Monday, February 18, 2013

Learning through listening

Over the weekend i discovered very easily that i had something going very wrong with my eyes. Crusty, burning, closed shut my right eye had an issue. Going to support one of my students at her horse show, i managed to make it through a few hours outside and with my contacts in but that didnt stay long. The pain as if my eye was being stabbed, I had to take my contact out. So I never got to see her ride even though she finished strong in placing 4th. Very proud of Beverly for battling the cold, the wind and snow even. Yesterday as I awoke with both eyes glued shut, it was time to get to the doctor. I dont know who discovered the idea of the Minute Clinic in CVS but they should be rewarded because the Dr took me almost right in and confirmed my eyes as one of the worst cases of Pink Eye she had ever seen. Great..... ok no contacts for a week and my eyes feeling like I was in Rocky 37. I did happen to speak with the Dr about serving in the schools as she asked where I may have contracted this lovely pink color of my eyes. I began to tell her about what I do at the school - mentoring some students each week and how it wasnt so much a time to "teach" them but a time to encourage and build them up. She was asking about "teaching" the students and how much she thought she would love doing so and thats when I told her about the M1 Initiative through my church at Elevation Church.  I shared Pastor Steven dream about 1000 mentors in the school system mentoring and building up students and how it can have such a huge impact on those students who have someone investing in them. She was on board and was really excited about the opportunity. I gave her our church website and to find a campus close to her and then hit the folks up at the tent to get signed up. It really has been such an amazing journey this year for me and for Carol who is at a local elementary school with 7 1st graders. They are all asking her to promise to move with them to 2nd grade next year. Stop and think about that for a second and let your heart begin the possibility of doing something like that yourself.
So today I am home - not feeling much like worth anything as my devotional takes me through Psalm 49. It really hit home for me this morning as I cannot see all that well but listening is something we all need a little practice in doing.
Psalm 49: 1-2 Listen, everyone, listen— earth-dwellers, don't miss this. All you haves and have-nots, All together now: listen.
We dont have classes on listening and its an art or skill that often takes years to develop. I have been told I am a good listener and its something that i try hard to do. So as my eyes are shut down over the next week, I wonder what God will teach me in my faith through hearing His word. I will be listening intently because I cannot see intently this week. I know God is always speaking but do we take the time to listen? A quiet and still heart is something we have to set time aside for, to make time for in our day and practiced often. As Pastor Steven shared this weekend - Still your heart inside but outside continue moving forward.
May we each take some time this week to be still, to listen and let God pour into you because you prepared your heart to accept it.

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