Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Amazing things are happening! I am so excited to have our first LOL bible study tonight in the new building. Though not fully ready, but ready enough to be in the building! Our first look at almost clean and done ministry campus has me pretty excited about tonight. Excited to see the faces of so many students and the dreams that will come true through what God has blessed us with to reach so many in our community for him. I am excited to be serving along side some great students, if almost everyone shows, well over 75 of them - and hopefully their families and other volunteers. As we prepare by cleaning windows, cleaning up trash, mopping floors, putting furniture together and sharing in some laughs and smiles- I am also very excited to take 15 minutes of their time and share something with them. I am totally stoked to share what is on my heart for this evening and what is to come. God is on the move in so many things and through so many people. Its just gives me chicken skin as my mom used to call it instead of goose bumps - I dont like geese much so chicken skins sticks ... too bad. Yesterday to mention just a few things that have really openened my eyes and my heart to the things God is influencing and making Himself knows. We had a bad storm roll through the area on Tuesday morning early. With trees and power down, we have not seen storms like this here in this area in years. One of my close kids called and told me a tree branch fell across their driveway and blocked their car in so much so they had to drive through the front yard to get out and get to work and school. I figured no big deal, I will take care of it when I get home. After seeing the pictures - holy smokes - it was huge and covered the entire driveway - luckily not hitting anything or taking part of the house out. I stressed all morning over it knowing that this family is my family and when a need arises - well, you step up and just do what you have to do. I left at lunch, drove out to the cabin and picked up my chain saw. Headed back to the office, finished up work when the call came in. Fully prepared to hear they were waiting on me to get started but what I heard was, the tree is gone. Yes gone, like it was never there. Neighbors had come over and took care of the tree, its branches and hauled it off. Nothing left. I was relieved. What blessings God has put in our daily lives, from the people we are doing life with, to the situations that get taken care of - blessings come in all sizes, shapes and through amazing ways. Monday standing in the post office getting 2 of my girls passports for our upcoming mission trip - 2 folks came in without stamps and what was important for these 2 customers became a way for those couple spare stamps my girls mom had in her purse. What a smile but also what a blessing. Small things .... but how often do we overlook the chance to serve and share with someone the small things so that God can then bless us with the big things? Gosh - it just makes me sit in AWE at times loved ones. Last nigth getting home with no tree to cut - I found myself with one of my other close kids at my house. A few weeks ago she had went with her mom to get her ear pierced and last night - nobody but Mr B was looking at her ear. Gosh that just makes my heart right. SO Mr B went to work and tried to get her infected ear fixed up and ear ring out. With little to grab onto and the pain too much - we went to the urgent care and had to let the professional take care of it. A little numbing needle, a little use of the razor knife and a gentle pull on the back - proved to be the only way it was coming out. Infected ear but lesson learned and to think I got to be part of that experience and share in some tough moments. I wouldn't swap those moments for everything and thinking about them- Lord thank you for those moments and for "MyKids" wanting me to be a part of their lives. Even when it hurts, for me to be there means so much to me. Heart to heart - There is more beauty in us than we can ever see. I love it when the real person, the real beauty shines through - Its not meant to be hidden but lived out in the open <3. May this bring you encouragment today... and a chance to see in your own life - the things God is placing all around you for his greater purposes. Look at them today..... and may you have chicken skin like I do. Peace, Lonnie~

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