. I think about our relationship with Christ like that indirect sun light today. As I get excited to head to the cabin, talk with mom and have time to be still and really focus some on Christ and be in his wonderful place he has given us. Its the Holy Spirit that lets us be close to Christ. Though we may not be able to be with him in the flesh... his Holy Spirit that he gives us gives us that closeness we all are looking for. Through that, comes the comfort we need, the light to our feet. I want those seasons in my life where I feel close with God to be special, to be really close - like the seasons of direct sunlight - soak it in Lonnie - all you can and learn, grow and shine because like the Alaska skyline - our faith has dips. There are seasons of faith where God seems quiet, where God seems to be everywhere, where we feel close and when He doesnt. That is excerise for our faith. We do some on our own to stretch and lean and then God pulls us by the hand and teaches.
Psalm 119:105: Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
I know as school comes to a close this year, YCI shutting down on Fridays, church attendance seems to drop during the summer and students arent as plugged in as they were during the year. Its like the sun dropping into the Alaska skyline. Its there but not directly....
Hoping for good weather this weekend, lots of outside time, time spent with family and friends... directly this time because you have to make the most of the opportunities.
Great moments are born from great opportunities. :)
Have a great weekend everyone,
YCI was good this morning and I love walking in and having all the students run over and ask me where I was last week and I get all kinds of high fives, hugs and a ton of smiles. Gosh this part of ministry will never grow old - I will - but that wont. It really is an uplifting experience no matter how down you may be - that will for sure raise you up a few notches. Not all students will suck the life from ya, bog you down with details, zap all your energy as you try and keep them encouraged and up - some are just easy to walk with. They are few and far between but I am thankful they are easy to spot and identify. Thank you Lord for those students who's ministry walk is light and easy because sometimes I too need to be led and reminded at times. Makes for the tough times easier to get through when you know there are some who will keep you going.
I just recently found out a guy from my high school many years ago is now living in Alaska. Though a place I have always wanted to visit and see - I am thankful today for NC and the sun that is shining as it warms me. I am cold natured - ask Carol - and the NC sun is just fine with me. I think about those long months of no sun. Well indirect sun, you have light but just enough to see and do life as normal as you can but nothing like the hot orange in the sky. I cant imagine a few months of that - its hard with a week of cold and rain like we have had here in NC earlier in the week. For me thats enough but for those in Alaska - they adapt and spend time probably in the sun when it is out. I think about our relationship with Christ like that indirect sun light today. As I get excited to head to the cabin, talk with mom and have time to be still and really focus some on Christ and be in his wonderful place he has given us. Its the Holy Spirit that lets us be close to Christ. Though we may not be able to be with him in the flesh... his Holy Spirit that he gives us gives us that closeness we all are looking for. Through that, comes the comfort we need, the light to our feet. I want those seasons in my life where I feel close with God to be special, to be really close - like the seasons of direct sunlight - soak it in Lonnie - all you can and learn, grow and shine because like the Alaska skyline - our faith has dips. There are seasons of faith where God seems quiet, where God seems to be everywhere, where we feel close and when He doesnt. That is excerise for our faith. We do some on our own to stretch and lean and then God pulls us by the hand and teaches.
Psalm 119:105: Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
I know as school comes to a close this year, YCI shutting down on Fridays, church attendance seems to drop during the summer and students arent as plugged in as they were during the year. Its like the sun dropping into the Alaska skyline. Its there but not directly....
Hoping for good weather this weekend, lots of outside time, time spent with family and friends... directly this time because you have to make the most of the opportunities.
Great moments are born from great opportunities. :)
Have a great weekend everyone,
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The past half week I have to be honest and say - GOSH - things seem to be really messed up. I am not saying that something is messed up with me or my family or anything but I have taken some calls, got some text messages, been pulled aside by a parent or student and received some heart FULL stuff. I am seeking God and his guidance and wisdom for these dear friends, these difficult situations but it just blows me away that stuff like this continues to happen and that focus on the GOODNESS of people when so much is wrong with us and the world we live in.
I think in part of my focus on these things is not only its personal and the students and friends who have come to me really matter to me - I mean I love these folks and I want to do whatever to help, to pray for them, to guide them, to listen but also to point and remind them that Jesus is there in their storms. In many ways as I think about our mission trip to Jamaica - I think about that vision of the broken hearted and so many being the least of these. I think about the suffering taking place and I know it so many wonderful ways, it will break my heart. I say wonderful because not that I will enjoy the experience and the interaction with them but because that is what I fully believe God wants my heart to see, to experience and to feel.
I am on board with that. As I stand in front of so many teenagers during the week on Sundays, Tuesday nights, Wed nights - Friday mornings and in my own personal time - gosh you can really tell which ones are plugged in. Those who are wanting relief, wanting grace, wanting wisdom and Gods ways, full knowing his ways are better than theirs. You can really tell which ones are paying attention and eager for more. SHOW ME is screaming out but for some - well its social event or a place to have something to do or a place to go. Just get me through this so I can go back to talking to that cute boy or girl or hang out with my friends.... for some - something big has not happened. Maybe they have pushed something big down so far as to not have to deal with it. Maybe - God was there but maybe not now - I just dont FEEL IT!
Tomorrow I am really excited to be closing out our series - "Soul Surfer" and I will be closing out with God who always goes way past our expectations. Most of the message I have focused on Ephesians 3:20 - Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
Not only do we not fully buy into that for most of us, we dont even believe it. But the truth is - God wants to do unreal things through you - through each of us. Its only when we catch that vision that God can step up and do something amazing through you. He can work through your passions in life, your talents and gifts - because by doing so for His name -It brings him glory and honor and praise. His name is shown to others because of the works he is doing in each of us and through us. So often just getting started to do something is the hardest part. BUT by doing so - it can actually jump start your heart and activate your faith to a new level. Maybe even a level that is for the first time. Far too often we dont do things because of how we feel. Feelings come and go, feelings change with the season, feelings change with the moods we are in -
I think for the most part we fall into the catagory that our vision is often times too small. In life we will have passions to accomplish things - to take something we love to another level far beyond anyone we know. God has that passion for you.
Our real connection comes when we allow ourselves to be concerned about the things God is concerned about. That revolves around the fact that its not about you. You have to get your eyes off yourself and onto others... their needs, their issues and struggles - reaching far into the world around you.
Jesus said Follow Me - far too many of us are attached to the things of this world and our stuff to even begin that journey. Your stuff can be looked at as something as a gift from God to use to reach others. Odd way to think about it really but - imagine what you could do by sharing what you have. A left over meal, a lunch invite, opening the door to your home to a friend or new family at church or that new family who just moved into the neighborhood, how about the student who sits alone at lunch or the one who always seems to be the BUTT of every joke and comment.
Dream big vision loved ones, and NEVER, NEVER, NEVER - EVER give up. NEVER. We all have courage but sometimes we have to dig a little deeper to find it.
What is your heart concerned over today?
I think in part of my focus on these things is not only its personal and the students and friends who have come to me really matter to me - I mean I love these folks and I want to do whatever to help, to pray for them, to guide them, to listen but also to point and remind them that Jesus is there in their storms. In many ways as I think about our mission trip to Jamaica - I think about that vision of the broken hearted and so many being the least of these. I think about the suffering taking place and I know it so many wonderful ways, it will break my heart. I say wonderful because not that I will enjoy the experience and the interaction with them but because that is what I fully believe God wants my heart to see, to experience and to feel.
I am on board with that. As I stand in front of so many teenagers during the week on Sundays, Tuesday nights, Wed nights - Friday mornings and in my own personal time - gosh you can really tell which ones are plugged in. Those who are wanting relief, wanting grace, wanting wisdom and Gods ways, full knowing his ways are better than theirs. You can really tell which ones are paying attention and eager for more. SHOW ME is screaming out but for some - well its social event or a place to have something to do or a place to go. Just get me through this so I can go back to talking to that cute boy or girl or hang out with my friends.... for some - something big has not happened. Maybe they have pushed something big down so far as to not have to deal with it. Maybe - God was there but maybe not now - I just dont FEEL IT!
Tomorrow I am really excited to be closing out our series - "Soul Surfer" and I will be closing out with God who always goes way past our expectations. Most of the message I have focused on Ephesians 3:20 - Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
Not only do we not fully buy into that for most of us, we dont even believe it. But the truth is - God wants to do unreal things through you - through each of us. Its only when we catch that vision that God can step up and do something amazing through you. He can work through your passions in life, your talents and gifts - because by doing so for His name -It brings him glory and honor and praise. His name is shown to others because of the works he is doing in each of us and through us. So often just getting started to do something is the hardest part. BUT by doing so - it can actually jump start your heart and activate your faith to a new level. Maybe even a level that is for the first time. Far too often we dont do things because of how we feel. Feelings come and go, feelings change with the season, feelings change with the moods we are in -
I think for the most part we fall into the catagory that our vision is often times too small. In life we will have passions to accomplish things - to take something we love to another level far beyond anyone we know. God has that passion for you.
Our real connection comes when we allow ourselves to be concerned about the things God is concerned about. That revolves around the fact that its not about you. You have to get your eyes off yourself and onto others... their needs, their issues and struggles - reaching far into the world around you.
Jesus said Follow Me - far too many of us are attached to the things of this world and our stuff to even begin that journey. Your stuff can be looked at as something as a gift from God to use to reach others. Odd way to think about it really but - imagine what you could do by sharing what you have. A left over meal, a lunch invite, opening the door to your home to a friend or new family at church or that new family who just moved into the neighborhood, how about the student who sits alone at lunch or the one who always seems to be the BUTT of every joke and comment.
Dream big vision loved ones, and NEVER, NEVER, NEVER - EVER give up. NEVER. We all have courage but sometimes we have to dig a little deeper to find it.
What is your heart concerned over today?
Monday, May 16, 2011
I am finding it harder and harder to find the time to get my thoughts out here on "thewalk". But dont give up on me yet - I am steadfast in this journey as I share my heart on here. For me, this has been a wonderful avenue to keep my heart right, to have a chance to share my heart, pray, encourage and also to let others know that its okay to struggle and to doubt at times. I am real as I can be, emotional at times, but focused on sharing Gods word, His love, His grace to others.
So hang in there even if the posts are not daily like they used to be.
Yesterday was such a bitter sweet day being my moms 66 birthday. After spending Friday night and most of Saturday with Kyle and miss Emilee at the cabin having a great time together, out on the boat, fishing, tubing and meeting up with friends - it was such a great time as we laughed and smiled. Yesterday I stopped at Lowes foods and picked up some items for my message yesterday as well as some fresh cut flowers. I placed those flowers at the front of the room yesterday and asked God for my mom to be with me during my message. It was a message I had an idea to speak on coming from Matthew 19 but one that I didnt have much notes for. I wanted to focus on the passion of the message and bring what was on my heart yesterday. My mom I think in some ways would be proud of me for standing in front of all the students and teaching them about Christ. I think she would be proud of me for pouring 110% of my heart and soul into them and not only telling them about Jesus but also doing all I can do SHOW them Jesus. Though there are times that are really hard, even questioning why I am doing this, but all in all - I am really loving the journey together. I have a lot of great students, some totally on fire for Jesus and standing their lives for him in their schools and friends. Some are a work in progress and together hopefully we will continue to take inch by inch steps towards them really realizing that they can follow Jesus in an honoring way. With so much drama in the teens years, its really hard to do that walk - maturity is not anywhere close to really figure out what is the real deal or not. Regardless of surrounding, Gods word spoken 2000 years ago still is the same words He is speaking to us today - FOLLOW ME.
Peter left a fishing business, a family income and all he had known to follow Jesus. Not knowing where he was headed or if there was even a promise of what comes next - He dropped and went with Jesus.
Mom those flowers in the front of the room was to honor you yesterday because of what you have instilled in me, placed those important things in my heart but also for me to share you with my students yesterday. HONOR is such a big word and a lost virtue today. Though I may not have shown you honor in all my days - it is something I wished I had done more of when I had the chance to. Its something I try and press on my students to understand. Though there are some who also have lost a mom - they really understand and that bond we have is strong and often times - I can look at those students and know what is on their heart. We sometimes just smile and say - Its going to be ok.
It will ... it will be okay because I know where you are today. I wouldnt change the path you had to walk, the places you had to go, the stuggle you had to face because all things work for the glory and good for those who believe in him. I may not understand many things, but I understand that God is in control and the real blessings come when we praise His name and bring glory through our stuggles. You did just that mom and I reflect on that often because you set a great example for all those around you.
Yesterday I was sharing Matthew 19:16-26 but for some reason I got carried away in the text as I unpacked what Matthew shares with us and I read outloud verse 30.
Matthew 19:30 -But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.
Gosh it took me a good minute to recover. You served others first mom - you SHOWED me the way ... and not just told me the way I should go in life. Took some time to finally get it, had to endure a season of watching my mom submit her life to Jesus in the most horrible way actually because of cancer but its in those struggles, those long nights, those opportunities to sit and talk about real things - that your heart was revealed.
I opened the students yesterday to take a flower if they had someone they that needed a flower, a smile or maybe a reminder that someone was thinking about them. You passed those flowers on through those students yesterday mom. It was really cool to see those who took the challenge and stood up to come and get one. I pray those flowers passed on through those students brought a smile, a reminder and goodness through them. I think you would have loved that.
Matthew 28: Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on 12 thrones ....
I look forward to sitting with you again mom. This time there wont be any other reason to have to get up, run here or run there .... unless of course its to worship the one and real deal - Jesus. That will be a worship service to interupt so much we will talk about .....
Love and miss you mom. More than you know.
So hang in there even if the posts are not daily like they used to be.
Yesterday was such a bitter sweet day being my moms 66 birthday. After spending Friday night and most of Saturday with Kyle and miss Emilee at the cabin having a great time together, out on the boat, fishing, tubing and meeting up with friends - it was such a great time as we laughed and smiled. Yesterday I stopped at Lowes foods and picked up some items for my message yesterday as well as some fresh cut flowers. I placed those flowers at the front of the room yesterday and asked God for my mom to be with me during my message. It was a message I had an idea to speak on coming from Matthew 19 but one that I didnt have much notes for. I wanted to focus on the passion of the message and bring what was on my heart yesterday. My mom I think in some ways would be proud of me for standing in front of all the students and teaching them about Christ. I think she would be proud of me for pouring 110% of my heart and soul into them and not only telling them about Jesus but also doing all I can do SHOW them Jesus. Though there are times that are really hard, even questioning why I am doing this, but all in all - I am really loving the journey together. I have a lot of great students, some totally on fire for Jesus and standing their lives for him in their schools and friends. Some are a work in progress and together hopefully we will continue to take inch by inch steps towards them really realizing that they can follow Jesus in an honoring way. With so much drama in the teens years, its really hard to do that walk - maturity is not anywhere close to really figure out what is the real deal or not. Regardless of surrounding, Gods word spoken 2000 years ago still is the same words He is speaking to us today - FOLLOW ME.
Peter left a fishing business, a family income and all he had known to follow Jesus. Not knowing where he was headed or if there was even a promise of what comes next - He dropped and went with Jesus.
Mom those flowers in the front of the room was to honor you yesterday because of what you have instilled in me, placed those important things in my heart but also for me to share you with my students yesterday. HONOR is such a big word and a lost virtue today. Though I may not have shown you honor in all my days - it is something I wished I had done more of when I had the chance to. Its something I try and press on my students to understand. Though there are some who also have lost a mom - they really understand and that bond we have is strong and often times - I can look at those students and know what is on their heart. We sometimes just smile and say - Its going to be ok.
It will ... it will be okay because I know where you are today. I wouldnt change the path you had to walk, the places you had to go, the stuggle you had to face because all things work for the glory and good for those who believe in him. I may not understand many things, but I understand that God is in control and the real blessings come when we praise His name and bring glory through our stuggles. You did just that mom and I reflect on that often because you set a great example for all those around you.
Yesterday I was sharing Matthew 19:16-26 but for some reason I got carried away in the text as I unpacked what Matthew shares with us and I read outloud verse 30.
Matthew 19:30 -But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.
Gosh it took me a good minute to recover. You served others first mom - you SHOWED me the way ... and not just told me the way I should go in life. Took some time to finally get it, had to endure a season of watching my mom submit her life to Jesus in the most horrible way actually because of cancer but its in those struggles, those long nights, those opportunities to sit and talk about real things - that your heart was revealed.
I opened the students yesterday to take a flower if they had someone they that needed a flower, a smile or maybe a reminder that someone was thinking about them. You passed those flowers on through those students yesterday mom. It was really cool to see those who took the challenge and stood up to come and get one. I pray those flowers passed on through those students brought a smile, a reminder and goodness through them. I think you would have loved that.
Matthew 28: Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on 12 thrones ....
I look forward to sitting with you again mom. This time there wont be any other reason to have to get up, run here or run there .... unless of course its to worship the one and real deal - Jesus. That will be a worship service to interupt so much we will talk about .....
Love and miss you mom. More than you know.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
If you are a leader in ministry, your ministry reflects you. Your passion for Christ is contagious. Ask God to increase your heart for those without Christ. He will. God will send someone - Maybe even a bunch of someone's - Whom you will care about. Some you will care a LOT about. Your love for them will increase. When that happens, you get it, and its almost impossible to turn off. Your prayer life increases. You are looking for opportunities to shift conversations toward spiritual things. You are ever aware that you are representing Christ. When you have IT, people tend to want IT. Your passion for Christ is contagious.
Today Lord, make my heart for you contagious today. I am so excited for Java4Jamaica tonight at Rocky River Coffee company to help us raise funds for our mission trip in June. Lord I pray that you bring a house load, a heart load of people who see your bigger vision for our lives and want to be a part of these things. Help us raise the money by bringing in folks who are on board with serving others and even if they cant in this adventure we are on may they see it with helping us financially. Lord the students that are going, Kyle, Morgan, Taylor, Zack, Emilee and Kate may come back with changed hearts, bigger vision for the things of you and hearts full of compassion for others. So much so Lord that it changes them completely.
Lord as I lead the student ministry at church, help me continue to have the capacity to love these students. Help me see them with the heart that you have for them. Help me invest my time, energy and passion into them to bring them up and empower them that you have great things in store for them. Help them be at peace with their lives and the things of their past so that they can move forward in life and experience you in a mighty way. May this peace be extended outward Lord to reach others. Its because of your grace, mercy and love for us Lord that we can live this life with hope. May my heart be a reflection of you Lord in all I do, in all whom I lead and all who I set an example for.
I pray in Jesus name,
Today Lord, make my heart for you contagious today. I am so excited for Java4Jamaica tonight at Rocky River Coffee company to help us raise funds for our mission trip in June. Lord I pray that you bring a house load, a heart load of people who see your bigger vision for our lives and want to be a part of these things. Help us raise the money by bringing in folks who are on board with serving others and even if they cant in this adventure we are on may they see it with helping us financially. Lord the students that are going, Kyle, Morgan, Taylor, Zack, Emilee and Kate may come back with changed hearts, bigger vision for the things of you and hearts full of compassion for others. So much so Lord that it changes them completely.
Lord as I lead the student ministry at church, help me continue to have the capacity to love these students. Help me see them with the heart that you have for them. Help me invest my time, energy and passion into them to bring them up and empower them that you have great things in store for them. Help them be at peace with their lives and the things of their past so that they can move forward in life and experience you in a mighty way. May this peace be extended outward Lord to reach others. Its because of your grace, mercy and love for us Lord that we can live this life with hope. May my heart be a reflection of you Lord in all I do, in all whom I lead and all who I set an example for.
I pray in Jesus name,
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
I am really pumped for tonights youth service. We have a lot of cool things planned, a great couple video's and my message should be good even though it is longer than I want it to be - I just feel like its the length it needs to be to bring home the over all message for tonight. Making peace with your past so that you can move forward in life.
So many of us have lived our lives far short of Gods expectations, I too am in that file drawer of unworthiness but only in the last few years do I feel like I am making steps forward and putting my file in another filedrawer. I am no where near finished nor complete in anyway but a continued work in progress. Stumbling at times and riding cloud 9 in others but all in all - I know what I am called to do.
So how do I go about doing just that? - This is where the hard part is right folks? You know you are called to do something, either full time, part time, in another location or place of employment - whatever the case may be - but how do you get there? What are the 5 steps for dummies to get where you know you need to be?
Its a process that has many different paths but in order to truly get there, we all must begin with God. Does our vision and what we feel God calling us to do really from his heart or our own? If it truly is in his will and in his heart - those prayers will be answered but if not ... Its a long road of trials and prayers that sometimes may never be ending.
There are times in life were we do need to step back, get a new perspective, take some time away from the familiar and comfort of those things we are holding so tightly on and really seek Gods face in the matter.
So how do we do that? How do we move from our past and into the future?
Let me share a few things that I am working on.. maybe they will help you in some way:
1. Draw near to Jesus by reading your Bible in a quiet place. - this really works best for me in the early mornings and those long nights I cant seem to sleep. God often times shows up when we least expect him.
2. Spend some time in prayer where you share with God what is on your mind and heart and then JUST LISTEN. Far too often we do all the talking, all the begging and we never take a moment to listen to what God wants us to hear. Sometimes we even ask God to hit us over the head with whatever it is we are praying about because we claim to be blind and stupid.
3. Use the spiritual gifts he has given you to serve others. The best way to get the focus off yourself is to serve someone. Go serve a meal at the homeless shelter. Write a note telling a friend that you love them and thank them for being in your life. Pick up a few of your daughters friends and take them for ice cream just because you can. Smile, laugh and chill with life being so serious
4. Be tight with other Christians who like you, love Jesus. Listen to them, share with them, and ask them to pray for you and ask them to hold you accountable.
When you start to do those things, you will begin to hear the heart of God in your life. Directions come after you seek His will and His purposes and direction.
Paul said in Phillipians 3:13 - Forgetting what is behind, and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Get as close to Jesus as possible and then be still and listen to his voice - his heart will speak.
Someone needed to hear that today - myself more so probably - but someone out there as well.
Love and peace through Jesus today,
So many of us have lived our lives far short of Gods expectations, I too am in that file drawer of unworthiness but only in the last few years do I feel like I am making steps forward and putting my file in another filedrawer. I am no where near finished nor complete in anyway but a continued work in progress. Stumbling at times and riding cloud 9 in others but all in all - I know what I am called to do.
So how do I go about doing just that? - This is where the hard part is right folks? You know you are called to do something, either full time, part time, in another location or place of employment - whatever the case may be - but how do you get there? What are the 5 steps for dummies to get where you know you need to be?
Its a process that has many different paths but in order to truly get there, we all must begin with God. Does our vision and what we feel God calling us to do really from his heart or our own? If it truly is in his will and in his heart - those prayers will be answered but if not ... Its a long road of trials and prayers that sometimes may never be ending.
There are times in life were we do need to step back, get a new perspective, take some time away from the familiar and comfort of those things we are holding so tightly on and really seek Gods face in the matter.
So how do we do that? How do we move from our past and into the future?
Let me share a few things that I am working on.. maybe they will help you in some way:
1. Draw near to Jesus by reading your Bible in a quiet place. - this really works best for me in the early mornings and those long nights I cant seem to sleep. God often times shows up when we least expect him.
2. Spend some time in prayer where you share with God what is on your mind and heart and then JUST LISTEN. Far too often we do all the talking, all the begging and we never take a moment to listen to what God wants us to hear. Sometimes we even ask God to hit us over the head with whatever it is we are praying about because we claim to be blind and stupid.
3. Use the spiritual gifts he has given you to serve others. The best way to get the focus off yourself is to serve someone. Go serve a meal at the homeless shelter. Write a note telling a friend that you love them and thank them for being in your life. Pick up a few of your daughters friends and take them for ice cream just because you can. Smile, laugh and chill with life being so serious
4. Be tight with other Christians who like you, love Jesus. Listen to them, share with them, and ask them to pray for you and ask them to hold you accountable.
When you start to do those things, you will begin to hear the heart of God in your life. Directions come after you seek His will and His purposes and direction.
Paul said in Phillipians 3:13 - Forgetting what is behind, and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Get as close to Jesus as possible and then be still and listen to his voice - his heart will speak.
Someone needed to hear that today - myself more so probably - but someone out there as well.
Love and peace through Jesus today,
Monday, May 9, 2011
The day after mothers day.
Hard to believe so much has changed over the years. As you get older, there is one thing you really realize when you finally take a few moments and pause.... that time keeps going on by. You have to keep up with it or you feel like you get lost because life just keeps happening. It keeps going right on past us and what is important to us today - years from now wont be.
Its like that middle school girl wanting her belly button pierced or that tattoo when you are a Jr in high school. If they just hang on a little longer, they will be thankful they waited because things change. What is cool for you today wont be a few years from now. Music changes, tastes changes, those tattoo's will change .... friends change and those deeper relationships sometime change.
Yesterday was a tough day but a day after the first few mothers days - you seem to be just okay with it. I mean focusing on the negative will surely take you down a few notches. Celebrating the moms you do have in your life, like my awesome wife Carol, Barbara, Donna, Carol M and my aunt Sharon and grandma's - there is reason to smile.
We sent a handful of students yesterday to the womens and children center, the Center of Hope, yesterday through the Salvation Army. Being that its mothers day I am sure those moms there enjoyed a hot meal served with a servants heart and a warm smile. Proud of our students and leader going yesterday and taking time out of their mothers day to serve.
I want to share Psalm 126 today and though I dont have anyone specific person in mind, I think it applies to all of us really who have went through a season of time that has been a bit of a struggle.
Psalm 126: 4-6 - And now, God, do it again! Bring the rains to our drought stricken lives so those who planted their crops in despair will shout hurrahs at the harvest, so those who went off with heavy hearts will come home laughing, with armloads of blessings.
Our tough days are behind us loved ones, press on to the finish knowing that there is such a great prize at the end! Live this life today making the most of it and trade in your universe of happiness for a thumbnail of JOY! - Its all in perspective and today I am thankful that the blessings in my life are from Christ and every big dream you have has a small beginning. NO EXCEPTIONS! Every tree was a seed once upon a time.
Hard to believe so much has changed over the years. As you get older, there is one thing you really realize when you finally take a few moments and pause.... that time keeps going on by. You have to keep up with it or you feel like you get lost because life just keeps happening. It keeps going right on past us and what is important to us today - years from now wont be.
Its like that middle school girl wanting her belly button pierced or that tattoo when you are a Jr in high school. If they just hang on a little longer, they will be thankful they waited because things change. What is cool for you today wont be a few years from now. Music changes, tastes changes, those tattoo's will change .... friends change and those deeper relationships sometime change.
Yesterday was a tough day but a day after the first few mothers days - you seem to be just okay with it. I mean focusing on the negative will surely take you down a few notches. Celebrating the moms you do have in your life, like my awesome wife Carol, Barbara, Donna, Carol M and my aunt Sharon and grandma's - there is reason to smile.
We sent a handful of students yesterday to the womens and children center, the Center of Hope, yesterday through the Salvation Army. Being that its mothers day I am sure those moms there enjoyed a hot meal served with a servants heart and a warm smile. Proud of our students and leader going yesterday and taking time out of their mothers day to serve.
I want to share Psalm 126 today and though I dont have anyone specific person in mind, I think it applies to all of us really who have went through a season of time that has been a bit of a struggle.
Psalm 126: 4-6 - And now, God, do it again! Bring the rains to our drought stricken lives so those who planted their crops in despair will shout hurrahs at the harvest, so those who went off with heavy hearts will come home laughing, with armloads of blessings.
Our tough days are behind us loved ones, press on to the finish knowing that there is such a great prize at the end! Live this life today making the most of it and trade in your universe of happiness for a thumbnail of JOY! - Its all in perspective and today I am thankful that the blessings in my life are from Christ and every big dream you have has a small beginning. NO EXCEPTIONS! Every tree was a seed once upon a time.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
1 Corinthians 10:23- "I have the right to do anything," you say - but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything," - but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.
I started my post this morning with that in mind. There are several people around me today that find themselves in a tough place because they chose to experience, knowing that it would probably not turn out good, but did it anyways without seeking Gods will and His wisdom for their situation and decision. Far too often, when we put our own desires in front of God's desires it turns out badly for us. Why do people do such things? Why do folks bring these hurts and painful things into their lives? Why do folks refuse to listen to wisdom when it speaks?
It is especially tough in student ministry and living a good part of my heart with teenagers. Its the battle ground but these choices happen to every one no matter our ages. Last night was a good night for our student ministry. Speaking from Matthew 15 with Jesus walking on the water and Peter getting out of the boat was a good illustration for our faith and how we need to take steps sometimes that are uncertain but trusting in the Lord. Peter didnt have a garauntee that all was going to be okay nor did he wait for Jesus to invite him out on the water. As a matter of fact, Jesus was intent on walking on by until they noticed him. Peter in his excitement got up and cried out to the Lord and in faith - took the step of faith out of the boat and onto the water. Remember there is a storm taking place, they were scared out of their mind and while the story shares with us this faith step of Peter and Jesus - the rest of the disciples were not even mentioned because they never even got out of their seats. They missed the opportunity for something special and something amazing. I wonder how many times we go about our day with those missed opportunities? How many times, God walks right by us, in a soft spoken word from a friend, a smile from the lady at the store, a phone call from a friend ... I wonder about those times something special taking place in my life that I miss because I didnt recognize it or see it coming. -
Last night as a challenge to my students, I asked them to post on FaceBook 3 things they are thankful to God for in their lives today. They could post 3 things in one post or 3 seperate things - and I asked everyone to check on each other. Like or even comment on those posts and lets start using this tool of facebook communication for something positive instead of the drama and social things that it is. There are far too many folks on there who think its their purpose and right in life to be emotional and express their feelings on there as they announce to their most 751 closest friends. We tend to forget about our audience in life and what we are showing them. Some things are meant to keep private - so by being thankful today - maybe it will spur a storm of activity and comments and posts all for the glory of God.
Jesus when he sent his disciples out to go to the other shore after a LONG day of teaching thousands of people that day - He knew full well there would be a storm that night. He knew there is no easy safe thing when it comes to faith and fear is one of those things in our minds and lives it keeps us from doing something - often times turning us around right then and head back to safety. Faith and fear often times means to push through, face the fear and trust God during so that your faith may grow. Often times faith will push us deeper into scarier and more fearful things. God can use us there because he has us right where he wants us ..... dependant of him.
Not everything we do is beneficial nor constructive but when we seek Gods will and His heart in our lives, in our decisions - we will find ourselves getting out of the boat. What is in your life today that is keeping you in the boat, maybe too scared to get up out of your seat, maybe tired from pressing on against the storms and the wind - maybe its time to do something about it.
Jesus didnt let Peter sink and drown and he wont do that to you as well. Doesnt matter loved ones, if you lose your focus on him - He has his focus on you and that is what really matters when you are at the bottom of the waterfalls or sinking over your head.
Look for my thankful posts on facebook today. Add yours if you are thankful to God today.
I started my post this morning with that in mind. There are several people around me today that find themselves in a tough place because they chose to experience, knowing that it would probably not turn out good, but did it anyways without seeking Gods will and His wisdom for their situation and decision. Far too often, when we put our own desires in front of God's desires it turns out badly for us. Why do people do such things? Why do folks bring these hurts and painful things into their lives? Why do folks refuse to listen to wisdom when it speaks?
It is especially tough in student ministry and living a good part of my heart with teenagers. Its the battle ground but these choices happen to every one no matter our ages. Last night was a good night for our student ministry. Speaking from Matthew 15 with Jesus walking on the water and Peter getting out of the boat was a good illustration for our faith and how we need to take steps sometimes that are uncertain but trusting in the Lord. Peter didnt have a garauntee that all was going to be okay nor did he wait for Jesus to invite him out on the water. As a matter of fact, Jesus was intent on walking on by until they noticed him. Peter in his excitement got up and cried out to the Lord and in faith - took the step of faith out of the boat and onto the water. Remember there is a storm taking place, they were scared out of their mind and while the story shares with us this faith step of Peter and Jesus - the rest of the disciples were not even mentioned because they never even got out of their seats. They missed the opportunity for something special and something amazing. I wonder how many times we go about our day with those missed opportunities? How many times, God walks right by us, in a soft spoken word from a friend, a smile from the lady at the store, a phone call from a friend ... I wonder about those times something special taking place in my life that I miss because I didnt recognize it or see it coming. -
Last night as a challenge to my students, I asked them to post on FaceBook 3 things they are thankful to God for in their lives today. They could post 3 things in one post or 3 seperate things - and I asked everyone to check on each other. Like or even comment on those posts and lets start using this tool of facebook communication for something positive instead of the drama and social things that it is. There are far too many folks on there who think its their purpose and right in life to be emotional and express their feelings on there as they announce to their most 751 closest friends. We tend to forget about our audience in life and what we are showing them. Some things are meant to keep private - so by being thankful today - maybe it will spur a storm of activity and comments and posts all for the glory of God.
Jesus when he sent his disciples out to go to the other shore after a LONG day of teaching thousands of people that day - He knew full well there would be a storm that night. He knew there is no easy safe thing when it comes to faith and fear is one of those things in our minds and lives it keeps us from doing something - often times turning us around right then and head back to safety. Faith and fear often times means to push through, face the fear and trust God during so that your faith may grow. Often times faith will push us deeper into scarier and more fearful things. God can use us there because he has us right where he wants us ..... dependant of him.
Not everything we do is beneficial nor constructive but when we seek Gods will and His heart in our lives, in our decisions - we will find ourselves getting out of the boat. What is in your life today that is keeping you in the boat, maybe too scared to get up out of your seat, maybe tired from pressing on against the storms and the wind - maybe its time to do something about it.
Jesus didnt let Peter sink and drown and he wont do that to you as well. Doesnt matter loved ones, if you lose your focus on him - He has his focus on you and that is what really matters when you are at the bottom of the waterfalls or sinking over your head.
Look for my thankful posts on facebook today. Add yours if you are thankful to God today.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It has been well over a week since my last post. I fully enjoyed some much needed down time with family and going back on a cruise, after the last one, well lets just say it took a GIANT step in faith to get that done. I am so glad we did. Though there was little drama, some really but nothing major - I would again take a cruise trip in the future. I would love to go to another island or destination and experience something refreshing and new. I love the people of the Bahamas and meeting all the world folks who work on the cruise line. Our waiter during our evening dinner was from the Philippines and our head waitress was from Lithuania. She was the most upfright, friendly, eager to please person that just wanted so bad to give you a good meal and to enjoy the few hours together. Mr. P took care of our room and had everyones name memorized in the first hour of our trip and I bet that went for however many staterooms he had to cover. Bartenders were friendly and just seemed to really enjoy their job even if they were gone from home and family for months at a time. Working long hours in shifts probably would stink after awhile but being with so many different people around the world has got to be exciting.
I want to share a few pictures of our trip. I am busy getting message notes together for my message tomorrow night for LOL - handouts, music lined up, Jamaica moving forward with a big coffee outing next week and mothers day this coming Sunday. Dang it busy and its not long to get my feet back in the fire ....
I want to mention first that my grandma is in ICU in Mt. Airy if you can keep her in your prayers. I got some great news from my Aunt Sharon which she shared with me Psalm 34:4 - which she has held onto for a long time while battling her illness but with and through the power of God - she has no more symptoms and is off her medication. That is a praise report which I cant wait to share with everyone at LOL tomorrow night. God is in the details and in control even when we dont see it, feel it or at a place in life where we are so low that we dont even believe it. God often times shows up in big amazing ways just to remind us.... He is there - Its His glory he does what he does. Its not about us, its about using us for his glory. I understand that these days and reminders like these are awesome to say the least.
Enjoy have a few snapshots of the Bahamas..... :) I will remember the trip fondly.
Peace and joy loved ones,
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