Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday thoughts....

It has been a week or so since my last post. The days seem to be busy as a bee in spring time but looking forward this week to Spring Break Retreat with 37 students and other leaders at the beach for a few days. I am also looking forward to hooking back up with Carol and the Beavers this weekend and having some much needed down time. Carol and Kyle are leaving tonight and I am wishing I was going but it will be good for Carol to sit on the beach, read her Bible, another good book and a few hours of work each day while just trying to relax and recharge her batteries. With me running the way I do in this ministry that God has placed on my heart - which I love that He has done - Nobody will ever know the sacrifice that she makes unless you have walked in her shoes. She gives up a lot of her time, energy and passion and time with me and our family for Gods kingdom and reaching out to these students and their families.
There are times where there are seasons where its hard, the struggles are unbearable and there is not enough time to get it all done - all risking the fact that doing life with people and in their lives is messy. BUT it has its rewards.... eternal rewards for some and the glory of it all will be in the life after this one. SO I continue to praise Carol .... for she is my rock and its true that behind every good man ....is a GREAT WOMAN!
Love you Carol - going to miss you and Kyle this week...Madison and the Beavers too.
I want to share with you today something from my journal ......
Looking back, sometimes don’t the richest times come right in the midst of our hardest times? That’s because God made us to live in community – to laugh, cry, hurt, and celebrate with each other, no matter what we’re going through…

Setbacks are just setups for God to show what he is able to do.

Live life to the fullest..... Follow what the Lord is doing in your heart.

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