Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I am feeling a little better today as my eyes are starting to clear up from the gunk of whatever that is that comes out of your eye? Like I didnt think it was even possible for something that nasty to flow out of you eye but hey - Im rolling with it. Had a great session this morning in my quiet time as I am focusing on listening to God and not relying so much on what I see. I think by following in the quiet moments will bring the things I need to SEE. Sometimes its a perspective thing and raising higher to get a different view is all we need.
I have been pretty plugged into my church live app on the Ipad today as we released our new worship album - Nothing is Wasted. Elevation Church puts a lot of focus, energy and passion into our worship and I have never experienced anything like it in my life as I have seen God move in so many ways during that time in the Worship Experiences. I am feeling very blessed to be a small part in all this. I am so grateful for many reasons.

This morning I was especially excited to be writing in my new journal. Yes its orange and on it says - Rejoice. Its a gentle reminder that we need to rejoice more in our life. No matter what I may write down or share in this new journal - I am thankful that God chose me and called me to serve him in the many ways I am. Its such an honor and yes its tough at times but even during those tough times, God has more in it for me than I put into it. Serving God is an honor and something I dont take for granted.
Asking puts us in a different position. Asking, - what are you asking today? Asking puts us second because it says that we need help, we need more, we messed up, we blew it, we admit it, we ran out, we were wrong, Im not sure.... Asking puts us second and admits to others that we need help from others other than ourselves.

John 14:15 - If you love me, you will obey what I command.

This is not just doing because we have to. As a parent the last thing we need is for our children to do what they are told out of obedience. Yes its good they do those things we tell them but in the bigger picture we want them to do them for the right reason. That begins with the heart. Help them chose correctly and do the right things because they understand inwardly why they need to do those things and not outward conformity.  Asking puts us second and when we ask God to help us, to complete us, to pour into us, to speak to us, to help us, to forgive us - it puts us in the position we can receive.

If we are first we are on the take all the time and never pause long enough to receive what the gift is.  Imitate God in all you do, put yourself second and seek his blessing for you today. We will never fully imitate God fully, we will surely mess that up but by attempting with a sincere heart and with pure intentions - God will bless and honor that effort. He will bless your day and he will bless your life.
Obeying not because you have to or out of guilt or regret but because we love him. Love puts us second. Love your wife, love your children, love your church but all are second to loving God.

Asking puts us on track with God. I pray what you have on your hands today that God will bless what you are holding because you have given them to him to use. Ask God to use what you have today.

God you are Greater >>>>>


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