Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I was such a spaghetti yesterday that I couldn't even keep a thought in my head. Up early to leave the beach and then coming right into work and all the days events kept me all over the place. But I am good now with some sleep and some things knocked out here at work. I want to share just a few things today as I reflect back on the weekend and being at the beach. It is such a peaceful place for me... yeah the beach is nice and I love the sand and playing in water with Kyle and Madison. But for me it was the "Pause" that I needed the most. Both Saturday and Sunday I was up at dawn and on the beach. I enjoyed sitting in the spot that last year God called me to step up and to see what He wants me to see and not what I was seeing or even what I was scared to see. I answered that call this time last year and I have not looked back. Though scary at times, though uncertain at times, though hard at times - I am blessed to have some close students and their families in my life because of it. I would never be in this place if God didnt call me to it or I continued to run from it. I never thought after a year of this walk ... I would be this blessed with so much.
After a morning prayer and some quiet time just listening to the sounds of the beach, waves washing up on the beach, people walking, the warm sun hitting me ... I hit the beach for an hour walk. Kyle joined me on Sunday morning which was awesome and gave us a chance to sit and talk. We then hit breakfast and tore up some pancakes and eggs.
This pause was so needed for me - a huge stop sign that I didn't just drive through. It has me at a peaceful place as well as a renewed energy in my spirit. With life so fast today, people always needing things and the life of doing Ministry never seems to shut off - I needed this down time, some quiet time and some much needed focus time. What does the next year look like in my faith walk? Where does God want me to reach next? How do I do that? What do the relationships in my life look like and what is next?
I don't have those answers yet but I do know they are already being worked out because they are in Gods hands.
I think about those moments when the sun was coming up - God showing off his glory and masterpiece in such an amazing way ... we don't take the time to pause and enjoy what is around us. We run here and rush there - we just don't take the time to enjoy the pause moments in life. What if God asks us when we get there - I created those beautiful things for you to enjoy and make you pause to focus your life on and you didn't take the time for them. Why?
I can say that I felt close to God this weekend during those early mornings. I am glad I didn't rush past that sunrise, that rainbow, that sunset because its moments like those that God wants us to seek His presence. I have breath in my lungs, an awesome family, close friends and students in my life that I love like my own and I know I don't deserve any of it. I don't deserve forgiveness but I have been granted all this nonetheless. All because God chose me to be near to him.
I recently heard a saying "One day, God will hold us accountable for all the things he created for us to enjoy, but we refused to do so". God is closest when we are grateful for all these things that he created for us to enjoy. I remember not long ago talking with a dear friends of mine before he passed - we were on our way to the Salvation Army and there was a beautiful sunset that evening as we drove down the highway. Joe looked at it and then looked over at me and said - "Lonnie, each one of those are numbered for us to enjoy. We never know how precious they are until you know they are counting and there are not many left."

Time to be still and refresh, get close to God, and remove the hurry in life.
I cant lead anyone, if I am not letting God lead me and letting him restore me, fill me and reconnect with me.
Rest your spirit from time to time loved ones~

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