Friday, March 5, 2010


Dragging today after a 20 hour day yesterday but a day that I am already looking forward to next year. I went with 23 other leaders in our church yesterday down to Anderson SC for the Unleash conference. It is an amazing experience for sure - great worship time, great preaching from Pastor Perry Noble and some great breakout sessions plus just spending time with our students leaders, staff, volunteers and Pastors. Lots of learning, dreaming and heart moving stuff taking place. I can honestly say that I am so humbled and not worthy of being in my walk with Christ to be walking with such great student leaders that are around me. I am just thankful for each of them and loved seeing them yesterday learning, dreaming and excited for the things of God - not only in their own personal ministry but the ministry of others as well. They are leaders and at such a young age to have their heart where it is... is just awesome.
Last night Pastor Donnie asked Kyle to bless our table over our meal. He lead us all in prayer and then Donnie asked the big question. He said - Kyle, what do you want to be in a few years. I was looking away so Kyle wouldn't know I was listening and I was just excited to hear what he said. He said "Donnie, probably a vet but I really want to be a youth pastor." - I can totally see it and his young heart is shining brightly.
A great day yesterday spent dreaming, learning and just being excited for showing people Christ. Its a messy and tough place to be some days .... but coming together like this for encouragement, worship and a new breath of fresh persective ..surely does a body, mind and soul some good. Also helps getting in some laughs, spiking Liz's sweet tea with salt, Adams tea with syrup, just spending time hanging out and the 4 hours in the van talking and singing to every song on the Ipod...... dude - its awesome. My heart is forever changed by the thirst they have for Jesus.
Looking forward to Sunday already and thankful its Friday. Needing some rest for sure.


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