I am really at peace today. The last few weeks have been hectic to say the least. Some extreme lows in there and also some extreme highs. I have had some great faith conversations the last week and have shared some tough things but all in all - I know God is making a way for those conversations. He is in them, behind them and in front of them. The last few days I have been seeking the Lord pretty hard on a few things that I am struggling with. He has brought me to a different place for sure. I am excited to be teaching tonight for our middle/high school student ministry. God has placed some things on my heart to share with them. This afternoon while on my afternoon walk with the weather so nice out.. how could you not feel great about a day that the Lord has given us? I came across a song that I know I have heard before. I know I have played before but I know has never spoken to me before.
I will share Jeremy Camp's song lyrics to Surrender.
Purify this tainted soul
I'm tired of living life a fool
Soften up this hardened clay
To be a servant, this I pray
A reflection of You, I long to be
So Your kingdom I will seek
I surrender to Your throne
Oh, I surrender to Your throne
I will make my heart Your home
Oh, I surrender to Your throne
I've taken things I thought my own
Only to reap what I've sown
You've given back the years I fought
An ending love and grace You've brought
Eternal hope and peace You bring
And forever unto You I will sing
I surrender to Your throne
Oh, I surrender to Your throne
And I will make my heart Your home
Oh, I surrender to Your throne
Forever unto You I will sing; Forever unto You I will sing;Forever unto You I will sing
I surrender; I surrender; I surrender
Oh, I surrender, I surrender, I surrender, now
What a powerful song.... it brought me to my knees this afternoon. Love when the Lord does that. Pumped about what God is doing all around me. Had a chance to pray for a family this morning who goes to our church over email. I got a letter in the mail from a student who used to work for me. I also got an email from someone who shared some hard things. I had a few text messages with one of "MyKids" who is in a hard place right now trying to find her way.
Incredible what happens when God is in the middle of things.
Peace for you today,
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I will let you in on a little secret. I pray every day for intentional opportunities to show people Jesus. I have come to a place in my faith journey where its not about the words I have, the things I feel like I should share with folks but let my actions speak louder than all else. Sometimes people need to see Jesus and not be told about Jesus.
I do my best to be intentional about the relationships in my life. I do my best to be real in front of people, behind people, in private and always in front of God. I am who I am ..... and I try to do that all the time.
I care and love people. My pastor said a few weeks ago that he has come to a place in his faith journey were he sees only 2 kinds of people. Those going to heaven and those who are not. Man that is heavy.
Those interruptions (intentional opportunities) sometimes come when you least expect them. Maybe that phone call comes during dinner or your favorite tv show, movie or the basketball game. Maybe that quick facebook post and update turns into an hour talking with a student through an issue at home. Maybe lunch after church was delayed because someone pulled you aside and wanted to talk through something they are hurting with. Maybe its the walk in the hallway at school that takes you for a turn when a student hasnt seen you in awhile and wants to reconnect. Maybe you are out to eat with friends and a student comes over to thank you for praying for her .... these little inconveniences are what I pray about. Opportunities...... to share the love of Christ.
Do you pray for those opportunities? Are you serving those in your life to make an impact for Christ? My moment of inconvenience may be a life changing moment for someone else.
It is why I do what I do. I will share this with you today:
Philippians 2
Imitating Christ's Humility
1If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. 3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
I do my best to be intentional about the relationships in my life. I do my best to be real in front of people, behind people, in private and always in front of God. I am who I am ..... and I try to do that all the time.
I care and love people. My pastor said a few weeks ago that he has come to a place in his faith journey were he sees only 2 kinds of people. Those going to heaven and those who are not. Man that is heavy.
Those interruptions (intentional opportunities) sometimes come when you least expect them. Maybe that phone call comes during dinner or your favorite tv show, movie or the basketball game. Maybe that quick facebook post and update turns into an hour talking with a student through an issue at home. Maybe lunch after church was delayed because someone pulled you aside and wanted to talk through something they are hurting with. Maybe its the walk in the hallway at school that takes you for a turn when a student hasnt seen you in awhile and wants to reconnect. Maybe you are out to eat with friends and a student comes over to thank you for praying for her .... these little inconveniences are what I pray about. Opportunities...... to share the love of Christ.
Do you pray for those opportunities? Are you serving those in your life to make an impact for Christ? My moment of inconvenience may be a life changing moment for someone else.
It is why I do what I do. I will share this with you today:
Philippians 2
Imitating Christ's Humility
1If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. 3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Its been a busy day so far. I am still trying to catch my breath from the weekend and a busy morning. My dad, little brother and his son Austin came down for the race here in Concord on Friday. I did get a chance to hang with them some on Friday night, Saturday night and a little bit yesterday. I didn't make the festivities with them because of my schedule with helping with the Easter egg Hunt on Saturday and then having to get some yard work done Saturday afternoon. We had a great turnout for the Easter Egg Hunt. 35,000 eggs stuffed with candy and a ton of vols coming to share the day. It was really awesome getting to hang with all the volunteers and all of us serving with one mission in mind Saturday - showing Jesus to everyone we met. I just loved the smiles, the laughs, the Uncle Lonnie's from all directions as we reach out into the community with the love of Jesus. For some - it may be all they get to experience.
Sunday we had our student ministry party. 20 Pizza's went quick and I had to check to make sure I had all my fingers. The record was 12 pieces eaten by one of "MyKids" from our rock group. Might have to get him a little TUMS trophy or something. I can't image eating 12 pieces of pizza. Anyways - had a great helper Sunday morning and it was awesome to spend some time with her. She has an awesome family and it has been such a blessing in my life to walk with them the past few years. God is doing something amazing - even with everything that took place last week - He has spoken some new things and has shown us to lean on Him.
Last night we got to take some down time as a family. We rented a movie - The Blind Side - and I was especially excited to be watching it with Kate. Her story in coming to our family comes in from about the same direction as big Mike from the movie. I hope it really connected with her and how much she has as an impact into her/our family. She is very much the daughter I never had.... I do know I love her that much anyways. I have said it before, that God did not bless me with a daughter - but He has blessed me with many who I love like a daughter. You know who you are!!! I am thankful and blessed for each of you.
Well, its a busy day - I want to leave you with Psalm 43 today - I am blessed because of the words God has given me today.
Psalm 43:5
5 Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues? Fix my eyes on God— soon I'll be praising again. He puts a smile on my face. He's my God.
....... exciting week ahead because of Gods saving grace ~~
Sunday we had our student ministry party. 20 Pizza's went quick and I had to check to make sure I had all my fingers. The record was 12 pieces eaten by one of "MyKids" from our rock group. Might have to get him a little TUMS trophy or something. I can't image eating 12 pieces of pizza. Anyways - had a great helper Sunday morning and it was awesome to spend some time with her. She has an awesome family and it has been such a blessing in my life to walk with them the past few years. God is doing something amazing - even with everything that took place last week - He has spoken some new things and has shown us to lean on Him.
Last night we got to take some down time as a family. We rented a movie - The Blind Side - and I was especially excited to be watching it with Kate. Her story in coming to our family comes in from about the same direction as big Mike from the movie. I hope it really connected with her and how much she has as an impact into her/our family. She is very much the daughter I never had.... I do know I love her that much anyways. I have said it before, that God did not bless me with a daughter - but He has blessed me with many who I love like a daughter. You know who you are!!! I am thankful and blessed for each of you.
Well, its a busy day - I want to leave you with Psalm 43 today - I am blessed because of the words God has given me today.
Psalm 43:5
5 Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues? Fix my eyes on God— soon I'll be praising again. He puts a smile on my face. He's my God.
....... exciting week ahead because of Gods saving grace ~~
Friday, March 26, 2010
Friday Share....

Just want to take a few moments and share a few pictures from last weekend. I'm sitting here having my afternoon coffee with my coat on in the office. Thinking of warm breezes, Kenny and some smiles around me. We had our drama for sure but these small moments are worth remembering for sure.
Happy Friday everyone!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Coming up for air....
I am feeling refreshed this day. After a few days being caught up on sleep and trying to find Gods peace in things the first few days of this week - I think I have turned a corner and have a new perspective and outlook in what God is showing me.
Yes its hard and I still totally am behind that in order to learn how to pray there is suffering that comes with that. It is part of our Christian walk.....
Last night at LOL our middle/high school bible study we had 26 students there. Lots of faces missing which could have put us over the 30 head count but the ones that were there got a great lesson to leave challenged with. I got to spend some much needed time with a few of "MyKids" and I fully enjoyed the conversations afterwards for sure. I just love those moments where we talk about tough things, perspectives, whats going on at home, where they are in their faith, their struggles in life and what does God have to say about all that. This is where I find myself these days wanting more of those challenges and conversations. I am especially excited today that one of "MyKids" older sister asked me for coffee today. Its been 8 months maybe longer that I have been praying for her specifically for an opportunity to have some time together and just hang out. Today over coffee those prayers are being seen. Pumped!!! The awesome thing is... she asked me. I love it when my students or "MyKids" come to me sometimes because it shows me what is important to them and that there is a need that is prompted and followed through on their part. God you are awesome .... thank You for providing these doors of opportunities.
Today I want to share something from Ephesians 4: I read this yesterday as I began to study some on the subject of life change. I had part of this conversation last night and I am always excited to talk about this topic. It is an important topic because it is about life transformation. Its about dying to the old you and living in the new you. There are steps that one must go through in order to live a life pleasing to Jesus. He wants to know the condition of your heart and that you are SOULED OUT to his purposes and his kingdom. If people don't break your heart, if who you are all the time is not shining for Jesus in all you do ... then I would for sure question if you are walking in the Light. We all need to evaluate where we are with Christ and make a positive change. We all need accountability from others ... life change can only happen when we have these things in place for the long haul. Sometimes we need to ask for forgiveness and sometimes we need to give it. Breath in deep ...... I'll let ya know how the coffee is later :)
Ephesians 4:
The Old Way Has to Go
17-19And so I insist—and God backs me up on this—that there be no going along with the crowd, the empty-headed, mindless crowd. They've refused for so long to deal with God that they've lost touch not only with God but with reality itself. They can't think straight anymore. Feeling no pain, they let themselves go in sexual obsession, addicted to every sort of perversion.
20-24But that's no life for you. You learned Christ! My assumption is that you have paid careful attention to him, been well instructed in the truth precisely as we have it in Jesus. Since, then, we do not have the excuse of ignorance, everything—and I do mean everything—connected with that old way of life has to go. It's rotten through and through. Get rid of it! And then take on an entirely new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you.
25What this adds up to, then, is this: no more lies, no more pretense. Tell your neighbor the truth. In Christ's body we're all connected to each other, after all. When you lie to others, you end up lying to yourself.
26-27Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry—but don't use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don't stay angry. Don't go to bed angry. Don't give the Devil that kind of foothold in your life.
28Did you use to make ends meet by stealing? Well, no more! Get an honest job so that you can help others who can't work.
29Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift.
30Don't grieve God. Don't break his heart. His Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making you fit for himself. Don't take such a gift for granted.
31-32Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you.
Yes its hard and I still totally am behind that in order to learn how to pray there is suffering that comes with that. It is part of our Christian walk.....
Last night at LOL our middle/high school bible study we had 26 students there. Lots of faces missing which could have put us over the 30 head count but the ones that were there got a great lesson to leave challenged with. I got to spend some much needed time with a few of "MyKids" and I fully enjoyed the conversations afterwards for sure. I just love those moments where we talk about tough things, perspectives, whats going on at home, where they are in their faith, their struggles in life and what does God have to say about all that. This is where I find myself these days wanting more of those challenges and conversations. I am especially excited today that one of "MyKids" older sister asked me for coffee today. Its been 8 months maybe longer that I have been praying for her specifically for an opportunity to have some time together and just hang out. Today over coffee those prayers are being seen. Pumped!!! The awesome thing is... she asked me. I love it when my students or "MyKids" come to me sometimes because it shows me what is important to them and that there is a need that is prompted and followed through on their part. God you are awesome .... thank You for providing these doors of opportunities.
Today I want to share something from Ephesians 4: I read this yesterday as I began to study some on the subject of life change. I had part of this conversation last night and I am always excited to talk about this topic. It is an important topic because it is about life transformation. Its about dying to the old you and living in the new you. There are steps that one must go through in order to live a life pleasing to Jesus. He wants to know the condition of your heart and that you are SOULED OUT to his purposes and his kingdom. If people don't break your heart, if who you are all the time is not shining for Jesus in all you do ... then I would for sure question if you are walking in the Light. We all need to evaluate where we are with Christ and make a positive change. We all need accountability from others ... life change can only happen when we have these things in place for the long haul. Sometimes we need to ask for forgiveness and sometimes we need to give it. Breath in deep ...... I'll let ya know how the coffee is later :)
Ephesians 4:
The Old Way Has to Go
17-19And so I insist—and God backs me up on this—that there be no going along with the crowd, the empty-headed, mindless crowd. They've refused for so long to deal with God that they've lost touch not only with God but with reality itself. They can't think straight anymore. Feeling no pain, they let themselves go in sexual obsession, addicted to every sort of perversion.
20-24But that's no life for you. You learned Christ! My assumption is that you have paid careful attention to him, been well instructed in the truth precisely as we have it in Jesus. Since, then, we do not have the excuse of ignorance, everything—and I do mean everything—connected with that old way of life has to go. It's rotten through and through. Get rid of it! And then take on an entirely new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you.
25What this adds up to, then, is this: no more lies, no more pretense. Tell your neighbor the truth. In Christ's body we're all connected to each other, after all. When you lie to others, you end up lying to yourself.
26-27Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry—but don't use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don't stay angry. Don't go to bed angry. Don't give the Devil that kind of foothold in your life.
28Did you use to make ends meet by stealing? Well, no more! Get an honest job so that you can help others who can't work.
29Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift.
30Don't grieve God. Don't break his heart. His Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making you fit for himself. Don't take such a gift for granted.
31-32Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I missed it......
This morning finds me in such a hard place. This word became so visible to me the last 4-5 days. There was a lot that has taken place which I won't share any details other than what, how and where God revealed himself in it all. But for the most part - I think I have totally missed it.
I have always been a person that got in there - in the huddle of life - joining others and working as a team when called on to do whatever was asked. Often times working behind the scenes with no or little recognition other than the fact the job got done and it got done well. Problem with a person or family member - people have always called on me to get in there and make the situation right .... even if it wasn't my battle to battle in. God bless the peacemakers.
I think for the past 8 months now I have it all wrong. I am questioning my prayer life in terms: "do I have it all backwards God?" I have always been a praying machine... sometimes it feels like I am praying all the time. Not in some big fashion boastful way for people to see,,, I really dont like that at all to be honest but small prayers all during the day. Moments of "Thank You God" ~ "Be with me as I walk into this meeting" ~ "Help me see you this morning Lord" ~ "Lord make me a better person and have more patience and compassion for the things of your heart Lord" ~ "Lord one of mykids is hurting today please be with them" ..... its just the way I am.
The past month or so ... I am just feeling like the specific prayers I am lifting to our Father are just not working. I know God hears them, He is listening as He does with all His children. Maybe its not enough of my heart. Maybe its just that I have not been to that place God needs me to be in order to answer them - YET. I do know I trust God with all I have and He will reveal the answers and the paths for me and for the things, people and situations that I am lifting to Him. Its His timing and not mine so until that time comes ... buckle in and stay the course. Don't stop praying.... pray the more.
I have always been one to fix things, to go to the hard places, to get involved, to want to do whatever I could do to make a difference. Often times those are messy places.
I am helpless today.
My next choice, the next move and the next decision is a tough one, a life changing one ...... and I am totally helpless in making that decision. I think this is where God wants me to be. My prayers are solely on His shoulders and not my own. Not on my own power, my own fix and my own strategy .... then pray for God to help me through it and thank Him afterwards.
I think God wants me helpless in all this so that He can direct me, humble me, guide me, love me through it and lead me. He knows my heart and He knows He will get the glory because of who I am and how much I love him.
Like little children - their faith is strong because they believe and rely on their Father for everything....little children are mostly helpless and can't do much for themselves.
Prayer is an expression of who we are.
I think about the people I have studied in the Bible who were helpless when they came to Jesus. The Samaritan woman with no water, an official who's son had no health and was sick, the crippled man near the pool who needed help into the water, the man who had friends rip the roof off to lower him down to Jesus for him to be healed... the blind man with no sight and Lazurus who lost his life. Helplessness is often times how as Christians we must lead our lives. We have to rely and lean on God...its how it works. 2 Corinthians Paul prayed to God to remove this thorn from his flesh and God told him that His grace is sufficient for him, for his power is made perfect in our weakness.
We can't do life on our own. Prayer mirrors the gospel and our Father takes us as we are because of Jesus. IN Prayer~ we receive the gift of salvation and even though we think everything is wrong with us.... God looks at the adequacy of his Son and delights in our sloppy and meandering ADD prayers. Its the heart that God is wanting to see, to hear and to know.
I want to be a strong Christian. I want to pray more.... and I think strong Christians do pray more than baby Christians only because they realize how weak we really are. Weakness gives us access to Gods grace. Baby Christians have little need to pray like strong Christians do because they see themselves differently. Their prayer life is a "fit in" to their schedules.
John 15:5 - "Apart from me you can do nothing". - That pretty much sums it up for me today.
I can't raise my kids alone. Even as a perfect parent, doing everything correct and going above and beyond - I can't get into the hearts of my kids. Thats why I need to pray more. I need to put prayer first before my parenting, before my example, before me doing anything....
It sometimes takes suffering to learn how to pray.
I will close today not knowing what to say, what to pray for and let my heart just be in Gods hands. My words are insufficient as I babble on not knowing what it all means....... tears, sighs and emotions are speaking today and I am thankful God hears and understands it all even when I don't have words to share.
Romans 8:26
26-28Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.
So what word do you see in "NOWHERE" - is God "No Where" to be seen or is he "Now Here"?
This morning finds me in such a hard place. This word became so visible to me the last 4-5 days. There was a lot that has taken place which I won't share any details other than what, how and where God revealed himself in it all. But for the most part - I think I have totally missed it.
I have always been a person that got in there - in the huddle of life - joining others and working as a team when called on to do whatever was asked. Often times working behind the scenes with no or little recognition other than the fact the job got done and it got done well. Problem with a person or family member - people have always called on me to get in there and make the situation right .... even if it wasn't my battle to battle in. God bless the peacemakers.
I think for the past 8 months now I have it all wrong. I am questioning my prayer life in terms: "do I have it all backwards God?" I have always been a praying machine... sometimes it feels like I am praying all the time. Not in some big fashion boastful way for people to see,,, I really dont like that at all to be honest but small prayers all during the day. Moments of "Thank You God" ~ "Be with me as I walk into this meeting" ~ "Help me see you this morning Lord" ~ "Lord make me a better person and have more patience and compassion for the things of your heart Lord" ~ "Lord one of mykids is hurting today please be with them" ..... its just the way I am.
The past month or so ... I am just feeling like the specific prayers I am lifting to our Father are just not working. I know God hears them, He is listening as He does with all His children. Maybe its not enough of my heart. Maybe its just that I have not been to that place God needs me to be in order to answer them - YET. I do know I trust God with all I have and He will reveal the answers and the paths for me and for the things, people and situations that I am lifting to Him. Its His timing and not mine so until that time comes ... buckle in and stay the course. Don't stop praying.... pray the more.
I have always been one to fix things, to go to the hard places, to get involved, to want to do whatever I could do to make a difference. Often times those are messy places.
I am helpless today.
My next choice, the next move and the next decision is a tough one, a life changing one ...... and I am totally helpless in making that decision. I think this is where God wants me to be. My prayers are solely on His shoulders and not my own. Not on my own power, my own fix and my own strategy .... then pray for God to help me through it and thank Him afterwards.
I think God wants me helpless in all this so that He can direct me, humble me, guide me, love me through it and lead me. He knows my heart and He knows He will get the glory because of who I am and how much I love him.
Like little children - their faith is strong because they believe and rely on their Father for everything....little children are mostly helpless and can't do much for themselves.
Prayer is an expression of who we are.
I think about the people I have studied in the Bible who were helpless when they came to Jesus. The Samaritan woman with no water, an official who's son had no health and was sick, the crippled man near the pool who needed help into the water, the man who had friends rip the roof off to lower him down to Jesus for him to be healed... the blind man with no sight and Lazurus who lost his life. Helplessness is often times how as Christians we must lead our lives. We have to rely and lean on God...its how it works. 2 Corinthians Paul prayed to God to remove this thorn from his flesh and God told him that His grace is sufficient for him, for his power is made perfect in our weakness.
We can't do life on our own. Prayer mirrors the gospel and our Father takes us as we are because of Jesus. IN Prayer~ we receive the gift of salvation and even though we think everything is wrong with us.... God looks at the adequacy of his Son and delights in our sloppy and meandering ADD prayers. Its the heart that God is wanting to see, to hear and to know.
I want to be a strong Christian. I want to pray more.... and I think strong Christians do pray more than baby Christians only because they realize how weak we really are. Weakness gives us access to Gods grace. Baby Christians have little need to pray like strong Christians do because they see themselves differently. Their prayer life is a "fit in" to their schedules.
John 15:5 - "Apart from me you can do nothing". - That pretty much sums it up for me today.
I can't raise my kids alone. Even as a perfect parent, doing everything correct and going above and beyond - I can't get into the hearts of my kids. Thats why I need to pray more. I need to put prayer first before my parenting, before my example, before me doing anything....
It sometimes takes suffering to learn how to pray.
I will close today not knowing what to say, what to pray for and let my heart just be in Gods hands. My words are insufficient as I babble on not knowing what it all means....... tears, sighs and emotions are speaking today and I am thankful God hears and understands it all even when I don't have words to share.
Romans 8:26
26-28Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.
So what word do you see in "NOWHERE" - is God "No Where" to be seen or is he "Now Here"?
Monday, March 22, 2010
Bahamas ....
We are all almost back in NC now. All I will say is that its good to be home. I enjoyed the Bahamas and the cruise is amazing ..... I think Disney will be our next sailing vessel for sure with more "Family" oriented fun and entertainment.
I want to share today a passage that Kyle and I read together last night.. our last night on the cruise together and then prayed.
1 Corinthians 3:9-23
9For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building.
10By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. 11For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work. 14If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. 15If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.
16Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? 17If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple.
18Do not deceive yourselves.
Loved ones, I have lived 43 years on this earth and having a mask on will eventually some off at some point in your life. You can only hide who you really are in your heart for so long.
Praying for the foundation in your life today. May they rest on the shoulders of Jesus and if not...may He rip those things out of your life so you can rebuild according to Gods building codes.
I want to share today a passage that Kyle and I read together last night.. our last night on the cruise together and then prayed.
1 Corinthians 3:9-23
9For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building.
10By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. 11For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work. 14If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. 15If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.
16Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? 17If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple.
18Do not deceive yourselves.
Loved ones, I have lived 43 years on this earth and having a mask on will eventually some off at some point in your life. You can only hide who you really are in your heart for so long.
Praying for the foundation in your life today. May they rest on the shoulders of Jesus and if not...may He rip those things out of your life so you can rebuild according to Gods building codes.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Monday thoughts.....
Wow - I just looked and its been almost a week since my last post. Not short on words the past week but just short on time. Looking forward to Wed and hitting the road. I love road trips ...even the ride to the cabin is an adventure as the excitement builds to being at the destination. We will be stopping some time Wed evening just outside of Daytona Beach Florida. I am really looking forward to hanging out with our rock group families and just being away having some fun. Yes its a crowd for sure but a good crowd.... its how the Batemans roll :)
I am also looking forward to no computer, no facebook, no electronic posts, no email, and NO CELL phone ...especially for the kids that are going. Its so annoying trying to have a conversation and invest some time and energy into "MyKids" and they are texting like crazy. Sad they just don't know when to turn the things off and let it roll until when its appropriate to do so.
Carol is sick today so I had to get Kate to school and Kyle to the bus...will be running around this afternoon with taking Kate to doctors and then getting Kyle from the bus. Hope to get to the gym in there somewhere....and maybe a shake with Morgan tonight for some much needed talk time. I had the best time Friday night with Kyle, Zach and Madison at the cabin. It was like camp all over again. We stayed up pretty late after laughing and laughing at the movie Uncle Buck. There are some funny liners in there and we just had the bestest of time. A good conversation after the movie really makes me appreciate the time invested in them because they trust me enough to open up on some things. I value that trust so much .... and thankful to be at a place where we are really doing life together. Probably weird for some folks because I am not their parent but its the way God intended us to live. To be a bigger part of His family and carrying each others burdens in life. We are not meant to do this faith journey alone. One part of our long talk as I often do my best is to have a faith based answer to any question - being What would God think of that question and how would He answer it? Its always on my heart to share that view and not just the view of the world that so often is the answer people hear. I began to explain that God wants us to have a kind and gentle heart no matter if we are guys and or gals.... a kind and gentle heart in our relationships, with our coworkers, our marriages, in our families, our neighbors, people we don't know.... even in our arguments and struggles... I bet its hard for God to work in our lives when we walk around angry most of the time, full of excuses, negativity, and complaining.
So as I shared that this past Friday night, I opened my bible this morning to 1 Peter 3:4 and even though Peter is in the passage topic of husbands and wives, I think it completely applies to everyone... no matter who you are. Peter is talking about inner beauty and what we should look like on the inside. Its the inside that matters most anyways, right?
1 Peter 3:4 Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.
Think for a moment where a kind and gentle spirit will lead you in life. You would probably be more compassionate, more loving, more patient with things and people, more attentive to the needs of people, more caring...easy to talk with ... be willing to serve others, most people would want to be around you more... because you would become a person of peace - and PEACE is what you will have because of Jesus. It should just be who you are .....
More tomorrow.... Peace out.
I am also looking forward to no computer, no facebook, no electronic posts, no email, and NO CELL phone ...especially for the kids that are going. Its so annoying trying to have a conversation and invest some time and energy into "MyKids" and they are texting like crazy. Sad they just don't know when to turn the things off and let it roll until when its appropriate to do so.
Carol is sick today so I had to get Kate to school and Kyle to the bus...will be running around this afternoon with taking Kate to doctors and then getting Kyle from the bus. Hope to get to the gym in there somewhere....and maybe a shake with Morgan tonight for some much needed talk time. I had the best time Friday night with Kyle, Zach and Madison at the cabin. It was like camp all over again. We stayed up pretty late after laughing and laughing at the movie Uncle Buck. There are some funny liners in there and we just had the bestest of time. A good conversation after the movie really makes me appreciate the time invested in them because they trust me enough to open up on some things. I value that trust so much .... and thankful to be at a place where we are really doing life together. Probably weird for some folks because I am not their parent but its the way God intended us to live. To be a bigger part of His family and carrying each others burdens in life. We are not meant to do this faith journey alone. One part of our long talk as I often do my best is to have a faith based answer to any question - being What would God think of that question and how would He answer it? Its always on my heart to share that view and not just the view of the world that so often is the answer people hear. I began to explain that God wants us to have a kind and gentle heart no matter if we are guys and or gals.... a kind and gentle heart in our relationships, with our coworkers, our marriages, in our families, our neighbors, people we don't know.... even in our arguments and struggles... I bet its hard for God to work in our lives when we walk around angry most of the time, full of excuses, negativity, and complaining.
So as I shared that this past Friday night, I opened my bible this morning to 1 Peter 3:4 and even though Peter is in the passage topic of husbands and wives, I think it completely applies to everyone... no matter who you are. Peter is talking about inner beauty and what we should look like on the inside. Its the inside that matters most anyways, right?
1 Peter 3:4 Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.
Think for a moment where a kind and gentle spirit will lead you in life. You would probably be more compassionate, more loving, more patient with things and people, more attentive to the needs of people, more caring...easy to talk with ... be willing to serve others, most people would want to be around you more... because you would become a person of peace - and PEACE is what you will have because of Jesus. It should just be who you are .....
More tomorrow.... Peace out.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Psalm 25
Its just an amazing thing when God points you to the place in His word that He wants you to know. I can't say that it happens all the time but the more I am in His word and daily giving my heart to Him - He does these kinds of things. I think first and foremost - your heart and mind have to be in a place willing as well as to be eager for what God wants to share with you.
So today, I am in Psalm 25.
1 O Lord, I give my life to you. 2 I trust in you, my God! Do not let me be disgraced, or let my enemies rejoice in my defeat. 3 No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced, but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.
4 Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. 5 Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. 6 Remember, O Lord, your compassion and unfailing love, which you have shown from long ages past. 7 Do not remember the rebellious sins of my youth. Remember me in the light of your unfailing love, for you are merciful, O Lord.
"Do not remember the rebellious sins of my youth" really sticks out to me this morning. With an instant teenager in my home and walking with so many in the student ministry at church as well as looking back at my own past.... its just hard being that age but its not impossible. There are so many that I am getting to know that are shining bright for Christ and have a humble and servants heart already in their young lives. It is just awesome to be a part of that and walk with them. It gives me hope that all the nights I stay awake, the prayers lifted, the tears that are shed - they give me hope for those who are not walking this way. Maybe its not their fault - maybe life is hard, parents are missing or disengaged, or maybe there is outside influences they just cant seem to get away from no matter how hard they try, maybe they are experts at the masks they were everyday, maybe their heart has had to be hard and letting someone in close is frightening ..... but there is still hope. Being young does not mean God can't use you. He uses people all the time no matter where they are in life, what has been done or how far you have drifted ... God equips the called. He is not done with you story yet.... I got a chance to teach a small opening part this past Sunday on LogLines. These are small descriptions of a movie, a scene or character. The things is is we all have a logline describing our lives. Our story - but we can't write our own loglines....it is usually written by someone else. We also can't change our loglines.... someone else has to do that. Good friends, parents, trusted leaders .... God.
Loved ones, God is not done with your logline. So as I find today hard with an instant teenager who has changed my home, has added stress, worry, tears and lately - not much in smiles..... I know God is not done with her story yet. Her logline is being challenged daily by the people who love and care for her.
God I continue to have hope in what You are doing today. You are already in the next moment and I am asking that You help us meet you there. The past is the past and moving forward is where You are. Help us get there - Help us reach out to where You are. I pray for life change and for a heart that has You in it. Your love, mercy and grace is wonderful and I am very thankful to have those things in my life because of you. My life, home and family has been changed because of you, your calling on my life, the people I love that are close to me, the students and their families...... I ask this morning that You be in the details Lord and keep us all close to you. Help us honor you in our very lives. I pray in Jesus name. Amen
8 The Lord is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray. 9 He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them his way. 10 The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands.
11 For the honor of your name, O Lord, forgive my many, many sins. 12 Who are those who fear the Lord? He will show them the path they should choose. 13 They will live in prosperity, and their children will inherit the land. 14 The Lord is a friend to those who fear him. He teaches them his covenant. 15 My eyes are always on the Lord, for he rescues me from the traps of my enemies.
16 Turn to me and have mercy, for I am alone and in deep distress. 17 My problems go from bad to worse. Oh, save me from them all! 18 Feel my pain and see my trouble. Forgive all my sins.
Sins of ignorance, the sins of youthful arrogance. "I didn't know any better." Or, "I thought you knew better!" Does that ring a bell for you? Did you do some stupid stuff when you were young? I think we all have.... but the older I get, the more I realize how little I knew when I knew it all. The sins of my youth - now those are some haunting problems from the past: "I was ignorant. I was foolish. I was immature - Lord, choose not to remember these things."
"My rebellious ways" - is just that. Self serving.... doing what I want as apposed to doing what is right, honoring, and within the rules. Respect for the rules is a byproduct of trust. Where there is no trust between people (families) the rules are out the window.
21 May integrity and honesty protect me, for I put my hope in you.
No matter where today finds you, whether its a hard place with a teenager, student or friend or a great place with them - honor God with Your integrity and honesty. Dont let the anyone change the course of that inner person that God has been changing you into. Keep your eyes on the Lord ... keep your heart humbled, serve like never before with a servants heart, intentions that are not of your own and a love that shares because God has given you that love.
Grace, mercy and healing comes from the Lord. It is enough for me...... thankful it is enough for me. My hope is in You today no matter what I am see no matter what I feel.... I will walk by faith.
So today, I am in Psalm 25.
1 O Lord, I give my life to you. 2 I trust in you, my God! Do not let me be disgraced, or let my enemies rejoice in my defeat. 3 No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced, but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.
4 Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. 5 Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. 6 Remember, O Lord, your compassion and unfailing love, which you have shown from long ages past. 7 Do not remember the rebellious sins of my youth. Remember me in the light of your unfailing love, for you are merciful, O Lord.
"Do not remember the rebellious sins of my youth" really sticks out to me this morning. With an instant teenager in my home and walking with so many in the student ministry at church as well as looking back at my own past.... its just hard being that age but its not impossible. There are so many that I am getting to know that are shining bright for Christ and have a humble and servants heart already in their young lives. It is just awesome to be a part of that and walk with them. It gives me hope that all the nights I stay awake, the prayers lifted, the tears that are shed - they give me hope for those who are not walking this way. Maybe its not their fault - maybe life is hard, parents are missing or disengaged, or maybe there is outside influences they just cant seem to get away from no matter how hard they try, maybe they are experts at the masks they were everyday, maybe their heart has had to be hard and letting someone in close is frightening ..... but there is still hope. Being young does not mean God can't use you. He uses people all the time no matter where they are in life, what has been done or how far you have drifted ... God equips the called. He is not done with you story yet.... I got a chance to teach a small opening part this past Sunday on LogLines. These are small descriptions of a movie, a scene or character. The things is is we all have a logline describing our lives. Our story - but we can't write our own loglines....it is usually written by someone else. We also can't change our loglines.... someone else has to do that. Good friends, parents, trusted leaders .... God.
Loved ones, God is not done with your logline. So as I find today hard with an instant teenager who has changed my home, has added stress, worry, tears and lately - not much in smiles..... I know God is not done with her story yet. Her logline is being challenged daily by the people who love and care for her.
God I continue to have hope in what You are doing today. You are already in the next moment and I am asking that You help us meet you there. The past is the past and moving forward is where You are. Help us get there - Help us reach out to where You are. I pray for life change and for a heart that has You in it. Your love, mercy and grace is wonderful and I am very thankful to have those things in my life because of you. My life, home and family has been changed because of you, your calling on my life, the people I love that are close to me, the students and their families...... I ask this morning that You be in the details Lord and keep us all close to you. Help us honor you in our very lives. I pray in Jesus name. Amen
8 The Lord is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray. 9 He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them his way. 10 The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands.
11 For the honor of your name, O Lord, forgive my many, many sins. 12 Who are those who fear the Lord? He will show them the path they should choose. 13 They will live in prosperity, and their children will inherit the land. 14 The Lord is a friend to those who fear him. He teaches them his covenant. 15 My eyes are always on the Lord, for he rescues me from the traps of my enemies.
16 Turn to me and have mercy, for I am alone and in deep distress. 17 My problems go from bad to worse. Oh, save me from them all! 18 Feel my pain and see my trouble. Forgive all my sins.
Sins of ignorance, the sins of youthful arrogance. "I didn't know any better." Or, "I thought you knew better!" Does that ring a bell for you? Did you do some stupid stuff when you were young? I think we all have.... but the older I get, the more I realize how little I knew when I knew it all. The sins of my youth - now those are some haunting problems from the past: "I was ignorant. I was foolish. I was immature - Lord, choose not to remember these things."
"My rebellious ways" - is just that. Self serving.... doing what I want as apposed to doing what is right, honoring, and within the rules. Respect for the rules is a byproduct of trust. Where there is no trust between people (families) the rules are out the window.
21 May integrity and honesty protect me, for I put my hope in you.
No matter where today finds you, whether its a hard place with a teenager, student or friend or a great place with them - honor God with Your integrity and honesty. Dont let the anyone change the course of that inner person that God has been changing you into. Keep your eyes on the Lord ... keep your heart humbled, serve like never before with a servants heart, intentions that are not of your own and a love that shares because God has given you that love.
Grace, mercy and healing comes from the Lord. It is enough for me...... thankful it is enough for me. My hope is in You today no matter what I am see no matter what I feel.... I will walk by faith.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sometimes doing the right things is not always the easiest.
I feel pretty beaten down for sure these days. Mondays are always my rest days after a long day on Sunday. Yesterday had its moments for sure...moments where you just dont expect things to go the way they do and yet they are really hard and moving past them seems impossible at times. I am thankful that the Lord's grace and and mercy follows me everywhere I go.
Had a great day at church yesterday. Message that was shared from Pastor Jimmy was right from his heart and I think so many needed to hear from him as our pastor. I think it really does show us how much is on our pastors shoulders and how much they love each of us.
Yesterday I got to share in a special moment with one of the students the week before ask me to get her breakfast - we had some time before the services to sit and talk. I knew her younger sister more than I knew her and it has been cool the last few weeks to talk with her and build on that trusted relationship. I had a McDonalds sweet tea while we were talking and just out of the blue she asked if next week I could get her breakfast and bring it to church. I said sure...but here is the deal - you have to come otherwise if you are not here... I am going to auction off your breakfast right in front of everyone. Meaning...for this sweet tea, first person to hand me a bible gets it. First person to hand me a flip flop - get the sandwhich. That is always fun ....... I got pegged 2 weeks ago by 5 flip flops over a t-shirt.
Anyways, I got breakfast and 9:30 service was over.... no student. Breakfast still there. 11:00 rolls around and in she walks to our student ministry room. It was awesome as we shared a smile and she got her breakfast. Its a small thing, a little detail like that that really speaks volumes into a student. I think that is one of the things of being a student ministry leader is that connection with your students. Its more than just church on Sundays or even on Wed evenings. Its about relationship .... trusted by them and the family for it to work. They need to know you care. I may never get a thank you .... but I know they are there. A facebook post, an email or text message to say hi - how was your day? - does wonders for letting them know you care about them. Show them Jesus in all you do and just maybe... even though its hard and it may appear you are not making any strides forward... God just may be reading the spike in the endzone in celebration....... I pray for that with Kate.... keep showing her Jesus and just maybe it will click on her heart. There are others...... but that is where I am today.
I look forward to hanging out with Madison tonight as we get a bite to eat and then shop for a sport jacket for me for the cruise. I look forward to seeing the "promise to make things better" between another one of my close kids come to pass. There is a lot going on ...... and thankful for Carol, Kyle - who both just amaze me again and again and again .... for my rock group families who seem to be holding me up at times the last month or so and great mentors in my life in my pastors - Jimmy, Travis and Donnie and all the staff and volunteers.... and I can't forget a God though I don't deserve any of this..... loved me enough to send his son Jesus to the cross for me. There is a lot of good things happening all around us.... God is in the details. Sometimes doing the right things is not always the easiest..... but then again easiest is not always best.
Peace out,
I feel pretty beaten down for sure these days. Mondays are always my rest days after a long day on Sunday. Yesterday had its moments for sure...moments where you just dont expect things to go the way they do and yet they are really hard and moving past them seems impossible at times. I am thankful that the Lord's grace and and mercy follows me everywhere I go.
Had a great day at church yesterday. Message that was shared from Pastor Jimmy was right from his heart and I think so many needed to hear from him as our pastor. I think it really does show us how much is on our pastors shoulders and how much they love each of us.
Yesterday I got to share in a special moment with one of the students the week before ask me to get her breakfast - we had some time before the services to sit and talk. I knew her younger sister more than I knew her and it has been cool the last few weeks to talk with her and build on that trusted relationship. I had a McDonalds sweet tea while we were talking and just out of the blue she asked if next week I could get her breakfast and bring it to church. I said sure...but here is the deal - you have to come otherwise if you are not here... I am going to auction off your breakfast right in front of everyone. Meaning...for this sweet tea, first person to hand me a bible gets it. First person to hand me a flip flop - get the sandwhich. That is always fun ....... I got pegged 2 weeks ago by 5 flip flops over a t-shirt.
Anyways, I got breakfast and 9:30 service was over.... no student. Breakfast still there. 11:00 rolls around and in she walks to our student ministry room. It was awesome as we shared a smile and she got her breakfast. Its a small thing, a little detail like that that really speaks volumes into a student. I think that is one of the things of being a student ministry leader is that connection with your students. Its more than just church on Sundays or even on Wed evenings. Its about relationship .... trusted by them and the family for it to work. They need to know you care. I may never get a thank you .... but I know they are there. A facebook post, an email or text message to say hi - how was your day? - does wonders for letting them know you care about them. Show them Jesus in all you do and just maybe... even though its hard and it may appear you are not making any strides forward... God just may be reading the spike in the endzone in celebration....... I pray for that with Kate.... keep showing her Jesus and just maybe it will click on her heart. There are others...... but that is where I am today.
I look forward to hanging out with Madison tonight as we get a bite to eat and then shop for a sport jacket for me for the cruise. I look forward to seeing the "promise to make things better" between another one of my close kids come to pass. There is a lot going on ...... and thankful for Carol, Kyle - who both just amaze me again and again and again .... for my rock group families who seem to be holding me up at times the last month or so and great mentors in my life in my pastors - Jimmy, Travis and Donnie and all the staff and volunteers.... and I can't forget a God though I don't deserve any of this..... loved me enough to send his son Jesus to the cross for me. There is a lot of good things happening all around us.... God is in the details. Sometimes doing the right things is not always the easiest..... but then again easiest is not always best.
Peace out,
Friday, March 5, 2010
Dragging today after a 20 hour day yesterday but a day that I am already looking forward to next year. I went with 23 other leaders in our church yesterday down to Anderson SC for the Unleash conference. It is an amazing experience for sure - great worship time, great preaching from Pastor Perry Noble and some great breakout sessions plus just spending time with our students leaders, staff, volunteers and Pastors. Lots of learning, dreaming and heart moving stuff taking place. I can honestly say that I am so humbled and not worthy of being in my walk with Christ to be walking with such great student leaders that are around me. I am just thankful for each of them and loved seeing them yesterday learning, dreaming and excited for the things of God - not only in their own personal ministry but the ministry of others as well. They are leaders and at such a young age to have their heart where it is... is just awesome.
Last night Pastor Donnie asked Kyle to bless our table over our meal. He lead us all in prayer and then Donnie asked the big question. He said - Kyle, what do you want to be in a few years. I was looking away so Kyle wouldn't know I was listening and I was just excited to hear what he said. He said "Donnie, probably a vet but I really want to be a youth pastor." - I can totally see it and his young heart is shining brightly.
A great day yesterday spent dreaming, learning and just being excited for showing people Christ. Its a messy and tough place to be some days .... but coming together like this for encouragement, worship and a new breath of fresh persective ..surely does a body, mind and soul some good. Also helps getting in some laughs, spiking Liz's sweet tea with salt, Adams tea with syrup, just spending time hanging out and the 4 hours in the van talking and singing to every song on the Ipod...... dude - its awesome. My heart is forever changed by the thirst they have for Jesus.
Looking forward to Sunday already and thankful its Friday. Needing some rest for sure.
Last night Pastor Donnie asked Kyle to bless our table over our meal. He lead us all in prayer and then Donnie asked the big question. He said - Kyle, what do you want to be in a few years. I was looking away so Kyle wouldn't know I was listening and I was just excited to hear what he said. He said "Donnie, probably a vet but I really want to be a youth pastor." - I can totally see it and his young heart is shining brightly.
A great day yesterday spent dreaming, learning and just being excited for showing people Christ. Its a messy and tough place to be some days .... but coming together like this for encouragement, worship and a new breath of fresh persective ..surely does a body, mind and soul some good. Also helps getting in some laughs, spiking Liz's sweet tea with salt, Adams tea with syrup, just spending time hanging out and the 4 hours in the van talking and singing to every song on the Ipod...... dude - its awesome. My heart is forever changed by the thirst they have for Jesus.
Looking forward to Sunday already and thankful its Friday. Needing some rest for sure.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Spent the morning with one of "MyKids" who was having a procedure done at the hospital this morning. She has been having some tummy problems and a few weeks back the doc put her on some meds but it didnt help much. So he had to go in and take a look around. Thankfully, she has something that can be treated with diet and meds. But I have to say that getting to spend time with a dear family in these kinds of situations are priceless. It is humbling for sure... to be part of that trusted and loved inner circle. When they were done we got to go back and see her - she was still kind of out of it but knew we were there. She reached out for my hand which just melted my heart and I got to watch mom feed her an ice pop. It was a moment that I said - This is what mommy's are made for. It will be a moment that I will remember for some time to come. It also has me thinking that this morning really puts things into perspective for me. It was in those waking moments that she got to look around and you know what was important in life. Things, possesions, material things.... they don't mean anything. Jesus came and invested in people not early things.
I would not have wanted to be any place else this morning but with this family and with a special young lady. A little bit of love goes a LONG LONG way.
Thank you for allowing me to be there.... its exactly what Jesus wants us to do - BE THE CHURCH and stop just doing church. Thankful for the prayers lifted the last 24 hours. God you are awesome and thank you for always being there to listen.
NewSpring tomorrow...... catch ya on Friday everyone. Lives changing tomorrow~~~ I can feel it happening.
I would not have wanted to be any place else this morning but with this family and with a special young lady. A little bit of love goes a LONG LONG way.
Thank you for allowing me to be there.... its exactly what Jesus wants us to do - BE THE CHURCH and stop just doing church. Thankful for the prayers lifted the last 24 hours. God you are awesome and thank you for always being there to listen.
NewSpring tomorrow...... catch ya on Friday everyone. Lives changing tomorrow~~~ I can feel it happening.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Snow ?
Wow - this has been a winter here in NC for sure. Being in the ice zone of NC (Charlotte) - we have seen more chances of snow this year than in my recent memory at least. It is pretty cool, I mean if its going to be cold enough for it... let it rip right? Groundhog or not...I am ready for spring - I am ready for cruise in 2 weeks. I am ready for a little too much sunburn on my face...I am ready for some blue crystal waters, some Kenny Chesney playing on my Ipod - a little down time with my bible and some time to hang with my closest people I am doing life with. Dude... I am ready ... but as in all good things... we must wait.
Today, I am pretty excited about a few things. First, last night was our Student ministry team meeting. I am always pumped after that meeting - and then Thursday headed to NewSpring for UNleash and all our student leaders are going and will come back changed! I am taking the van and they are loading in .... I can't wait for the music to be playing on the highways as well as the deep conversations as we talk about what God did to hearts and in our vision for His church and people.......
I think about Paul and Timothy and their relationship. I have been thinking about it for a few days now. See - I have this God thing burning a hole in my chest. My life is more about Him than anything else. It for sure is a season of growth for me the last few months. I have been challenged and also challenging at times. Its the only way to learn and grow and that is to be poured into and to pour out into someone else. I am very blessed to be poured into by my Pastors at church and other key people in my life. I hang on everything they say, everything they do and how they handle themselves. We are just people - souled out into the vision of the power, the saving grace and the love of Christ. We want to give others what we have experienced. Its simple really but hard as anything all in one. I am also blessed to have students and my LifeGroup families to pour into. Its during these seasons in our faith journey we really find out who is with you and who was just playing the part.
Today I am in 1 Timothy 4:12
12Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
This passage comes from the relationship between Paul and Timothy. Growing up Timothy had a mom and grandma teaching him about Jesus - and like so many dads today - His wasnt interested in faith either. Regardless, Timothy fell in love with Jesus and soon felt a pull in his life to teach. But problem was Timothy was timid. He was a shy person and wasnt very out spoken. Often times he wanted to speak up and speak his mind but found himself not doing so. He got nervous when he had to be in front of people. Paul asked him to teach and preach with him. Took him under his wing and provided a godly example for Timothy. Over time Timothy learned to be bold but never really got rid of his fear and timidness. A job opening came at another church and Paul sent Timothy to teach there and lead people. Paul continued to encourage him and mentor him through letters and visits. Today that might look like email, text messages or a flight in for a few days. God did not give us a spirit to be timid but a spirit of power, of love, and self-discipline. With the help of other followers of Christ, despite his fears, Timothy stood firm in who God created him to be.
We are all students in life. We are just in different age categories and in different places in our lives. Regardless, we will continue to be students - students in life, in our families, as leaders, in our walk with Christ. We will always continue to learn. We will always need someone to pour into us ..... encourage us, focus us, get on us when we are falling short - we also must have folks in our lives we pour into. Our children, trusted students in our lives, our husband or wife .... who ever they may be that you have influence with.
God has given us a unique position in this world. He has given us unique talents and gifts to use for greater purposes than maybe we find ourselves using today. Maybe we haven't even discovered them yet because we are still searching.
I have a close student that is near me today that is struggling. My heart breaks thinking about it because there is SOOO much potential there. Afraid to talk about bigger things other than middle school, selfishness has creeped in, friends influences - life is just like everyone else. That inner circle has become crowded with distractions and people that dont have the best interest at heart. They are young ..... regardless of age though - its a battle ground. A war to decide which way to go...the easy way and follow the crowd or the hard way and follow Jesus and maybe be alone or have a much smaller inner circle.
FIGHT! Yes life is a battle ground and age is nothing. Young/old - there is a battle taking place. A battle for your time, attention, calling and purpose in your life, for the things of Christ. Its time to put a stake in the ground and claim territory in your life. You are only as good as the people in your inner circle. Do they have the same goals in life, are they walking the same direction, have the same hope as you do? These battles that you are fighting have the potential to have a much greater impact for a much longer time on earth. Refuse to give up - especially because of your age - Dont give up any ground in your mind, your relationships, and not in your behavior.
We will always have a mentor because we will always be learning and someone or something will always be teaching us. Choose what or who you want that to be. Following Jesus is relational. Its a commitment and it takes a choice to grow your faith. I am thankful for the Paul's in my life and blessed for the Timothy's in my life that I get to pour into.
The choice is yours in who you will follow and who will lead you.
Your age has nothing to do with your faith. Shine on ...... The world will take notice and so will our King. You are needed in the battle.
Today, I am pretty excited about a few things. First, last night was our Student ministry team meeting. I am always pumped after that meeting - and then Thursday headed to NewSpring for UNleash and all our student leaders are going and will come back changed! I am taking the van and they are loading in .... I can't wait for the music to be playing on the highways as well as the deep conversations as we talk about what God did to hearts and in our vision for His church and people.......
I think about Paul and Timothy and their relationship. I have been thinking about it for a few days now. See - I have this God thing burning a hole in my chest. My life is more about Him than anything else. It for sure is a season of growth for me the last few months. I have been challenged and also challenging at times. Its the only way to learn and grow and that is to be poured into and to pour out into someone else. I am very blessed to be poured into by my Pastors at church and other key people in my life. I hang on everything they say, everything they do and how they handle themselves. We are just people - souled out into the vision of the power, the saving grace and the love of Christ. We want to give others what we have experienced. Its simple really but hard as anything all in one. I am also blessed to have students and my LifeGroup families to pour into. Its during these seasons in our faith journey we really find out who is with you and who was just playing the part.
Today I am in 1 Timothy 4:12
12Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
This passage comes from the relationship between Paul and Timothy. Growing up Timothy had a mom and grandma teaching him about Jesus - and like so many dads today - His wasnt interested in faith either. Regardless, Timothy fell in love with Jesus and soon felt a pull in his life to teach. But problem was Timothy was timid. He was a shy person and wasnt very out spoken. Often times he wanted to speak up and speak his mind but found himself not doing so. He got nervous when he had to be in front of people. Paul asked him to teach and preach with him. Took him under his wing and provided a godly example for Timothy. Over time Timothy learned to be bold but never really got rid of his fear and timidness. A job opening came at another church and Paul sent Timothy to teach there and lead people. Paul continued to encourage him and mentor him through letters and visits. Today that might look like email, text messages or a flight in for a few days. God did not give us a spirit to be timid but a spirit of power, of love, and self-discipline. With the help of other followers of Christ, despite his fears, Timothy stood firm in who God created him to be.
We are all students in life. We are just in different age categories and in different places in our lives. Regardless, we will continue to be students - students in life, in our families, as leaders, in our walk with Christ. We will always continue to learn. We will always need someone to pour into us ..... encourage us, focus us, get on us when we are falling short - we also must have folks in our lives we pour into. Our children, trusted students in our lives, our husband or wife .... who ever they may be that you have influence with.
God has given us a unique position in this world. He has given us unique talents and gifts to use for greater purposes than maybe we find ourselves using today. Maybe we haven't even discovered them yet because we are still searching.
I have a close student that is near me today that is struggling. My heart breaks thinking about it because there is SOOO much potential there. Afraid to talk about bigger things other than middle school, selfishness has creeped in, friends influences - life is just like everyone else. That inner circle has become crowded with distractions and people that dont have the best interest at heart. They are young ..... regardless of age though - its a battle ground. A war to decide which way to go...the easy way and follow the crowd or the hard way and follow Jesus and maybe be alone or have a much smaller inner circle.
FIGHT! Yes life is a battle ground and age is nothing. Young/old - there is a battle taking place. A battle for your time, attention, calling and purpose in your life, for the things of Christ. Its time to put a stake in the ground and claim territory in your life. You are only as good as the people in your inner circle. Do they have the same goals in life, are they walking the same direction, have the same hope as you do? These battles that you are fighting have the potential to have a much greater impact for a much longer time on earth. Refuse to give up - especially because of your age - Dont give up any ground in your mind, your relationships, and not in your behavior.
We will always have a mentor because we will always be learning and someone or something will always be teaching us. Choose what or who you want that to be. Following Jesus is relational. Its a commitment and it takes a choice to grow your faith. I am thankful for the Paul's in my life and blessed for the Timothy's in my life that I get to pour into.
The choice is yours in who you will follow and who will lead you.
Your age has nothing to do with your faith. Shine on ...... The world will take notice and so will our King. You are needed in the battle.
Monday, March 1, 2010
There is a lot going through my mind and heart today so I may just be all over the place with this post but I guess that will be ok. I am pumped for Thursday! I am headed down to Anderson SC for the Unleash Conference that NewSpring church puts on each year. It is an amazing time and I am especially excited this time around, being its my third year attending, to be involved in the student ministry side. I am expecting God and the folks at NewSpring to rock my face off. I will be going with about 20 other church leaders as well as 4 student leaders in our Flood ministry - I am really excited for them because they deserve to be pumped up and flooded with what this conference will have for them. They are walking their faith and shine so differntly than others their age.... Proud of them and watching them excersize their faith in who they are, how they handle themselves, the deeper things they share on facebook - its just awesome. I am also excited this year for Kyle going with us. Pastor Travis pulled me aside and asked me if I had thought about bringing him because he shines with leadership/discipleship qualities and I was told it is never too early to start that training and shaping him for the call on his life. Dude... I am so excited about that! It is going to be an amazing day for sure. Prayers welcome for safe travels, for heart pounding knowledge to really rock our worlds thursday is appreciated.
The last 2 weeks after church I have been very blessed to sit and talk with some of the students about what is going on in their life, their struggles, home life, and faith life. It really is where ministry happens when you can get small and focus in heart to heart.
The last few months now I have been keeping my thoughts and the things I am learning on paper. Well, electronic paper but it has been pretty awesome and I looked it over this morning and am amazed how much I have put in there already. I will share a few things today as I will wrap this post around them.
~ “Its all about relationships.” Most kids have parents, so they don’t need another parent. Most have friends, so they don’t need an old church guy as their friend. They need a relationship with a mentor/leader in their life.
I made this statement in a heartfelt moment last night during our rock group. I have had it on my heart so heavily the last month to pour into the folks around me and to fire their faith up. Doing life going through the motions, not expecting God to do much in your life, not taking the time to read Gods word and to pray through removing sin in your life ... last Sunday we cut something off in our life and this week we got to share what that was and if we made it through the week. Some of those things cut off STUCK and is not gone so it wont be coming back. Its a long term change..... Ministry is relational. The relationship between Paul and Timothy is so important and we need people in our lives to pour into and also people in our lives who can pour into us. This takes time, investment, sweat and tears for sure but there is such blessings that come in these relationships.
~ Don’t give up. You never know what God is doing inside these kids. Don’t make hasty decisions and write someone off.
This is something I struggle with and for me to let go is such a hard place for me. God is not done until he says it is. Its really tough on me because I am a giver.... and often times it takes someone to tell me - Lon, they are taking advantage of you. Why can't you see that? I just have to put it in Jesus's terms ... He served the lost, broken, sick, outcasted and often times banashed people. They got His time, grace, and love...... they were worth it. Even though its hard sometimes - we never know what God is doing in them.... and it may be just right around the next corner in their life. Don't give up because it is hard.
Jesus - I am in over my head!
I know
Lord, God I am so powerless!
Duh...... I know
God, I dont know what to do!
I know; thats why I called YOU
This brings me to Philippians 3:7-8
7But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ.
Have to keep carrying on.... who is going to walk with me? I am thankful I have a few that are willing....no matter what.
The last 2 weeks after church I have been very blessed to sit and talk with some of the students about what is going on in their life, their struggles, home life, and faith life. It really is where ministry happens when you can get small and focus in heart to heart.
The last few months now I have been keeping my thoughts and the things I am learning on paper. Well, electronic paper but it has been pretty awesome and I looked it over this morning and am amazed how much I have put in there already. I will share a few things today as I will wrap this post around them.
~ “Its all about relationships.” Most kids have parents, so they don’t need another parent. Most have friends, so they don’t need an old church guy as their friend. They need a relationship with a mentor/leader in their life.
I made this statement in a heartfelt moment last night during our rock group. I have had it on my heart so heavily the last month to pour into the folks around me and to fire their faith up. Doing life going through the motions, not expecting God to do much in your life, not taking the time to read Gods word and to pray through removing sin in your life ... last Sunday we cut something off in our life and this week we got to share what that was and if we made it through the week. Some of those things cut off STUCK and is not gone so it wont be coming back. Its a long term change..... Ministry is relational. The relationship between Paul and Timothy is so important and we need people in our lives to pour into and also people in our lives who can pour into us. This takes time, investment, sweat and tears for sure but there is such blessings that come in these relationships.
~ Don’t give up. You never know what God is doing inside these kids. Don’t make hasty decisions and write someone off.
This is something I struggle with and for me to let go is such a hard place for me. God is not done until he says it is. Its really tough on me because I am a giver.... and often times it takes someone to tell me - Lon, they are taking advantage of you. Why can't you see that? I just have to put it in Jesus's terms ... He served the lost, broken, sick, outcasted and often times banashed people. They got His time, grace, and love...... they were worth it. Even though its hard sometimes - we never know what God is doing in them.... and it may be just right around the next corner in their life. Don't give up because it is hard.
Jesus - I am in over my head!
I know
Lord, God I am so powerless!
Duh...... I know
God, I dont know what to do!
I know; thats why I called YOU
This brings me to Philippians 3:7-8
7But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ.
Have to keep carrying on.... who is going to walk with me? I am thankful I have a few that are willing....no matter what.
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