Monday, November 9, 2009

Dragging a bit this afternoon as I begin my hunt for a coffee to make it through the afternoon. I slept in the other room last night due to Kyle not feeling well but thankfully his fever broke and puking has stopped and is hungry. Something Kyle is always .... hungry! He should be back on his feet in the next day or 2 - the kids have off school on Wed this week so I am sure he and many others will be enjoying their time off and with a much needed break.
Funny thing happened to me on Saturday that I just have to share. I was cutting a big branch off a tree for an extended family and while on the ladder up about 12 foot - the branch cut loose and twisted, fell and really knocked the steps on the ladder. There I was up in the tree hanging on swinging with a chain saw in my hands..... glad nobody "saw" that. Well, the story is not over. After getting that all cleaned up and branches stacked at the curb, I decided to get the gutters cleaned. Well, I don't do ladders. I don't do heights. I don't do roofs. There I was on the ladder, on the roof and up way off the ground! Yes I got the gutters cleaned very slowly and then it was time to get down off the roof. Well after 15 min or so of sweating in the hot sun and the ladder only inches on the gutter. I moved back to the side of the 2nd story and got my phone out. A few text messages and a phone call almost to someone who could HELP!!!.... I found out one of my dear kids was inside. I called her and she opened the window in less than 10 seconds. Rescued.... I climbed in and laid on the floor in her room. Thankful for sure.... tired..... sweaty and spent.
Got to spend some time after church yesterday with our Rock Group over some great food, Panthers game even though they lost and had a chance to catch up with everyone. Awesome to be doing life with these families and know that this is the sweet spot in life that so many people never have the chance to experience.
I have had some thoughts the last few months as I get to know the HS students and their so close walk with adult decisions and life choices that are in front of them. I have been thinking about even my years in HS and what different choices I would make knowing what I know now and how can I use my experience to navigate them in these crucial years. What does God want me to do? is probably the most common question , but there are others. What does God want me to go to college? What does He want me to study? Would I make a good youth pastor? Where does God want me to live? Should I date this person?
God doesn't focus so much on the externals but the internals. I had the chance yesterday to use a chisel while helping a dear family change a lock on their front door. I didn't get to use it but I think about that wood being shaped so that things would fit. I think about that molding and shaping that is taking place. God has his chisel and is shaping the internals of who you are. As He shapes and molds you to be more like Him. You will know where you will go to college and what you will study. You will know because Gods will is 98% of who you are. Choose to believe the truth that God is changing you, and you should clear up a lot of confusion of what is ahead.
He has the hammer and chisel and his greatness is coming out through you.

I am still afraid of ladders, heights and roofs - but I got it done and there is blessings in there. For me, I got to serve an awesome family who I love and would do anything in the world for and they receive a blessing by allowing someone to serve them and feel the practical love of Jesus. Its a win win for sure..... and He is shaping all of us along the way.

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

Awesome, Randy, I didn't know you were scared of heights and ladders. Remember the little house me and Scott lived in before I married uncle Buster? Well.....I spent two hours sitting on the top of the roof with one foot "frozen" on the top step of the ladder and the rest of me "frozen" on the roof/gutter. I got up there pretty good and cleaned out the chimney with a long skinny wooden pole. So proud of myself. It was cold too and the wind was whistling through the trees. know what I mean. I didn't have a cell phone, finally my neighbor came in from work and I called out to them and they climbed up the ladder and "babied" me down. Whew! I was shaking all over what part of me wasn't frozen. Never did that anymore. Just wanted to prove to the world that I, a woman, could do the job!
It's good to be able to laugh at ourselves occasionally.
love you
Aunt Sharon