Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday - wondering a little bit how that happened so fast LOL !!

This past weekend was a good one even though it went by way to fast. Friday night was a world series night around the tv with a fire on in the fireplace and Saturday was a catch up over dinner with some old friends which was great! Kyle had a party to go to celebrating a birthday for one of his long time close Gal, friends. Sunday church which is always a great thing! Pastor Clayton King in the Elevation Church house! Always love hearing him preach and feel his passion when he shares his heart! I have just been loving everything about church the last month or so. I am not sure what is going on but things are just penetrating my heart deeper, the music and worship is amazing and its honestly all I can do to keep from jumping up and down and wipe tears from my face. The Word has been clear and understandable and applicable in so many ways that I am still feeling the words days later. I love seeing the greeters and the smiles on the way in and out of church. Helping with breakdown some and telling the band what a great job they did. I love watching Carol grow further in her faith and putting her day together around different things. I have some work to do in some areas of my life but I think this place right now is a really wonderful place to be in.
As I look ahead to this afternoon and the rest of the week - I cant help but to be excited in all that God is doing in and all around me. Though some are not exactly where I would want them to be in their walk, in our walk together - I know that God is working in all things for my good - for their good and I trust in that promise.
I want to put a plug in for a new Devotional that I have been reading each day over the past month. It has really got me excited each morning not because its a challenging book as you read a normal devotional - you know the routine, read the scriptures of that day on this page, read a little story and then read the prayer and go on about your morning.
No this is a little different because its written as if and in the point of, God speaking directly to you. So - let me share the first couple sentances of Sarah Young - Jesus Calling.

October 31 - LEARN TO LISTEN TO ME even while you are listening to other people. As they open their souls to your scrutiny, you are on holy ground. You need the help of My spirit to respond approprately. As Him to think through you, live through you, love through you. My own Being is alive within you in the Person of the Holy Spirit.

I will stop there but I have to say - thats GOOD stuff right there.

The last few weeks of LifeGroup where a handful of families come together and we do life and study Gods word together on Sunday evenings - this is exactly what we all need to learn and press into our hearts and lives. So often we are and I am also talking outside our group, we are trying to do everything ourselves. Yes read our Bibles, we pray and then go about our day just like everyone else does but there is no difference really. No difference in the sense of being a follower of Christ and not - how can the world tell you apart? - When we go to work, to school to that business deal or that round of golf or the party at work - can people tell you are a little different? A lot different? That there is something about you that has some peace or just a smile of contentment about you? Do your words reflect your heart? Does love just pour out from you into everything?
See far too often we are on the culdesac of being a Christian. We are headed nowhere really. We have walked down this path to find ourselves in a big circle - do we go back - do we press through? What do we do? This is the place where we get stuck or give up our walk.

Following Christ has to be a part of who you are - He makes up your DNA. He is everything about you. He pours out of everything in you. Sure not perfectly because nobody can do that but I mean to the best of your ability and trusting God for the rest of it. Im talking about decisions in your day, the song selections on the radio, the tv shows you watch, the words you say to others, your actions, your business deals, the exam you have to take tomorrow, your study habits, the way you speak to your mom, the way you treat the lady in the grocery store, that annoying person in the lunch room - Its all about you through HIM!

2 Corinthians 5:16-21 Because of the decision (to follow Christ) we dont evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly dont look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationshop between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering firgiveness of sins. God has given us the tast of telling everyone what he is doing. We're speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with GOd; He is already a friend with you. HOW? You say. IN Christ. God put the wrong on him who never did anything wrong, so we could be put right with God.


Those words ring in my ears. I feel closer right now in my walk with Christ than I have in a long time. I feel energized and in step with where God is taking me, pointing me, teaching me - Yes some folks have left my life and I have endured a tough season but God is doing something new. I am excited for the new as I lean in and carefully the best way I know how to follow him. He has to be in your ALL loved ones. You cant follow him just on Sunday mornings, wed evening during bible study or worship services but in everything you do in each moment of the day. Your life is an act of worship! ALL OF IT.
When we approach our day this way - it all changes. Imagine doing everything you do in a 24 hr time span in honor of God. It changes everything.
Fall short, bet but pressing on to the next moment ready for what comes next.
Challenge or Opportunity?

Challenges today focuses on the now and opportunity lets you dream and speak into the future.
Turn your challenges today into your opportunities for tomorrow :)

All IN,

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