Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Its been a busy day here at the office. Not much sleep last night with turning and tossing as I sometimes do when I have a lot on my mind but hitting the gym this morning at 5:30 and seeing some friends who were once close to me and walking faith with me - well kinda left me empty to be honest. I mean I was there for the right reasons and all as I am getting ready to run a 5k in mid April and I dont want a few of my students to really leave me watching their backs in the distance. So I am training and getting motivated. I think with my business and schedule these past few weeks, I have to do a better job of not only training and strengthening my heart through Gods word, but I have to be training physically as well. I know I will feel better once my mind tells my body to get over it and push through.
I can say though that when I need an encouraging word, God provides it for me as I seek him when I am troubled. Once came last night as I walked out the door of Y and in these little folded pieces of paper with scripture written on them, almost like a fortune cookie without the fat, calories and lottery #'s - was this: Psalm 61:1 - My soul finds rest in God alone.

This morning before it was even light out, I got to the office and checked my facebook account and my friend that I saw this morning had already posted on my wall. It was good seeing you this morning and its exciting to see what God is putting in front of you. He is using you in amazing ways! Keep it up, you might be the only way for those kids to see the light of their real daddy.
Its good to have a person to encourage you at times. Though I think I am overboard at times with some folks - I just have a hard time with constant negativity and looking as though its all going to crash and burn at any minute. It may, but atleast you did trying - now learn from it and clean the dust off your feet and get moving again. So hey - you spend any amount of time with me - I am going to encourage your face off so just deal with it. Its up to you what you do with it.
This brings me to the place I am at today.
I am not some brilliant guy in leading people. I just love God and give those around me the excess of what God is pouring into me. I wish I knew how to do that better but I am learning as its always a next step. First my faith and then pour out into the person next to you. If that happens to be 50 students or whatever - then so be it. God through his love and my expreriences in life have brought me to this place. I am thankful for this ministry because ministry is a gift from God. That hurt in your heart for the students and families in your life and in your small group and youth group and church are there because God put that gift in you. Accept it, deal with it, embrace it and though it may be challenging at times, down right fearful at times, and painful at times - there is joy in there if you dont let it slip through your fingers.
I want more than anything for the grace and love that Christ has given me to show the students and the folks in my life around me that love - that love and deep care that Christ has for them. I want to help them enable their faith, to trust in their faith and build their lives around that faith that comes only from Christ. Imagine a student right now building that foundation in their life when they are 13. Imagine what Christ could do by using that student... nothing would be impossible. They would be contagious in so many ways.
I want to share a few things about that - as I have had some students in my life who have walked pretty close with me over the years. Some have this vision already because it is showing up in their lives in every aspect but some have yet to get there.
I do my best to speak vision and possibility into their lives. Give them a chance to own their faith and lead others around them. Help them see that God is there if they are looking for him. You cannot find what you are not looking for. I share that all the time with them. Build them up and encourage them to be the person and leaders that God has created them to be!
1. They show themselves that they are trustworthy. Students who want leadership are the ones that show they can handle the small things and ask for the bigger things. They are the ones who are serving, work hard in school and take ministry personal. You can depend on them. Ask them to pray for you and they do it. They ask why you didnt call me before school and pray for my day when you miss a day. They are eager and focused and ask for next steps.

2. I get to spend quality time with these students because of their eagerness to lead and step up. Student ministry or any ministry really is all about relationships. Without it, you cannot grow, be challenged, be held accountable and continue moving forward without good solid foundational people around you. You have to share the same vision and be going in the right direction. While spending time together, I get to hear their heart, their focus, dedication, determination, their hurts and difficult places in life, their families as well as what God is doing in them and what He is placing on their hearts. Does a student serve a meal to the homeless shelter see the lady behind the tray with compassion, a broken heart or do they see that person as ordering their food being short with them, snotty maybe with an attitude and not saying thank you?

3. Pray together and let God do what he does. He will open the doors and leadership ministry will take shape because of the vision placed on the hearts of all those involved.

How will they learn if not given the opportunity? How will they learn if they dont fail from time to time? We learn more in failing than we do in winning - so its important to keep the compassion and grace card open and ready to use so that when we do fail...I said we because thats me also, when we do fail we can get back up and get right on moving again. I can remember a few years back teaching Kyle to ride his bike. I ran all over the place up and down the road holding on to him and he not wanting me to let go - as he was afraid of falling. I was tired and worn out. I couldnt take another step. I showed him how to kick off and get going and then peddling the bike - focused on me ahead of him .... he knew I was there to catch him even though I didnt have a hold of him. Sometimes we got to let go of the grip, keep a little distance, give some freedom and while keeping them focused. Kyle road that day and smiled because dad was there and he did it by himself.

Its such a joy seeing a student share their love for Christ with others. When they take their hearts into their schools and classrooms and into their friends. We all need more of these types of leaders in our lives. They refreshen me and encourage me more than I encourage them sometimes.
Peace out,

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