Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A simple post....

I think my eyelids even hurt. Dang I am sore everywhere! Yesterday I had off from work and spent a good portion of my time off yesterday taking down a tree and working on our church land taking down the giant tent that we used for our Sunday services back in October. It was time well spent investing in the right places. Last night I got to take Kyle and Morgan over to the big Y and do some swimming. We even checked out the hot tub and steam room. That I just don't get - how do you stay in that thing its like flippin as hot as the sun in there. Anyways, I couldn't even take a breath in there so I got out of there pretty fast. Kyle got to do some rock wall climbing...he is really good at that. Morgan and I got to spend some time playing some ping pong. Its been years since doing that and we had some good laughs for sure as the ball was hitting off the lights in the ceiling, the walls, pool table, and a host of other INBOUNDS objects. It has me thinking today that I am still a kid at heart. Yeah, I know I am old and serious when I need to be but how does people turn into grumpy old folks? Life is meant to be lived and having some fun along the way is awesome. It SHOULD be that way right?
My buddy Tobin who used to live in Charlotte a few years ago is a pastor in Maine for a church up there. I always thought man ... this guy is weird doing all this kid stuff and always hanging around students and investing SO much into their lives and families... and today I find myself investing in those same things. Hey T - I appreciate you man and I get it bro!
Every day I try my best to share the joy that is in my heart with others. Some days there is not much to share, or is taken the wrong way and some days there is an overflow. So many people live their lives wanting the next thing, searching and seeking for something that is fulfilling and gives them purpose. I have to tell you that for me that search has been over for a few years. Jesus has filled that in my life. If that makes me someone who raises my family with views that I am brainwashing them or misleading them - let me ask you... do you have something in your life that you have passion for? Is that some thing that you would be willing to risk everything over? Does that passion make you come alive and want to give it to others?
Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
I want to give what I have in my heart to my family, their family, "MyKids" and all those around me because it is that important. It is that passion and it is worth dying for. So many today are raising their children in the ways of the world. Letting them decide right from wrong or what is acceptable or not. They let the kids decide if God is part of their life or even if He excists or not. Just grow up being good enough and it will all work out. God has clearly given us the instructions on a better, more fulfilling life with all the purpose imaginable. You matter to Him even if you dont feel you matter to anyone. Life may be hard, a loss of a parent, a divorce, or some other thing that has you feeling trapped and alone today- There is someone who cares and loves you regardless and let me be clear here loved ones - He has something to tell you about your life and your future if you let Him be a part of that. Like a baby who needs milk in the early years of life - so too does God feed you spiritually as you mature. Step by step showing you the way. Hard things are not as hard as they could be anymore. There is purpose in those hard and tough places. There is also such joy when things are great.....
Today I got to give blood at the Red Cross. Its something I have been doing for years. I especially love it when they have that machine available and I can give those special parts of my blood to cancer folks. Its a life giving thing for someone for sure. I was asked today what I did for a living while on the bus as the wonderful Red Cross lady stuck me with the needle. I told her I worked here at the university and that I have one child but many who are like "MyKids". She asked me what that meant. I told her "MyKids" are those that I lead on Sundays in our student ministry at church and those who I have the privedge to being doing life with who are like my sons and daughters. She got to tell me about her hometown church in Atlanta and that she has 2 kids. She told me that I sound like such an easy person to talk with and the kids must just adore you. Dang that makes my heart full of joy. I do ...... I do. There is no other greater calling and purpose in life than investing our time into the next generation. Especially when we are humbled enough to love them and serve them all the while helping them navigate through life regardless of where life has them right now. God has great things in store for them and will use those who give their lives to Him.
Its not all about you ........ sooner you learn that in life .. the sooner you can get busy living. Living the way we were created to live. With purpose, meaning and living ALIVE.
Yeah, I am a kid at heart.... its pretty simple because of what Jesus has done for me. I wear it everyday on my sleeve.

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