I have been in prayer about this for some time now. After many years of writing and journaling about "mywalk" in my faith journey - God is pointing me to a new avenue. One of which is still "thewalk" but will be on my main FaceBook page through notes. This will give me a good place to write, to jot thoughts and share them with more people but also to keep those who I want specifically to have read and share with access to that. So for right now - I love you all. It has been a great journey together and I appreciate all the comments and all the emails to me over the years.
I pray your journey and faith walk continues to flourish in mighty ways.
GOds best
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Code Orange Revival - Elevation Church, has been the most moving and amazing experience ever. Night 8 coming up and I am not missing any of it. 202 baptised last night during the 2 hour service with one of my kids that I have known since 3rd grade and she is in 8th now - taking a stand for Jesus and coming full circle. She has been through a lot and never have I not had her back and stood up for her. God is going to do something amazing through her and I am so blessed to have a balcony seat in life to cheer her on.
Code Orange Revival has been a life changer in so many ways. I have never felt closer to God, closer to other Christians, closer to my wife and family and friends. There is an urgency all around our city and where we are taking the Gospel into the world. One church - one unity together. Thats how you get things done.
More tomorrow ~
Gods best is yet to come for you :)
Friday, January 13, 2012
A couple Friday thoughts
Why would we go through our days completely planned out with what our days should look like? I mean with very little room for down time, free time and even more importantly time for God to do something. He may take us on a new journey or a new path or put someone in our way that a conversation could take place, a coffee invite or just a simple smile.
As Code Orange Revival continues to sweep across the United States and the world - It is awesome to see these incredible pastors come and preach and teach us Gods word and how it applies to our lives but also leaving it open for God to speak. Imagine standing on the stage in front of 8000 people and in an online audience of 20000 more and leaving the stage open for the Holy Spirit to speak. Not you, you have no idea what will take place. Imagine the pause, imagine the panic that just might happen if nothing comes out, if your mind goes blank, if your heart is in a struggling place and those things are shared! I love the place in each of the messages where the Holy Spirit has clearly taken over and nothing is scripted, message notes do not apply and God speaks directly to the people. These pastors are trusting God in each of those moments because they recognize the incredible gift that is so precious.
Psalm 118:24 - A life lived close to Me will never be dull or predictable. Expect each day to contain surprises! Resist your tendency to search for the easiest route through the day. Be willing to follow wherever I lead. No matter how steep or treacherous the path before you, the safest place to be is by my side. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Some of the notes taken the last 2 days through Pastor Craig, Pastor Franklin and Pastor Steven.
The world is desperate for Code Orange. It means something is about to happen! Abraham faced the facts but lived in Audacious faith.
Gods truth is greater than our facts.
Renew the passion of Christ, More success means the more humble.
Acts 4:13 - Ordinary men who have been with Jesus. I blogged about this not long ago :)
People look for people credentials. Jesus didnt go to seminary. Jesus wasnt married. Jesus didnt have 5 years of ministry under his belt. Those are people credentials. Look past those things and obey what God has given you to do.
Obey Irrationally! Even if it doesnt make sense.
Jesus picked the unschooled, the uneducated, the poor and working - idiots!
Be an idiot for God!
Give - everything belongs to God. Every need met in the community in Acts 4.
Plan to be a blessing!!
Give more not obtain more for the Glory of God.
Do what othes think cannot be done. Through Christ, all things are possible.
You are not what others say you are - you are what God says you are!
Code Value #12 at Elevation Church - We will not take this for granted.
Without you I am nothing
Have enough faith to open your heart.
Grace and mercy are generational
You are blessed because you had parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and close people in your life praying for you and over you for years.
Heaven stores up those generational blessings.
Protical sons and daughters know the way back home because they have mercy prayed over them for years.
The unusual releases the unusual
It matters what you put into your personal life.
God does not forget what others have done and stored up for us.
You will never be a happy sinner :)
Your destiny is greater than your difficulty.
I pray all these notes I have taken are a blessing for you. As I sat with one of my kids in the hospital last night, she was hurting and her family was all there. The nurse came in to speak and explain what was going to happen as they began to work on an IV for her. She asked her about her sisters and her mom and then asked who I was. She smiled and looked over at me and told the nurse "That is my uncle". I smiled and my heart filled with joy. Generational blessings right there. I have prayed over this family for 5+ years now. My first church setting with her mom I noticed her sitting by herself and God prompted me to sit next to her. GIve her a hug and let her know I was there and I had no idea why. As the message was given, she cried, and cried and cried. Thanking me afterwards - it has been a bond since. Mustard seed of faith :)
Ready for Pastor Matt Chandler tonight! If you would like to be part of the 20000+ online plugging in to 12 days of revival Code Orange Elevation Church style
htt://elevationnetwork.com and plug in. 7:00 - live and FREE to the world. 10 more days and I will be ready to be a complete idiot for Christ :)
Wouldnt have it any other way.
As Code Orange Revival continues to sweep across the United States and the world - It is awesome to see these incredible pastors come and preach and teach us Gods word and how it applies to our lives but also leaving it open for God to speak. Imagine standing on the stage in front of 8000 people and in an online audience of 20000 more and leaving the stage open for the Holy Spirit to speak. Not you, you have no idea what will take place. Imagine the pause, imagine the panic that just might happen if nothing comes out, if your mind goes blank, if your heart is in a struggling place and those things are shared! I love the place in each of the messages where the Holy Spirit has clearly taken over and nothing is scripted, message notes do not apply and God speaks directly to the people. These pastors are trusting God in each of those moments because they recognize the incredible gift that is so precious.
Psalm 118:24 - A life lived close to Me will never be dull or predictable. Expect each day to contain surprises! Resist your tendency to search for the easiest route through the day. Be willing to follow wherever I lead. No matter how steep or treacherous the path before you, the safest place to be is by my side. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Some of the notes taken the last 2 days through Pastor Craig, Pastor Franklin and Pastor Steven.
The world is desperate for Code Orange. It means something is about to happen! Abraham faced the facts but lived in Audacious faith.
Gods truth is greater than our facts.
Renew the passion of Christ, More success means the more humble.
Acts 4:13 - Ordinary men who have been with Jesus. I blogged about this not long ago :)
People look for people credentials. Jesus didnt go to seminary. Jesus wasnt married. Jesus didnt have 5 years of ministry under his belt. Those are people credentials. Look past those things and obey what God has given you to do.
Obey Irrationally! Even if it doesnt make sense.
Jesus picked the unschooled, the uneducated, the poor and working - idiots!
Be an idiot for God!
Give - everything belongs to God. Every need met in the community in Acts 4.
Plan to be a blessing!!
Give more not obtain more for the Glory of God.
Do what othes think cannot be done. Through Christ, all things are possible.
You are not what others say you are - you are what God says you are!
Code Value #12 at Elevation Church - We will not take this for granted.
Without you I am nothing
Have enough faith to open your heart.
Grace and mercy are generational
You are blessed because you had parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and close people in your life praying for you and over you for years.
Heaven stores up those generational blessings.
Protical sons and daughters know the way back home because they have mercy prayed over them for years.
The unusual releases the unusual
It matters what you put into your personal life.
God does not forget what others have done and stored up for us.
You will never be a happy sinner :)
Your destiny is greater than your difficulty.
I pray all these notes I have taken are a blessing for you. As I sat with one of my kids in the hospital last night, she was hurting and her family was all there. The nurse came in to speak and explain what was going to happen as they began to work on an IV for her. She asked her about her sisters and her mom and then asked who I was. She smiled and looked over at me and told the nurse "That is my uncle". I smiled and my heart filled with joy. Generational blessings right there. I have prayed over this family for 5+ years now. My first church setting with her mom I noticed her sitting by herself and God prompted me to sit next to her. GIve her a hug and let her know I was there and I had no idea why. As the message was given, she cried, and cried and cried. Thanking me afterwards - it has been a bond since. Mustard seed of faith :)
Ready for Pastor Matt Chandler tonight! If you would like to be part of the 20000+ online plugging in to 12 days of revival Code Orange Elevation Church style
htt://elevationnetwork.com and plug in. 7:00 - live and FREE to the world. 10 more days and I will be ready to be a complete idiot for Christ :)
Wouldnt have it any other way.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Its been a few dreary days here in Charlotte NC but God is shining through the fog and dreary weather. I am so excited for tonight and the next 12 days as preachers from all over the world come and speak at Elevation Church and together - we become one church. I am excited to hear the teaching and preaching of Gods word from so many wonderful and incredible leaders. For many of us, we are needing this shot in the arm. Holidays past now and the new THINGS that we received are now old and we are back into our daily routine and for some possibly in those bad habits again. I can say that the gym is still packed in the evenings but I go anyways knowing that in a few short weeks, those evenings will become lighter and lighter. Isnt that so true with our faith - over time we may become bored. We may become stale. We may become not so excited about what God is doing.... we just kinda float along and become complacent. Its times like these when a Revival comes or some big event or something happens in our lives where God either shows up BIG in our lives or someone close to us that we snap back on track. We once again get excited, we once again get pumped up, we once again take a new path or deepen a path we are on and become LIVE again.
Hebrews 5:11-14 - Warning against falling away - We have much to say about this, but it is hard to make it clear to you because you no longer understand. In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of Gods word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.
There will always be a season of time where we all are weary and we get complacent. In religious terms it is often reffered to as "backsliding". It really is a tough place to be when we were once close with God, walking in step of our faith with others, excited to be learning about God and fellowshipping with others. Our faith journey is not meant to be alone because it is too easy to fall away, too easy to fall down, too easy to drift, too easy to not have our moral compass in working order. No, its meant to have others along for the journey, to correct us, to keep us moving forward, to hold us accountable and to help keep us from becoming "spiritually dull". Gods word when its not sharp in our lives, we tend to follow the crowds, we tend to follow the flow of others, we tend to drift towards what society wants for us and those things are not usually all that great. Once our moral compass is off course, its often times hard to get back in line.
I am so excited for one of my once close kids who has been doing their own thing the last few years called me and shared with me that she wanted to get back on track. She missed being plugged in, she missed her walk with Christ and she missed being part of something bigger than herself. There is probably some hurt that has taken place and seeing what we are doing and the direction we are going in - I am just excited that she has decided to plug back in, to strive forward with learning about God, gaining new friendships and once again shining her light - like a city on a hill. Her moral compass back on track leading her to a good place and in line with Gods favor and blessings for her life. Where there is one moving forward as you know there are always one or more moving away. These are the hard moments of ministry and leading others. It will always be a struggle but with all I have, I continue to keep my heart open and praying for them. Praying their season of drifting, though it may be painful, will be short and once again we can walk on the paths that God would have us to.
So where is your moral compass today? I am excited for codeorangerevival tonight and the next 12 days.... I am sure it will focus a lot of compasses over this time. I am so blessed to be part of this. Its all about you Jesus!!!
Hebrews 3:13 - Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "Today", so that none ofyou may be hardened by sins deceitfulness. We have to come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end. As has just been said: "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion."
All I have ever wanted to do and focus on, is to be an encourager to others on their faith journey. No matter where they may be or where they have been. May I continue to do that no matter who is with me today, yesterday or tomorrow. Create in me a pure heart Lord and may my motives be fully from you. Show me the way - I will follow. Amen
CodeOrangeRevival loved ones,
Hebrews 5:11-14 - Warning against falling away - We have much to say about this, but it is hard to make it clear to you because you no longer understand. In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of Gods word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.
There will always be a season of time where we all are weary and we get complacent. In religious terms it is often reffered to as "backsliding". It really is a tough place to be when we were once close with God, walking in step of our faith with others, excited to be learning about God and fellowshipping with others. Our faith journey is not meant to be alone because it is too easy to fall away, too easy to fall down, too easy to drift, too easy to not have our moral compass in working order. No, its meant to have others along for the journey, to correct us, to keep us moving forward, to hold us accountable and to help keep us from becoming "spiritually dull". Gods word when its not sharp in our lives, we tend to follow the crowds, we tend to follow the flow of others, we tend to drift towards what society wants for us and those things are not usually all that great. Once our moral compass is off course, its often times hard to get back in line.
I am so excited for one of my once close kids who has been doing their own thing the last few years called me and shared with me that she wanted to get back on track. She missed being plugged in, she missed her walk with Christ and she missed being part of something bigger than herself. There is probably some hurt that has taken place and seeing what we are doing and the direction we are going in - I am just excited that she has decided to plug back in, to strive forward with learning about God, gaining new friendships and once again shining her light - like a city on a hill. Her moral compass back on track leading her to a good place and in line with Gods favor and blessings for her life. Where there is one moving forward as you know there are always one or more moving away. These are the hard moments of ministry and leading others. It will always be a struggle but with all I have, I continue to keep my heart open and praying for them. Praying their season of drifting, though it may be painful, will be short and once again we can walk on the paths that God would have us to.
So where is your moral compass today? I am excited for codeorangerevival tonight and the next 12 days.... I am sure it will focus a lot of compasses over this time. I am so blessed to be part of this. Its all about you Jesus!!!
Hebrews 3:13 - Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "Today", so that none ofyou may be hardened by sins deceitfulness. We have to come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end. As has just been said: "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion."
All I have ever wanted to do and focus on, is to be an encourager to others on their faith journey. No matter where they may be or where they have been. May I continue to do that no matter who is with me today, yesterday or tomorrow. Create in me a pure heart Lord and may my motives be fully from you. Show me the way - I will follow. Amen
CodeOrangeRevival loved ones,
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I have been enjoying some quiet time lately with the Lord. Again digging in over my morning coffee before work and throughout the day in my journal and seeking God for opportunity to serve others. Those opportunities seem to be taking place more and more each day. Center of Hope this past Sunday, Opportunuty House last Thursday, Mens study coming up again this week and kickoff to our Code Orange Revival - 12 days of the top speakers across the US coming to preach, teach, encourage and share in our church at Elevation Church. When we are unified as one church, God does amazing things and the campuses will be packed, standing room only, excited and streaming live each night on the web both at 7pm and 10:12. What started out as a thought, a seed planted in Pastor Stevens heart over the summer has taken on a new incredible outreach that has people connecting across the world for the next 12 days. Pastor Craig from Lifechurch.TV kicks things off tomorrow night, Pastor James McDonald, TD Jakes, Ed Young, Perry Noble, and our own Pastor Steven Furtick to name a few. Gosh it has me incredibly excited for what God is going to do over the next week or so. I couldnt even sleep wondering what God was going to do in the people around me. What was he going to do through me? My family?
Excited bit time - if you want more info http://www.codeorangerevival.com
I have also been enjoying some time with some new peeps that have stepped into my life just at the right time. Catching up with some old friends, some new students and some that have been kinda unplugged for awhile and also praying for our July Jamaica mission trip again with a new team of folks ready to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
There is a lot of good things taking place as God shows us the FOG. Favor of God - as the last few months have positioned me and many others to step forward into an incredible new blessing and deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father.
The best is yet to come - more on so much later as time allows. I pray all is well in your life, that God is showing you unmeasurable favor and love and that amazing things are starting to take shape... trust more, love more and believe more loved ones. No matter what you are feeling today, God is near and is in your today.
Excited bit time - if you want more info http://www.codeorangerevival.com
I have also been enjoying some time with some new peeps that have stepped into my life just at the right time. Catching up with some old friends, some new students and some that have been kinda unplugged for awhile and also praying for our July Jamaica mission trip again with a new team of folks ready to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
There is a lot of good things taking place as God shows us the FOG. Favor of God - as the last few months have positioned me and many others to step forward into an incredible new blessing and deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father.
The best is yet to come - more on so much later as time allows. I pray all is well in your life, that God is showing you unmeasurable favor and love and that amazing things are starting to take shape... trust more, love more and believe more loved ones. No matter what you are feeling today, God is near and is in your today.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Long Term....
First day back to work in awhile. Actually feels good and got a bunch of stuff done. Something that I tried not to do while out of the office - get stuff done. But I am feeling motivated even with missing an afternoon bat nap :) Glad to have some coffee buddies back to share some conversation over in the afternoon. I have missed that.
Today has me thinking about the goals we all seem to set for the coming year. With New Years past now and resolutions in beginning swing - seems that gym has more unfamiliar faces the past few days. People are probably trying to eat healthier- last night I picked up take out and there was not one person in the place. I was it at the counter.... seemed odd when the place would normally have people eating in. Its also during this time we think about our careers and get a little more focused or maybe begin to think about some additional training or classes. All in all, the beginning of the new year brings a want to move to change. January rolls by and little by little most people slide back into the old self, the old groove and then back to where they were. It is nice to see Carol sticking to her gym workouts and as the year goes on more and more of her old clothes dont fit and last night she was excited to come out with 3 bags of clothes to donate! Yeah Carol !! Keep it up.
But how many of us do keep it up. Bible plans are in day 3 of read the Bible in a year or in 9 days. How many Bibles in a week or so wont even be opened?
I have to say that the one year goals are great but the 10 year goals are even better. I look at the students in my life. A few of them in short terms are now ventured into the high school drama and friends and distractions. They seem to be falling or sliding into the place where the traps are the biggest instead of buckling in and standing on the foundations that have got them to where they are today. What would it look like investing 5-6 years into these young folks? Long term .... not the short term. 10 years is not that long away. As I think about Kate and almost ready for college - what investments have I made in the long term that will have a lasting impression on her. On her decisions? On her choices? Have I made a dent at all? Short term investments gain or lose rapidly. Just like investing in stocks, its more volital in the short term than over the long haul. Long haul has stability and has less of a chance to fall away and more of chance to be positive and affective over time. My time invested in these young people over the long haul will hopefully have lasting impact. Short term, those are the ones that walk away. Those are the ones that decide to chase the material things in life like that of most.
We can get, as parents discouraged by the seeming lack of progress in our children, I look around and get discouraged as well, but if we can SEE the long term consequences of our involvment, of our investment, in our discussions, in our actions, in our extending grace and love, we would realize it was all worth every second.
Some of these investments - no matter if its in a career or in a loved one or in a student - what we accomplish is often revealed over the 10 year plan and not the short term. What seems like a student walking away from their faith now, may indeed be a fired up young person in 10 years unstoppable for Christ. Live life in the long term. Set some goals. Write them down. A little by little, you will lose the weight, get the Bible read, see the difference you are making in that student, see that loved one come to Christ.
Never give up......
Today has me thinking about the goals we all seem to set for the coming year. With New Years past now and resolutions in beginning swing - seems that gym has more unfamiliar faces the past few days. People are probably trying to eat healthier- last night I picked up take out and there was not one person in the place. I was it at the counter.... seemed odd when the place would normally have people eating in. Its also during this time we think about our careers and get a little more focused or maybe begin to think about some additional training or classes. All in all, the beginning of the new year brings a want to move to change. January rolls by and little by little most people slide back into the old self, the old groove and then back to where they were. It is nice to see Carol sticking to her gym workouts and as the year goes on more and more of her old clothes dont fit and last night she was excited to come out with 3 bags of clothes to donate! Yeah Carol !! Keep it up.
But how many of us do keep it up. Bible plans are in day 3 of read the Bible in a year or in 9 days. How many Bibles in a week or so wont even be opened?
I have to say that the one year goals are great but the 10 year goals are even better. I look at the students in my life. A few of them in short terms are now ventured into the high school drama and friends and distractions. They seem to be falling or sliding into the place where the traps are the biggest instead of buckling in and standing on the foundations that have got them to where they are today. What would it look like investing 5-6 years into these young folks? Long term .... not the short term. 10 years is not that long away. As I think about Kate and almost ready for college - what investments have I made in the long term that will have a lasting impression on her. On her decisions? On her choices? Have I made a dent at all? Short term investments gain or lose rapidly. Just like investing in stocks, its more volital in the short term than over the long haul. Long haul has stability and has less of a chance to fall away and more of chance to be positive and affective over time. My time invested in these young people over the long haul will hopefully have lasting impact. Short term, those are the ones that walk away. Those are the ones that decide to chase the material things in life like that of most.
We can get, as parents discouraged by the seeming lack of progress in our children, I look around and get discouraged as well, but if we can SEE the long term consequences of our involvment, of our investment, in our discussions, in our actions, in our extending grace and love, we would realize it was all worth every second.
Some of these investments - no matter if its in a career or in a loved one or in a student - what we accomplish is often revealed over the 10 year plan and not the short term. What seems like a student walking away from their faith now, may indeed be a fired up young person in 10 years unstoppable for Christ. Live life in the long term. Set some goals. Write them down. A little by little, you will lose the weight, get the Bible read, see the difference you are making in that student, see that loved one come to Christ.
Never give up......
Monday, January 2, 2012
2012 Happy New Year
Just wanted to take a moment and say - Happy New Year and hope the Christmas season was especially special for you and your family. For the Batemans, it has been a good 2011, though with some seasons of pain, some seasons of change, all in all it was a great year and God provided and proved to us in many ways that he is faithful to his promises. As we look back to some special things the last year we can focus on not what was lost but on what remains. 2012 will be a year praying that God expands those areas that remain and begging Him for his favor and blessings.
I look forward to another year writing my thoughts, my heart and faith journey here on "thewalk" and I look forward to hearing from you and how God has encouraged you, lifted you, provided for you through the words and things He has placed on my heart to share.
May 2012 be a year you and your family looks back and says, it was a defining year that God did this amazing thing in our lives. Hebrews 12 was that passage for me and my family in 2011. Build on what remains..... excited for all that God is going to do in 2012.
The Best is Yet to Come.
Gods blessings and favor,
I look forward to another year writing my thoughts, my heart and faith journey here on "thewalk" and I look forward to hearing from you and how God has encouraged you, lifted you, provided for you through the words and things He has placed on my heart to share.
May 2012 be a year you and your family looks back and says, it was a defining year that God did this amazing thing in our lives. Hebrews 12 was that passage for me and my family in 2011. Build on what remains..... excited for all that God is going to do in 2012.
The Best is Yet to Come.
Gods blessings and favor,
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