Thursday, June 3, 2010

I am pretty pumped today but humbled in the kindest of ways. I have a smile today because of some things taking place around me. This morning, the great people of Harrisburg NC got together to line the streets of one of our fallen hero's. Chris Barton was killed in duty this past week and his body came through the town and past his home and through the streets on his way to his funeral. The town has really come together and even though I was unable to make it this morning, Carol, Kyle, Barbara, Madison and a host of others that I know did. Pictures on facebook makes me proud but also makes my heart hurt for that family as well as the fighting and war that still takes place on this earth. God never promised us peace - He did promise us peace in our hearts. War will happen and sides will fight - 2 people with sinful natures and in time there will be a dissagreement.
Last night after LOL and an awesome message on Forgiveness - one of my close kids and I had a great conversation concerning that topic. Forgiveness. I studied some last night and put some thoughts behind what I wanted to say and this morning I held my promise to put something down in writing that I could give her and share. It is really awesome when one of my students, your children, comes to me or one of our leaders and church and really shares the heart. That screams trust and I am honest when I say that I value that trust so much. It really makes or breaks leading students and getting to the heart of the matter.
Today I am encouraged to be sharing Joshua 1:8-9 today. I love the book of Joshua because several months ago, I got to teach a few LOL bible studies as well as a Sunday morning LifeTalk message.
Joshua 1:8-9
8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Today this passage screams at me to be "Strong and courageous" - no matter what is going on in life, good or bad, trust in Gods word and stand strong in His word. Even though there are times where we may be scared and paralyzed in fear - Gods word will bring you through it. I have said before that God places things on our shoulders that sometimes we can't handle, so that we may turn to Him and seek His will, strength and power so that we may over come whatever we are facing. If we could handle those things we would not need God when trials come into our lives. Temptation is another story - that is where God will not give us more than we can handle. He ALWAYS gives us a way out. ALWAYS!
So I leave you with this today loved ones, no matter what you are facing today. No matter if the doc just spoke the "C" word, your loved one just came through town in a hurst, your marriage is falling apart or you son or daughter is rebelling against you - Meditate on Gods word, seek to understand it and let it penetrate your heart so that not only you are blessed but also those around you as you pour that blessing into them. God is a God of "Them Some" and not just meeting your needs. He meets them and "Then Some". Picking up your cross is a daily thing... Joshua led millions of people across the river to the promised land after Moses died. He had a calling and a purpose on his life. So do you ...... I was asked this morning after talking with a parent and someone overheard the conversation here at the office. "Lonnie, do you think you missed your calling?" - "I said no, I may work here but I am living my calling every day because I'm following Jesus and leading these students and their families - Is my calling".

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