I found this document on my computer today. It was a refreshing reminder and a little bit of inspiration for me today. I am still not feeling well, slept right through Carol getting up this morning and her taking Kyle to the bus stop. Hopefully some sleep tonight will get me back in forward gear. Figures last night was one of those sleepless nights, God turning my heart, talking to me and giving me something. Why doesn't God talk to us during the day, like when we are away! I guess because we are quiet, still and what else do we have to do at 2:45AM Right?
Anyways, enjoy....
When God waits
There are a lot of why questions that we lift up to God. Every day people are looking to heaven and crying out in frustration, "Lord, why aren't you doing something about this? Why is this happening to me?" We saturate the airwaves with the why questions of life. I'm convinced that God has one answer for almost every one of those questions. He says, I'm just waiting on you. When Moses and the Israelites stood on the edge of the Red Sea watching the Egyptian army close in on them, they cried out to God in fear. They began praying that God would somehow rescue them. And look what God said: "Tell the people to get moving!" (Exodus 14:15). To paraphrase, "I'm just waiting for you." Too often we spend our days waiting for a miracle. When trouble comes, we cry out to God for help. When things don't move fast enough, we blame God for taking his time. And all the while God is saying to us, I haven't gone anywhere. I'm just waiting on you. And what is it that God is waiting for? Often he is waiting for us to lay aside our own agenda and trust him.…Whenever God waits, he waits for a purpose. And when we finally come to our senses and do the thing that we know he wants us to do, he moves with a vengeance. The Red Sea parts, and things start to happen.
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Its Official...
I am feeling like crapola. So hopefully a little extra sleep tonight, a hot shower will get me back on track.
I reposted Carols comments on Thankfulness - because for some reason I lost 2 posts - I know that was one of them but unsure of the other posting. No harm done - I will have more to share I guess.
Anyways, I got to have lunch today with my son Kyle and his peeps at school. Its always a great blessing to share and invest in their young lives. I would go there everyday if I could. So, if I ever hit the lottery - you know where I will be. Don't play the lottery so I guess I better get busy right?
Anyways, I had a fatherly moment today that I am still thinking about this evening. One of Kyle's peeps from last year was really upset at lunch today. Her sister came to me after Kyle left and I was waiting on the next class to come in and she asked me to check on her sister because she was crying. So I immediatly went to her and knelt down next to her at the lunch table. I asked what was wrong and she put her arms around my neck and just hugged on me - she was really bawling and trying to talk and making that noise you know where you are talking and cant catch your breath and you're crying all at once? Well anyways, I got her stuff and we went to the parent table where I found out a boy was making fun of her and picking at her. She was really upset about it and I made her look at me and I told her the God loved her and that kids can be hurtful. It reminded me of when I was growing up and I was that kid that everyone picked on. Growing up in NJ with my southern roots - no matter where I have lived in life, I have talked funny. Kids pick up on that and the abuse never stops. I think in many ways - it was the reason why I hated school so much. Anyways, I told her that God loves her and He knows her heart and how nice she is and reminded her of how many friends she has. That she needed to ignore this boy and not let him get to her. Her teacher came over and told us that lunch was over and she gave me one last hug and went back to class. I am glad I was there for her - because she is one of "My Kids" - even if I did not know her - I would have done the same thing because I know how hurtful it can be when we are the target.
We are not meant to live this world alone. Like Kyles friend today - she needed someone to reassure her and tell her it was ok. She needed her friends to stand up for her and take a stand. As adults we too need this. We need to take a stand for each other and reassure each other. Christians cannot grow in the love of Jesus without our "Peeps" to do this life with. I am thankful for my Rock Group families..... who I know would do anything for me or my family.
If you are walking alone today - reach out and focus on those around you. Focus on someone elses problems and struggles... ask to get involved and get moving. So much the Lord is waiting to teach you and so many of us, are either afraid or think they are to set in their ways to make any difference. God wants to use you - He wants to use you right now.
I am getting fired up and I feel like a smoke signal - :)
Until tomorrow ... Lord willing.
I reposted Carols comments on Thankfulness - because for some reason I lost 2 posts - I know that was one of them but unsure of the other posting. No harm done - I will have more to share I guess.
Anyways, I got to have lunch today with my son Kyle and his peeps at school. Its always a great blessing to share and invest in their young lives. I would go there everyday if I could. So, if I ever hit the lottery - you know where I will be. Don't play the lottery so I guess I better get busy right?
Anyways, I had a fatherly moment today that I am still thinking about this evening. One of Kyle's peeps from last year was really upset at lunch today. Her sister came to me after Kyle left and I was waiting on the next class to come in and she asked me to check on her sister because she was crying. So I immediatly went to her and knelt down next to her at the lunch table. I asked what was wrong and she put her arms around my neck and just hugged on me - she was really bawling and trying to talk and making that noise you know where you are talking and cant catch your breath and you're crying all at once? Well anyways, I got her stuff and we went to the parent table where I found out a boy was making fun of her and picking at her. She was really upset about it and I made her look at me and I told her the God loved her and that kids can be hurtful. It reminded me of when I was growing up and I was that kid that everyone picked on. Growing up in NJ with my southern roots - no matter where I have lived in life, I have talked funny. Kids pick up on that and the abuse never stops. I think in many ways - it was the reason why I hated school so much. Anyways, I told her that God loves her and He knows her heart and how nice she is and reminded her of how many friends she has. That she needed to ignore this boy and not let him get to her. Her teacher came over and told us that lunch was over and she gave me one last hug and went back to class. I am glad I was there for her - because she is one of "My Kids" - even if I did not know her - I would have done the same thing because I know how hurtful it can be when we are the target.
We are not meant to live this world alone. Like Kyles friend today - she needed someone to reassure her and tell her it was ok. She needed her friends to stand up for her and take a stand. As adults we too need this. We need to take a stand for each other and reassure each other. Christians cannot grow in the love of Jesus without our "Peeps" to do this life with. I am thankful for my Rock Group families..... who I know would do anything for me or my family.
If you are walking alone today - reach out and focus on those around you. Focus on someone elses problems and struggles... ask to get involved and get moving. So much the Lord is waiting to teach you and so many of us, are either afraid or think they are to set in their ways to make any difference. God wants to use you - He wants to use you right now.
I am getting fired up and I feel like a smoke signal - :)
Until tomorrow ... Lord willing.
Thankful from Carol Bateman
~~ Thankful ~~
Wow - Thanksgiving 2007 is upon us tomorrow. The Holiday season is upon now in full force. All of the stores had their Christmas stuff out this year before Halloween had even passed. It is really sad how much the commercialism has taken over the holidays. Thanksgiving is just a 'little blip' in between Halloween and Christmas. Thanksgiving is a good time to really reflect on the things we are thankful for. Here is my "thankfulness" list....
--- Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior --- humbled to be blessed by God's Love and Grace --- Lonnie, my soul mate for the past 22 year, the love of my life --- Kyle, my wonderful, God-loving son, who is an inspiration to me everyday as he shows love and kindness to all of those around him --- My Dad, who has certainly seen his share of struggles in the last 3 months, but continues to persevere to recovery ---- My father-in-law, who I wish I got see more often, but he is never far away from my thoughts or my heart ---- My Rock Group Family --- I could not do "life" without y'all --- Julie, Dennis, Lori, Mike, Dawn, Kim, Donna, Monica & all the kids. I love you guys! --- My Church Family --- We are truly blessed to be part of the best church around. Jimmy, Karen and kids --- we love you guys! --- My K-5 Ministry Team at Rocky River Community Church --- The best group of volunteers ever.....!! --- My brother, Bob, and Denise and Kaity. So glad we got to spend time with y'all this past summer. We can not let that much time pass again. --- My brothers-in-law, Craig and Danny --- and their families ~ although we don't get together as often as we should - our love for you never ends --- Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster ~~ some of the best people in the world ~~ introduced us to Jesus Christ way back when, and planted the seed. --- Aunt Violet --- the nicest, sweetest, most loving woman on the planet. --- My PTA family at Harrisburg Elementary. You ladies are so awesome and hardworking. You've been a true support system to me over the years. --- My Great friends that I rely on every day ~~ I love Y'all --- Cassie, Eric, Heather, Stacy, Barbara, Tony, Michele, Buddy...! --- My friends who live afar -- miss y'all and love you ~~ Lynn, Dennis, Tom, Kristine & Karen --- The children I've come to love as my own --- at Harrisburg Elementary and Rocky River Church ~~ you brighten my days with your love and smiles ----And, last but not least, 2 of the most inspiring women in my life who, unfortunately are not longer with us, my Mom and Lonnie's Mom. You both exemplified unending and selfless love for everyone. Wow -- such big shoes to fill, but I'm thankful that I have your examples to follow.
May everyone have a safe, wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving.
Wow - Thanksgiving 2007 is upon us tomorrow. The Holiday season is upon now in full force. All of the stores had their Christmas stuff out this year before Halloween had even passed. It is really sad how much the commercialism has taken over the holidays. Thanksgiving is just a 'little blip' in between Halloween and Christmas. Thanksgiving is a good time to really reflect on the things we are thankful for. Here is my "thankfulness" list....
--- Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior --- humbled to be blessed by God's Love and Grace --- Lonnie, my soul mate for the past 22 year, the love of my life --- Kyle, my wonderful, God-loving son, who is an inspiration to me everyday as he shows love and kindness to all of those around him --- My Dad, who has certainly seen his share of struggles in the last 3 months, but continues to persevere to recovery ---- My father-in-law, who I wish I got see more often, but he is never far away from my thoughts or my heart ---- My Rock Group Family --- I could not do "life" without y'all --- Julie, Dennis, Lori, Mike, Dawn, Kim, Donna, Monica & all the kids. I love you guys! --- My Church Family --- We are truly blessed to be part of the best church around. Jimmy, Karen and kids --- we love you guys! --- My K-5 Ministry Team at Rocky River Community Church --- The best group of volunteers ever.....!! --- My brother, Bob, and Denise and Kaity. So glad we got to spend time with y'all this past summer. We can not let that much time pass again. --- My brothers-in-law, Craig and Danny --- and their families ~ although we don't get together as often as we should - our love for you never ends --- Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster ~~ some of the best people in the world ~~ introduced us to Jesus Christ way back when, and planted the seed. --- Aunt Violet --- the nicest, sweetest, most loving woman on the planet. --- My PTA family at Harrisburg Elementary. You ladies are so awesome and hardworking. You've been a true support system to me over the years. --- My Great friends that I rely on every day ~~ I love Y'all --- Cassie, Eric, Heather, Stacy, Barbara, Tony, Michele, Buddy...! --- My friends who live afar -- miss y'all and love you ~~ Lynn, Dennis, Tom, Kristine & Karen --- The children I've come to love as my own --- at Harrisburg Elementary and Rocky River Church ~~ you brighten my days with your love and smiles ----And, last but not least, 2 of the most inspiring women in my life who, unfortunately are not longer with us, my Mom and Lonnie's Mom. You both exemplified unending and selfless love for everyone. Wow -- such big shoes to fill, but I'm thankful that I have your examples to follow.
May everyone have a safe, wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving.
Monday, November 26, 2007
After the break ....
Its been a few days since my last post. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving this past week with lots to be thankful for and time spent with family and loved ones.
I have on my heart something to share this morning. It has really weighed on my heart pretty heavy the last few days. I know as a parent with a son who is growing up, I will experience more of this as time goes on and as he grows up. He will have choices to make in life and I will have to let those reins out on him as he matures giving him the freedom to make choices and to make mistakes. Thats a hard thing to do as a parent -and as a friend. I have a few folks close to me that are making decisions today and there is not one thing I can do about those decisions. No matter what I think or say - no matter how much I pray about those decisions - I do believe they are made and life takes the turn and the path is then followed.
Even if God had a say - Even if God had another plan - He will not impose and make that decision for them - (for us) - As a good Father, He will stand aside and let us choose our path no matter how hard it may be to watch and no matter how wrong of a decision it may be.
I do believe though that if that path is walked long enough - God will get involved and He will get our attention - Sometimes it will a something really hard on us and only if He has no other way. Correction driven by love.
My first reactions to these decisions trouble me because I am human and when I see someone making a stupid mistake or a decision that is not the best - (IMHO) I hurt just like everyone else. BUT - the thing that God has shown me over the years is to not give up - to step up the prayers and follow through leaving those decisions, those folks dear to me, and their paths in Gods hands. Right where they should be.
Have you ever wondered that when life takes a hard turn - where is God during those times? Are you where you are today because you haven't asked God to be involved or you didn't ask BEFORE you made that big decision? If God is not involved first and during ... why expect Him to be there afterwards? Its so much harder getting back on the path that God wants you than if you just asked him in the beginning and started this journey on the right path in the first place.
I have been doing a lot of reading lately and listening to music. Chris Tomlin has a new song out now - Amazing Grace .... if you get a chance to download this song or pick it up at Walmart it is worth it. God will see us through the season we are in today. Faith is believing in what we can't see but know is there. God is there and its awesome to know He will be there to pick us up when we need a Father to do so.
Philippians 2:14-15
14-16Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night so I'll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns. You'll be living proof that I didn't go to all this work for nothing.
Are you reflecting Gods love and Glory today? ------ or are you absorbing it?
I have on my heart something to share this morning. It has really weighed on my heart pretty heavy the last few days. I know as a parent with a son who is growing up, I will experience more of this as time goes on and as he grows up. He will have choices to make in life and I will have to let those reins out on him as he matures giving him the freedom to make choices and to make mistakes. Thats a hard thing to do as a parent -and as a friend. I have a few folks close to me that are making decisions today and there is not one thing I can do about those decisions. No matter what I think or say - no matter how much I pray about those decisions - I do believe they are made and life takes the turn and the path is then followed.
Even if God had a say - Even if God had another plan - He will not impose and make that decision for them - (for us) - As a good Father, He will stand aside and let us choose our path no matter how hard it may be to watch and no matter how wrong of a decision it may be.
I do believe though that if that path is walked long enough - God will get involved and He will get our attention - Sometimes it will a something really hard on us and only if He has no other way. Correction driven by love.
My first reactions to these decisions trouble me because I am human and when I see someone making a stupid mistake or a decision that is not the best - (IMHO) I hurt just like everyone else. BUT - the thing that God has shown me over the years is to not give up - to step up the prayers and follow through leaving those decisions, those folks dear to me, and their paths in Gods hands. Right where they should be.
Have you ever wondered that when life takes a hard turn - where is God during those times? Are you where you are today because you haven't asked God to be involved or you didn't ask BEFORE you made that big decision? If God is not involved first and during ... why expect Him to be there afterwards? Its so much harder getting back on the path that God wants you than if you just asked him in the beginning and started this journey on the right path in the first place.
I have been doing a lot of reading lately and listening to music. Chris Tomlin has a new song out now - Amazing Grace .... if you get a chance to download this song or pick it up at Walmart it is worth it. God will see us through the season we are in today. Faith is believing in what we can't see but know is there. God is there and its awesome to know He will be there to pick us up when we need a Father to do so.
Philippians 2:14-15
14-16Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night so I'll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns. You'll be living proof that I didn't go to all this work for nothing.
Are you reflecting Gods love and Glory today? ------ or are you absorbing it?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Choosing Whom to Serve...
"As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15 NLT
So many of us today find ourselves running and running - falling into bed at the end of the day. Trying to find time to get a prayer in and falling asleep right in the middle of it. I was that person - I have done that! I have made a small change in that the last year or so - I have started my day with Jesus and not ending it with Jesus when I am tired, run down, exhausted from everything that had to be done during my day.
This morning, I got to share some time with one of my kids. Her mom dropped her at the house this morning because she had to be at school early for a field trip today. While the kids were eating breakfast - a stepped back into my chair and drank my coffee and reading a chapter in my Bible. Acts chapter 14 is where I am. After breakfast she came in the LR and wanted to sit in my lap for a bit. Just share some things and talk - like a friend would to a friend. She reminded me that the kids at her school are talking - they are asking her who I was and all since I go and have lunch with "My Kids" - and she told me that she tells everyone I am her uncle. It is such an honor to be in that role. I just can't get enough of this blessing! She asked me this morning if I read my Bible every morning and I said that I do almost every morning and that when I don't, I can really tell that my heart and my mind is not in the right place for the rest of the day. After dropping them at school - I told them that I loved them and to have a good day today - good decisions. See this may seem like just a normal morning - a routine that we all do each and every day. BUT there is more to than what meets the eye. Jesus was in every aspect of this morning and His practical love is being passed down and shown in every detail!
Friends - our days are numbered here on this earth. God has alloted us so many days, so many moments and we must take advantage of them.... we are but a mist in the morning and then we are gone. I think about how short my moms life was - passing away at 62 years old - right in the middle of the best years ahead. I think about all the sacrifices she made for others and how many times she did without when she was giving to others. Deep down mom was living the Love of Jesus - showing others the Love of Jesus - It took my moms passing on this earth for me to realize this. I get it mom and deep in my heart I wish she was still here and it did not take my mom's passing for me to understand but God uses people and situations and struggles to teach us.
We are not supposed to just go through life waiting around for things to happen - like when we got to the doctors office and sit and wait - reading the stupid magazines or making chit chat with the person next to you~ We are supposed to be alive, living each moment of every day! Even if we are old .... its not too late to serve and to give to others - not to give up until God tells us its time. Too many of us have our priorities in the wrong focus - line up your day and your time putting God first and rejoice that you know Jesus.
I am thankful that I know the Lord and that He has saved me - my wife and son. There is nothing like watching my son and my wife serving with me at church on Sunday mornings. There is power and value in serving our Lord and its personal to each of us. We can't ride the coat tails of someone else.... Just because my wife runs the k-5 Childrens ministry - God still looks at me and asks - "What am I doing for the kingdom?"
There is such joy in serving the Lord. Its hard work, frustrating and tiring at times but the rewards are so great!
This Thanksgiving, give some alone time and evaluate where you are in this journey - Ask the big questions.... What? - How? ~ and follow it with "I"
What can I do to change my situation? How can I make this better? Follow it with
"I ______________."
God is wanting to do something amazing in your life. Are you willing to let Him or you going to choose to continue to serve yourself?
My choice is made and it has been the best decision, I think, that I will ever make in this lifetime.
Praise and Glory all to Jesus! Thankful and humbled....
Happy Thanksgiving!
Joshua 24:15 NLT
So many of us today find ourselves running and running - falling into bed at the end of the day. Trying to find time to get a prayer in and falling asleep right in the middle of it. I was that person - I have done that! I have made a small change in that the last year or so - I have started my day with Jesus and not ending it with Jesus when I am tired, run down, exhausted from everything that had to be done during my day.
This morning, I got to share some time with one of my kids. Her mom dropped her at the house this morning because she had to be at school early for a field trip today. While the kids were eating breakfast - a stepped back into my chair and drank my coffee and reading a chapter in my Bible. Acts chapter 14 is where I am. After breakfast she came in the LR and wanted to sit in my lap for a bit. Just share some things and talk - like a friend would to a friend. She reminded me that the kids at her school are talking - they are asking her who I was and all since I go and have lunch with "My Kids" - and she told me that she tells everyone I am her uncle. It is such an honor to be in that role. I just can't get enough of this blessing! She asked me this morning if I read my Bible every morning and I said that I do almost every morning and that when I don't, I can really tell that my heart and my mind is not in the right place for the rest of the day. After dropping them at school - I told them that I loved them and to have a good day today - good decisions. See this may seem like just a normal morning - a routine that we all do each and every day. BUT there is more to than what meets the eye. Jesus was in every aspect of this morning and His practical love is being passed down and shown in every detail!
Friends - our days are numbered here on this earth. God has alloted us so many days, so many moments and we must take advantage of them.... we are but a mist in the morning and then we are gone. I think about how short my moms life was - passing away at 62 years old - right in the middle of the best years ahead. I think about all the sacrifices she made for others and how many times she did without when she was giving to others. Deep down mom was living the Love of Jesus - showing others the Love of Jesus - It took my moms passing on this earth for me to realize this. I get it mom and deep in my heart I wish she was still here and it did not take my mom's passing for me to understand but God uses people and situations and struggles to teach us.
We are not supposed to just go through life waiting around for things to happen - like when we got to the doctors office and sit and wait - reading the stupid magazines or making chit chat with the person next to you~ We are supposed to be alive, living each moment of every day! Even if we are old .... its not too late to serve and to give to others - not to give up until God tells us its time. Too many of us have our priorities in the wrong focus - line up your day and your time putting God first and rejoice that you know Jesus.
I am thankful that I know the Lord and that He has saved me - my wife and son. There is nothing like watching my son and my wife serving with me at church on Sunday mornings. There is power and value in serving our Lord and its personal to each of us. We can't ride the coat tails of someone else.... Just because my wife runs the k-5 Childrens ministry - God still looks at me and asks - "What am I doing for the kingdom?"
There is such joy in serving the Lord. Its hard work, frustrating and tiring at times but the rewards are so great!
This Thanksgiving, give some alone time and evaluate where you are in this journey - Ask the big questions.... What? - How? ~ and follow it with "I"
What can I do to change my situation? How can I make this better? Follow it with
"I ______________."
God is wanting to do something amazing in your life. Are you willing to let Him or you going to choose to continue to serve yourself?
My choice is made and it has been the best decision, I think, that I will ever make in this lifetime.
Praise and Glory all to Jesus! Thankful and humbled....
Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Set Sails......... with Opportunity

What do you see here when you look at this picture? Do you see a grounded sailboat? Do you see a life long dream sitting on the ground? Do you see someone unlucky because the other boats are still in the water? ~
I tell you what I see. Opportunity - I see this ship sailing through the waters with the wind behind its sail. I see people enjoying the ride and experiencing the freedom it comes when we are out on the water with fresh sea air and a wind in our hair. Well - those who have hair :)
I see opportunity when the tide comes back in and the boat once again - sails - ready to hit the waves and destination at hand.
Friends- God gives us all the same amount of time. 24 hours each day. The average person in the US lives to be like 70 years old these days. Some get less - some get more. The hurts and struggles today are no different than years past. People are people - the only thing that has changed is time. God has placed in front of each of us the opportunity to serve Him - to bring Glory to His name - to be involved in life and not just living like we are at the doctors office sitting there - waiting. When we close in on retirement and what is supposed to be the "Glory" years - when we have the freedom to live - we should have been living them all along! There are so many opportunities to love - to walk along side someone and care - to help a friend or neighbor - to love a child. For the 24 hours I have - I pray for opportunities to make a difference and to honor God in the best way I know how and in my capabilities. He has given us all gifts and talents - some of us just choose to sit and watch - to not engage in serving at church - to just float along figuring someone else will pick up the ball or handle that situation. Friends - we all have so much potential - so many things we don't even know we had under our skin and buried into our hearts. The last few years God has revealed to me the love of children - serving and leading in my church - a passion to see people and love people. Friends - being afraid is ok - for some - that fear can paralyze us right where we are. There is nothing in this life without risk. Isn't that so true? Everything has risk that is worth anything at all. Taking a risk and leading in church - serving in some capacity revolves a little bit of nerves just to get started and signed up. Let me ask you this - how many folks do you get when you have a big sign up for serving at church? 50 people step forward but how many are still with you when the next quarter starts? Or when Christmas is over? Friends - overcome through those hard times and stick with it. If you are not engaged in life and truly living - its time to get started. If you have slid back - its time to engage again ..... and who knows what is ahead and what God is going to teach you about yourself. Not everyone can start at the top - we must sign in at the bottom and let God lead you to where you are supposed to be. We only have so many opportunities.... don't waste them away and don't let them slip by. Life is being recorded in the book of life and one day we all will have to face our Heavenly Father - How awesome is that day going to be? We are all on borrowed time and each day counts and we are to be seizing our opportunities that God is placing before us. 70 years? Not such a long time ... but it can be a fulfilling 70 years serving our awesome God.
The tide is coming in - will you sail away with your opportunity or have you already sunk and packed the ship in?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Back in the game...
It has been a few days since I last posted. We have been busy to say the least but I do hope we are getting back into a groove for now. Yes things change everyday and what the future holds for tomorrow - heaven only knows.
I have been studying a lesson that I am leaning on leading next semester in my Rock Group that will get back together after the holidays for the next semester. It has rocked my world in some ways but it is also teaching me many things- even during this season as I learn more about next season. God is preparing me for what is ahead.
The past few mornings on my way to work - I have paused long enough to say good morning to my mom at that place where she poured down on me on my way to work. I asked the Lord for a sign that she was ok right in the middle of the road in that heavy downpour. The sky cleared and the sun came out on me. I mean - ME - and me alone. Everyone else was still in the downpour. It was a moment I will never forget. I think about that grief - that pain and how it will never ever really leave me while I am here on this earth. Heaven will be a place for me to heal and long forget about that pain. We are forever changed during times like those when we experience the loss of a loved one. The world seems to crack open and nothing makes any sense anymore. During these times we ask the Lord to help us, teach us what He is trying to tell us. If we don't believe in God - its during these times it either pushes us further into our Atheist mind set or we begin that hate relationship towards God because of what He allowed. Some folks never recover as far as a relationship with Jesus after something like that. If we were on the fence with Jesus before hand - it may just push us way out into the fields far far away from Jesus. But then again, for some, that long and narrow road - the road less traveled - we find ourselves in comfort and in Gods mercy.
I am thankful I am on that road - I am thankful to be sorrounded by many folks who I am doing life with that know the Lord. As a team we can make a difference in the world - however small it seems. We all can't go oversees and be missionaries - but we can be missionaries in our own back yards. We can reach out to the community and give our time, our passion and the love in our hearts for Jesus. There are so many in need and there is so much abundance that the Lord blesses us with.
After my mom passed - the silence was so loud. Nobody knew what to say - thinking anything and everything would be wrong. People pushed emotions and feelings aside - they went right back into their lives dug in because of the pain. Its what people do - but it doesnt have to be that way. God gives us a choice. We choose which path to walk on and I am thankful for the path I have chosen and for not ignoring the Lord anymore for my salvation and the experience that He has given me to come to know Him personally.
The problem is, most of us live as if we don’t have a choice. We live as if we were still slaves to sin, and if the enemy can get us to believe that – to accept it as Gospel Truth – then he’s defeated us before we even enter the battle. Sometimes people reach a point where they believe they have no choice but to stay where they are an eccept it; we look from the outside and wonder why they can’t make the choice to abandon it. They have embraced a lie, and their belief guides their behavior.
There is someone close to me today that I get so frustrated with and then turn and kick myself for feeling that way. I am daily asking the Lord to forgive me and to not give up on this person. As a follower of Jesus, I don't want to see anyone go to Hell - no matter how smart they claim to be and how good of a life they have lived... without Jesus - death is real and won't be escaped. That part hurts more than any other part knowing that the choice is made and nothing can be done about it.
The last few Baptisms I have witnessed have been especially awesome to me. Not because of the people in the tub of water (even though they are now my brothers and sister ((Mark 3:31-25)) - but because of their strong faith and their outward commitment to Jesus. I am thankful to God for forgiveness of sins and the new creation in Christ when they come up out of the water. There is VICTORY in Jesus! Death is a choice and a choice far too many folks are making.
If you don't know the Lord - ask Him to bring you to a place where He can show you CLEARLY your choices. You do have a choice no matter where you are today.
Carol and I got to see a lot of people the last 2 days at the hospital. Many of which are looking for that narrow road - some don't even know its there and others, a small handful are on that road. I got to see just a few of them the last 2 days..... You can spot them if you look close enough.
There is a peace about them. Gods Peace~
I have been studying a lesson that I am leaning on leading next semester in my Rock Group that will get back together after the holidays for the next semester. It has rocked my world in some ways but it is also teaching me many things- even during this season as I learn more about next season. God is preparing me for what is ahead.
The past few mornings on my way to work - I have paused long enough to say good morning to my mom at that place where she poured down on me on my way to work. I asked the Lord for a sign that she was ok right in the middle of the road in that heavy downpour. The sky cleared and the sun came out on me. I mean - ME - and me alone. Everyone else was still in the downpour. It was a moment I will never forget. I think about that grief - that pain and how it will never ever really leave me while I am here on this earth. Heaven will be a place for me to heal and long forget about that pain. We are forever changed during times like those when we experience the loss of a loved one. The world seems to crack open and nothing makes any sense anymore. During these times we ask the Lord to help us, teach us what He is trying to tell us. If we don't believe in God - its during these times it either pushes us further into our Atheist mind set or we begin that hate relationship towards God because of what He allowed. Some folks never recover as far as a relationship with Jesus after something like that. If we were on the fence with Jesus before hand - it may just push us way out into the fields far far away from Jesus. But then again, for some, that long and narrow road - the road less traveled - we find ourselves in comfort and in Gods mercy.
I am thankful I am on that road - I am thankful to be sorrounded by many folks who I am doing life with that know the Lord. As a team we can make a difference in the world - however small it seems. We all can't go oversees and be missionaries - but we can be missionaries in our own back yards. We can reach out to the community and give our time, our passion and the love in our hearts for Jesus. There are so many in need and there is so much abundance that the Lord blesses us with.
After my mom passed - the silence was so loud. Nobody knew what to say - thinking anything and everything would be wrong. People pushed emotions and feelings aside - they went right back into their lives dug in because of the pain. Its what people do - but it doesnt have to be that way. God gives us a choice. We choose which path to walk on and I am thankful for the path I have chosen and for not ignoring the Lord anymore for my salvation and the experience that He has given me to come to know Him personally.
The problem is, most of us live as if we don’t have a choice. We live as if we were still slaves to sin, and if the enemy can get us to believe that – to accept it as Gospel Truth – then he’s defeated us before we even enter the battle. Sometimes people reach a point where they believe they have no choice but to stay where they are an eccept it; we look from the outside and wonder why they can’t make the choice to abandon it. They have embraced a lie, and their belief guides their behavior.
There is someone close to me today that I get so frustrated with and then turn and kick myself for feeling that way. I am daily asking the Lord to forgive me and to not give up on this person. As a follower of Jesus, I don't want to see anyone go to Hell - no matter how smart they claim to be and how good of a life they have lived... without Jesus - death is real and won't be escaped. That part hurts more than any other part knowing that the choice is made and nothing can be done about it.
The last few Baptisms I have witnessed have been especially awesome to me. Not because of the people in the tub of water (even though they are now my brothers and sister ((Mark 3:31-25)) - but because of their strong faith and their outward commitment to Jesus. I am thankful to God for forgiveness of sins and the new creation in Christ when they come up out of the water. There is VICTORY in Jesus! Death is a choice and a choice far too many folks are making.
If you don't know the Lord - ask Him to bring you to a place where He can show you CLEARLY your choices. You do have a choice no matter where you are today.
Carol and I got to see a lot of people the last 2 days at the hospital. Many of which are looking for that narrow road - some don't even know its there and others, a small handful are on that road. I got to see just a few of them the last 2 days..... You can spot them if you look close enough.
There is a peace about them. Gods Peace~
Monday, November 12, 2007
Well tomorrow is the big day for my Father N Law. Surgery will be done at 1:00 and we have to have him at CMC in uptown Charlotte tomorrow morning at 9. Continued prayers - I will update everyone as soon as we get some news tomorrow.
I wanted to share something with everyone today - I learned a great lesson today during a conversation this morning with a dear friend of mine. This is especially true as our Rock Group is in a series on Parent Hood and Patience is one of the things as parents - we could use more of.
SO - we pray for patience.... seems like the right thing to do doesn't it? Lord, please give me patience with this and give me more patience with that or this person...... God hears those prayers and answers us.
Here are the situations that you will need PATIENCE ........... its not globally granted to every aspect - He blesses us with Patience and here are some things to prove yourself......
We really can't know if God has given us patience by not giving us situations to prove that He has given us what we have asked for.
Powerful message learned this morning...... don't you think?
Restful peace and rest tonight - big day ahead tomorrow.
I wanted to share something with everyone today - I learned a great lesson today during a conversation this morning with a dear friend of mine. This is especially true as our Rock Group is in a series on Parent Hood and Patience is one of the things as parents - we could use more of.
SO - we pray for patience.... seems like the right thing to do doesn't it? Lord, please give me patience with this and give me more patience with that or this person...... God hears those prayers and answers us.
Here are the situations that you will need PATIENCE ........... its not globally granted to every aspect - He blesses us with Patience and here are some things to prove yourself......
We really can't know if God has given us patience by not giving us situations to prove that He has given us what we have asked for.
Powerful message learned this morning...... don't you think?
Restful peace and rest tonight - big day ahead tomorrow.
Friday night BB game~
WOW - what fun did we have @the game Friday night. I took 5 of "My Kids" to the basketball game Friday night. It was so much fun - we also met a family there from our Rock Group and Bobcat Justin did not even blink for 2 hours watching the game! - I gave them a $20 and asked them what was the first thing they wanted when they got there - DippinDots..... Thats them at the counter in that one picture. They also ate - popcorn, soda, cotton candy and who knows what else. Kyle finally got his GREEN HAIR that he has been wanting for 2 years now and they are always sold out. So he is prepared for some "Niner" fun at the games and showing his pride. For many of these kids - this was their first experience at a game - some even on a college campus. When we first got here they saw the college students lined up to get in because they come in from a different entrance than the rest of us - "Look - there are college Students!" - it was very funny. I guess coming from the 4th adn 5th grade school rooms - College Campus looks so big. Well - we Won the game with 2 minutes left - always worth it when you come away with a "W". After the game, I took the kids down to the floor and asked the security guard to take our picture - its an awesome picture. The kids then started picking up all the confetti on the floor and putting them in their pockets LOL.
We sang songs all the way home and nobody - even after all this excitement - wanted to go home - Including me.....and it was past MY bedtime.
Look forward to doing this again ... I just can't get enough of this invested time - with awesome kids and awesome families.
Humbled and thankful yet again,
Aka - Mr Bateman~ Mr. Cowboy Dude ~ :)
Thursday, November 8, 2007
To continue my post from last night~ Over the last year or so, I often people watch when we are out to eat or at the mall. When my family and I go out to eat I try to always get my backside against the wall so that I may be able to look out and see folks or see outside and see the folks going about their lives. I don't do this because the company if boring - but many times it leads in the conversations. Just like yesterday while being at the hospital with all kinds of people there, different backgrounds, income status, insurance - no insurance, from different countries etc. I just find all this interesting and I wonder about people and who they are, what are they hung up on in life, do they have children and do they know Jesus.
I guess since the Lord has given me so much grace and compassion - how can I not extend that to those around me. Coming from such an awesome experience getting to know who Jesus is and what He has taught me - the last two years really places me to be compassionate for others - to not judge others for where they are in life or how they got to where they are - for the hurting folks not only going about my daily walk but also for the folks who are right next to me and doing life with me. I really care for them and want to help carry their burdens and baggage and maybe along the way, look for opportunities to help in some way however small it may be. I do want to make a difference in the short time I have on this earth. How can I make the biggest impact?
I know there are a few folks in my life right now who are really hurting. I mean hurting in relationships, joblessness and children letting them down, an affair that has taken place - so many hurts and I just wish that instead of the continued talks, the continued prayers for some of these folks - I just wish they would come to church! Take me up on my thousands of offers to come ... make a new Sunday morning routine already and come in - that is why there are 2 services - just for you early folks and those who want to wake up- get coffee- read a little of the paper and then come at 11. How much more convenient do you need it? People are dying right now - killed by their governments because of their faith or their cross hanging on their neck. I am also talking to the folks who have families and they are not leading. They are letting their families be influenced by the media and the ways of this culture instead of grounding their families faith and beliefs into something real and lasting.
I won't tire of the inviting - I will continue to look for opportunities to share what Jesus has done for me. What is the best example of sharing our faith with someone but by sharing what Jesus has done for us? We don't need to be able to blast out scripture or bible verses or have all the answers to every single question or problem. We just have to be real and let the folks around us see us for who we really are and where our trust is. God will handle the rest - just plant the seed and move on.
I have had a hard time with this lesson - I do need to be reminded from time to time this lesson because I am just like a child and God is being consistent in His teaching with us. Teaching with consistency, discipline with love and pulling us close when we are hurting.
What more could we ask for?
Matthew 9:35
35 Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”
I guess since the Lord has given me so much grace and compassion - how can I not extend that to those around me. Coming from such an awesome experience getting to know who Jesus is and what He has taught me - the last two years really places me to be compassionate for others - to not judge others for where they are in life or how they got to where they are - for the hurting folks not only going about my daily walk but also for the folks who are right next to me and doing life with me. I really care for them and want to help carry their burdens and baggage and maybe along the way, look for opportunities to help in some way however small it may be. I do want to make a difference in the short time I have on this earth. How can I make the biggest impact?
I know there are a few folks in my life right now who are really hurting. I mean hurting in relationships, joblessness and children letting them down, an affair that has taken place - so many hurts and I just wish that instead of the continued talks, the continued prayers for some of these folks - I just wish they would come to church! Take me up on my thousands of offers to come ... make a new Sunday morning routine already and come in - that is why there are 2 services - just for you early folks and those who want to wake up- get coffee- read a little of the paper and then come at 11. How much more convenient do you need it? People are dying right now - killed by their governments because of their faith or their cross hanging on their neck. I am also talking to the folks who have families and they are not leading. They are letting their families be influenced by the media and the ways of this culture instead of grounding their families faith and beliefs into something real and lasting.
I won't tire of the inviting - I will continue to look for opportunities to share what Jesus has done for me. What is the best example of sharing our faith with someone but by sharing what Jesus has done for us? We don't need to be able to blast out scripture or bible verses or have all the answers to every single question or problem. We just have to be real and let the folks around us see us for who we really are and where our trust is. God will handle the rest - just plant the seed and move on.
I have had a hard time with this lesson - I do need to be reminded from time to time this lesson because I am just like a child and God is being consistent in His teaching with us. Teaching with consistency, discipline with love and pulling us close when we are hurting.
What more could we ask for?
Matthew 9:35
35 Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
A long day ...
Today was a long day - Carol and I tool Walt uptown Charlotte to his appointments to see his surgeon and Pre-op stuff and appointment times are just suggestions really because none of them are on time and we are at the mercy of their schedule - not ours.
Anyways - it was a long day but one thing I noticed today while waiting is - no matter your income - no matter your insurance - it doesnt matter --- folks are there for the same reason... to see the doctor and for hope to fix their problem (Medically)
Funny how on a few occasions when we had a minute to talk or just pause long enough to not answer questions or deal with medical stuff - Carol and I talked about church - church services - folks we have not seen in a few weeks - looking around and wondering if this person went to church or that person went to church - what was ahead Sunday and what could we do that would finally bring the many folks we have been asking and praying for - some for over a year - to come to church this Sunday!!!
Funny how it all boils back to the beginning. Our bodies are made by God - He already knows our futures and everything about us.....
Psalm 27
1 The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?
Nastrodomis has been in conversation the last few days. Seems Walt has seen the special on Discovery channel and I even went to work talking about it the other morning but with just a little investigation myself - its just too general to be complete. Plus the bible already tells us the specifics we need to know and Nastrodomis wrote his thing 600 years later! Anytime the Word Jesus comes into conversation - the public seems to turn its view but info from someone else... well its worth looking into. What a shame ... our entire DNA of who we are and who we are as a people is in God word. How we should act, treat others, family values - its all in there and the further we get away from Gods word in this country - the worse it is going to get. Plain and simple........ none of our presidential candidates in MHO do now have what it takes to run this country.
Ok going back to the CMA's - night....
Anyways - it was a long day but one thing I noticed today while waiting is - no matter your income - no matter your insurance - it doesnt matter --- folks are there for the same reason... to see the doctor and for hope to fix their problem (Medically)
Funny how on a few occasions when we had a minute to talk or just pause long enough to not answer questions or deal with medical stuff - Carol and I talked about church - church services - folks we have not seen in a few weeks - looking around and wondering if this person went to church or that person went to church - what was ahead Sunday and what could we do that would finally bring the many folks we have been asking and praying for - some for over a year - to come to church this Sunday!!!
Funny how it all boils back to the beginning. Our bodies are made by God - He already knows our futures and everything about us.....
Psalm 27
1 The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?
Nastrodomis has been in conversation the last few days. Seems Walt has seen the special on Discovery channel and I even went to work talking about it the other morning but with just a little investigation myself - its just too general to be complete. Plus the bible already tells us the specifics we need to know and Nastrodomis wrote his thing 600 years later! Anytime the Word Jesus comes into conversation - the public seems to turn its view but info from someone else... well its worth looking into. What a shame ... our entire DNA of who we are and who we are as a people is in God word. How we should act, treat others, family values - its all in there and the further we get away from Gods word in this country - the worse it is going to get. Plain and simple........ none of our presidential candidates in MHO do now have what it takes to run this country.
Ok going back to the CMA's - night....
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The Face of an Angel~
I have lots of things on my mind today. Nothing huge but lots of little things. It's election day and the schools are closed so this morning I got up and had the breakfast table, coffee and my bible to myself. It is nice to start the day focused on Gods word and to have a quiet minute to pray before getting to work and being pulled in 1000 directions. I have been in the book of Acts the last few weeks - its a long book but one that is packed with lots of invaluable information. In Acts 6 - the Apostles are preaching to the people and taking Gods word to the streets. Their numbers growing everyday and people being healed and saved everywhere they went.
Acts 6: 7-15
7The Word of God prospered. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased dramatically. Not least, a great many priests submitted themselves to the faith.
8-10Stephen, brimming with God's grace and energy, was doing wonderful things among the people, unmistakable signs that God was among them. But then some men from the meeting place whose membership was made up of freed slaves, Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and some others from Cilicia and Asia, went up against him trying to argue him down. But they were no match for his wisdom and spirit when he spoke.
11So in secret they bribed men to lie: "We heard him cursing Moses and God."
12-14That stirred up the people, the religious leaders, and religion scholars. They grabbed Stephen and took him before the High Council. They put forward their bribed witnesses to testify: "This man talks nonstop against this Holy Place and God's Law. We even heard him say that Jesus of Nazareth would tear this place down and throw out all the customs Moses gave us."
15As all those who sat on the High Council looked at Stephen, they found they couldn't take their eyes off him—his face was like the face of an angel!
These passages really spoke to me this morning because Stephan was taking the message to the people and really putting his faith behind his actions. Even as many folks tried to come against him and lie about what he was doing - He was filled with the Holy Spirit and he had a glow about him that everyone could see. Do you know someone who has this glow? Just something about this person that sets them apart in ways that others don't have? Maybe a peace about them or some other aspect?
Last week the gentleman in the bed next to Walt passed away just before Kyle and I got there to visit with Walt. Mr. Brown was just a shell of the man he used to be but his family loved and cared for him regardless. His wife of 62 years, Mrs. Brown, was there when Kyle and I walked in and you could tell that something had happened. We did not know at that moment that Mr. Brown had just passed away. I told her I was glad to see her because I wanted to pray for her and Mr. Brown but I had not seen them in 4-5 days. She hugged me and told me Mr. Brown had just passed away. Kyle reached out his hand and grabbed hers and said to her, "Don't be sad Mrs. Brown, you will see him again because he is in heaven". Her eyes lite up, the tears stopped flowing and a giant smile came across her face. She said, "That is so true - Mr. Brown served the Lord for so many faithful years" - "He is finally home". I told Mrs. Brown to look up when she was feeling down and told her we would be praying for her and her family.
Stephens face in the passage above reminded me of Mrs. Brown this morning. She may not be an angel but her face showed that she was filled with the Lord and it was so clear and so bright.
Another teachable moment that would have been missed if we are not tuned in to what God is showing us and teaching us. I pray that He reveals himself to you today in a new and exciting way~ Even if you have not felt His presense in many years or ever at all. Today could be the start of something new and something different.
Acts 6: 7-15
7The Word of God prospered. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased dramatically. Not least, a great many priests submitted themselves to the faith.
8-10Stephen, brimming with God's grace and energy, was doing wonderful things among the people, unmistakable signs that God was among them. But then some men from the meeting place whose membership was made up of freed slaves, Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and some others from Cilicia and Asia, went up against him trying to argue him down. But they were no match for his wisdom and spirit when he spoke.
11So in secret they bribed men to lie: "We heard him cursing Moses and God."
12-14That stirred up the people, the religious leaders, and religion scholars. They grabbed Stephen and took him before the High Council. They put forward their bribed witnesses to testify: "This man talks nonstop against this Holy Place and God's Law. We even heard him say that Jesus of Nazareth would tear this place down and throw out all the customs Moses gave us."
15As all those who sat on the High Council looked at Stephen, they found they couldn't take their eyes off him—his face was like the face of an angel!
These passages really spoke to me this morning because Stephan was taking the message to the people and really putting his faith behind his actions. Even as many folks tried to come against him and lie about what he was doing - He was filled with the Holy Spirit and he had a glow about him that everyone could see. Do you know someone who has this glow? Just something about this person that sets them apart in ways that others don't have? Maybe a peace about them or some other aspect?
Last week the gentleman in the bed next to Walt passed away just before Kyle and I got there to visit with Walt. Mr. Brown was just a shell of the man he used to be but his family loved and cared for him regardless. His wife of 62 years, Mrs. Brown, was there when Kyle and I walked in and you could tell that something had happened. We did not know at that moment that Mr. Brown had just passed away. I told her I was glad to see her because I wanted to pray for her and Mr. Brown but I had not seen them in 4-5 days. She hugged me and told me Mr. Brown had just passed away. Kyle reached out his hand and grabbed hers and said to her, "Don't be sad Mrs. Brown, you will see him again because he is in heaven". Her eyes lite up, the tears stopped flowing and a giant smile came across her face. She said, "That is so true - Mr. Brown served the Lord for so many faithful years" - "He is finally home". I told Mrs. Brown to look up when she was feeling down and told her we would be praying for her and her family.
Stephens face in the passage above reminded me of Mrs. Brown this morning. She may not be an angel but her face showed that she was filled with the Lord and it was so clear and so bright.
Another teachable moment that would have been missed if we are not tuned in to what God is showing us and teaching us. I pray that He reveals himself to you today in a new and exciting way~ Even if you have not felt His presense in many years or ever at all. Today could be the start of something new and something different.
Another one rolls in........
This picture is from my Cousin Angie. They live in Va and up above Ararat Va where our family is from. The girls look cute don't they? It was good to see them this past Sunday. We are so far apart that it has been hard to keep in touch over the years but the internet and this blog has pulled our families a little closer. My cousin Angie is a great mom and is a nurse. I learned a few months ago that she is in not only part of my family but also in the family of Gods. For that, I am very thankful! Love you cuz!
Monday, November 5, 2007
The Faith of Works...
All is quiet here today. After such a busy weekend, I usually need time to recover and get some rest but I am feeling good today. I should have hit the 2 miles at lunch today but I worked on a project this afternoon that will put such a great CAP on my Rock Group when we end the current series of ParentHood. Does it seem that every church now is doing a series on ParentHood? I just can't believe it when I check out my usually surfing spots. Anyways - we had a rocking church service yesterday - both services were packed out and Carol and I had such a great time with the kids in Sunday School. I also went to Ararat, VA for my family reunion. It was a nice ride up and I fully enjoyed being with the family - many of which I have not seen since last year at this time. My Dad's uncle Homer had the opening remarks like he always does. He is a retired Pastor but he still has such a big heart for the Lord and for people. He shared many things yesterday, spoke about my mom and how blessed we are as a family - but more importantly how we need to be a family of God. His heart poured out in those opening moments and I hung on every single word. During the blessing of the meal he prayed for each of his brothers and sisters who are getting really up there in age - for our family, with no mention of him or asking the Lord for anything on his behalf - I thought that was a great leadership and humbled thing to do. The meal was awesome as usual and I left with telling everyone I loved them. I want to share a passage from James with you today ~
James 2:14,17
“Dear brothers and sisters, what's the use of saying you have faith if you don't prove it by your actions? That kind of faith can't save anyone. … So you see, it isn't enough just to have faith. Faith that doesn't show itself by good deeds is no faith at all—it is dead and useless.”
Uncle Homer is a man of faith and he has proven it by his action over his life time. Even though he is blind now and continues to love people, to care for so many and to speak truth and lead our family today. I pray that we all will accept Gods family and really understand what Uncle Homer was saying. To not wait one more minute living this life for yourself but to see others in a new way, to love others in a new way and to live this life the way God has had planned all along. It does break my heart knowing that if our time comes, we would be separate for all eternity. Its a free gift and Jesus has paid for your sins and mine. Even during the days that Jesus walked this earth - there were those who saw with their own eyes, heard with their own ears and witnessed so much and still refused Gods love and salvation- unwilling to believe. It still rings true today ...
Thanks Uncle Homer for your prayers and opening remarks. You are a true man of God - "Good and Faithful Servant."
James 2:14,17
“Dear brothers and sisters, what's the use of saying you have faith if you don't prove it by your actions? That kind of faith can't save anyone. … So you see, it isn't enough just to have faith. Faith that doesn't show itself by good deeds is no faith at all—it is dead and useless.”
Uncle Homer is a man of faith and he has proven it by his action over his life time. Even though he is blind now and continues to love people, to care for so many and to speak truth and lead our family today. I pray that we all will accept Gods family and really understand what Uncle Homer was saying. To not wait one more minute living this life for yourself but to see others in a new way, to love others in a new way and to live this life the way God has had planned all along. It does break my heart knowing that if our time comes, we would be separate for all eternity. Its a free gift and Jesus has paid for your sins and mine. Even during the days that Jesus walked this earth - there were those who saw with their own eyes, heard with their own ears and witnessed so much and still refused Gods love and salvation- unwilling to believe. It still rings true today ...
Thanks Uncle Homer for your prayers and opening remarks. You are a true man of God - "Good and Faithful Servant."
Friday, November 2, 2007
One more.... keep 'em coming!
Now we have some scary stuff going on here! 3 Gouls and an angel. Amanda - you look pretty! The boys almost left ya when you were taking too long to pick your shoes out! No- not that pair ... the other white pair!!! I told the boys to relax and get used to it ... girls take their time getting ready! Ya'll started off slow until after the first 2 houses... then it was wild! Can you guess who is who here? These are some awesome neighborhood kids - missing Madison in the picture!
Almost too scary to post - Halloween Costume~
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Just one of the Scary Halloween Costumes to share...
Project ARK....
What a day! So much taking place and so many things going on. Today was an exciting day because I got to step forward in Project ARK.
Today I got to share lunch with a friend from church and who I have started visiting at school each week. Hailey did not have money for lunch and when I went last week to have lunch with her, I just figured that she would get the school lunch and I would enjoy my time spending this time with them. I usually don't eat until I get back to work or on my way back to work. But this was different because Hailey was expecting me to bring lunch. So, I purchased lunch for her last week and learned many things I did not know about school lunches, how the money works and the kids accounts. So, with much prayer and family decisions - we decided that our Project Ark would pay for a childs lunch for the year.
So today, I walked into school and signed in. I waited for her outside the lunch room -expecting her to come from the classroom area just like last week but her class came in from the front - they were on the playground. So again, she got me from behind. Her teacher smiled and thanked me for coming to lunch. I got to walk Hailey in and hold the door for all the kids - we then sat at the parent table. Yes they make me do this there too! She looked in my bag that I had for lunch and she looked disappointed. I said, Come - lets go and get in line. She said, you have money? I said, I will show you... come and get whatever it is you want. So we got in line and I met all her classmates - We got 2 milks, 6 chicken nuggets, grapes, and a cookie. We then went and waited a few minutes in line to pay and I asked the lunch lady how much was on the tray.... she said 4.00 but she owed about $15 - so I said I would pay for lunch - pay for the red amount and then add the rest on for future lunches and that she can get whatever she wanted - even the fancy area where they have the COOL snacks. I think I really shocked the lunch lady - and I KNOW I shocked miss Hailey. Miss Hailey said REALLY? Gave me a big hug and told me she loved me right there in the cafeteria. It was a special moment - a moment to give and to bless a child who needs to know that people care and that as a follower of Jesus - this is what people are supposed to do. There is a church and a Rock Group that loves her and her family.
We then walked back to the table and shared lunch - she ate everything on her plate - and I even brought some halloween candy for her, 3 pencils and an apple for the teacher.
Lunch went quick - and it was over so fast..... I cleaned her lunch up - her teacher told her it was time to go and she smiled with that thankful smile when you know you are doing something positive in a childs life - and we all KNOW that teachers know more about their kids than people realize. Spending some time with these children - you really do get to know them even without asking questions. How things are at home, what life is really like ... and so much more. We owe a lot to teachers and all they do for our children!!! I know if it was not for Kyles great teacher last year .... Donna~ I don't think I would have ever made it into the classroom - never had discovered the love I have for children and the burning desire to make a difference in their lives - even if all I can do is sit with them and listen. Sometimes thats all a child really needs....
I could never thank you enough Donna - for opening your classroom last year and letting me experience what YOU ALREADY KNEW! Dawn, that goes for you too!!!
It was a great day today - Project ARK - Acts of Random Kindness - I can't wait to hear everyones story and the blessings they have passed on. Imagine just what can be done....
Prayers tonight for Walter - his roomate Mr. Brown passed away this evening just before we got there. Please pray for Mr. Brown's family - Kyle and I got to share with them their pain and grief tonight - it was ok because they all know Mr. Brown is in heaven and he served the Lord for many years. Tough days are ahead for them...but they know the comfort and peace that only the Lord can give them at this time. He will be with them through this.
Today I got to share lunch with a friend from church and who I have started visiting at school each week. Hailey did not have money for lunch and when I went last week to have lunch with her, I just figured that she would get the school lunch and I would enjoy my time spending this time with them. I usually don't eat until I get back to work or on my way back to work. But this was different because Hailey was expecting me to bring lunch. So, I purchased lunch for her last week and learned many things I did not know about school lunches, how the money works and the kids accounts. So, with much prayer and family decisions - we decided that our Project Ark would pay for a childs lunch for the year.
So today, I walked into school and signed in. I waited for her outside the lunch room -expecting her to come from the classroom area just like last week but her class came in from the front - they were on the playground. So again, she got me from behind. Her teacher smiled and thanked me for coming to lunch. I got to walk Hailey in and hold the door for all the kids - we then sat at the parent table. Yes they make me do this there too! She looked in my bag that I had for lunch and she looked disappointed. I said, Come - lets go and get in line. She said, you have money? I said, I will show you... come and get whatever it is you want. So we got in line and I met all her classmates - We got 2 milks, 6 chicken nuggets, grapes, and a cookie. We then went and waited a few minutes in line to pay and I asked the lunch lady how much was on the tray.... she said 4.00 but she owed about $15 - so I said I would pay for lunch - pay for the red amount and then add the rest on for future lunches and that she can get whatever she wanted - even the fancy area where they have the COOL snacks. I think I really shocked the lunch lady - and I KNOW I shocked miss Hailey. Miss Hailey said REALLY? Gave me a big hug and told me she loved me right there in the cafeteria. It was a special moment - a moment to give and to bless a child who needs to know that people care and that as a follower of Jesus - this is what people are supposed to do. There is a church and a Rock Group that loves her and her family.
We then walked back to the table and shared lunch - she ate everything on her plate - and I even brought some halloween candy for her, 3 pencils and an apple for the teacher.
Lunch went quick - and it was over so fast..... I cleaned her lunch up - her teacher told her it was time to go and she smiled with that thankful smile when you know you are doing something positive in a childs life - and we all KNOW that teachers know more about their kids than people realize. Spending some time with these children - you really do get to know them even without asking questions. How things are at home, what life is really like ... and so much more. We owe a lot to teachers and all they do for our children!!! I know if it was not for Kyles great teacher last year .... Donna~ I don't think I would have ever made it into the classroom - never had discovered the love I have for children and the burning desire to make a difference in their lives - even if all I can do is sit with them and listen. Sometimes thats all a child really needs....
I could never thank you enough Donna - for opening your classroom last year and letting me experience what YOU ALREADY KNEW! Dawn, that goes for you too!!!
It was a great day today - Project ARK - Acts of Random Kindness - I can't wait to hear everyones story and the blessings they have passed on. Imagine just what can be done....
Prayers tonight for Walter - his roomate Mr. Brown passed away this evening just before we got there. Please pray for Mr. Brown's family - Kyle and I got to share with them their pain and grief tonight - it was ok because they all know Mr. Brown is in heaven and he served the Lord for many years. Tough days are ahead for them...but they know the comfort and peace that only the Lord can give them at this time. He will be with them through this.
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