Sunday, June 6, 2010

I didnt take the chance yesterday to update the devotion yesterday so I am playing catch up. Its ok to miss a day or not get the chance to get to it - just pick up again where you left off, ask God to give you a path to free up some space and then get right back on it.
It reminds me of a time when I was a kid and my little brother and I had this dirt bike. We took turns riding it and enjoyed a few summers riding it in the woods behind my parents house. It was like 20 extra backyard acres and to a kid - that is heaven. Room to play, build forts, dig holes, play capture the flag, climb trees... every kid should be so lucky. After riding the dirt bike for some time and not hurting yourself, you have a tendency to become over confident. It happens - so one time riding on the self made track we had constructed - I hit the turn at about 45 and then proceeded to the jump. I hit the jump faster than I had ever hit it before and through the air I flew. Not being experienced on a dirt bike that flies ... I over compensated, went over the handle bars and then onto the ground. Flat on my back, bike landing on me and with no helmet. Hey we didnt have helmets back then :) - Anyways -amazed I was not hurt, just pride bruised and a bike that didnt work any longer - I swore I would not get back on one. It has only been recently that I have. It was scary at first and reliving that wreck sure was vivid in my memory even after all these years. Sometimes we just have to get right back to it. So if you have been away from God, maybe a few seasons of time have passed since you last spoke with our heavenly father... just get back on that bike loved ones and pick up where you left off. You will be glad you did and that first step is usually the toughest to make.
I want to share - Psalm 119:9-11 today.
9 How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. 10 I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. 11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Keeping a heart that is pure is such a tough thing to do at times. This afternoon in the Flood, Our student Pastor challenged the students to do what it takes to put safe guards into their lives. Dont be tempted by the cell phone in the late hours when our guard is down. Watch what we say on facebook, remove the TV from the bedroom - get help from a parent or trusted friend to hold you accountable. I was really challenged with those words that were shared today - it has me fired up this afternoon because there are many sitting in those seats that are being tempted, choosing poorly or selfishly, and living the lie that this world offers them. Loved ones, living a pure life before Christ is hard. Its not the normal - normal sucks! Its time to take steps forward in your faith, your trust in Jesus and put those things - those people - in your lives to help you succeed and to live a life above all the noise.
As the saying goes - choose to sin - choose to suffer. I will be asking the question tonight at rock group and I will challenge you here.
What is the difference between a mistake and a sin? define both of them and then share with me the difference. Share that with your children and then challenge them in that discussion.
Can't wait to hear from you.

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