Ive been sitting here with a blank screen for at least 15 minutes. I am wondering what to write down. A lot of things taking place today on this cold, raining Saturday morning. I am participating in the 30 hour fast that the student ministry at Harrisburg Presby Church is doing. So I am a little hungry and maybe at times agitated a little LOL. Carol has been working on serving breakfast to a local church that is opening in our community. We are so excited for this core team of 80 from High Rock Church and Pastor Robbie is an amazing guy and I feel very blessed and honored to serve them breakfast this morning, share a little with the core team and pray over them. I honestly feel that God is going to reach many families in our community and will be doing amazing things through this local church.
8 years ago this morning, my mom went to be with the Lord. 8 years of not being able to call my mom, wish her happy birthday, Christmas, eat her Sunday cooking, share that morning coffee, have her visit us to cheer Kyle on in his wrestling matches or just being able to watch him turn into the man he is growing up to be. She hasn't got to see what God is doing in us and how much he has changed our lives. 8 years ago today, after sitting with mom for a few hours as she laid in her bed just barely breathing. It had been a few days like this since she last spoke or was awake for even a few minutes. That cold winter morning, she went to be with the Lord. I remember my dad walking into the living room where me, my brothers Craig and Danny had been living for weeks, said - She is gone. He had a look of fear on his face and not knowing how to feel or even react. The long process of my mom leaving this earth and entering her heavenly home had taken place. She once asked me if I thought it would be ok if when her time came to go to heaven if Jesus wouldnt mind if she could just stick her big toe out and touch heavens floor before she went in and grabbed the hand of Jesus. I told her that would be amazing thing to do and I felt that it would be okay for her to do that. She was looking forward to heaven. Though probably scared and feeling anxious that she would be leaving all of us behind. I did my best to share with her that Like Jesus, he went first. Sometimes being the leader we must bow down and do the hard things first. Mom went first for our family. My brother Danny is with her today and what a great feeling knowing that he is with my mom because my mom went first before us all. I think that it makes our journey a little easier. I know my aunt Sharon would totally agree with that as she and my mom were best friends in life.
So that morning 8 years ago today, the sun came up in the most amazing colors. God sharing with us that all is ok and that mom was in the place she longed to be and the journey was complete. Mom was in good hands. As the folks came to pay respects and Hospice folks came in and the folks came to remove my moms body - there was just a cloud of pain hanging over us in the house. As mom was brought outside, the birds came to life. What was once quiet, cold, dark - that morning will be like no other morning. It was as if God brought life to that day and told us that His plan, His love, His grace was all over us. I will never forget that morning. It was if heaven was touching us as we got just a quick look into it. I am so very thankful for the way God touched us then and continues to do so.
I know my life has forever changed.... changed for GREATER things still to come.
Miss you mom. Hugs in heaven on this day for you. <3 always.="" p="" you="">
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