Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This day has been all over the place today. Its okay though because some good things are coming into place. Finished up first and hopefully last draft of my message for tomorrow. I will speaking to the student ministry on one of today's forgotten virtues - Loyalty. I have had a hard time putting together not only what I wanted to say from my heart but also what God has to say about it. I am praying that it is taken and soaked in like a sponge tomorrow evening. I think no matter where we are with Christ, I think if our hearts are in the right place and in tune with Christ, we will be like a sponge and soak whatever up that He is giving to us.
Thursday I will be online this year for NewSpring Church Unleash conference. We didnt make the trip down this year due to the conference selling out - which is amazing since thousands of people will be there. Its a great leadership conference for church pastors, leaders and volunteers. Its a day to refresh and be encouraged. Who could use more of that today? I think that the person who doesnt accept encouragement puts them into a sucky place. The only thing that sucks about that is that they have to walk around with themselves. Everyone can use more encouragement spoken into their life.
Upcoming trip to the Bahamas and in June on our mission trip in June is moving forward. I spoke with the folks today and got contact info for our partner mission team from Minnesota. I am so looking forward to speaking with them and getting to know them before our trip. I am really excited about this even though price of gas has went through the roof, it hurts for that price on the plane ticket. I am praying huge prayers that our outreach team will stretch wide into the community and families to help with the costs. God is big and God is faithful and I fully believe he will make a way for us to go and share the Message of Christ with the people of Jamaica. As our missionary family reaches out into the community and their families in help to support this trip, I really want to celebrate this partnership, the prayers for us, the money donated in partnership in going, as well as safe travels and for the message of Christ to penetrate those we come in contact with. It puts tears in my eyes knowing the impact that this mission work could have on the hearts of us who are going. Changed lives not only there but also in all of us. I cant imagine the direction that a trip like this could have on one of my kids lives and God doing something in their hearts. I am praying big for God to rock some hearts here.

As I think about Jamaica and the people we will touch, I also think about the normal every day people right here all around us in our little worlds. If you think about those folks and who you come in contact with each day - you have no idea of their stories or where they are in life. The struggles and challenges they face or even the victories they have climbed over. I am reminded of the little older couple who came into the ER yesterday. They couldnt speak English and their son translated for them. The mom was really sick and was having issues breathing. Maybe they have been married for 50 years and is this the walk into the hospital yesterday morning that was their last? In a few days will one of them be having to leave and how sad for the one left behind. I dont know their story or what will happen to them. All I know is that is was an honor to pray for them as I sat in the waiting room. I thank God for their marriage of so many years. You can tell by they way they spoke to each other, how they looked at each other - they were in love, respected each other, afraid and their worlds might soon be changing.
I thanked God for them yesterday morning not because of what was happening to them but just how they touched my heart.

It reminded me of a piece of scripture from the Old Testament in Habakkuk 3: - Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.

No matter what you are facing today. No matter what troubles life has its grip on you today. There is joy because of Christ. The people of Jamaica do not have much but what they do have they are thankful for. They have joy regardless of what they have and joy in regardless of what they dont have. This mission trip will not be about the white folks coming to give us stuff. It will be about showing them how to do for themselves. Showing them the love of Christ through the local church there. Glorifying God through that church and putting the church back into the center of the community as it gives HOPE and LOVE through it. If we go and give a man a fish, all we have done is given him a fish. If we teach him how to fish and to sell a fish - we have given him far more than anything else...we have given him his dignity.
Even in the hardest and driest of times... Christ is the strength and he is the joy in life.
That's taking and pouring out what Christ has filled us up to do.
Never thought missionary is a term that I would use...but aren't we all? Missionaries ... to take the Good News to all people? - even the people in YOUR world today.


1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

I am making a $100 donation toward your mission trip to Jamaica with Kingdom Builders Ministries. I want this donation to honor the memory of your Grandma Lois. I know she loved you very much and would be so proud of you.
I believe you have a touch from God on your life that started at a young age. I pray you allow God to continue to lead you whether it is missions in another country or in your community with school, friends, nursing homes, even at the Wal-Mart store. Remember, even your daily life is a mission field, with lost people watching you; your very actions and words can show them God’s love which is the Good News, that is what the world is starving for.
Please take lots of pictures and come visit me and Uncle Buster some time and tell us all about it. I am excited for all of you and happy to have a part in this, to God be the Glory and may HE watch over all of you!
Love always,
Aunt Sharon