Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Long Term....

First day back to work in awhile. Actually feels good and got a bunch of stuff done. Something that I tried not to do while out of the office - get stuff done. But I am feeling motivated even with missing an afternoon bat nap :) Glad to have some coffee buddies back to share some conversation over in the afternoon. I have missed that.

Today has me thinking about the goals we all seem to set for the coming year. With New Years past now and resolutions in beginning swing - seems that gym has more unfamiliar faces the past few days. People are probably trying to eat healthier- last night I picked up take out and there was not one person in the place. I was it at the counter.... seemed odd when the place would normally have people eating in. Its also during this time we think about our careers and get a little more focused or maybe begin to think about some additional training or classes. All in all, the beginning of the new year brings a want to move to change. January rolls by and little by little most people slide back into the old self, the old groove and then back to where they were. It is nice to see Carol sticking to her gym workouts and as the year goes on more and more of her old clothes dont fit and last night she was excited to come out with 3 bags of clothes to donate! Yeah Carol !! Keep it up.
But how many of us do keep it up. Bible plans are in day 3 of read the Bible in a year or in 9 days. How many Bibles in a week or so wont even be opened?

I have to say that the one year goals are great but the 10 year goals are even better. I look at the students in my life. A few of them in short terms are now ventured into the high school drama and friends and distractions. They seem to be falling or sliding into the place where the traps are the biggest instead of buckling in and standing on the foundations that have got them to where they are today. What would it look like investing 5-6 years into these young folks? Long term .... not the short term. 10 years is not that long away. As I think about Kate and almost ready for college - what investments have I made in the long term that will have a lasting impression on her. On her decisions? On her choices? Have I made a dent at all? Short term investments gain or lose rapidly. Just like investing in stocks, its more volital in the short term than over the long haul. Long haul has stability and has less of a chance to fall away and more of chance to be positive and affective over time. My time invested in these young people over the long haul will hopefully have lasting impact. Short term, those are the ones that walk away. Those are the ones that decide to chase the material things in life like that of most.

We can get, as parents discouraged by the seeming lack of progress in our children, I look around and get discouraged as well, but if we can SEE the long term consequences of our involvment, of our investment, in our discussions, in our actions, in our extending grace and love, we would realize it was all worth every second.

Some of these investments - no matter if its in a career or in a loved one or in a student - what we accomplish is often revealed over the 10 year plan and not the short term. What seems like a student walking away from their faith now, may indeed be a fired up young person in 10 years unstoppable for Christ. Live life in the long term. Set some goals. Write them down. A little by little, you will lose the weight, get the Bible read, see the difference you are making in that student, see that loved one come to Christ.

Never give up......

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