Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Its been a pretty busy day thus far but today I find myself really excited for tonight. Last night was fun hanging out with Madison, Morgan, Taylor, Kyle and Zach at the movies after Carol made our families an awesome bunch of chow. She really does love to cook and thats a good thing - Kyle would starve if it was not for his momma's cooking. The kid never stops eating.... and is a green bean. :)
Anyways, tonight we have our first ever Parent LOL Bible Study where Pastor Travis will be preaching some and sharing his heart and Gods heart/vision for our student ministry and what we are teaching their teens. After opening announcements and welcomes - I will be leading the students down to the pool for some fun while mom and dads hang with Travis. I have been so pumped for this time as we really focus in and share how important they are in terms of their childs walk with Christ. See parents, its a partnership and as pastors and youth leaders - we can't do this without you. You are the pastors of your homes...we are just the support staff. No greater gains or losses in our childrens walk with Christ, is more important than what happens at home. As a ministry team leading your children on Sundays - we have less than 52 hours a year with your teen and thats if they make it church EVERY SUNDAY!
This is so much a partnership together and one without the other so much harder in reaching those students. I am excited for tonight......
I am sharing todays bible post from Phillipians 4:6-7. The odd thing in this is that I just had a buddy of mine leave my office and was sharing with me about his dad's passing and at the funeral he had to read a passage of scripture that spoke about his dad. It came from this passage. Awesome .....
Philippians 4:6-7
6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
I have my days where I am bothered with things and just feel uneasy or just not at peace in my heart. Then there are days where I feel like all the weight is lifted off of me and my shoulders are light. I have to reflect all that into the perspective that God is in the details. There is no other feeling than knowing that God is in the details, is the solution, is in full control of the situation and with full trust - promises a good result. The answer may be "NO" but it is what is best for us at the time. There will be a better answer, solution or timing that God will have a "Yes". Even if things dont make sense right now and there seems to be no possible way out - God wants us to trust in all our hearts and in our understanding that Peace is possible in our hearts no matter what is going on.
My heart is peaceful today..... thankful for this place today.

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