Thursday, October 20, 2011

I hope this post today finds you in a great place today. It has been a week or more since my last post but its not because I dont have anything to share - actually I have too much to share! God has really been teaching me some things and I am enjoying my place with Him in this season of time. It for sure is a growth season and God has put an amazing church in Elevation Church in my life, Pastor Steven has really been hitting me hard with his messages, my mens group has been such a blessing in my life and knowing that other dudes are in this battle with me has me more confident and encouraged that I have been in a long time. Lifegroup on Sundays are going great with a change up of format and speed and I think everyone is digging it. My Egroup students is starting to take shape and looking forward to hitting the ground running next week with however many students God has walk through our doors. My buddy Eric is headed to Maine in 4 hours and is sold out for Christ, so much so that he packed up his stuff, quit his job and rented a truck to begin his journey to the cold country but not just as a southern plant but as a missionary on fire for Christ. I shared with him with some friends and his family last night about Isaiah 58 - Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet and declare to my people their rebellion and to the house of Jacob their sins.
The scripture goes on to share the benefits of keeping His commands, the praise high, the vision clear, the walk clean, and to serve the Lord with all you have. I know Eric will do amazing things up there and it has come at a season in his life that he is perfect to go, the doors have swung open in amazing ways and the path is clearly from the Lord. I shout with praise his boldness to step out in faith and GO where God has called him.

I have been in the book of Corinthians 2:4 actually and I am learning a great deal from that scripture. I just finished the new Jeremy Camp book and have enjoyed so much the new perspective to his music and in many ways, his words and his heart have shown me many things. Walking with the Lord is sometimes in this life the only thing you have to hold on to because everything else is falling down. When we have trials in life they are meant to build us, strengthen our faith and to cling to our Lord. These are beautiful places to be even in spite of the pain and turmoil - it has a purpose and a breaking but not one that will rip you to shreds but one that in time will build us back up. This season for me is one of building back up and a refection to remember that God is faithful and he is there in the storm with me as new doors, new people, new places to share his love and grace with whomever God has in store to put in front of me. I am thankful and very blessed to be at this place.... Gosh I cant imagine not being where I am today in my faith journey.
2 Corinthians 4 - Since God has so generously let us in on what he is doing, we're not about to throw up our hands and walk off the job just because we run into occasional hard times. We refuse to wear masks and play games. We dont maneuver and manipulate behind the scenes. And we dont twist Gods word to suit ourselves. Rather, we keep everything we do and say out in the open, the whole truth on display, so that those who want to can see and judge for themselves in the presence of God.

This scripture is incredible and though its long, I dont want to go through it all in one shot. Its actually too much at once so my plan is over the next day or so to share what it means. I will start with today and say that God is in the details of every moment of our day. He listens to us pray, he knows our hearts and he even listens to us groan through the pains we have. Many have gathered the last few weeks to pray for Kate's friends Joe and Dillon who were involved in a car accident weeks ago. Joe was killed at the scene and in many respects it has sent the community closer together. It was the saddest service I have ever experienced and all those who spoke and prayed over Joe and his family that day did an amazing job leading our community by example. Each morning to work I pass the place where Joe lost his life and Dillon clings onto today. Its a sad reminder but even in times and circumstances like these, God is behind the scenes. Dillon and Joe's parents and family may or may not agree with those words but just maybe - what has happened has changed someone elses future. As I read Jeremy's book earlier this week - it was clear that even in death, there is good in it. Jeremy's first wife passed only after 6 months of marriage at a very early age and in her death she spoke into Jeremy's heart and into his faith life. Her faith was amazing and even with very little strength she would raise her arms, her hands at times to praise and worship God. She told Jeremy early on that her struggles and her pain and suffering and in her passing, if it was to provide just one person the acceptance of Christ, it would all be worth it. Jeremy had to endure long seasons of struggle and pain after his wife passed but through this - he has touched thousands of lives for Christ through his own testimony and stuggles. Dillon who has been in the hospital for weeks now with brain swelling and in a coma was pulled of life support and with all the knowledge and medical stuff going on with all the signals pointed in him passing - today is breathing on his own, squeezing the hands of those in the room with him and responding. Though a long journey ahead - one with no clear answers - but it does contain hope. It does contain faithfulness. It does contain God hearing our prayers and our groans.
Its times like these that our faith is on our sleeves, there for the world to see in plain view. Nothing phony, nothing hidden. We cant just throw in the towel and run away from our faith due to hard things and refusing to play games. It really is amazing how the channel of communication is working to share in the news - people coming together, people sharing, helping each other, supporting each other - real community.
Isnt that part of what God wanted? Community, family, no masks or twisted schemes..... Just real true faith that is honest and on display.

I will end todays post with something that I have been praying for about a week now and its one that I am seeking with all I have these days. May it be your prayer today as well. Never lose heart loved ones, its not over till the good Lord says its over.

"When the world looks at me at the end of the day, may they agree that my heart looks like Your heart Lord."


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