Tuesday, August 24, 2010

There is only a few more hours left of summer 2010. It has went fast for sure. Actually this entire last year has went fast. This time last year we were getting reacquainted with Kate and settling her into her new NC home. School tomorrow with Kate going into HS and Kyle going into MS. It really has flown by. Kyle and so many of his peers will be entering into a new middle school tomorrow morning - a brand new beautiful school with all kinds of technology and familiar faces with the new zoning. It has me excited for them and last week at open house it was great seeing so many smiling faces and hugs all around. I just love this season in my life and where God has me.
I have been really challenged lately on a few things and I will just touch on them and then focus on tomorrow morning. I think as we look at our lives we tend to focus in on our struggles and the things that are bothering us right now. We are like I said the drive through generation and the things we are dealing with right now are at the drive through window. We tend to focus on the right here and now and not the tomorrow or even this evening! Its easy to get caught up into the drama of the day and blow things out of perspective. As tomorrow morning rolls around there will be a LOT of tired frowns, grumpy teenagers and smiling parents but everyone nervous for the day ahead. I have been challenged the last few days in focusing in on how big our God really is. I posted on FaceBook yesterday - "My God is _____." and I got a few responses and thats cool and all but really - How big is your God today. Right now ... the things you are dealing with and the tomorrow that is coming - How big is God?
He is bigger than all you can imagine, bigger than any problem, struggle, in everything and in everywhere you go. He is almighty, powerful, knowing, perfect, loving and already in the next moment in time waiting on you to meet him there. He has given you salvation in a blink of an eye and all you did was ask him for it. He is able in all things and he is the meaning of victorious. So as I think about the students and the teachers walking into school tomorrow - I think about those being scared in their new school, maybe not knowing anyone or very few. Maybe not on the team they wished they were. Classes and the homework and expectations of so many building up. The possibility of not fitting in, drama club, football, softball, chess clubs pulling you. Do they still have chess clubs? What about my friends? Will they be my friends still? What about new friends? Now that I have accepted Christ and have this new heart that is on fire for God, what do I do with that? Will people think I am weird? How can I follow Christ and not have people make fun of me? I lost all my friends because of Christ over the summer and now I only have like 5 friends.
Loved ones, you have the spirit and power inside of you that raised Christ from the dead. You are already in victory over these things. Its better to have 5 good friends who will lift you up and carry you when you need it that 150 bad influence friends and 407 facebook friends who couldn't tell you what your favorite food is. Walk into school tomorrow with your chin held high, knowing that God has your back, the leaders in your church have your back, your parents have your back and that God loves you if you make the softball team or not. You are priceless in his eyes. He created you with a purpose and in His image. Not everyone you meet this year can say that. Share the practical love of Jesus by not so much in your words but in your actions. People around you should notice something different about you. Your actions speak loudly before you even open your words. That cross on your neck is there for a reason and honor God in all you do because people are watching, they are looking, they are learning about Christ through you. Its time to shine dear ones, to rise up, stand up and show up in your walk of faith. The government makes you go to school - Christ wants to use you in your school. Its your mission field to share Christ with anyone willing to walk with you and fed up with "Normal" - its time for a new normal and that change begins with you. You are capable and fully equipped to be Gods hands and feet.
I am proud of each of you, I am honored to be walking with you, and I am proud to be follower of Jesus Christ.
I challenged my Rock Group this past Sunday - the students are fasting from Facebook for a week and the parents are fasting food for 24 hours. You have a big cheering section in your corner loved ones. Always know that ..... be the Light on a Hill tomorrow - each of you are bright!

The new Jeremy Camp album came out today - one song on the album is "Not Ashamed" - I wont be turning this song off for a few days for sure.....

"My God is - my Everything" -

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