Monday, November 12, 2007

Well tomorrow is the big day for my Father N Law. Surgery will be done at 1:00 and we have to have him at CMC in uptown Charlotte tomorrow morning at 9. Continued prayers - I will update everyone as soon as we get some news tomorrow.
I wanted to share something with everyone today - I learned a great lesson today during a conversation this morning with a dear friend of mine. This is especially true as our Rock Group is in a series on Parent Hood and Patience is one of the things as parents - we could use more of.
SO - we pray for patience.... seems like the right thing to do doesn't it? Lord, please give me patience with this and give me more patience with that or this person...... God hears those prayers and answers us.

Here are the situations that you will need PATIENCE ........... its not globally granted to every aspect - He blesses us with Patience and here are some things to prove yourself......

We really can't know if God has given us patience by not giving us situations to prove that He has given us what we have asked for.

Powerful message learned this morning...... don't you think?

Restful peace and rest tonight - big day ahead tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so true, God gives us situations to teach us - wouldn't it be great if he could just "zapp" all we need to know into us - but what fun would that be missing all of the life lessons he has waiting to share with us. When I was pregnant with my first daughter my pastor came to me and ask " can I pray for you..what do you think you need from God as a Mother" My response was patience.... a few months after Maranda was born; after no sleep and lots of screaming I went to this man and said " I ask for patience" His response - God has given you a child to teach it to you! Never were more true words spoken--still I am learning patience in parenting and in trusting in God.He has a plan - In his time all things will be done.