Monday, April 12, 2010

Dragging today....

Along with 40+ students and leaders I am sure from this weekends activities. I have to say though that this life experience is amazing. Nothing better then investing time into this next generation and being a part of their lives. I want to share that these students just amaze me. They are hungry for knowing what God wants for their life. They are hungry to do something amazing and something different. They are hungry for Gods word and what He has to say as they try and figure things out. I remember back when I was their age and how I now wished I had someone to talk truth into my life like this spring retreat did ..... with the leaders there and Pastor Travis preaching such practical messages. I am just amazed at them all and thankful that I got a chance to get to know some of them better, to have time to talk with them about things, to laugh, smile and be silly...... that is something that is hard with an hour a week with them and not much personal time pouring into them.
Saturday afternoon and a better part of the day Sunday was spent relaxing and just unwinding while we hung out with the Beavers and the Mitcheltree's. Blessed to have such awesome people to do life with.
My focus this past week and during this spring retreat comes from Ephesians 4.
Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Looking forward to hearing what God did this weekend from some of the students. Today was the first day back ... what was different about today?
Some of the highlights:
27 students recommitting their lives to Christ
14 Students answering the call of ministry
My put put team had 4 hole in ones
4 Am is still awake time in the boys frat house
not one of my boys missed a meal
zach ate the nastiest glass of stuff ever and enjoyed it
Heard the classic line in a all out pillow fight - I LOVE THIS CHURCH!
A song comes from the heart full of joy
ping pong is a contact sport
2 pizza's is not enough for 14 students at 11:30 at night
the frat house showers went mostly unused
girls still need prep time even while at camp
Smiles came in from every direction
Cold water is all in your mind - because you cant feel your body
A friendship bracelet means a bunch when they are given away
Alligators do live at the beach
Students need to be challenged more in their lives
God rocked our socks off and changed so many hearts
Testimony from a 20 year old with tears in her eyes proves that God is still in the miracle business

Love you all and thanks for a great 4 days......

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