Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Mark 1:40 - A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, "If you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus was indignant. He reached out his hand and touched the man, "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cleaned.

Gosh I am loving this verse today and it is really speaking to me in a few different ways. Here is a man who had been shuned by society. Considered to be dirty and unclean by almost everyone. Imagine the pain and suffering that this man felt probably for years as he wandered the streets alone. Unable to work because of his condition, probably having to leave his family and all his friends and was now at a place in life where he had to beg for whatever he needed. Hoping for a handout instead of a handup. Jesus comes and he throws himself at his feet and notice how the man did not demand anything from Jesus. He simply said, Lord if you are willing, will you make me clean. You can feel the tears in his eyes. You can see the submissiveness in him when he came to Jesus in the only place he had left in this life - His last chance possibly - on his knees. Jesus tells the man after looking at him and feeling overwhelmed with compassion for him - He touched the man and said I am willing. He did what nobody else would. He touched an unclean man knowing that people were watching, judging and then witnessing the miracle that Jesus came to do for people. Jesus was willing and it has me thinking on our christian walk today. Are you honestly willing to touch those around you for Christ?
This past Sunday we got to witness a move of God at church. I am still blown away by the pictures that people continue to post on facebook, send in emails, and post on Twitter. The # is staggering in many regards but there is a process, there is a touch, there is an invite, there is a contact, there is a sacrifice, there is a take a chance and step out of someones comfort zone, there is some boldness there is for some - a miracle taking place - for all those folks to walk through those doors.
I think about that young lady on Saturday morning at the car wash. Getting the Element washed with my free coupon and it was very dirty to say the least, a young lady comes out and sits next to me on the bench which was located in the sun. I said hey to her and she replied, Hey. I said I didnt think it was supposed to be hot like this today and she said yeah but I like hanging onto the last few days of summer. She began to tell me her job as a waitress would slow down with the colder temperatures coming. I asked where she worked and she told me at this place near the white water center outside of west Charlotte. I noticed she was a little down or just something not right and I asked her if she was okay as I turned and really looked at her. She said yes... Im fine...and a long pause...and then she said not really.
I said well do you want to share? She said she took the day off of work today to be with her mom. Her mom was at Northeast and was not doing well. Mom was napping and she wanted to take her moms car to get cleaned and fill it full of gas. I said ya know, that is such a blessing especially when someone doesnt know it is taking place till later. I told her I was out delivering Elevation University invite cards and just this morning while going through the drivethrough- I bought the 2 families behind me lunch and all I did was give them one of our invite cards. We never know who we may touch like that when we pass on a blessing. I told her something good was coming her way because of the random act of kindness she was providing. She said I will chalk it up as carma. Her car was about ready and she asked if I would pray for her mom. I said I would....so I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder and prayed for her mom right there in the Auto Bell Carwash. Tears ran down her face. You could tell GOd was really moving in those moments. She thanked me and I said that invite stand to Elevation University tomorrow morning if you are still in town. She said maybe and gave me a big smile and walked to her car.
I dont know if she was there or not. Doesnt really matter because by doing so, by having faith and courage to have a conversation like that in public with people around and putting 2 peoples lives lined up facing the same direction, even if only for a few moments is amazing. Maybe Sunday there her seat was counted and life change for her took place. Maybe she was that 1435 person or maybe it could have been 1436 people without her. "I was willing" to reach out and though I cannot heal anyone my heart had compassion for her and spoke to her in a way to bring her to a place that can.
Sunday may have been her day! It may have been her time to come on her knees with everything dragging behind her, the weight of the world, the pain that only she knows and come to the feet of Jesus. Its such a beautiful thing. I really believe she was there and life today is different. She may be speaking to her mom this week in another way - one full of life, hope and possibility. She may be telling her mom that she was sorry after years of running, maybe being wild as a teenager and making some big huge mistakes.
Being the church even outside of the building - isnt that being the church?

Are you willing today? What is keeping you from doing just that? Be a blessing to someone today - better yet, BEG God for you to be a blessing for someone today because in return you too shall be blessed even more so.
In Mark 43 we see the rest of the story ...Jesus could not longer enter town openly after healing this man and had to stay outside of the city but yet the people still came to him from everywhere.


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