Tuesday, July 28, 2009

deep roots......

I have this music playing in my head ..... "Oh How He Loves Us" ~ "Nothing is impossible" ~ "Mighty to Save" ......... such powerful songs to lift ones spirit.
I am still pretty tired and have yet to catch up - I guess I am showing my age but love reflecting back on last week.
One quick story to share - I had one of my students last Thursday shed tears almost the entire time the band was playing. It was ok though and thankful to be there for that student. Afterwards, she told me that I was her tree that had strong grounded roots and that she knew no matter what - I would always be there for her in case she needed someone. I took great pride in that - what an honor it is to serve a young person in that capacity. I have her best interest at heart and I want more than anything to pour into her life with the things of Jesus. Practical application, practical advise and with practical love.
I started a new book last night as I was waiting for Kyle to come home from Bible study. Yes a friend invited him to go that he got to know from Thirst Camp ... pretty cool they are friends. The book is from Josh McDowell "The Father Connection". Many of you know I take this father thing pretty seriously. I pour not only into my son and into my family but to everyone around me. It is what God has called me to do and Thirst Camp really kicked some things up in my life and has started me thinking through some things that I could and maybe I should be doing to reach out more and further.
Just a few pages into the book and this is what I read: This happens every single day in America
~1,000 unwed teenage girls become mothers
~1,106 teenage girls get abortions
~4,219 teenagers contract a sexually transmitted disease
~500 young people begin using drugs
~1,000 begin drinking alcohol
~135,000 teens are assaulted
~80 are raped
~2,200 drop out of high school
~7 kids ages 10-19 are murdered
~6 teens commit suicide

As a father - my heart breaks over these numbers. As a father I can see why dads are scared to lead their families and they do so with fear and trembling. It is not only one of the most feared jobs today it is also the most needed jobs today. A child's relationship with Dad is a decisive factor in that young man or woman's health, development and happiness. So many of us dads feel limited by a lack of practical fathering skills because of our own experiences such as our own difficult marriage or by unhealthy patterns. Some don't have a very good example with our own dads. We live in a world that threatens our marriages, our families and even our own children. We also sadly, live in a culture that rejects the truth of the Bible and mocks biblical morality, glorifies sex and violence at every turn, laughs at drunkenness and rudeness. Look what is on TV and in the movies today. It is hard to find what truth means today. Individual preference has taken over every corner of our world. If it doesn't affect me or harm me - then its ok seems to be the attitude of so many. Fathers on TV are the brunt of every joke and poked fun at with every situation possible. The family dog is smarter ... (except in my case with Adger) No wonder the family is hurting today. Fathers today learn on the job, by trial and error and mostly by error. I would have to say that most fathers don't become good at being a parent until their children have become parents! With pressures in life such as work and the importance of play - yes I said play - Dads are even less accessible, less involved and less communicative that at any other time in history. Moms, bless the moms, have taken up most of the slack in our families.
Psalm 127:
3-5 Don't you see that children are God's best gift? the fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior's fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth. Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children!
Fathering is indeed a privilege given by the Lord. Its a matchless opportunity to pour into those we love so dearly. I know when my son or one of "MyKids" tells me they love me - I know without a doubt they mean it with all their heart. I think about what a positive role model looks like today. I don't play MLB or in the NFL - hey I got a bruise the size of my arm playing a game last week around a garbage can.... but for me - being a positive role model means being an encourager, a motivator and a person to talk with and pray with - one of my most fond moments last week is when some of the students would grab me, they needed an ear to listen and a heart that cared. Praying over those situations and listening to those students was really an uplifting experience. It is not every day that a young person confides in someone outside of their family. That is trust.... and I am humbled and honored to be there for them.
As I look around in my sons life - I am thankful for the men who are also in that positive male role model for him. He needs that in his life!
Dad's we need encouragement, guidance and "Lets Get Real" about our role and leadership as a dad to our children and those around us who are looking for such godly men. Its that important guys ...... a LOT is on the line.
So dads - email me and tell me what it is you need to start doing with your kids or the kids in your life? What responsibilities are yours that you are letting others do for you, like a teacher or youth worker?
Step up dads.........If you don't lead and pour into them .... the sad fact is ~ Someone or something will~ I can't wait to continue reading and learning. The kids in my life teach me so much - every aspect of who I am is being poured out and God gets all the glory in doing so. A few years ago I can say that I didn't much like kids - well, except my own but God has given me so many to pour into..... they are "MyKids" and I love them with everything I have. Ya'll can cry on my shoulders anytime because they are there to help carry the load.
What kind of father do you want to be? To be remembered as?
James 5:16 tells us to pray for each other......
16 Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

Lord I just want to lift the fathers to you this afternoon. A week at Thirst Camp has been life changing for me in so many ways. I see our role as dads being dwindled in so many aspects in life. I see so many kids and young adults aching and hurting because of a dad that is missing in the family and in their relationships. I see missing dads even though there is a dad in the home but dads who are preoccupied with other things like work or tv. Lord I pray for their leadership in the family, their relationship with their sons and daughters to be raised to a new level and with priority. Lord I pray for Your family and fatherly guidance over them. You are our heavenly Father Lord and I pray for that relationship to be felt and known and held close to the hearts of every dad. Lord we thank You for our children, they are truly a gift from You. Help us breakdown the walls and barriers Lord to reach them and understand them and walk with them. Lord I thank You for the godly men who reach out to those young ones around them without a dad or a good male role model in their lives. Lord blessed are those who love on those kids and are making a difference. Be with them today and keep them encouraged and to fight with every ounce they have to keep those relationships and their intentions Your intentions Lord. May every action, word and hug be appropriate in every way. Lord our families and children are hurting... move us dads off the couch and into the lives of our children just as You are moving us, Your children, into Your life - where You can love on us and hold us close when we are hurting. Lord I cried many tears last week, raised many kids to You and I thank You for moving me to a place where I can serve them like this. Its a wonderful place to be and a job I hold dear in my heart. Thank You for each one of them. You know who they are and I ask that You hold each of them close today. Thank You for Your son Jesus - its in His awesome name I pray.

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