Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I have been enjoying some quiet time lately with the Lord. Again digging in over my morning coffee before work and throughout the day in my journal and seeking God for opportunity to serve others. Those opportunities seem to be taking place more and more each day. Center of Hope this past Sunday, Opportunuty House last Thursday, Mens study coming up again this week and kickoff to our Code Orange Revival - 12 days of the top speakers across the US coming to preach, teach, encourage and share in our church at Elevation Church. When we are unified as one church, God does amazing things and the campuses will be packed, standing room only, excited and streaming live each night on the web both at 7pm and 10:12. What started out as a thought, a seed planted in Pastor Stevens heart over the summer has taken on a new incredible outreach that has people connecting across the world for the next 12 days. Pastor Craig from Lifechurch.TV kicks things off tomorrow night, Pastor James McDonald, TD Jakes, Ed Young, Perry Noble, and our own Pastor Steven Furtick to name a few. Gosh it has me incredibly excited for what God is going to do over the next week or so. I couldnt even sleep wondering what God was going to do in the people around me. What was he going to do through me? My family?
Excited bit time - if you want more info http://www.codeorangerevival.com

I have also been enjoying some time with some new peeps that have stepped into my life just at the right time. Catching up with some old friends, some new students and some that have been kinda unplugged for awhile and also praying for our July Jamaica mission trip again with a new team of folks ready to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
There is a lot of good things taking place as God shows us the FOG. Favor of God - as the last few months have positioned me and many others to step forward into an incredible new blessing and deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father.
The best is yet to come - more on so much later as time allows. I pray all is well in your life, that God is showing you unmeasurable favor and love and that amazing things are starting to take shape... trust more, love more and believe more loved ones. No matter what you are feeling today, God is near and is in your today.


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