Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday morning....

I woke from my "coma" this morning and managed to get into work on time. I am so thankful that the Lord created coffee. I mean, these past few months, I just can't seem to get caught up and without a little kick in the mornings - I could see too many things slipping in life and I am not one to slip. I looked over my calendar this week and sure enough - its a busy week ahead. I am really excited to be headed to Mt. Airy NC tomorrow after work and spend some time with my dad and my brothers. I will be working at my grandma's on Wednesday in the greenhouse. It is a busy day working but a day that I look forward to all year. I always surprise them when I come because I don't let anyone know what day it will be but they know I will be there. I always love hearing my Aunt Judy - scream out - RANDY - TODAY IS THE DAY! We enjoy working all day together and catch up on life and family. Life on the mountain doesn't change all that much but it sure feels different the past few years with the passing of my mom and all of us getting older and kids (cousins) moving away or having families now. My grandma's front porch will always be the gathering place for family to sit, share, rock and talk.
I will be wrapping up our Rock Group series this coming Sunday on money. There is so much to learn about financing and what God has to say about it. I will challenge myself for the month of May to read Proverbs - there are 31 Proverbs and 31 days in May.... sounds like a good plan and I am excited to learn what God will teach me through this. I know so many of us are struggling with things. Loss of job, bills, debt and marriage issues from all that - I want to refocus myself the next few weeks to really listen. I want to really remove the distractions when people are talking to me, to not finish their sentences or already in my mind know what I am about to say before they are finished. To be a good listener is hard ... its something that people really don't teach you how but it is so necessary to communicate and understand. What if we never really listened - listened to our teachers, our bosses, wives or husbands - what if we didn't listen to our children when they wanted to talk with us about something important going on - what if we are not listening to God. Our lesson in KidsRock yesterday which Carol did an awesome and fantastic job at leading - was about listening.... even with distractions, Ipod, TV, Radio, friends, just all around life noise. We still have listen for instructions in life -
So for the next few weeks I am going to do my best to listen more and talk less. We should preach the Gospel every where we go and use words only when necessary.
Doesn't talking and our opinions just get us in hot water most of the time? Speak before we think?
Want to join me? Let me know, so that I can be praying for you and for your spiritual ears.
Love you all,

Heavenly Father, I thank You for this day Lord. I pray that today brings a new level of listening like one we have not had in a long time. Something different and on a new level. Help us remove the distractions Lord in our daily lives so that we may hear the directions and encouragement that You are giving us. Lord help us really tune in to what people are telling us, really focusing in on what they are saying, give us patience for allowing people to finish what it is on their hearts, help us not complete their words before they are finished and Lord I ask that You help us not judge folks by what they are sharing. Lord I pray for those important relationships that we have, wives, husbands, children, bosses and from You - that we really take the time to listen - to pause before we speak and be humbled by what we hear. Lord thank You before hand as we tune our ears on the things that give us direction and encouragement. Lord I ask that You speak to us now in a clear and understanding voice and guide us to the things of You.
I pray all of this in Your sons name in Jesus,

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