Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday and a full week ahead from what I can see. The scary part sometimes is the moments that you dont see. A day in ministry is like no other day - even with work and everything else that needs to be done. Ministry days are never the same and can change in a moments notice. Excited to be hanging out with one of my close kids this afternoon and tonight. Its been a dry month of March for us to hang out. Seems we have been going in opposite directions and life has been pulling us in different locations. Glad to have this time together, catch up, talk and just be heart to heart. Sometimes, a lot of times, faith works. Prayers produce. Praise God. There is nothing better! I have been thinking about this heart to heart thing a lot lately. As I stand more and more in front of these students, they get a small peak into my heart and what I stand for, what I believe in and get to really know me. I am not scared of that at all and in fact - I am totally cool with it because I can't be there like that, I can't expect them to be there also. Working on some exciting things coming up for the month of April. Along with the Bahamas cruise at the end of the month, our fundraising for Jamaica continues and small donations keep coming in. I am so blessed and grateful for those donations and partnering with us to share Gods grace and love to the people of Jamaica in June. I will say that my Life Group is praying and studying a great book by Pastor Steven Furtick "Sun Stand Still" and I am here to share my big audacious prayer that I am asking God for. The other day I was walking out for lunch here at work and 2 of my coworkers were asking me how the trip plans were coming along, how many young people we were taking and the costs assoiciated with it. I was explaining to them that things were moving forward, we are all excited to be going and we have a good bunch of awesome students going and I shared with them the cost of not so much the trip and all but the airfare. With say 11 people going and costs to fly down and back are around $800 - that is a big chunk of change. So I started last week putting some feelers out to some folks at Joe Gibbs Racing and using the word of mouth to flow around our racing community here who might be able to help us with a charter plane to take us and pick us up. I have been really praying this bold prayer now for about a week and what if - imagine with me - someone hears about what we are doing? What if, Joe Gibbs comes and shares with us that he has a plane, a 12 seat jet and was willing to let us use it to take us to Jamaica? What if God put those things into action, moved someone's heart to action and imagine with me - the look on my coworkers faces when God blesses us with this incredible answer of prayer?!?! Are you with me? Imagine the glory and praise and AWE God would get through this and how many people this story will actually touch! So today and until this trip Lord, I am asking and begging you to move hearts, touch a person Lord in the only way you can to move them to help us with our trip to Jamaica. Help us find a way to go and serve the good people of Jamaica for your word, your love and your heart to heart change. Lord I know we will come back changed and I know so that we will touch the hearts of the good Jamaican people while we are there but I so vision the change that we will have. A vision that is so much bigger than our own because its a vision of what could be if we would just take a stand for you and be the person you are calling each of us to be. Imagine the lunch rooms in school, changed because of 1 fired up changed student that came back different from this trip. Imagine that family who will be first hand witness to their daughter who comes back and changes everything wrong in her life and gives it fully over to you. Imagine our church Lord who will have a 12 person seed pod of life change ready to infect everyone around us with the experiences that we just had. Imagine the look on my coworkers faces when the big bold and audacious prayer of sending us a way to go, a plane to charter, a plane to send your word to a place so desperate to hear and know you - imagine the stories and the awe of your word being truth and the impossible is not out of reach because you made it possible. Lord I am asking big, letting it be known and asking you Lord to make it real - show off your glory Lord because its all about you. We praise you Lord, we love you Lord and we ask all of this in your sons mighty name in Jesus. Amen

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