I love this picture. I was honored to share this picture with the students at the Student Ministry at Harrisburg Presby last night who I have been serving at on Wed evening since school began last year. It has been an amazing journey together and one that continues to grow. New students are showing up each week and I continue to be amazed at their level of commitment to be there and excite! I am honored to be sharing the leadership with Pastor Tim, Kathleen, Rebecca and many others who help make this evening work.
Student Ministry - Connecting teenagers to Jesus. Thats it.
This picture was taken of the little girls who live in the home where we have served the past 2 summers in Jamaica. I had my Ipad out and was on the application that takes pictures and then transforms your face in different shapes and patterns. I took of picture of the girls and then showed it to them and this was the caption that I caught. Its priceless. I share this because Saturday the students and I are taking on the 30 hour famine. A program that helps bring awareness to those in the world that are hungry. $30 donation feeds a child for 30 days. Amazing if you think about it. I am excited how the students will be personally impacted by this as they are reminded how things really are in some parts of our world today.
Focusing in on being thankful today - Thankfulness keeps us from criticizing and complaining. Keeping our eyes on Jesus, even a thousand times a day, becomes easier as time goes on because it become a habit. One thing I can honestly say is that so many folks I have met over the years serving in Jamaica and local areas here in this country - in general the people hurting the most are thankful the most. They rely on God more than the average person her in America ever dreamed of because that is all they have. Its the last shoe string to hanging on - Hope. Jesus provides that for them. I think the more thankful we are for things, the less we are concerned with material items as we train our minds and thinking to be more thankful for what we do have but also a seed of compassion is planted and is grown to help others. I try not to focus on those who I am serving who are in need as a hand out but a hand up. These folks dont honestly want to be in the place where they are, so I am not going to ever look down on someone as I help them up.
There are so many prayer needs in my life right now that I am a bit overwhelmed as I am the type of person to want to carry those hurts and struggles of others as my own. I would rather have a friend who walks with me in trouble than to point out all I am doing wrong and then judge me or correct me. Most dont need fixing but just need to be recognized as a "Work in Progress". God is not done with us yet and I am so thankful for that. God continues to press on me - Walk with them, Walk with them.
Romans 8:5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.
My Aunt Sharon called me last night with an amazing story that gave me chills when she was telling me. Our family is close to 2 Pastors in their community where they live and both are in the hospital. Pastor Lonnie has cancer and Pastor Sparks is having a bleeding issue and both have visitors coming in to visit with them. Pastor Sparks is sharing Jesus with everyone coming into the room and Pastor Lonnie is sharing Jesus without words. See folks are coming into their rooms because of not why they are there but what Jesus is doing in there. During my aunt and uncle's visit yesterday, Pastor Lonnie is pretty much asleep as his body is battling cancer and attached to all kinds of tubes and equipment. With no facial expressions or other movements, Pastor Lonnie raises both hands and holds them there. Worship taking place right there in the room. God being praised when words and the body seems to be failing but the Spirit is focused on above. People are coming in to see Pastor Lonnie and Gods power and His name is being spread down the halls and through the hospital. Doctors and coming to talk with him, nurses are caring for him extra special, and other patients are coming to visit. There are so many dear to us, family, friends, people we know, people that God has put in our lives for this specific time of our lives to - Walk with- and minister to. Carol has been mentoring at a local school and the past 8 weeks have been filled with wonderful stories and memories as she invests into a a handful of 1st graders. They are growing on her and the administration all knows why she is there and who sent her. Church. The young teacher opens up and shares the struggles her dad is having with his health today. Without a miracle - he may not make it through this. Keith we are praying for you but all around you God is at work. All around the people you know, your family, friends and a special Mentor lady is being touched by your story and its a story of faith. A story of hope and a story of trust no matter what happens. A dear friend of mine here at work, she and her husband and been battling health issues he has been having. In and out of hospitals, one Dr specialist to the next. Its been a long hard road. Yesterday finally, the results have surfaced. Cancer. As this family comes to terms with this horrible news, coworkers here in the office unite in prayer, friends of the family join together as God works in the life of Phil. God is being shared through the most difficult of circumstances.
Today look at your life. There are things that seem empty, hopeless and maybe impossible to climb. But God isn’t waiting for your strength to grow, but for your faith to Rise! Maybe your life, your story - your faith - has a bigger story to tell. A GREATER Story.
Something I am learning through my church at Elevation as Pastor Steven teaches us these incredible lessons. I am so thankful for not only the lessons but also the timing of them.
I dont know how each of these stories will end up or how their stories will go - but one thing is for sure. God is telling a GREATER story through each of them.
My continued prayers that Gods story will be centered through them and all Glory be his. Hands raised and hearts wide open.
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