Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Its Official...

I am feeling like crapola. So hopefully a little extra sleep tonight, a hot shower will get me back on track.

I reposted Carols comments on Thankfulness - because for some reason I lost 2 posts - I know that was one of them but unsure of the other posting. No harm done - I will have more to share I guess.

Anyways, I got to have lunch today with my son Kyle and his peeps at school. Its always a great blessing to share and invest in their young lives. I would go there everyday if I could. So, if I ever hit the lottery - you know where I will be. Don't play the lottery so I guess I better get busy right?

Anyways, I had a fatherly moment today that I am still thinking about this evening. One of Kyle's peeps from last year was really upset at lunch today. Her sister came to me after Kyle left and I was waiting on the next class to come in and she asked me to check on her sister because she was crying. So I immediatly went to her and knelt down next to her at the lunch table. I asked what was wrong and she put her arms around my neck and just hugged on me - she was really bawling and trying to talk and making that noise you know where you are talking and cant catch your breath and you're crying all at once? Well anyways, I got her stuff and we went to the parent table where I found out a boy was making fun of her and picking at her. She was really upset about it and I made her look at me and I told her the God loved her and that kids can be hurtful. It reminded me of when I was growing up and I was that kid that everyone picked on. Growing up in NJ with my southern roots - no matter where I have lived in life, I have talked funny. Kids pick up on that and the abuse never stops. I think in many ways - it was the reason why I hated school so much. Anyways, I told her that God loves her and He knows her heart and how nice she is and reminded her of how many friends she has. That she needed to ignore this boy and not let him get to her. Her teacher came over and told us that lunch was over and she gave me one last hug and went back to class. I am glad I was there for her - because she is one of "My Kids" - even if I did not know her - I would have done the same thing because I know how hurtful it can be when we are the target.

We are not meant to live this world alone. Like Kyles friend today - she needed someone to reassure her and tell her it was ok. She needed her friends to stand up for her and take a stand. As adults we too need this. We need to take a stand for each other and reassure each other. Christians cannot grow in the love of Jesus without our "Peeps" to do this life with. I am thankful for my Rock Group families..... who I know would do anything for me or my family.

If you are walking alone today - reach out and focus on those around you. Focus on someone elses problems and struggles... ask to get involved and get moving. So much the Lord is waiting to teach you and so many of us, are either afraid or think they are to set in their ways to make any difference. God wants to use you - He wants to use you right now.

I am getting fired up and I feel like a smoke signal - :)
Until tomorrow ... Lord willing.


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