Friday, August 13, 2010

In Spite of what you hear......

During the spring months up at the cabin - we always get the new young little birds that come and sit on our window sills that are high up on the cabin. They usually see themselves and think its another bird just like them and in the excitement, they hit the windows over and over again. This noise sometimes wakes us up at it echos througout the house and is usually early in the mornings. I think about these birds who are just doing what they do but often in our lives the noise we are making is just like these birds. We hit that window or brick wall over and over and over again. That noise in our lives sometimes amounts to a sin that is in our lives and it continues to make noise. We hate to call those things sin though and just pass those things off as just normal things - we think that they are ok because everyone else is doing this or that. Sin is just such a harsh word but Christ came and called out our sins, He died for our sins and He rescued us from our sins.

We have 5 senses and in spite of what you see, in spite of what you smell, in spite of what you taste, in spite of what you hear, in spite of what you feel ~ know that YOUR God is able.

That noise in your life may be coming from poeple talking about you. Those things might be hurting you in some way. The normal reaction would be to talk about them, complain or post mean things on facebook, or maybe even let those words focus you and get you down. I bet those people who are talking about you were a friend at some point. Maybe a friend(s) that had access to you, that you allowed to speak truth to you and now things are not in that place any longer. Hurt feelings from one person usually means hurting another. We carry that hurt around and inflict damage on others. God gives us that grace to move past those things. Hear me loved ones when I say - rise above the noise you are hearing. Rise above the noise of the talk that others are saying about you. If there is truth in those words, then do sometime with those words to make things right. If they wont accept them, then move on and know you did your part. You may even have to remove those friends so that you don't have to hear the noises that hit your window to your heart over and over again.
God wants us listening to his heart. Those hours and days being wasted into something that wont matter 100 years from now can be invested in what God is wanting to say to you. Take some time and get alone and spend time with God. You have a friend and in order to get to know a friend - you must spend time with a friend.
Mark 1:35 - Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Jesus provided us this example for us to follow. He being Gods son took time and got alone so he can spend time with his father. He removed the noise in his life. He didn't listen to what the people were saying, he didn't take his cell phone with him or his laptop to check facebook - he got alone and listened.... listened to what His father had to say. He gave thanks and focused His heart. You can do the same.
In Spite of what you hear.... know that YOUR God is able.

I will be headed to the beach later today. I am especially excited about it as it has been a year since I have been there. I am so looking forward to just being still at a place where last year God called me out on something in my life. He told me that He would not continue to bless me until I stepped up and did what He was telling me to do. I am so thankful I accepted that and I am thankful for the close people in my life today because of it. My heart changed that day, I experienced a new kind of love for people, and I am at a much different place today because of it. Those people in my life because of Gods calling on me are so special to me... It was a moment I wont ever forget. <3 U.

You are an amazing God! Lord, Thank you for those special people in my life today because of your vision and not my scared vision that was just SO small. Thankful I took the time to listen and hear what You had to say. Amen


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