Monday, September 19, 2011

What you see is usually what you get.

Its only when we look a little closer, when we pour a little of ourselves into something or someone do we really begin to understand and really honestly see what it is we are looking at.
Last night we, meaning my family, finally got together with our lifegroup after many months of time off. It was great sharing the smiles, talking and catching up. It was great having some new folks there and having the chance to be a little closer with them is such a blessing. It was sweet talking from Mark 1 where Jesus was WILLING to heal the man with leprosy. My challenge to everyone was to really think about if they were WILLING as well. Willing to meet Jesus half way and fully trust in him, to serve him, to serve others in his name - to beg God for the opportunities to share with others this great gift that has been given to us. Are you WILLING?
We also got to talk through what we see God as in our lives. We spoke about how if we see God as a carpenter, a good man, a healer, a giver, God himself, or whatever that may look like. In Mark 6: the Gospel shares with us that the people of Jesus's hometown saw him as Mary son, the son of a carpenter and thus they did not believe. Without belief there is no power. This is where I shared something from last week that has been on the edge of my heart all week.

Faith is to believe what we do not see; and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.

Gosh that just continues to speak volumes to me. Thinking back to a few things that God has placed in front me has me in tears, a blubbing mess at times to be honest.
Its hard not to and Im ok with it because I know God is in the process of those tears of continuing to clean me up. We all need to be cleaned, to be taught, to be humbled, to be at a place to give but also accept grace. Its a work in progress and I am first to admit that is me !!

Saturday night with family at the county fair - I headed out to get something to eat and head over to church to help setup for Sunday services. I got a call from 2 of my close kids asking what I was doing. I shared with them and they asked if they could come. A prayer answered right there even when they have no clue I was praying for them to ask me! What a blessing it was hanging with them, setting up church the night before making a gym into a place the next day where life change takes place, a saving place for someone happens and God to do only what he can do. Gosh thats exciting to be a part in that! Its all part of the bigger picture and ice cream afterwards came with us inviting everyone at Chik-Fil-A to church the next morning.
There is work to be done. Work that is sometime not that fun but when you believe and serve with passion because its that important to you - it is fun. It becomes fun. The sacrifice is not that big when it looks like what it is and when we take it a step further and deeper.
I see the reward of faith and that is actually seeing what I believe. Gosh thats a bold statement that I just said but its true.
Last night I shared with my lifegroup my lunch last Friday. Its faith in what I dont see because I know the reward is the faith to seeing what I believe and I am putting that to the test. I've been asked to mentor a young boy in 5th grade and all the paperwork and approvals were set in motion before I was even asked. Accepting this was a no brainer and I beg God for an opportunity like this and I am blown away that people have put this much effort, this much work into making this happen for this little guy. I am blown away at how polite he is, how big his smile is and hearing about the excitement as it builds through the week. This is a little guy who needs this and that is so much more than a want! SUre he wants this .... but he NEEDS it even more.
As I spoke with him Friday, we laughed, he shared some things from the home front, I encouraged him and did my best to keep him focused on his studies and being a good student - I was thanked by 2 teachers on my way out. I heard that one of his teachers saw me and cried because i was there and she knows his story. This is so much bigger than I am. Its so much more important than I even realized. I left school walked to my truck - started it and wept.
I am a mess at times because God continues to prove over and over again that He will use those who are willing. WILLING!
Who do you see Jesus as in your life?
In the book of Job - Job lost everything but in his mess, he still continued to praise God. The great news about that is God has chosen to get involved. He is involved in our lives - and in the messes - of everyday people. The awesome news is that God is in the pigsty with us. He is the God of mess as much as he is the God of beauty and ... He is the God who makes the mess beautiful.
I am looking forward to lunch this week. I am looking forward to who God puts in my paths to speak to, to encourage, to show them Gods love and grace - to speak softly and to listen intentively.
God is in the unexpected and I can say that I didnt expect any of this that is taking place in my life the past few weeks but being at a place to be willing, to beg for opportunity, to believe in the faith of what I believe and trusting God in the details.

Not sure where to end todays rambling post so .... time for a Mountain Dew ...that usually makes things even better.
Peace out,

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