Monday, March 1, 2010

There is a lot going through my mind and heart today so I may just be all over the place with this post but I guess that will be ok. I am pumped for Thursday! I am headed down to Anderson SC for the Unleash Conference that NewSpring church puts on each year. It is an amazing time and I am especially excited this time around, being its my third year attending, to be involved in the student ministry side. I am expecting God and the folks at NewSpring to rock my face off. I will be going with about 20 other church leaders as well as 4 student leaders in our Flood ministry - I am really excited for them because they deserve to be pumped up and flooded with what this conference will have for them. They are walking their faith and shine so differntly than others their age.... Proud of them and watching them excersize their faith in who they are, how they handle themselves, the deeper things they share on facebook - its just awesome. I am also excited this year for Kyle going with us. Pastor Travis pulled me aside and asked me if I had thought about bringing him because he shines with leadership/discipleship qualities and I was told it is never too early to start that training and shaping him for the call on his life. Dude... I am so excited about that! It is going to be an amazing day for sure. Prayers welcome for safe travels, for heart pounding knowledge to really rock our worlds thursday is appreciated.
The last 2 weeks after church I have been very blessed to sit and talk with some of the students about what is going on in their life, their struggles, home life, and faith life. It really is where ministry happens when you can get small and focus in heart to heart.
The last few months now I have been keeping my thoughts and the things I am learning on paper. Well, electronic paper but it has been pretty awesome and I looked it over this morning and am amazed how much I have put in there already. I will share a few things today as I will wrap this post around them.
~ “Its all about relationships.” Most kids have parents, so they don’t need another parent. Most have friends, so they don’t need an old church guy as their friend. They need a relationship with a mentor/leader in their life.
I made this statement in a heartfelt moment last night during our rock group. I have had it on my heart so heavily the last month to pour into the folks around me and to fire their faith up. Doing life going through the motions, not expecting God to do much in your life, not taking the time to read Gods word and to pray through removing sin in your life ... last Sunday we cut something off in our life and this week we got to share what that was and if we made it through the week. Some of those things cut off STUCK and is not gone so it wont be coming back. Its a long term change..... Ministry is relational. The relationship between Paul and Timothy is so important and we need people in our lives to pour into and also people in our lives who can pour into us. This takes time, investment, sweat and tears for sure but there is such blessings that come in these relationships.
~ Don’t give up. You never know what God is doing inside these kids. Don’t make hasty decisions and write someone off.
This is something I struggle with and for me to let go is such a hard place for me. God is not done until he says it is. Its really tough on me because I am a giver.... and often times it takes someone to tell me - Lon, they are taking advantage of you. Why can't you see that? I just have to put it in Jesus's terms ... He served the lost, broken, sick, outcasted and often times banashed people. They got His time, grace, and love...... they were worth it. Even though its hard sometimes - we never know what God is doing in them.... and it may be just right around the next corner in their life. Don't give up because it is hard.
Jesus - I am in over my head!
I know
Lord, God I am so powerless!
Duh...... I know
God, I dont know what to do!
I know; thats why I called YOU

This brings me to Philippians 3:7-8
7But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ.
Have to keep carrying on.... who is going to walk with me? I am thankful I have a few that are matter what.

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

Proud that Kyle is going with you to the Unleash Conference this year. I am expecting to hear "big" things from Kyle in his lifetime walk with the Lord. It's Awesome to know that God has a hand in his young life already and is shaping it to be for HIS glory!

So proud of you Kyle, and your mom and dad also.

Randy, I am walking this walk with you, no matter the cost. Theres no turning back now! There is an old revival song that says "Win the lost at any cost". That's where we're at, the Harvest is ripe for whosoever will.

Love you,
Aunt Sharon