Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ministry walk ....

Carol, Kyle and our good friends made it to the beach last night. Though cold and windy - sounded like a setup for a good week to chill and unwind a bit. Carol is for sure in need of some down time and some words from God this week. Please keep her in your prayers. I got to spend some time last night over dinner, a talkwalk around the mall and then some icecream with one of "Mykids". I was so pumped up after hanging out with her... she really does understand things so much bigger than a 12 year old should. I think that is the case for most of our youth today but as adults (parents, teachers, leaders etc) - we dont challenge our kids the way we should. They want it for the most part because they know they can do things if given the chance and given the challenge. Let them prove in life that they are capable of handling things and then learning from those mistakes. I would never fault a person for trying..... and in my journal that I have been keeping and have been going over the last few days with Kyle - I came across this entry that I typed in about 4 months ago and I want to share it.

* Our culture today has abandoned its youth. Kids today are looking for caring adults who want to talk to them, not at them- who value them as they are, not as they think they should be

* I think we spend a lot of our time talking about do’s and don’ts which was not Christ’s focus. I think we need to spend more time teaching our kids to connect with Christ, not just how to avoid lifes landmines

It was awesome last night to be thanked for the time, energy and passion that I have for the young people in my life. I want more than anything that people will see Jesus in me and not me. I am nothing special and God gets all the glory for it all. I want to walk with people in my life that God has placed in my grasp and show them Jesus in practical life lesson ways. Its not what Jesus would do as the saying goes but more so - What would Jesus do through me. - AND YOU. I am so pumped about last night - the conversation - the honesty and heart that was shared. Making a difference is all I ask ... God keep my intentions and directions pointed to you.
Looking forward to a starbucks tonight with another one of "MyKids" - then road trip to the beach tomorrow with 37+ ....
43 years old and hanging with middle and high school kids...I must be nuts .... I am - Nuts for Jesus and for these students. Making a difference.........
Eternity is on the line...a life of Gods favor on the line .... Powerful and Beautiful...

I will end with this today ....
Youth ministry is not fun until you have given a huge hunk of your heart to it. Kids know the difference between an adult who’s simply tolerating them versus one who genuinely likes being with them. Youth ministry is 70% done in the lives of students and not behind a desk.


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