Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 15~

Tax day for America. 20 years ago today, Carol was sitting at her mom and dads house at their dining room table - doing her taxes. The last day that she was single. Carol and I have been married for 20 years today.

Proverbs 18:22 The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord.

I do feel in many regards, that we have received favor from the Lord. Carol and I met in high school. She was dating one of my buddies. We hung out a lot and always thought she would never go out with me because she just had too much class and that she was just so much FUN to hang out with. I took a chance on a Friday morning sitting in the parking lot of McDonalds. Sorry mom, we skipped first class to get breakfast~ I asked and she said yes. WOW - life changed from that moment on. For many years we did our thing. We went... we did.... we played and we had fun. Our first apartment we had lawn chairs for living room furniture and a soloflex machine to hang our clothes on. I moved out of my mom and dads 6 months before we got married. Yes we dated for 5 years! I remember my mom saying it was like someone died when I left. Looking back, I agree... because one day we will get that same experience with Kyle. We bought a townhouse in Robbinsville NJ, right outside of Princeton NJ. I worked at Princeton and Carol commuted to PA with the current company she works for today. I can honestly say that those days were all about us. It was about skiing weekends, weekends on her mom and dads boat wherever it was docked. We always had friends over and weekends was time for fun. 1995 we moved to NC and God began to be a part of our life. 1997 we had Kyle and our family was started. I don't think we ever planned to have just 1 child but living away from family and friends sure made it more difficult. I got sick in 1999 and the doctors told Carol to contact my family because they didn't think I was going to make it. Carol standing by my bed having to make those decisions and phone calls were some dark days. I have always felt bad that I put her through all that but looking back now - I can see God working all things for the good and for His glory. He had better plans for me than what I was living. We stopped going to church towards the end of 2004 for a host of reasons so we started praying for the Lord to point us to a church home - one that we could experience Him and get our lives pointed in a good direction. We found Rocky River Church that Easter Sunday 2005. July 10th of that year I was baptised and God was rocking our world. Carol dragged me into Sunday school to help teach the kids, I started serving on setup and breakdown and we started to get to know people. These people were just like us and have the same struggles as us. We were getting connected to people and God was speaking in real understanding ways that made sense for the first time in our lives. Feb 2006 my mom passed and God had His hands all over us during this tough season. We experienced His love and grace like never before. We came through that season stronger and trusting Him like never before. Feb 2008, Carols dad, Walt passed from a long battle with cancer. Again, God showd His grace and extended His love to us like never before. We were surrounded by a church family that was walking those dark paths with us. After years of talking and discussing and answering heaven and Jesus questions... Walt was still not a believer, God used Kyle to lead his grampa to Christ on that last day that he was awake and with us. Today God is using Carol and I in our local church to serve Him, serve others and doing His will over our own. It is hard work but it has more rewards than I ever imagined. Serving God, serving others, serving in our community, investing our time into "OurKids" is the most important things this life can offer and we have it in both hands just hanging on for the ride. Life is no longer about us anymore. Looking back, I can see God working in this situation and during that season of time. He is faithful even when things around us have been hard. I look forward to the next 20 years with you Carol. Serving God in the capacity that He wants from us. Being His hands and His feet as we serve Him together. I can't think of anything, anyone or anywhere that I would want to be today than right here. You are my better half and you make me a better person. You keep me encouraged in all the right ways when I need encouragement. You and by Gods love and grace, complete me. I can be a better father, a better friend, a better husband all because I have you and God that make me whole. Life has meaning and purpose and the best part - we will have eternity together because of what God did by sending His son Jesus.

The next 20 are going to be awesome... many seasons in life. Changes that will shape us and continue to teach us about life, love, and joy.

I love you with everything I have to give. Our 20 years today is going to be spent with Kyle and his buddy Brody as we head to the cabin for a few days. One of the only places that we feel connected, relaxed and at peace. We can look up at the stars in the heavens at nite and talk to our moms and your dad. We can connect with the beautiful scenery and nature that God has created. Coffee in the morning on the front porch as the sun comes up over the mountain. It is a little piece of heaven here on earth.

As Proverbs 22 tells us ... I have found my treasure and I do feel I have favor in the Lord.

For all "OurKids" out there... God is shaping your better half today, even if its years down the road before you even meet... He is working behind the scenes! Don't settle for the crumbs when God has the loaf of bread.

Love you Carol - Happy 20!


1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

Happy Anniversary to both of you. God has truly blessed your marriage,and I am sure HE will continue to bless you.
Aunt Sharon & Uncle Buster