Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I want to reflect back on this day going back about 30 years shall we? Ash Wednesday, I am like 14 years old and in the north, you got to come in late for school. Everyone was at the Catholic church for a quick service and the application of you ash on your forehead. If I am being honest here, I can say that I only went because I was not in school and their were girls there. I have never really understood this Ash Wed and its importance until a few years ago. This being the beginning of Lent, which is 40 days leading into the Easter weekend.
The principles of Lent have historical roots from necessity. Way back in the day around this time of year the food stored for the would begin to diminish or spoil basically causing a forced fast or rationing of food. Compassionate landlords and land owners would share their abundance with their tenants and the people in the communities as a sacrificial offering. So in doing so, the entire community would be saved from starvation and God would get the glory.
Today fasting does not only include food like in the good ol days. Today, fasting is done as a break from those things that have your attention or addiction in some cases. Fasting could include food, Facebook, Sweets, Deserts, snacking between meals, watching tv, internet - whatever that connection you have - its a way to break those chains. Today during those times of fasting, a prayer time thanking God for this break and refocus as well as time to refresh your mind, soul, and spirit. I have fasted many times before with going 24 hours without food, no coffee in the afternoons as well as soda for a month.
So in this season of Lent - there is much over the next 40 days to be praying about. Trip to the Bahamas and our mission trip to Jamaica. We are starting a new book in my Life Group - Sun Stand Still - where we will learn together about prayer and not just everyday thank you Lord for the sunshine prayers but I am talking HUGE prayers. Like God, this can't happen without you prayers. Fasting has a way to increase that spiritual part in connecting your heart with Gods.

Everyone wants to be closer to God if you are a follower of Christ. So, today - I am asking that you journey with me in your fast. Fast of whatever it may be that is holding you today for the next 40 days. Use that time when you would normally get that sofa or cup of coffee or cigarette or watching TV or sitting on Facebook - use that time to pray. Thank God for that time together and seek His heart instead of yours.
I hope you take this challenge with me. Jesus taught us to fast and he promises rewards as a result.
Matthew 6:18-21 - So that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where you treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Gods promise - where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Asking God to have my heart today. Hope you will too.


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